196039ORIGINAL To CI* CLERK t i A PRESENTED BY COMMISSION + Council File No. 196039—By Mrs, bonald M. DeCourcy- CITY OF ST. PAU Be It Resolved, That in accordance with Ordinance No. 10725, Council File 176072, approved January 20, 1956, the OFFICE OF THE CITY annual sewer maintenance charges to be made in 1960 against the following. (COUNCIL RES UT N -GE commercial properties, other than single and two - family dwellings, which are located in the Village of Roseville and which are connected to the St. BE IT RESOD, That in accordance with Ordinance No. 10725, Council File 176072, approved January 20, 1956, the annual sewer maintenance charges to be made in 1960 against the following commercial properties, other than single and two - family dwellings, which are located in the Village of Roseville and which are connected to the St. Paul sewer system, be and hereby are determined to be'the amounts set opposite the location of the connection as follows: ADDRESS 1996 N. Chatsworth 2417 N. Cleveland 2155 N. Cleveland 21481 N. Cleveland 1795 N. Dale 11214 Dionne 16114 Eldridge 1615 Eldridge 16214 Eldridge 1625 Eldridge 16314 Eldridge 1635 Eldridge 2711 N. Fairview 2128 N. Fry 2136 N. Fry 2180 Haddington Road 2150 N. Hamline 2171 N. Haml.ine 22314 N. Hamlin 2280 N. Hamlin 2807 N. Hamlin 175 Tip. Larpenteur 621 -31 W. Larpenteur 691 W. Larpenteur 10145 W. Larpenteur 1101 W. Larpenteur 1117 -57 W. Larpenteur 1211..W. Larpenteur 1227 W. Larpenteur 1678 -1736 N. Lexington 17140 -514 N. Lexington 1901 N. Lexington COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Mortinson Peterson Rosen Winkel Mr. President, Dillon 5M 5.58 2 USE AMOUNT Greenhouse & Residence $ 8.00 Truck Terminal 1814.00 Truck Terminal 61.88 Truck Ter anal 171.20 Shop & Residence 8.00 Dancing & Music School 214.00 Apartments 143.20 Apartments 143.20 Apartments 61.56 Apartments 148.28 Apartments ' -� 61.56 Apartments 148.28 Office & Warehouse 39.84 ` Apartments 146.140 Apartments 146.140 _ Multiple Dwelling 11.140 Service Station 13.28 Service Station 13.08 Shop & Residence 8.00 Factory 108.96. Shopping Center 299.20 Apartments 75.20 Stores & Apartments 33.52 Greenhouse & Residence . 8.32 Greenhouse & Residence 23.00 Service Station 36.014 Shopping Center 14145.72 Drive -In; 19.20 Service Station 18.00 Shopping Center 14144.72 Shopping Center 266.72 Office 18.140 Adopted by the Council 19_ Tn Favor Against Approved 19— Mayor ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK -8-96039 CITY OF ST. PAUL FI°E NCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ' COUNCIL RESOLUTION - GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE 1909 N. Lexington. Service Station 15.20 1925 N. Lexington Service Station 16.00 1930 N. Lexington Store 30.88 2160 N. Lexington Service Station 8.80 2167 N. Lexington Service Station 12.84 2172 N. Lexington Super Market 68.88 2582 Long Lake Road Office & Factory 185.33 166 N. McCarrons Blvd. Apartments 76.00 184 N. McCarrons Blvd, Apartments 76.00 194 N. McCarrons Blvd. Apartments 52.80 204 McCarrons kxd. Apartments 40.00 161 McCarrons St. Apartments 52.80 2125 N. Pascal Apartments 56.96 2133 N. Pascal Apartments 56.96 1881 Rice St. Factory 30.80 1903 Rice St. Tavern 11.04 1911 Rice St. Office & Laboratory 27.52 1961 Rice St. Tavern 8100 2147 Rice St. Shop & Residence 8.72 2261 Rice St. Shop & Residence 8.00 2025 Roselawn - Greenhouse & Residence 14.32 1222 -53 Rose Vista Court Apartments 743.20 1059 W. Shryer Feed Store & Residence 8.00 1629 W. Skillman Apartments 26.44 1635 W. Skillman Apartments 26.44 2049 N. Snelling Office 8.00 2057 N. Snelling Bowling Alley 130.24 2075 N. Snelling Drive -In 18.20 2105 N. Snelling Drive -In 15.96 2131 N. Snelling Restaurant 11.60 2151 N. Snelling Store & Residence 15:68 2167 N. Snelling Service Station 19.04 ` 2168 N. Snelling Service Station 22.48 2174 N. Snelling Medical Clinic 40.96 2191 N. Snelling Restaurant 20.24 2194 N. Snelling Restaurant 24.00 2215 N. Snelling Medical Clinic fi8.88 2645 N. Snelling Service Station 15.64 2880 N. Snelling Service Station 14.48 1817 N. Victoria Store & Residence 10.16 2233 N. Victoria Shop & Residence 8.00 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19- Yeas Nays DeCourcy Rolland Approved 19_ Mortinson Peterson In Favor Rosen Mayor Winkel Against Mr. President, Dillon 5M 5.58 2 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK p qV5 - CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO E. RRRJJJ VVV Z' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ' COUNCIL RESOLUTION - GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE 1500 W T H No 36 Office 661 80 . . . . -- 700_W. 'Go,Rd. B Shops . 15.92 851 W. Co. Rd. B Shop & Residence 8.00 1088 W. Co. Rd. B Garage 13.60 1125 W. Co. Rd. B Office & Shop 14.16 1415 W. Co. Rd. B Nursing Home 103.52 1526 W. Co. Rd. B Service Station 19.44 1532 -72 W. Co. Rd. B Shopping Center 194.40 1555 W. Co. Rd. B Drive -In 8.00 1647 W. Co. Rd. B Apartments 56.96 2500 W. Co. Rd. B •Office & Warehouse 1,594.32 1831 W. Co. Rd. C Hotel 80.00 1550 W. Co.._ Rd. C2 Office 10.40 419 W. -Highway #36 Shop & Residence 9.44 BE I`-' FURTHER RESOLVED, That the annual sewer maintenance charges against all other properties which are used for the purposes above described be and hereby are determined to be $8.00 for each connection. The above charges are under consideration for revision; and -are subject to such changes as shall be approved by the City Council. COUNCILMEN - Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Mortinson ,-Petersen Rosen Winkel �M�'.�xesident��lo 5g�7gsident (Petexoot� Tn Favor Against FEB 2 61260 Adopted by the Council 19_ FEB 2 6 9ffi-0 Approved 19_ L.J l eting Mayor