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f� rmaking ncil File No. 200207 — hereas, A written proposal for the of the following improvement, ndemning and takin the followin g bile No..__..._..__.s for the construction of flood sp, dike�s,} pumping ustation sites, PROPOSAL FOR je k�•YyijVjrL0j o PS -'tor and PRELIMINARY ORDER. Theundersigned hereby proposesthemakingofthefollowing public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: Dated this.......... 27.th....day Milton Rosen V Councilman. Comsr. of Public Works PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul ................... _ ......................................................... _... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council .... _------------- ------------------------ - - - - D ... ��.. - YEAS NAys Councilman A34 e � Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen MR. PRESIDENT Vavou 1 i s 3000 7-54 M DEC 2 719SO Approved-------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- --- - Mayor. L41 I12 Condemning and taking the following 14nds for the construction of flood walls, dikes, pumping station sites, other structures and•slopes for flood Control Purposes on the following described property: 1/ All of- Uock IW SLdcond Addition to Brooklynd, St." Paul,, Hjnn. All of Block 3, Second- Addition to Brook-lynd' St. Paul, ki , Lots 8 thru 16, Block 2, Second Addition to Brooklynd, St. Paul, Minn. Lots P, 10 and 11, Block 19 Second Addition to Brooklynd, St. Paul, Minn. That part of Government Lots 4 and 5, Rec. 5, T -28N, R 22'°, lying within the following dd- Rcribed line: Beginning at the Northeast corner of Lot 61 Block 29, Duirad4 and Spencer's Addition to Brooklynd; thence bearir? South 28000' Fast along the Northeasterly -line of said Addition a dis- tance of 25 frt.; thence bearing North 73000+ East a distance of 64.0 ft.; thence bearing South 770441 East a distance of 117.7 ft.; theni::e bearing South 70049' East a distance of 243:5 ft.; thence bearing Southeasterly to a point 20 ft. :Iesterly from the westerly line of the Second Addition to Brooklynd and 65 ft. Southerly from the extended Southerly line-of Tennessee St.; thence bearing Southeasterly to a point being the inter- - section of the Fortherly line of-Kentucky St. and the :7esterly line ,of Taft St. as platted in the Second Addition to Brooklynd, St,.Paul$ Minn.., thence Northerly along said 'Westerly line of said Taft St. to •Lhe shore line of the Mississippi River;,thence Waring '.Westerly along said shore line to the intersection with the Northeasterly line of Dunwoll and Span cer's Addition to Brooklynd; thence begr'ing South 28000' .Fast alor..g said - 2iortheast6rly line to the point-of beginning. All of Block 30 and that part of Lots 7 thtu 12, Block 29, Dunrrell and Spencer's Addition to Brooklynd, lyi.g North of a line running from the Nortlsvest6rly corner of said Lot. 12 to the Southeasterly corner, of said r I.ot 7. Also Lots 3,5,6,7 and the Easterly 34 A. ©f Lot 8, Block 16, Dunwell and Spencer's Addition to Brooklynd. Also except the Southwest - orly "62 ft. -of Lot 2, that part of 'Lots 132 and 4, Bloc3r 16, ill said Addi Lion•lying Northerly of the Old Levee Line which is a line frog the North- viest corner of Block 29 to-the Noi°theast corner of Lot 6, Block 172 Darr- well and Spencer's Addition to Brook -iynd. That, part of Lots 1,2 and 4, Block 16, Dunwell and Spencer's Addition to Brooklynd; lying between the Old Levee Line and a line beginning-at the intersection of the Southeasterly line' of said Block 16 and said Old Levee Line; .thence bearing,Southwesterly to a point on the Noehaesterly lira* ,99 Lot 1 at a distance of 62 ft. Northeasterly of the So thie'restorly lid :�e said Block; thence bearing *Northviesterly parallel to and 62 ft. fzrost he