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Council File No. 196034 —By Robert F. �'� Peterson — ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERIC CITY OF ST. PAUL thResolved, By the Common Council of NO. e City of Saint Paul, that the proper City officers are hereby authorized OFFICE OF THE CITY C on behalf of the City of, Saint Pr' OUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER— DATE RESOLVED, by the Common Council of the City of Saint Paul, that the proper City of icers and hereby authorized on behalf of the City of Saint Paul to enter into an agreement between the County of Ramsey and t e City of Saint Paul for a Joint planning project, under the erms and provisions set forth in the attached Agreement, which A reement is made a part hereof by reference and incorporated here n as fully and completely as if set forth herein verbatim. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Martinson ,Retersen =-- In Favor Rosen n Winkel Against � +lr:: )rTsideat; F ;iUa 6^9Vic pidletlt (Peterson) FE,B 2 61965 Adopted by the Council 19 FEB 2 6196® Approved 19 .k . 4,-/ 9 d-&,- - g0ti7g Mayor DUPLICATE TO PRINTER ' CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION--:-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE -1 ,96034 COUNCIL NO. FILE RESOLVED, by the Common Council of the City of Saint Paul, that the proper City officers and hereby authorized on behalf of the City of Saint Paul to enter into an agreement between the County of Ramsey and the City of Saint Paul for a Joint planning project, under the terms and provisions set forth in the attached Agreement, which Agreement is made a part hereof by reference and incorporated herein as fully and completely as if set forth herein verbatim. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Martinson Pnmurr— Tn Favor Rosen Winkel L2 ---Against Mr. President, •Dillon- 7A 5M �k, Presicl'ent (Peterson) FEB 2 61560 Adopted by the Council 19 FFB 2 6 1960 Approved 19 Mayor ! " = All $TATS �3F' MINOWT = .` . = - coCJl�1'Tx OP Wev 'AND• ' = _ THE CITY''- CF SAINT PAUL r - The. +�oubtr af, ai assyo tl�urou h : its Board of Count _ Comml:ssionsrsi and -th* City'of- Siint Paul, ttivough.f its C00000 iash = ►ctJ" pur�iusnt to the provisions of `Minnesota - - _Atatutis 19,57# S.setion 471.591t htrsby 4greo -to' jointly and -_ . eooporatively exircis* � thei r_ •'powers ' with ref irence'--to the f of 10�Ati'R wastters and in acaardans-o ;with _the provisions-of tho , ststutw'snd the following-tor r . ;.; `iho' pity w' U�h..a Lr its Planrtinp " ;- lector ?end .plann3.in� A ®part�s_*j..wilI,'conduct and- aairy on # r planning : su vsy of" sn ***A ale_ torib*d" gintrally -air follorws i ar+�a ,t, Uo 49d 'on the north by -Stato `Trunk-JUghway U. S. ;No. 33, and on the east by Clio :Sitt County Liner '.end on- the -south by the 'South 44 iy tine w ' end --,6n .the,. we�rt by - SUO' Trunk Nigh- ` -� , •, . - ' •way No. bl. _- . �.., •, ' . ` _ _ - r ,�.a .. _ - • ' - . . . ' V - ?ti4 , pOPote o ny: survey 'will, be,. to determin ' the prossint land Us+r of this Mess, with ref or co " being .p paid, -to tocreationsl facilitiss.'contained theriln #, * to detotmine the pooulati'or *stim6tsd - t..o. be in "the, area s at this 'bare; . to date aaine -• the iuturs. growth. _trend ' of populatio'iv,, :. . :in h0 ot'is•, 4-nd-`to- -preditV the possibility of "•,dirvalopilont �"of < . this±'aroa- fbr, ;+ ot +ra "A"als .and commordill -users. • ti Thai' p Ax4r ur 'ofe of ^the. survey will be -to assist- _ i P.