08-707CouncilFHe# QO'7d7
Green Sheet # 3055516
1• WHEREAS, the abutting property owners of the Cathedral Hill area have submitted a valid petirion to
2 create residential pernut pazking in accordance with Chapter 168 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code; and
4 WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Saint Paul finds that the aforementioned residential area does not
5 have sufficient off-street parking to safely accommodate the residential parking needs of the residents, and
6 the parking needs of non-residents. The Council further finds the frequent parking of vehicles in this
7 residential area by these non-residenrial users has created residential problems of a safety, environmental
S and aesthetic nature; and
10 WHEREAS, to enhance the quality of life in residential areas by reducing noise, traffic hazards and litter;
11 to reduce air pollution and other environmental factors, and to preserve the safety of children and other
12 pedestrians; to preserve the character of this district as a residential district and to protect the residents of
13 these areas from unreasonable burdens in gaining access to their residences;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the following parking regulations shall be in effect in the
residential area bounded by Marshall Avenue, John Ireland Boulevard, Dayton Avenue and Western
Except by Permit or unless otherwise posted, "No Parking, 7 am — 7 pm, Monday — Friday,
Area 28" on the following streets:
• North side of Marshall Avenue from John Ireland Boulevard to Louis Street
22 • North side of Marshali Avenue from I,ouis Street to Farrington Street
23 • North side of Marshall Avenue from Farrington Street to Virginia Street
24 • North side of Marshall Avenue from Virginia Street to Western Avenue
25 • Both sides of Louis Street from Dayton Avenue to Marshall Avenue
• Both sides of Farrington Street from Dayton Avenue to Marshall Avenue
• Both sides of Virginia Street from Dayton Avenue to Marshall Avenue
• East side of Farrington Street from Selby Avenue to Dayton Avenue
• North side of Dayton Avenue from'/� block west of John Ireland Boulevard to Louis Street
• North side of Dayton Avenue from Louis Street to Farrington Avenue
• North side of Dayton Avenue from Farrington Avenue to Virginia Street
• North side of Dayton Avenue from Virginia Street to Western Avenue
Except by Permit or unless otherwise posted, "2 Hour Pazking, 7 am — 7 pm, Monday —
Friday, Area 28" on the following streets:
• North side of Dayton Avenue from John Ireland Boulevazd to 1 /z block west of John Ireland
• South side of Dayton Avenue from Farrington Street to Louis Street
• South side of Dayton Avenue from Louis Street to John Ireland Boulevard
'I'he 2 Hour, Except by Permit parldng restricrion will be re-evaluated if enforcement is not
Four vehicle permits and two visitor permits will be made available to each househoid. No
pemuts will be available to owners or employees of commercial or office buildings.
47 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that these parking regulations shall be in effect and enforced on August 8,
48 2008 or as soon thereafter as signs are erected.
Adopted by Council: Date
Yeas Na s Absent Requested by De [ment of:
� Public Works:
✓ By:
� Approved by the Office of Financial Services
� BY� �i�'� I.S�. �1 � � � ��—
✓ Approved by City Attorney
Adoption Certified by Co cil Secret�y
By: '
Approved b ol° Date � D�j
�.. . � '' ���� ��.',
� Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet �
Departmentloifice/cou�ii: Da[e Initiated:
Pw -P„bli�wo� ,�-.,�N� Green Sheet NO: 3055516
Contact Person & Phone:
Elizabeth St"rffler
nnust ee on
E-Document Required: N
Document Contact: Elizabeth Stiffler
CoMact Phone: 266�2�0 ' _ I
Total # of Signature Pages � (Clip All Locations for Signature)
0 blicWorks PaulStMartin � �5 _6�1T
1 licWorks De ntDirectnr �
2 Aftorne Lisa Veifh
3 or's Office Ma odA.casfant
4 una7 Melvin CaRer
5 C9erk " Ci Cierk
Create a new Residential Permit Pazking area neaz St. Paul College and the Cathedral with the restricfion "No Pazking, 7AM-7PM,
Monday-Friday, Except by Permit Area 28", also on the south side of Dayton from Farrington to John Ireland and north side of
Dayton from �/z block west of John Ireland to John Ireland wiih the restricfion "2 How Pazking, 7AM-7PM, Monday-Friday, Except
by Permit, Area 28.
Recommendations: Aoorove (A) or Reiect fR): Personal Service Contraets Must Answer the Following Ouestions:
Planning Commission
CIB CommiBee
Civil Service Commission
1. Has this persoMfirm ever worked under a contract for this department?
Yes No
2. Has this persoNfirtn ever been a city employee?
Yes No
3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any
current city employee?
Yes No
Explain ali yes answers ort separffie sheet and attaeh to green sheet
Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why):
Pazking by St. Paul College sNdents and commuters using the CaThedral Hill area have created pazking, litter, noise and excessive
traffic issues for residents of this azea. 60%a (83 out of 138) owners in this block si�ed the petition to create residential pemut
pazking in this azea.
AdvaMages H Approved:
Residents along this block and their visitors will be able to pazk in front of or near theu residence. It should also increase the
residential qualiTy of Tlus block by reducing the amount of traffic, litter, noise and pollution.