Southwesterly line of said Block to• the intersection with the Old L6vee Line. That part of Lots 7 and 8, Block 29, Durnrell and Spencer's Add_tion to Brooklynd, lying within the following described lines Beginning at the - routheasterly corner of said Lot 7;-thence bearing -:7esterly, a3_ang_ a line between said Southeasterly corner of Lot IAA the Northwesterly corner of Lot 12 of said Block 29,.a distance of 85 ft thence at right angles bearing Southerly to the Southeasterly line of Lot. 8 of said Block; thence bearing Portheasterly along the Southeasterly lines of Lots 7 and 8 to the point of beginning. Also the Northerly 25 ft. of Lot 6, Block. 29, Dunwell and Spencer's Addition to Brooklynd. _lm -i That part or Lots 8 thru 12, Block 29, Lurnrell and Spencer's Addition to L;rooklynd, lying within the following described line. Beginning at the Northwest corner of said Lot 12; thence bearing P a sterly along a line run betyreen said Northwest corner of Lot 12 and the Southeast corner of Lot 7 of said .Block 29 to a point 85 -feet :7esterly from said Southeast corner of said Lot 7; thence at right angles bearing Southerly to the Southeasterly line of said Lot 8; thence bearing Southwesterly along the Southeasterly line of said Lot 8 to the Southwest corner of said Lot 8; thence bearing 'Te.vjterly to a point on the Southwesterly line of said-Lot 10 at a distance of 80 ft. Southeasterly from the Northwest corner of said Lot 10; thence bearing northwesterly to a point on the Southwesterly line of said Lot 12 at a distance of 20 ft. Southeasterly from the Northwest corner of said Lot 12; thence bearing Northwesterly along, the Fouthwest- erly line of said Lot 12 to the Point of beginning. Condemning and taking a permanent easement required for construction and mainten- ance of an open ditch for flood control purposes on the. following described prop- erty: The Northerly 60 ft. of Lot 1, Block 4, .Second Addition to Brooklynd, St. Paul, Yinnesota. Condemning and taking a permanent easement required'kbri the construction and maintenance of flood wall and appurtenant'struetures for flood control purposes on the following described property: That part of Lots 8 and 9, Block 16, Dunwell and Spencer's Addition to Brooklynd, and the vacated 7yandotte S-t.*lying within the following de- scribed line: Beginning at the intersection of the Old Levee Line and the Southwesterly lihe of said Block -16; thence bearing Southeasterly along said Southwesterly line of Block 16 to the Northwesterly line of lot 2 of said Block 16; thence bearing Southwesterly on said $lorthwest- erly line extended to the center line of 7lyandotte St.;•thence bearing Northwesterly on said center lips 331 IIIOL to the 61d Levee Lin-_j thence bearing Westerly on aaid levee line to "the intersection :vith •the North- easterly line of Block 17., Dunwell and Spencer's Addiction to Bx°ooklynd; thence Northwesterly along said Northwesterly line to the shore line of the Mississippi Mver; thence bearing Northeasterly along said shore line to the intersection with as lryzie 62 ft. Northeasterly from and paris- llel to the Southwesterly line of Block 16, Dwwell and Zpencera-s A'ddi- tion to Brooklynd; thence'bearing Southeasterly along said parallel line to the intersection with the. Northwesterly'line of Lot 2 of said Block 16; thence bearing Southwesterly along said Northrrester1jr line of Lot . a distance of 20.0 ft.; thence at right angles bearing Yorthyeaterly'a distance of 10 ft.; thezice at-right angles bearing. Southwesterly a dis- tance of 15 ft.; thence at right angles bearing Southeasterly to the intersection with the Old Levee Lino; thence bearing Northwesterly along said levee line to the point of beginning, and all publio streets, all- eys and ways contiguous to the hereinabove described lands and_upon