D001769C I T Y O F S A I N T P A U L OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORAER BUDGET REVISION ao�.o�m c� m: cmr c� ton�x� - Fiwite �ept.'s AecamtYg Diviston N�: 17ob J 7�� // � + Date: �Q—�' R � N - Po�ee Dept.. Aecanfing Urti[ � ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Consistent with the authority granted to the Mayor m Secrion 10.07.4 of the C�ty Charter and based on the request of the Cluef of the St Paul Police Departmeat to amend the 1999 budget of the Specixl Revenue Fund (43�, the Director of the Office of Fieancial Services is authorized to amend said budget m the followmg manner: FROM: FROM: 436 - Police Special Pmjects 34127 - Narcotics Control Grant 0222 - Telephone-Monthly 0251- Trausportxtiou 0252 - Lodging-Meals 0256- Registration Fees-Local 0283 - Rental-Vehicle 0298-InvesHgations 0848 - Other Specialized Equipment TO: 436 - Police Special Projects 34127 - NarcoHcs Control Grant 0141- Overtime 0439 - Fringe Benefits OS51 - Radio Eqaipment 0853 - Cameras • 0852 - Video Tape Equipment 0857 - Data Processing Hardware 0858 - Telephone Equipment �• CCTRRENT APPROVED AMENDED BUDGET CFIANGES BUDGET 10,691 (3,000) 7,691 2,500 (1,676) 824 5,000 (2,099) 2,901 2,400 (2,400) 0 41,867 (13,827) 28,040 39,336 (14,861) 24,475 6,000 (A,140) 1,860 � , , 0 12,200 12,200 0 1,80D 1,800 0 16,000 16,000 0 2,000 2,000 0 5,100 5,100 0 3,600 3,600 0 1,303 1,303 > , :, �--�-R r � - ab �9 A ved by Financial Servicn Director Date narcotics3612 ].ao.revisetl.99 10/21/1999 GREEN SHEET No. ��� �104530 INITIAIAATE 1 n �S INfilA11ONTE 292-3588 SOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES ��PL�i��] 1 , KIryRTTO1INEY u � r. Yw�wmiSEltVICEBpR_ , lwYOR(ORASSL1TpN(� L� � �CLERK ' � �teK[Rl0.L5El[Y/PLCT6 •�i � rywnn RIGNTS i�i (CLIP ALL LOCA710NS FOR SI(3NATURE) Signatiues requested on the attached Administrative Order amending the 1999 spending plan budget for the Saint Paul Police DepartmenYs Nazcorics Control Grant. 1. Nas this perso�rm evu worked under a contract tor this departmeM? PLANNINGCOMMISSION YES NO CIB COMMITTEE 2. Has ihis perso�rm ever been a city erriployee? CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION vES NO 3. � Gus personffum possess a sWU not nortnally possessetl by any current qty employee� YES NO 4. Is this person/tirtn a targeted ventloR YES NO E�lain all yes a�v+ers on separale sheet and atlech fo green sheH The Saint Paul Police Department received a$132,000 Nazcotics Control Grant from the Minnesota Department of Children, Families and Leaming For the period 7anuary 1, 1999 through December 31, 1999. The grant budget is being amended ttuough the State of Minnesota for anticipated e�.penditures in 1994. Ability to use grants funds ro continue narcotics inves[igations and pwchase supplies needed for the narcotics task force None IF NOT APPROVED Grant funds available will be unused. OF TRANSACTION S FUNDMG SOURCE Federal Grant through State of Minn. FINANCULL INFORMATION (EXPWNj RECEI e .. _ �, 1 1 1� v4TY (;LERK COSTIREVENUEBUDGETED(CtRCLEONE) YES NO ACTMTY NUMBER 34127 (Fund 436)