196053COUNCI ILE NO. BY .." aLe Co' until File No. 198053 —By Adrian P. J Winkel— lq ' In the matter of opening, widening `.-J( and extending an 18 ft. alley, the center line of which is described as follows: By extending the center line I of . the existing alley in Block 1, M. 6 Stark's Addition, in an easterly direc- tion to the center line of the existing ? �Ile� in Block 2, Phalen View, under 3� In the matter of opening, widening and extending an 18 ft. alley, the center line 6f which is described as fo-Uows:mBy extending the center line of e existing y in Block 1, hL Starkts Addition, in an easterly direction to the center line of the existing alley in Block 21 Phalen View, under Preliminary Order 194971 , approved_ December 10, 1959 Intermediary Order 195663 , February 2, 1960 A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of Saint Paul that , extent and dnd—df- -ovement to be made by the said. City is open,wi n and extend an 18 ft. alley the center -Iine of whi h is described as lowst By a cen er i xisting alley in Block 1, Starkts Additi , in an easterly direction to the center of the existing alley Nn Block 2, Pha n View. Ail orders in the above matter be and the same are her«57 cancelled, annulled and rescinded and L'i 'proceedings in said matter be discortinced, and tl% Council hereby orders said RE OLVED FURTHER, that the fd hereby or -red to be taken, appropriated viz.: to be made. tg land, lands or easeme' is therein be and the condemned for the purpoTp of making said impx extending the center lie of the existing alleA in Block 1, M. Ad ition\FRTHER, in an easterly di ection to the center 1 ne 6f the exist in , Phalan View. RESOLV That the Commh directed to pres and specifications for authorized and to proceed with the ma Adopted by the Council NIAR 11960 Approved MAC 1960 .19 er of Public Works be a improvement, and the pi of said improvement in M rzit lli DeCourcy Me er Ott Holland Mo in n Mortinson Pe n p er_ Pete so Rose Rosen Mr. res ent, DelaneyWinkel 500 3.51 o1spo® i110n'' , Mr. Vice President (Peteraori / �- o are krs alley is hereby instru ed and �r city officials ar hereby !Q dance therewit . Z City Clerk. 'au'ting Mayor. To The Honorable City, CounolL of StwPaul ;; y We the undersigned property ownere';ar'e opposed to the .opening, widening and—exiending of an'I81-alleysF under preliminary order. No; 194971 beoauee$ zhhec. grede between Iowa and Idaho Streets has a. 'deep drop where thec.alley� would $o through,whioh would leave the laid owners on q A. Iowa high above the alley and the ownere'on ;Idaho .,below the alley ,gradel," An unsatf' factory situation for' those`�owners.= 11th66 Jwtio- bwnAh4.1' and Aere the hlley ib not piatted °dd not need the land taken so as to haveaooesa to there propertysas they have driveways off of the streets onto there property.,It wou7._ct: only be'aa additional expenoe�, for an unnesasary and unwanted alley. The: grade:situdtion also'holds true to this land also.. Y Due to the ;.length of the legal dieoriptions of some of ' this land and. md- homes are located with proper house numbers they shall be used$, . and legate will be availble at the'`hearing should they be reqttiredv,: PROPERTY OWNERS OPPOSED= EL� JLW-XMMPP---'AW- IOWA - a . CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) In the matter of opening, widening and extending an 18 ft. alley, the center line of which is described as follows: By extending the center line of the existing alley in Block 1, M. Starks Addition, in an easterly direction to the center line of the existing alley in