which said hereinabove described lands or any of the same abut, hdreto- fore or hereafter vacated, together with all lands and interests in lands which embrace every such contiguous public street, alley and way. Condemning and taking a temporary easement required for construction of 'flood lulls, dikes, •pumping station sates and other structures for flood control pur- poses on the followan� described' property along the rest side of the Mississ- ippi River in the No 4, Sec. 5, Tt28 N, R-22: The :7esterly 20 ft. of Lot 18, Black'4) Second Addition to Brooklynd, St. Paul, UxMesota. 4 2 q /1 r* The :7esterly 30 ft. of Lot 8, Block 1, Second Addition to Brooklynd, "•.to i Paul; 1_'innesota . That part of Government Lot 5, See. 5, T-28N, 1� -227, lying within the following described line: Commencing at the-Northeasterly corner of Lot 6, Block 29, Durnaell and Spencer's Addition to Brooklynd; thence bearing Qouth 280001 East along the Northeasterly line of said Addition a--distsnce of 25 ft. to the point of beginning; thence bearing North 730001 Fast distance of 64.0 ft.; thence bearing Southwesterly to a -point on the Northeasterly line of Dunwell & Spencer's Addition to Brooklynd at a distance-of 50 ft. from.said Northeasterly corner of Lot 6; thence bearing. Northwesterly along said �Iorthessterly,line of Durwell & Spencer's Addition to Brooklynd- a distance of 25 ft. to the point-of beginning. That part of Government Lot_ 5; Sec. 5, T -28N, n-27.,7,, lying within the following described line; Commencing at the Northeasterly corner of Lot 6, Block 292 Dunwell & Spencer's Addition to Brooklynd; thence beer- ing South 280001 East along the Northeasterly line of sFid.Addition a distance of 25 ft.; thence bearing "I rth 73000' East a distance of 64.0 ft.; thence bearing South 7 70441 East.a distance of 117.7 ft; to the point of beginning; thence bearing South 70°191- East a distance of 243.5 ft.; thence bearing South 80000+`'-West a distance of 60 fto3 thence bearing North 70049, hest a distarive of 170. ft.; thence bearing North 16037�� Nest a distance :of 36 ,ft. to the pr nt. of .beginning. That part of Government -Loth 4 and 5 lying within the following de-, scribed line: Commencing at the Northeasterly cornLi of Tot 6, Block 29 Dunwell & Spencer's Addition tb�Bftoklynd; thende bearing South, 28'000± East along the Northeasterly line of soid- Addition a distance of 25.0 ft.; thence. bearing North 73°00 Ee,st a -distance of 64 ft.; thence bearing South 77p�,1� ° ate - =�.�I tang o 13s7�f :; thence bearipZ Sotith_ 70OVI East a distance of 243,05 fto to thi® point. of ,beginning of the property to be described; thence bearing Southeasterly to*a point-20 ft. :Westerly from the "Westerly line of Taft 'St. as platted in the Sec - - and Addition to Brooklynd, Sty Paul, Minn.., and 65 ft. Southerly from the extended Southerly line of Tennessee St,; thence bearing Southeast erly to a point being ��hd��nterrsection of the• Northerly line of Ken-' 'cucky St. and the ;7est'e'rly line of Taft St. as platted in the Second Addition to Brooklyd S Psul:jnn.; thence beaing••South, erly along said ';esterly line of Taft Stb to the intersection with the extended Northerly line Lot 12, Block'3r Second Addition`to Brooklynd,'St..Pa:al, Minnesota; thence bearing Northwesterly to a point 90 ft. Southerly from the extended Southerly line 'Of Tennessee St. 