2002240 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK ,. •1., PRESENTED BY Mi COMMISSIONER a r� CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM Rosen WHERE.) the final costs for the opening, \widening and extending of Ramsey Street between Wilkin and Exchange Streets, Comptrollerts Contract Lr -60601 have been determined, and WHEREAA , upon final allocation of funds from which the above Improvement was to be paid, it was found that the amount originally set up for its financing is insufficient to meet the final costs and that an additional amount of $3,000.00 will be required, therefore be it RESOLYM, that the amount of $3,000.00 be applied from 1960 City's share of Local Improvement Fund Code 31E-1 to finance the additional cost of the above Improvement. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays cy Holland Loss Mortinson y Peterson Rosen _ r -1 +-P� esifie -- �,'° SM 6 -60 b2 1 210022 3 Council File No. 200224 — By Milton Rosen — Whereas, The final costs for the open? ing, widening and extending of Ramsey Street between Wilkin and Exchange Streets, Comptroller's Contract L 6080, have been determined, and Whereas, Upon final allocation of funds from which the above Improve- ment was to be paid, it was found that the amount originally set up for its financing is insufficient to meet the final costs and that an.additional amount of $i3t,000.00 will be required, therefore, Resolved, That the amount of $3,000.00 be applied from 1960 City's share of Local Improvement Fund Code 31E -1 to finance) the additional cost of the above Improvement. Adopted by the Council December 28, 1960. Approved December 28,_1960. (December 31, 1960) DEC 2 8 99% Adopted by the Council 19— DEC 2 81 Approve 19— J Tn Favor /, 0 �_4, � - () ,� Mayor Against DUPLICATE TO PRINTER CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM 200224 FILE NO. NO. — PRESENTED BY Milton Rouen COMMISSIONER DATE DACRtaIber 28, 1560 WAS, the final costs for the opening, Widening and extending of Ramsey Street between Wilkin and E=hange Streets, Coaptrollerts Contract L -6060, have been determined, and WHFRM, upon final allocation of farads from which the above Improvement was to be paid., it was found that the amount originally stet up for its financing is insufficient to meet the final costs and tbat an additional amount of $3,000.00 will be required,, therefore be it RESMYED, that the amount of S33M.00 be supplied from 1960 City11 sure of Local Ymprovaeaent Fund Code 31E-1 to finance the additional cost of the abovt Improveswnt. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen sM 8.80 a®o2 Tn Favor A gainst DEC 2 81960 Adopted by the Council 19— DEC 2 $ 1 Approved 19— Mayor