- Y p _ -P.; - 4' - the +local go Ir. �i�tg bodiis ` Lnvo�ved' .n the pxaparation of and exoCution of a ' plan f or -the- dovelopmoat, of adi4d4ts =icr44tioA0I , , _ facilities in this' arrea, and won -completion of the of it will- ' �: tied -to the local 9ovetniog bodies donsirned for their: this 'Agto* ant wi11 .be coepsnced by the -o% Saint Paul '0 -'or about the' e ~ be eo Iet+td on or about • - is , - r •: •• •�~ t_Y'' •I + , ` ,, I ` - ,.. ' •. ` . _ .. _ ' . • - • -. '- tb+M - • 2 .at el �- is y of Met g h ,. 1060 --•.• _. , :" r • ,.'1' -. _ .. • -. " y It Is agreed by' ar;C stw*eh ,th's Cbunty of Aaatseyp through its-Board-Of County CoMPASsioners, ind. ths'City, 'of Saint P_Aul. +_ ,throiU9h 1't* Comb ;Council} that tht: obnsidorotion ; on tho part -of 'tbs.,City, eAt Ba_£nt- PAul ,gill- ba rip"asrited- by = t he Pia -nnino ^Dop+srtmont Of ` tho. City of faint Paul :dsveating tt of flews' to the vuxposes iaf , theE proje .t hsr in referred to as well as dsvoUAq . th*' -Ai** of its �, supervisory pM;etie3nrsel, inciud�� ng the Planning �i�rse�tar; to . superul.et on- of thi prnjeat withvut - +�hOoe thoMors .be City aQv**. �ng =thit -it will Osintain time - and expense rerc ©.rde` of thet wa nk i��c araiid rare unit to this p _ P• P , Afire *Mont by- '1i 0 yaio `.oP they pl,annisio 3 epsr# emt other than - •: - Q --the PU noing Airoctoi and supervisory- pasonhel, and 'the. City = further agroas • that'' it` vitll maintain accurate _reoords with . resp ct to toots tor. WOW and suppliis, which • costs for .. n4teri41 .aad � suppltss : as **11 .as' tilt and ixpenso , #or employees 1 of thee- Planning- Department, athir• t-Win' for servIces ,of the Plsnninq 'Directdr and supitrvUoiy employees, _shill be paid for by the' ° CoWaty of RAmSey Aan propor- clslms • thir*for, •approvsd by th* birsctor , tho"City al 54 Paul Wiben Piannih 0 subml,tteid. to the Board of County Cowissionors- of R40sey County. It is -f urt ►er 'aar.ad by ' between the ps ties ho r.tb that moneys. areowived by the City _ pf -Saint Paul shall. ,bs ove8ited = to .fundio.. 8 a, City Planning' Fund.. the patties- &or* that,Ahs amount -to be paid, as her*;. before proviOad, by the County of ,RAMsay shall not exceed the . . suss .of Two Thousand Doll,arts ($,2# 000). the Board of County Cvc -is.. Y , . sinners ®f_ Aams±sy" County . having outhorixod the expenditurei of a sus not to exceeid'•Two Thousand'Dollart (S2000) for the.purPosas . caf gssistin4 this City of Saint Paul ` in the planning prof rat {_ contemplated, ,purovant - to this AQreoment. - It sea conte�plat*d -that ther'reNp4rt of the Piatlntnq Department with rof thence to the pv*J*ct contemplated in this - _ AQrdOMQgt• wilt be idupiicaUd" "in: ;a` JUMOV, to bo-d'Urminedby the - Planning OU*ctorl,of thi �itji of =80int Poo 1-9 #fid providing s.s = ' - - 4 1 • T - 4 3 � ` t - - - "r Ta f *116*s-3 - To -.the 'County Board- - 15' capita to tie. 8ririt Paul City Council _ -Approved by the Board - of County Cana ssiono of Ramsey . County *' Minne-Sota • thus' -day `of Uman Attests - .. - - ;-• ' . • - - = - - • ,• . �., :. - - .-By -- -. _. • . - - gun Y U dltGr • ..._ -: ° �. , r�ilryl.-OT SAINT, PAM, Y. _ mayor ' Countersigmd s By - _ _ r y er ty, G9aptro sr Y. i Approved as' to f orris: - = i Asst. County:Attorney' - f ApprOYod •+pa, to for* and. ox #oution- _ this of # 1960, ti Asst. County Attorney _ Approved as - to.iormi Approved as to .form._and execution`=s ' _this _ - L, - e . -• - _ ._ z . ' , day of 1.960:. - Asst._ Corporat on.Counse ' ,,-Spec a Asst. orF;ration Counsel. IL