'and 55 ft. "Westerly from the 7esterly line of said Taft St.; thence bearing.Zosterly along a line 90 ft. Southerly from and parallel to the Southerly'line of Tennessee St. a distance of 85 M,; thence bearing'Northa sterly.to the point of beginning being part of the NE t, Sec. 5, T -283 R =22. Except the !Northerly 25 ft; of Lot 6; that part of Lots 5 and 6 all in Block 29, Durmell & Spencer's Addition to Brooklynd, lying Northerly of a.. line beginning at the Northwest corner of said Lot 5; thence bearing Easterly to a point on the Northeasterly line of said -Lot 6 at "a die- f tance of 50 ft. Southeasterly from the Northeast corner of said lot. That part of -Lots thru 12, Block 29, Dunwell & Spencer's Addition to Brooklynd, lying within the following described line; Commencing at the Northwesterly corner of Lot 12 in said Block 29; thence bearing South- easterly along the Southwesterly line of said Lot 12 a distance of 20 ft. to the point of beginning of the property to be described; thence bearing Easterly lw'a point -on the Southwesterly line-of said Lot 10 3 0 l - at a distance of 80 ft. Southeasterly -froQ the Northwesterly corner of said lot; thence bearing Easterly to the Southeasterly corner of said Lot 9; thence bearing Southwesterly to the southwest corner.of said Lot 9; thence bearing Northwesterly to the point of beginning. That part of Lot 9, D�ocs 162 Dunwell & ,Spencer's Addition to Brooklynd, lying South of the Old Levee Line. That part of the Northwesterly 25 ft. of the Southwesterly 62 ft. of Lot 21 Block 16, Durvpell & Spencer's Addition to Brooklynd, lying South of the Old Levee Lire. That part of Lot 2 and Lot 9, Block- 16, Dunwell & Spencer's Addition to Brooklynd, lying "ka tween the Old Levee Line and the following described line: Beginning At the intersection of said Old Levee Line and a line 62 ft. Northeesterly from and parallel to the Southwesterly line of said Block 16; thence bearing Northwesterly along said parallel line to the intersection with the Northwesterly line of Lot 2; thence bear- ing Southive3terly along said Northwesterly line of Lot 2 a distance of 20 ft.; thence a', right angles bearin,. Northwesterly a distance of 10 ft.; thencA at tight angles bearing Southwesterly a distance of 715 ft.; thence at right angles bearing Southeasterly to the intersection with the Old Levee � -ine. ' That part of the Northwesterly 100 ft. of Lots 2.1 and 129 Block 289 DunwelI & SrancerIa ,Addition - to Brookl;ynd, lying Westerly of a line 674.33 R4 Jesterly from and. parallel to the Easterly line of -Govern- ment Lot 5, being part of the NE, Soc. 5, T -28,. R;-22; The Nor&vesterlk lbb ft. of Lcts 9 -and 10 and that par's; of the North -- westerly 100 ft of Lots 11 and 12, 41.1 'in Block 239 Dunwell & Spencerve Additim to BroDklynd, lying Easterly of e. line 674,33 ,ft. Westerly ,from and parallel to the Easterly line of Coverntaent Lot 5, being part. of the-, NE 1-, ;ec, 5., r�-28, R 22a The Kcrthwestxly 100 ft. of Lot 8 and that •part of the Northwes'Zsrly. 100 ft.;of Iat 7,, all in Flock 28, DuMrell & Spencer's Addition to iwok- lynd, lying Southwesterly of a line 30 ft. - Southwesterly from and Para-,- lel io'the canter line o." the C.R.I. &'P,*Ry'main track. Thtt° part of Lots 293,1 and 5, Block 29, Dunwell and Spencer's Addition �o Brookl1riA, lying witkin the following described line. Beginning at Cher Sout4~+eaterly corne ° of said Lot 4; thence bearing Northeasterly along :.ne Southeasterly line of said Block 29 to the intersection with a 14 "e 30 ft. Southwesterly from and parallel to the center line of the C -I.T• & P. Ry main track; thence bearing Northwesterly along said paral- lel line to the intersection with the Northwesterly line of Lot 3 of said Bock 29; thence beari:lg Southeasterly along said Northwesterly line to ehe intersection with a line 50 ft. Southwesterly from and parallel to the center line of the G.R.I. & P., Ry vain track; thence bearing South- \ easterly along said parallel line to the intersection with the South- �testerly line of saie Lot 4;- thence bearing Southeasterly along said Southwesterly line of Lot 4 to the Point of beginning. That part of Lot 3, Block 29, Dunwell and Spencers$ Addition to Brooklynd, lying Easterly