200237ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK _ 3' CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. 2002 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTI ENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER FRANK L. LOSS DATE_ RESOLVED, that the dwelling, barn and shed on property described as Subject to Hoyt Avenue and Barclay Street; Part West of Center Line of said Street Lot 2, Ide's Outlots, accord- ing to the plat thereof recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Ramsey County, Minnesota; also described as Southwest Corner of Barclay Street and Hoyt Avenue in Saint Paul, were and are, by reason of their structural condition, unsafe and danger- ous to life, limb and adjoining property; that said structures are incapable of reasonable repair, replacement or remodeling so as.to make the same reasonably safe, and should be wrecked and removed from said land; and it is ordered that said structures be forthwith wrecked and removed from said land by and at the sepa- rate cost and expense of the owner, occupant, or other person in control thereof. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis ISM S•BO .410yo2 Council -File No. 200237 —By Frank L. LOSS- Resolved, That the dwelling, barn and shed on property desctibed as Subject to Hoyt Avenue and Barclay Street; Part West of Center line. of said Street Lot 2, Ide's Outlots, according to the plat thereof recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Ramsey County,° Minnesota, also described as Southwest Corner of Barclay Street and Hoyt Avenue in Saint Paul, wete and are, by reason of their structural con- to life, DEC 2 oft. Adopted by the Council 19— DEC 2 81960 A roved 19— In Favor Mayor Against DUPLICATE TO PRINTER 120 v Q/ ,93 •T CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY FRANK L . LOSS DATE COMMISSIONER RESOLVED, that the dwelling, barn and shed on property described as Subject to Hoyt Avenue and Barclay Street; Part West of Center Line of said Street Lot 2, Ide's Outlots, accord- ing!tol the plat thereof recorded in the office of the Regiater'of Deeds of Ramsey County, Minnesota, also described as Southwest Corner of Barclay Street and Hoyt Avenue in Saint Paul, were and are, by reason of their structural conditiono unsafe and danger= ,ous io life, limb and adjoining property; that said Structures are incapable of reasonable repair, replacement or remodeling so as to make the same reasonably safe, and should be wrecked and removed from said land; and it is ordered that said structures be forthwith wrecked and removed from said land by and at the sepa- rate cost and expense of the owner, occupant, or other person in control thereof. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Deeourcy—­1 Rolland Loss Tn Favor Mortinson Peterson Against Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis ISM 5.60 Offi�o.2 Adopted by the Council 19— 3 E G Approved 19— Mayor OFFICE O,F ._CITY CL5RK BUREAU OF RECORDS 386 City Hall and Court House St. Paul 2, Minnesota Mr. Robert J., Swords, Corporation Counsel. Dear Sir: MRS. AGNES H. O'CONNELL City Clerk HAROLD J. RIORDAN Council Recorder 200237 Dec. 27, 1960. EIVn DEC 2 7 1960 CORPORATION COUNSEL The City Council requested that you draw a resolution (No. 2) confirming the condemnation of dangerous buildings at the Southwest corner of Barclay and Hoyt, as more fully described in the attached resolution. Very truly yours, City Clerk ' MINNESOTA Q