200251OR ;GINAL TO CITY CLERK ' CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK PRESENTED COMMISSII COJ,MCjJqRESOLUTION- GENERAL FORM COUNCIL 200251 FILE NO RESOLVED, that Pepsi -Cola Bottling Company of Minneapolis and St. Paul, pursuant to its application therefor, hereby is granted a special permit for its erection and maintenance of an illuminated plastic sign upon its premises, more particularly described in Exhibit "A" filed herewith, abutting on the south line of Marshall Avenue,in the City of Saint Paul and at a point apprbximately 365 feet west of Pascal Avenue, at the maximum height permissible under the Zoning Code provisions of the Legislative Code of the City of Saint Paul and subject at all times to said provisions and the provisions of the Building Code of said City; RESOLVED FURTHER, that said special permit and the exer- cise of the same shall at all times be subject to restrictions and regulations of said Zoning Code andsaid Building Code, and the erection and maintenance of said sign thereunder shall at all times be subject to the supervision and inspection of the City Architect. RESOLVED FURTHER, that said special permit shall be at all__times subject to amendment or revocation by resolution of the Council of the City of Saint Paul for good cause shown. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Holland Loss L Mortinson Peterson iD+es n - am 5.ao Council File No. 200251 —By Fkank L. Loss — Resolved, That Pepsi -Cola Bottling Company of Minneapolis and St. Paul, pursuant to its application therefor hereby is granted a special permit for its erection and maintenance of an illuminated plastic sign upon its premises, more particularly described in Exhibit "A" filed Herewith. abutting on the south line of Marshall Avenue } in the City of Saint Paul, and' at a point approximately 365 feet west of Pascal Avenue, at the maximum height permissWe - drier__ tb& Znning _ Code , D�IC 3 � 196® Adopted by the Council 19— DEG proved 19 Tn Favor i ' Mayor Against �r PEPSI -COLA BOTTLING COMPANY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND ST. PAUL 1340 UNIVERSITY AVENUE • ST. PAUL 4, MINNESOTA • TEL: MIDWAY 6 -6575 December 1. 1960 The Honorable Mayor and City Council Z O �� A D r" C/o City Clerk, Room 386 W City Hall and Court House Saint Paul 2, Minnesota Sir: Your applicant, Pepsi. -Cola Bottling Company of Minneapolis and St. Paul, a Minnesota corporation, with principal office at 1340 University Avenue.9 St. Paul, Minnesota, is the owner of the premises described in Exhibit "Ail, hereto attached; the general location of which premises is on the South side of Marshall Avenue, West of Pascal Avenue, and North of the Milwaukee Railway right -of -way (formerly known as the Northwestern Fuel Company yard). The premises are located in Height District Zone 1 and are being presently improved b�g the construction of a warehouse thereon., Section 6403 (1) of the Saint Paul City Charter and Legislative Code limits the height of advertising signs erected on said property to a height of 40 feet above the established grade of Marshall Avenue at the property line, whereas, the owners desire to erect a sign on its property which will extend not to exceed 62 feet above the official grade of Marshall Avenue at the point of construction, which point will be approximately 365 feet West of Pascal Avenue and adjacent to Marshall Avenue. The top 40 feet of said sign will extend about six inches over the property line onto Marshall Avenue. Pepsi -Cola Bottling Company of Minneapolis and St. Paul respectfully appeals to the City Council for a permit to erect its proposed sign. flu DEC 2 1960 CITY PLA INN BOARD Saint Pfaul, MlI iesota Respectfully submitted, PEPSI -COLA, BOTTLING COMPANY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND ST. PAUL By =A3 2,f-22� Assistant acre 1 UFFICE OF CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS 386 City Hall and Court House St. Paul 2, Minnesota December 22, 1960 MRS. AGNES H. O'CONNELL City Clerk HAROLD J. RIORDAN Council Recorder Mr. Robert J. Swords Corporation Counsel Building Dear Sir: The City Council requested that you prepare a resolution granting the attached appeal of Pepsi -Cola Bottling Co. for permission to relax the height