of a line 649.75 ft, �resterly: from and parallel to the Easterly line of Government Lot 5, being part of the NE 1, Sec. 5, T -28', R-22. Lot 1 and that part of Lots 2 and 3, all in Block 29, Dunwell and Spencer's Addition to Brooklynd, lying Southwesterly of a line 50 ft. Southwesterly from and parallel to the center line of the C.R.I. & P. V main track and Nesterly.of a line 61x9.'75 ft.'Westerly from and 'parallel to the Easterly line of Government Lot 5, being a part of the NE 2 Seco 5, T�28, R®22, I� �3p ii2 Condermling and taking the following lands for the construction of flood wells, dikes, pumping station sites, other structures arid-slopes for Flood Control Purposes on the following described property: M of =•Block '4, Second Addition to Brooklynd, St. Par]., Minn; All of Block 3, Second - Addition to Brooklynd; St, Paul, Minna Lots 8 I 16, Block 2, Second Addition to Brooklynd, St. Paul, Ifthn. Lots �, 10 and 11, Block 19 Second Addition to Brooklynd, St. Paul, Minn. That part of Government Lots 4 and 5, Sec. 5, T -28N, R-27!'., lying within the follaaing described line: Beginning at the Northeast corner of Lot 6, Block 299 Dunwell and Spencer's Addition to Brooklynd; thence nearing` South 280001 East along the Northeasterly line of said Additions a dis- tance of 25 ft.; thence bearing North ?3000+ East a distance of 64.0 ft.; thence bearing; South 77044' East ,a distance of 117.7 ft.; thence bearing South 7CP49' East a distance of 243:5 ft.; thence bearing Southeasterly to a point 20 ft,. :Iesterly from the ,, esterly line of the Second Addition to Brooklynd and 65 ft. Southerly from the extended Southerly line,of Tennessee St.; thence bearing Southeasterly to a point being the inter- -section of the Fortherly line of Kentucky St, and the :Iesterly line .of "Left St. as platted in the Second Addition to Brooklynd, St;.Paul, Minn.., thence Northerly along; said Westerly line of said Taft St. to "he shore- line of the Mississippi River; thence bearing :Iesterly along said shdre line to the intersection with the Rortheasterly line of Dunwe)A and Spen- cer's Addition to Brooklynd; thence bepri.ng South .28,000' .East along said TJortheasterly_line to the point-of beginning. All of Block 30 and that part of Lots 7 thru 12, Block 29, Dunrell and Spencer's Addition.to Brooklynd, lying North of a line running from the Northwesterly corner of said Lot. 12 to the Southeasterly corner of .said Lot 7. Also Lots 3,5,6,7 and the Easterly 34 ft. of Lot 8, Bloch 169 Dumvell and Spencer's Addition to Brooklynd. Also except the Southwest - Orly" 62 ft. of Lot 2, that part of 'Lots 1.2 acid 41, BlodIe 16, in said Addi- tion lying Northerly of the Old Levee Line which is .a line from the North- rest corner of Block 29 to-the Northeast corner of Lot 6, Block 17, Dun= - viel1 and Spencer's Addition to Brooklynd. That part of Lots 1,2 and 4, Block 16, Dunwell and Spencer's Addition to Brooklynd; lying between the Old Levee Line and a line beginning -at tha intersection of the Southeasterly line of said Block 16 and sa::d Cold Levee Line; -thence bearing Southwesterly to a point on the Norti�hwesterly line pf Lot 1 at a distance of 62 ft, Northeasterly of the Soiifihwesterly line of said Blocks thence bearint'Northme_sterly parallel to and 62 ft. from the Southtivesterly .line of said Block to• the intersection with the Old Levee Line. That part of Lots 7 and 8, Block 29, DmTell and Spencer's Addition to Brooklynd, lying within the following described line: Beginning; at the - fioutheasterly corner of said Lot 7; thence bearing -'Iesterly, along.a j line between said Southeasterly corner of Lot 7 to the Northwesterly corner of Lot 12 of said Block 292.a dies ante of 85 ft;; thenco at right angles bearing Southerly to the Southeasterly line of Lot-8 of said Block; thence