Block 2, Phalen View 1960 D3 under Preliminary Order approved December 10, 1959 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated cost of the above ;iteut is - - - - - - $ 500.00 The estimated assessment per foot for the above improvement is - - - - $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: Form B. B. 10 1M 8 -68 8 IIDESCRIPTION I LOT IBLOCKI ADDITION VALUATION I LAND BLDG. I(Except the North 30 ft.; beginning oin . on the north property line of Iowa Ive330 f of the Southeast corner of Eat acr s 11north of north 5 acres of the west -ff' of tie s th II the northeast 4 of a nor eas ,t, ilof Section 20, Township 29, Range 22; thence .; thence west , I 11 linor thence south 135.43; thence east•53�97• t• the point eginning, in Sec ipn 2 , Ilto Township 29, Range 22 I I Unp]atted ) IlNorth I 30 ft. of South 165.43 ft. oflEastl ) 53.97 ft. more or less of NE, of SWt of NEu I of NF—,,, of Section 20, Township 29, do ango 22 I ) $ 100.00 $1750.00 ,l That part of the south 165.43 ft. J the east II acres of north 5 acres of the went 2lof the south 2 of the northeast 1 of n II2 rth ast Ilo Section 20, Township 29, Range 2 a d the rights of the public in II (continued) Form B. B. 10 1M 8 -68 8 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) ID11N 9.0.11 ODD s•u 8 � f IIDESCRIPTION I LOT IBLOCKI ADDITION II VALUATION LAND BLDG. IlIowa AVe. and described as follows: Beg'nnin II II Iowa Ave. 30 ft. north and 53.9 ft we t of I ll 1 acres oLnoh ll5 acres of West 2 of South , of Nor heat ,-� of Northeast Tnwnili_ 1Q_ I II _$ecti Range 22; thence north 135.44 ft.; .to hen e I ll (least 53 ft. the point of beginning, n I II Section 20, Township 29, Range PP tinplatted t x P -5.00 I I II That part of the south 165.43 ft. of thel east ;I 1122-L acres of north 5 acresof the we t 2 of 11 south 2 of the northeast l of north as; ,' ofl ISection 20, Township 29, Range 22, +1 nd subje�t to the rights of the public in Iowa Ave. and as follows: Beginning at la p int !Idescribed on the north property line of Iowa Ave.130 II Valuations north and 106-97 ft. west of th so th- ll Ilft. east corner of East 22 acres of Nor.h 51a.cre$ West 2 of South `:- of Northeast H of orth iiof east 1, Section 20, Township 29 Ra e 2• included north 135.43 ft.; thence wes 53 t.; i1thence thence south 135•x+3 ft.; thence east 53 �t• l Rownship o the point of beginning, in Secti n 2 t 0l , I ll 29, Range 22 do with (!.Beginning I II at a point on the north pjoper 7 of Iowa Ave. 30 ft. north and 59• liline ft. west of the southeast corner of east 21 I II above or north 5 acres of west-2 of sou 2 liacres of northeast 1 of northeast 1 of Se tion 20,I i 29, Range ; thence northl135. 3 liTownship ft.; thence west 53 ft.; thence sou h 13.43 I 11 description. thence east o e poin of ll.; beginning, in Section 20, Township L , R�ngel22 do ;Ig,irjpnt to Aue .; jjmS :h 60.6 ft. If SoL I 11 il155 _tjaiz 43 ft. of Northeast u of Southw st of Northeast 1 1 IlSection 20 owns I I II 125.00 $2350.00 IlThat part of the south 165.43 ft. J the I 11 22 acres of the north 5 acres f th I lleas west z of the south z of the northe st of eas ,� o Section 20, Township 29, Ilor Range 22, and subject to the rightslof t e u c in owa Ave. and described a4 fo4owsj geginning at a point on the north p oper line of Iowa Ave. 30 ft. north and 412.9 ft� 11- west of the southeast corner of east 21 cre II 11 (continued) I I I TOTAL ID11N 9.0.11 ODD s•u 8 � f CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) IIDESCRIPTION I LOT BLOCK I ADDITION II LAND -BLDG. 11 of north 5 of west 1 of southl� o$ I II Valuation included !lTownship lacres of Northeast A. northeast — of Secti 4 n 2 � I p 29, Range 22; thence northJ135.143 in 425.00 on thence west 53 ft.; thence south t� Ilft.; point of beginning, in Section 20, own hip I preceeding page. 1129, Range 22 I I I Unplatted II IlSubject to Ave. and except North 15 ft.l of I II (East 132.88 ft. and except south 1 . 