Disadvantages if Approvetl:
St. Paul College students and commuters using the Catherdral Hill area will have to find somewhere else to pazk.
DisadvaMages If Not Approved:
Residents along this block will continue to have parking problems.
Puntling Source:
Fnancial information:
Activity Number:
CosURevenue Budgeted:
June 13, 2008 524 PM Page 1
Petition to create Residential Permit Parking Area 28
in the Cathedral Hill Area
Prepared by St Paul Public Works Traffic and Lighting Division 6-16-08
General BackEround
Residential Permit Parking was first established in St. Paul in 1979 and now includes
hventy-six separate azeas that span the City. Two areas initially included in the
residential pernut parking program were the areas around the University of Minnesota St.
Paui campus and the St. Thomas campus. The concept was simply to provide relief to
these residenrial areas where the intensity of the non-residential use in terms of traffic
activifies, parldng demands and general accessibility interfered with the quality of life
within the residential area. Essentially, residential permit parking gives priority for on-
street parking in the abutting residential azea to azea residents.
The following is a section of the Ordinance which describes the intent of the Ordinance
Sec. 168.01 Declaration of public policy and purpose.
The council of the City of Saint Paul finds that there are residential areas within
the City of Saint Paul which are adjacent to or very near intense nonresidential
uses which do not provide adequate off-street parking. The council fiuther find
that persons employed by or using those nonresidential facilities frequently park
their vehicles on nearby residential streets, resulYing in serious residential
problems. This parking ordinance regulating parking in designated residential
areas is hereby established in order to protect children and other pedestrians from
bodily injury and to protect real and personal property from damage by reducing
hazazdous traffic conditions resulting from the heavy usage of these residential
streets by nonresidents or transients; to protect those residential areas from
polluted air, excessive noise, and trash and refuse caused by the enhy of such
vehicles; to promote efficiency in the maintenance of those streets in a clean and
safe condirion; to preserve the character of those districts as residential districts;
to protect the residents pf those areas from unreasonable burdens in gaining
access to their residences; and to preserve the general health, safety, welfare and
integrity of those residents and residential areas.
In the twenty eight years the program has been in practice the general growth of the
community has increased significantly, however on-street parking has not increased.
Private ramps, parking lots and garages have been added, but the impetus to use these is
tangled in the economics of cost, free versus a fee and has not matched the population
growth, the increase in number of cars owned by individuals, or the general healthy
growth of enterprise in St. Paul. Combine this with a population that has not fully
embraced the concept of altemate modes of travel and you have greater conflicts with and
for parking at interface points between residenfial and non-residential uses.
Robert Williams, the properly owner at 300 Marshall Avenue Unit 2, located on the south
side of Mazshall Avenue between Farrington Street and Louis Street, expressed concerns
about the lack of on-street parking in his neighborhood. There is no parking pernutted on
the south side ofMarshall Avenue from John Ireland Boulevard to Western. Residents
and visitors in the area often ha�e to park several blocks away which can be unnerving
after dazk and especially difficult when carrying packages ar groceries, and in inclement
weather. Public Works received a petition signed by 60% of the property owners in the
perition azea.
Public Works has received several petition requests far residential permit parking in this
area over the years. Because of its proximity to downtown, the neighborhood has
experienced parking problems due to commuters, St. Paul College students, visitors to the
Cathedral and event parking. Over the last several months, numerous meetings have been
held with the neighborhood, St. Paul College and the Cathedral of St. Paul. The
Cathedral requested a modification of the petition area and time restriction to allow for 2
hour parking on portions of Dayton Avenue. The action requested is as follows:
Create a new Residential Permit Parking area near St. Paul College and the Cathedral
with restriction, "No Parking, 7 AM-7 PM, Monday-Friday, Except by Permit Area 28,"
also on the south side of Dayton from Fanington to 7ohn Ireland and north side of Dayton
from t/= block west of John Ireland to John Ireland with the restriction, "2 Hour Parking, 7
AM-7 PM, Monday-Friday, Except by Permit, Area 2$." 5ee attached map for details.
Existine Parkin¢ Restrictions in the Area
Currently, parking is partially restricted in this neighborhood. To the east, No parking is
allowed on John Ireland between Marshall Avenue and Selby Avenue. Residential
Parking Permit Area 61ies direcUy east of John Ireland Boulevard, which further restricts
parking in the area. To the south (south of Selby) many of the streets only have one sided
parking or parking is banned completely due to the narrowness of the streets. The
Cathedral Hill area has numerous driveways which further eliminates parking. Lastly,
this neighbarhood competes with commuters, St. Paul College shxdents, patrons of the St.
Paul Cathedral and Xcel Center event attendees for the few open spaces.
Currently there are approximately 260 on-street parking spaces far approximately 138
properties. There are many multifamily residential dwellings in the area, estimated to
contain a total of 383 units. The number of households and units were derived from the
City's AMANDA database. Several praperties have off street parking available.
The Department of Public Warks believes this petirion meets the criteria of the residential
pernut parking ordinance. We therefore recommend approval of creating new residential
permit parking Area 28. We further recommend allowing said residents the same
privileges as other permit areas, of purchasing up to 4 vehicle parking permits and 2
visitor permits per residential unit.
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