limitations in order to erect a lighted, plastic sign to a height of approximately 60 ft., on property on the south side of Marshall Ave. west of Pascal Ave., as described in the attached file. Very truly yours,, City Clerk MINNESOTA . ::? R D :.:::.:.:.. ......... ....... ..... i. #7i'ifd'Ns�Q/F: 251 -434 -Z ...:......................... v OF ZONING,' CITY OF SAINT PAUL 37 1713 CITY HALL AND COURT HOUSE SAINT PAUL Z, MINNESOTA December 22, 1960 Mrs. Agnes H. O'Connell City Clerk Building Dear Madam: This is in the matter of the Pepsi -Cola Bottling Company to relax the height limitations in order to erect a sign at the street line of pro- perty located on the south side of Marshall Avenue and west of Pascal Avenue. The legal description is a miscellaneous one, a copy of which is attached. This property is the former location of the Northwestern Fuel Company. It.has recently been developed with a one -story metal building, which will be the new location of the Pepsi -Cola Bottling Company. The applicant proposes to erect a lighted, plastic sign to a height of approximately 60 feet above the street grade of Marshall Avenue. This property is located in Height District I which places a height limitation on all buildings or signs at 40 feet, therefore, it is necessary to se- cure the Council's approval to exceed this limitation. Field investigation discloses no basic objection to this relaxation as the area is predominantly industrial in character, and would not in any way be detrimental to the existing uses. With the exception of four residences on the north side of Marshall Avenue, the uses in the area are industrial and commercial. The Board of Zoning considered this matter at their regular meeting on December 15, 1960, and recommend the granting of the appeal to relax the height limitation to permit the erection of a 60 foot high sign on the above described property. HCW:FGI Encl. Z.F. #4594 Sincerely, 14 - C, V..� H. C. Wieland Secretary Board of Zoning that part of 'the Norhwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter NVI ) of Section Thre�, (3) , Township Twenty -Eight (28), Range ` hree (23), which lies' Northerly of the right -of -way of Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Companyi- excepting the East 345 feet of said tract of land above described and excepting the irate -rest of the public in the -part taken f or,Marshall Avenue. .Also, the following,.described tract and parcel of land in Ramsey County, Minnesota, situated in that part of the Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter (NW1 of NWT) of Section 3) Township 28, Range 23, lying Northeasterly of right -of -way of Chicago) Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Company through said tract, to -wit: Commencing at a point in center of alley in Block 1, Boulevard Addition to the City of St. Paul, according to the recorded plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds within and for said County, which is equi distant from Southwesterly corner of Lot 15, and Northwesterly corner of Lot 16 in said Block;. thence Westerly in a straight line drawn pe.r.allel with southerly boundary line of Marshall Avenue 35 feet to a point, which point is point of begin- ning of tract to be hereby conveyed; thence Northerly on a line 35 feet West of and parallel with Easterly boundary of Leamington Avenue (now Pascal) to its intersection with Southerly boundary line of Marshall Avenue as laid out and dedicated; theme West on said South- erly boundary line of Marshall Avenue 345 feet to a point; thence Southerly in a straight line drawn parallel with Easterly boundary line of said Leamington Avenue (now Pascal) to a point in center of and 'equi distant from Northeasterly and-Southeasterly corner of right - of -way conveyed to Chicago, Milwaukee & St.*Paul Railway Company by Northwestern Fuel Company which is described in "63" Mise. 173i thence; Easterly in a straight line to the point of beginning, subject to the interest of the public in the part taken for Marshall Avenue and the interest of the public in Leamington Avenue (now Pascal Street). EXHIBIT "A" tITTt C11 2K FILL ?Oil 'Wa APpl�lc- l�7 f IL�i Z, F, N _ �nj''I�lCrti -. � DEC BED 2 X969 CITY JPLAjNNJNS q RD saint .Paul. Alinnesota