bearing Northeasterly along the Southeasterly lines of Lots 7 and 8 to the point of beginning. Also the Northerly 25 ff. of Lot 6.,-Block 29, Dunwell And Spencer's Addition Lo Brooklynd. r m10 • That part of Lots 8 thru 12, Block 29, Lumrell and Spencer's Addition to ' Irooklynd, lying within the follotiri.ng described line. Beginning at the Northwest corner of said Lot 12; thence bearing hasterly Along a line run between said Northwest corner of Lot 12 and the Southeast corner of Lot 7 of said Block 29 to a point 85 feet :7esterly from said Southeast corner of said Lot 7; thence at right angles bearing. Southerly to -'U-he Southeasterly line of said Lot 8; thence bearing , Southwesterly along the Southeasterly line of said Lot 8 to the Southwest corner of said Lot 8; thence bearing 7e:sterly to a point on the Southwesterly line of said Lot 10 at a distance of 80 ft. Southeasterly from the Northwest corner of said Lot 10; thence bearing* Northwesterly to a point on the :southwesterly line of said Lot 12 at a distance of 20 ft. Southeasterly from the Northwest corner of said Lot 12; thence bearing Northwesterly along the c!outh�est- erly line of said Lot 12 to the Point of beginning. Condemning and taking a permanent easement required for construction and mainten- ance of an open ditch for flood control purposes on the.followirlg described prop- erty: The Northerly 60 ft. of Lot 1, Block !-, Second Addition to Brooklynd, St. Paul, Minnesota. Condemning and taking a permanent easement required'far the construction atW maintenance of flood wall and appurtenant'structures for flood control purposes on the following described property: That part of Lots 8 and 9, Block 16, Dunwell and Spencer's Addition•to Brooklynd, and the vacated 7yandotte St.Aying within the following de- scribed line: Beginning at-the intersection of the Old Levee Line and the Southwesterly line of said Block'16; thence bearing Southeasterly aloragg.said Southwesterly line of Block 16 to the Northwesterly line of tot 2. of said Block 16; thence bearing Southwesterly on said tlTortharest- erly line extended to the eenier line of 7;yandotte St.; thence bearing Northwesterly on said center lip. 330 L�OL to the Old Levee Lira..y thence bearing Westerly on said levee line to 'the intersection with-the North -- easterly line of Block 17•,, Dumell and Spencer's Addition tb Brboklynd; thence Northwesterly along said Northwesterly line to the shore line of the Mississippi river; thence bearing Northeasterly along said shore line to the intersection with a line 62-ft. Northeasterly from snd para- llel to the Southwe3terly line of Block 16, Durnvell and -Spencer's Addi- tion to Brooklynd; thence'bearing Southeasterly- along'said parallel lin@ to the intersection with the.* Northwesterly' line of Lot .2 of said BZoe,"s 16; thence bearing Southwesterly along said Northwesterl. r lime of Lot �. a distance of 20.0 ft.; thence at right anglers bearing No rtHw esteily e distance of 10 ft.; the6ce at •right angles bearing. Southwesterly a dis- tance of 15 ft'.; thence at right arigles bearing Southeasterly to the intersection-with the Old Levee Line; thence bearing Northwesterly along said levee line to the point of beginning, and all public streets, pll- eys and Brays contiguous'to the hereinabove described land® and upon which said hereinabove described'lands or any of the sage abut, hereto- fore or hereafter vacated, together with all lands and interests in lands which embrace every such contiguous public street, alley and way. Condemning and taking a temporary easement required for construction of 'flood walls,_,dikes, •pua9ing station sites and other structures for flood control pur- poses on the following described' property along the 'West side of the Hisaiss- ippi Fiver in the NE 4, Sec. 5, T -28 N, R-22: The :7esterly 20 ft, of Lot 18, Block 4j, Second Addition to Brooklynd, St. Paul, Minnesota. 