200225%AaRtdiNAL TO CITY CLERK PRESENTED BY COMMISSION, �ouncll File No. ,200225 — By Milton Rosen, by request — Whereas, It appears necessary and CITY OF ST. PA' desirable in order to provide necessary illumination along Totem Road at Boys' Totem Town, to install 11 overhead OFFICE OF THE Cffi street lights on Totem Road, and COU CIL RESOLUTION —G1 whereas, An agreement for installa- tion of the aforesaid 11 overhead street lights has tentatively been reached be- / i�vren the .DntentinD - and.,�� ^ *mrki.ntn 200225 r'r r WHEREAS, it appears necessary and desirable, in order to provide necessary illumination along-Totem Road at Boys' Totem Town, to install 11 overhead street lights on Totem Road, and WHEREAS, aneagreement for installation of the aforesaid 11 over- head street..'lights'has tentatively been reached between the Detention and Corrections•Authority and Northern States Power Company,.whereby The Detention and Corrections Authority would be required to pay $2000.00 which would be half of the total cost of construction and installation, and WHEREAS, it is represented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul by the Purchasing Agent that it is impractical to call for compet- itive bids with reference to the installation of the aforesaid street lights, now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the proper City officers and the proper officers of the Detention and Corrections Authority, on the City's behalf, are hereby authorized to enter into an agreement with Northern States Power Company for the furnishing and installing of 11 overhead street lights on Totem Road, without calling for competitive bids with respect thereto, such agreement to incorporate therein the terms and provisions as outlined in the Statement of Work Requested, Form 132 -E -201, of Northern States Power Company, dated October 122 1960, copy of which is hereto attached and made a part hereof by reference. _ RESOLVED FURTHER, that the authorization and direction herein con- tained shall be subject to the approval of the Mayor and Comptroller, as indicated by their signatures affixed to this resolution. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays 1D&G&MT Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen lis sM E•BO 2 Adopted by the Council DEC` � 81990 19— Approve DEC 2 8196®19- 5 In Favor %? U Mayor Against STATEMENT OF44H REQUESTED; E NORTHERN STATES POWER COMPANY Octob3r 12, E . — -� �De ttn nn R _ Co rrec' „n wowK RlOU! ■T!D ■vC,um+w o Ramsey (per 1 t' r frm be ^n nkl n re Adthority 9 -8-60) WORK TO ■! AT Totem Rob - NA -rreeri frl i nor .ori and %r1 i noat.nn S .rfleta _. 367 City Hall, St. Paul, Aiinnes9ta sabject: U- multiple overhead 6000 lumen.street lights on Totem - Road I. CLnSIYTINO OF _lZ Frnishing and installing the necessarX_poles, wires and amurtenances to r:hk,? ; - .--�-� - " 1 - 1 :..I) volt, 2 -wire; single phase electric service available for 11- multiple overheead 6�C�^• _ r — - 1:..r: r: s +.reot lights At _ti:e above location_ chosen bL customer. Work to be done on. sir: to 1145707 by Northern States Power Company hereinafter called "Company").------ C, St ,;e.. _ grew_ 2 ticip to . in tbq ,a;L�L gf �Qngtruction on_ a non- mfundalble .l ir. tl.e amcunt•of _ 2,000 which eh411 Yee_ paid ty aMI&M 29, '1961 :.The Ravm.r.tS . - -. -- , CCO.00 includes custo:.K rs half of the above material and labor; Custoi.:er is aws:._L Company tees to nav , A4 tr•e tc�a1 host, of construct�ni,s ;QOQ,4Q.- y�ag �]-�- -:_`d cusLciaer.agVeaa tn- 1'•^W hat "- (`�"00 -00) Ills work to b completed as annn aR 1�035ible upon the signing of this agreement. ; , - Th}, payment of $2,000.00 shall not give or entitle customer to airy oumership. iui.ex_ -t . - - Compar a shall - -_ the property of the Company acid nay be rerrvved by Company upon termination nor the � uqF, of the-elec&ric service for -these street lights at the above location: _ __i_Cupl, r:er- further agrees that if at any time in the future it becgme -- necess�.. c11;.,tef or relocate said poles and vki.res or any equipment appurtenant thereto for arty r�xcept for CompLuvrs convenienee,, customer will reimburse Company for the cost of ;elo :ating,said facilities. The undtrsiyned hweby' requMts and authorizes the WOrlTNERN saTA -Me poovbER COM ►ANY to do the work described above, and in oonsld16rattori thereof, yraas to pray • Tylo thousand dollars �• )r n • •1t• . terms . at cash.* . i SIGN ■O 1 CRKOIT O K. _ ear ' -- ' •-`� ' NORTHERN STATES POWEWCOMPANY r STATEYEMT OF WORK REQUESTED FJRM 122 -9_201 NORTHERN STATES POWER COMPANY Octobsr 12, 10 60 i - 1 WORK REOUE.TED BY Country of Ramsey (ppr letter from _j)eane Anklan -re-: - tent; nn & Cnrrenti nn I Authority 9 -8 -60) WORK TO BE AT City Hall. .betv:een Burlington „ end B»rl i ng .on StreetG _ ADDRESS-- ,61 City- Hall. St. Paul, Minnesota • � __ __ _ _ -_ Sub j-ct : 11 multiple overhead 6000 lumen street lights on Totem Road CON919TIND OF E!lrnishin& and installing the necessary -oles, wires and appurtenances to make 120 volt. .,2-wire, single � _ haee electric service available for 11 multi le overhead 6000 - -- - - — - -- — -- - - --- P_- lumen street lights at the above location chosen b� customer. Work to be done on � estimate - ##45707 -by Northerr. States Power ComPany (hereinafter called "Company "). Cu_torier agrees to F2,rtic to in the ajA-4f construction. -Qn -.a non -rj' ndable basis- _ r in the amount: _of- _$21000 00; _which_ shall _be_ paid by_ January 29,_,1961, -The _ payment of I $2,000.00 includes customers half of the above material and labor. Customer is aware R ±hAt__the-_tota1 cost con&truction is .00,, Company-agmes t ­pay half ($2, and­austwner agrees, to pa hal f CS2, DO- The- work to he completed as goon as possible_upon the _s�&ningof this agreement. The payment_ of 42_000.00 shall not give or entitle customer to any ownership. it • _• .I �_. ..• -- -. remain the property of the Company and may be removed by Company upon termination of the use of the electric service for these street lights at the above location. T_ ! Customer further 'agrees that if at any time in the _future it becomes necessar to —I change or relocate said poles and wires or any equipment appurtenant thereto for any cause,, except for Companyls convenience, customer will reimburse Company for the cost of relocating said facilities. Y �I i The undersigned hereby requests and authorizes the NORTHERN STATES POWER COMPANY to do the work described �! i. above, and in consideration thereof, agrees to pay Ttao thousand dollars ($ 2r -000.00 ),terms net cash. * * * * CREDIT O. K. 4qL" CRkDIT tPT: f _A _ _ err. .,..__ _�s_ �.. ._ _._ _i...i. -_ .. .•�__ 91GN ED r, NORTHER ATES POWER CO A 1Y � '