31ft.;l ,the Northeast 1 of Southwest 1 of Northeast A. of Northeast , of Section 20, Tow shi� 29, ,,Range 22 , do , 375.00 liExcept Idaho Ave.; the north 156 ft[ of lzasti 88 ft. of Southwest � of Northet of il132. Northeast u of Section 20, Twp. 29,N an 22 I do II 250.00 700.00 ilExcept Greenbrier St. and Iowa Ave A thel I II south 70 ft. of West 15 ft. of Nor hwe t , ,l ,of Southwest u of Northeast of Nottheaslst I Il4 of Section 20, Township 29, Range 22 l I I do II 175-00 1400 . o0 I!East I I I II 10 ft. of Lot 2 and all of 1 2 Phalen View 75.00 Except west 20 feet; Lot 3,, and I I I II ilexcept East 10 feet; Lot 12 I 2 I do II 90.00 IiWest 20 feet of Lot 13 I 2 I .do II 40.00 IlLots 5 and 14 I 2 do 150.00 IlWest 8.74 feet of Lot 7 and all of 16 ( 2 I do 90.00 1050.00 Except West 8.74 feet; Lot 7, and I I I II kest 18.74 feet of 18 I 2 I do ll 95.00 IlExcept West 18.74 feet; Lot 8, and I I I II IlWest 28.74 feet of Lot 9 I 2 I do 95.00 11 Except West 28.74 feet; Lot 9, and I II all of Lot 110 I 2 I do II 95.00 trots 1 thru 16 I 1 I M. Stark's Addition ll 1450.00 1450.00 IlLots 7 and 18 I l l do II 250.00 I' I TOTAL I011M 3.0.11 Sao ]•{8 °egos � 1 CITY OF ST. PAUL ` DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) IIDESCRIPTION I LOT IBLOCKI ADDITION II LAND BLDG. _ !) Lots 9 thru 11 I 1 ! M. Stark 's Addition II 00.00 !I I I I II II I I I I! II I I I II I� l I I II II � I I I II I! I I I II II I I II II I I I II II I I I II II I I I II III � II I TOTAL 11$4.,180.00 $8,700-00 i The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated Commissioner of Finance. Form B.B. 12 1M 3-58 8 Y r 4'7�^� OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS REPORT TO COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE December 18th , 19 5,9 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 194971 approved December 10th , 19-29L. relative to open, widen and extend an 18 ft. alley, the center line of which is described as follows: By extendin the center line of the existing alley in Block 1, M. Stark's Add. in an easterly direction to the center line of the existing alley in Block 2, Phalen View and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said'improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ x x x x x x, and the total cost thereof is $ and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is asked for upon petition of three of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commi s i oner o . "nks, !T h Mrs. D. M. DeCourcy Commissioner of Finance 756 E. Idaho Ave. St. Paul 6, Minn. Feb. 24, 1960 1960 a8 In regards to your letteir of Feb. 12, 1960, (File 14744, Page 6) in putting in a alley. I do Not want an aney in the back of my property, on 75tr--f. Idaho. I warm this to go on record that way. I am working & will not be able to appear myself at the hearing, that is why I am writing this. Thank you, 0 v V � � I� �p Fp SO SO 22.8 l� /zs9� i O W H I� /2S. 93 N 0 e b!� ± \ to 90 f0 SO So SO.9z o Q /z6. 31 N b (V zz6.99 O l� /zs9� i O W H I� /2S. 93 N 0 e b!� ± \ to 2 y. V 1 � ti a o Q /z6. 31 N /4 V C a O a r m No 40 b (V O l� /zs9� i O /.13 "95 H /2S. 93 N D� e b!� ± /4 V C a O a r m No 40 l� A n C Nn N