6 2 - .J 1 'the 4sterly 30 ft. of Lot 8, Block 1, Second Addition to Brooklynd, Pt. Paul; Minnesota. That part of Government Lot 5, Sec. 5, T -28N9 1� -227, lying within the following described line: Commencing at the-Northeasterly corner of Lot 6, Block 29, Dunwell and Spencer's Addition to Brooklynd; thence bearing south 28000' East along the Northeasterly line of said Addition a distance of 25 ft. to the point of beginning; thence bearing, North 73000' East r distance of 61.0 ft.; thence bearing Southwesterly to a point on the Northeasterly line of Dunwell & Spencer's Addition to Brooklynd at a distance-of 50 ft. from-said Northeasterly corner of Lot 6; thence bearing.Northwesterly along said northeasterly line of Dunwell & Spencer's Addition to Brooklynd a distance of 25 ft. to the point of beginning. That part of Government Lot 5; Sec. 5, T -28N, R-22-72, lying within the following described line; Commencing at the Northeasterly corner of Lot 6, Block 29, Dunwell & Spencer's Addition to Brooklynd; thence bear- ing South 28000' past along the Northeasterly line of said Pddition a distance of 25 ft.; thence bearing North ?3000' East a distance of 64.0 ft.; thence bearing South 770441 fast.a distance of 117.7 ft, to the point of beginning; thence bearing South 7CP49' Fast a distance of 21305 ft.; thence bearing South 80000'` West a distance of 60 ft,; thence bearing North 70019' West a distiriee of '170. ft.; thence bearing North 160371' Nest. a distance :of 36 ift. -tn the point of .beginning. That part of Government. Lots 4 and 5 lying within the following de-, scribed A: e: Commencing at the Northeasterly cornet- of Lot 6, Block 29 Dunwell & Spencer's Addition to Brooklynd; thence bearing South,, 28600' East along the Northeastd'riy line of snid-Addition a distance of 25.0 ft.; thence - bearing North 73000' Fast'a distance of 64 ft.; thence bearing South 77044' I;aat a distance of 117.7 ft.:; thence bearing South 70P49' East a distance of 24345 ft. t6 the point of beginning`of the property to be described; thence bearing Southeasterly too a point "20 ft. Westerly from the lesterly line of Taft St. as platted in the Sec- ond Addition to Brooklynd, St. Paul, Minn., and 65 ft. Southerly from the extended Southerly line of Tennessee St.; thence bearing Soutbeast, erly to a point being the intersection of the•Northerly line of Ken- tucky St. and the Westerly line of Taft St. as platted in•the Second Addition to Brooklynd, St. Paul,`Minn.; thence bearing Southerly along said iesterly line of Taft Stw to the intersection with the extended Northerly line Lot 12, Block'3„ Second Addition to Brooklynd,'St..Paul, Minnesota; thence bearing Northwesterly to a point 90 ft. Southerly from the extended Southerly line of Tennessee St. and 55 ft. Westerly from the :Westerly line of said Taft St.; thence bedring.lesterly along a line 90 ft. Southerly from and parallel to the Southerly line of Tennessee St. a distance of 85 ft.; thence bearing'Northwesterly.to the point of beginning being pant of the NE L, Sec. 5, T -28, 11-22. Except the Northerly 25 ft, of Lot 6; that part of Lots 5 and 6 all in Block 29, Dunwell & Spencer's Addition to Brooklynd, lying Northerly of a line beginning at the Northwest corner of said Lot 5; thence bearing Easterly to a point on the Northeasterly line of said •Ijot 6 at a, c tbz- tance of 50 ft. Southeasterly frond the Northeast corner of said lot. That part of Lots 9 thru 12,E BYock,292 Dur.wde l & Spencer's Addition to Brooklynd, lying within time folldvomg..deseribed line; Commencing at the Northwesterly corner of Lo:t 12,in'•said °Block 29; thence bearing South- easterly along the Southwesterly line`of 66id:Lot 12 a distance of 20 ft. to the point of beginning of the property to be described; thence bearing Easterly too a point-on the Southwesterly line-of said Lot 10 - 3 - -' at a distance of 80 ft. Southeasterly from the Yorthwefsterly corner of said lot; thence bearing Easterly to the Southeasterly corner of said Lot 9; thence bearing Southwesterly to the southwest corner of said Lot 9; thence bearing *yorthwesterly to the point of beginning. That part of Lot 9, D1ocs 16, Dunwell & Spencer's Addition to Brooklynd, lying South of the Old '_,evee Line. That part of the Northwesterly 25 ft. of the Southwesterly 62 ft. of Lot 2, Block 16, Dunvall & Spencer's Addition to Brooklynd, lying South of the Old Levee Lire. That part of Lot 2 and Lot 99 Block 16, Dunwell & Spencer's Addition to Broolclynd, lying '59tween the Old Levee Line and the following described line: Beginning i,t the intersection of said Old Levee Line and a line 62 ft. Norther, aterly from a nd parallel to the Southwesterly line of said Block 167 ihenje bearing Northwesterly along said parallel line to the intersection with the Northwesterly line of Lot 2; thence bears ing Southwesterly along said Northwe::t;erly line of Loot 2 a distance of 20 ft.; thence a; right angles bearir::. Northwesterly a distance of -10 ft.; thene? at right angles bearing Southwesterly a distance of 15 ft.; thence at right angles bearing Southeasterly to •the intersection with the Old Levee bane.' That part of the Northwesterly 100 ft. of Lots 11 and 12, Block 28, Duruell % STancer9 s Addition 'to Brookl;lnd, lying ;esterly of •.a line 674.33 fti lesteriy from and-parallel to the Easterly line of Govern® meant Lot `;, being part of the PTE ;, SOS. 5, T 728, R�22; The Nort'aiesterlk lbb ft. of Lots .9 -and 10 and that part of the North -- westerly 100 ft, of Lots 11 and 121 41.1 in Block 2Sp Dunwell & Spencer'a AdditionA to Brooklynd, _lying Easterly of a line 674.33 ft. Westerly ,from and paridlel to the E isterly line of Government Lot 5, Using Part• of. the NS , iec, 5s .r -tar R_-22, The Wrthwes :;rly 100 ft. of Lot 8 and that •part of the Northwess'terly 100 ft- ; of 13t 7, all in Frock 2$, Dumrell & Spencer's Addition to Book_ lynd, lying southiaesterly of a line 30 ft. •Southwesterly from and pare1- lel io the tinter line o': the C.R.T. &'R.-Ry gain track. MTh,- t,,part of 'Lots 20 4 and 5, Block 29, Dunwell and Spencer's Addition yo Brookl[n;i, lying Within the following described line: Beginning At �he SoutI-:+eaterly corn, of said Lot 4; thence bearing Northeasterly along -ne Sooltheasterl y. line of said Block 29 td the intersection With a 14•ie 30 ft. Southwesterly from and parallel to the center line of the g,.t.T. & P. RY main track; thence bearing Northwesterly along.said paral- lel line to the intersection with the Northwesterly dine of Lot 3 of said Bock 29; thence beari:)g Southwesterly along said Northwesterly line to the intersection with a line 50 ft. Southwesterly from and parallel to the center line of the C.:t.I. & P„ Ry main track; thence bearing South- easterly along said parallel line to the intersection with the South- lresterly line of said Lot 4; thence bearing Southeasterly-along said Southwesterly line ox' Lot 4 to the Point of beginning. That part of Lot 3, Bock 29, Dumell and Spencer's Addition. to Brooklynd, lying Easterly of a line 649.75 ft, Westerly from and parallel to the Easterly line of Government Lot 5, being part of the NE ;�, Sec. 5, T-2$, � 220 Lot 1 and that part of Lots 2 and 3, all in Block 29, Dunwell and Spencer's Addition to Brooklynd, lying Southwesterly of a line 50 ft. Southwesterly from and Parallel to the.center line of the C.R.T. & P. V main track and Yesterly.of a line 649.'75 ft. flesterly from and 'parallel to the Easterly line of 0overnment Lot 5,. being �a part of the NE b Seca 5,. T-28 s °22 .,