200167rya PROPOSAL FOR I and I PRELIMINARY Council File No. 200167— Whereas, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Improving WHITE BEAR AVENUE 'from East Third Street to-Hudson Road (T. H. No. 12) by regrading, curbing and paving with 8" one course concrete pavement; by grading and paving street, alley and driveway returns; by grading and sodding boulevard areas where new curb is constructed; by constructing drainage facilities; by re- constructing sidewalks, curbs.and pave- ments on intersecting , streets where ORDER. _ a.. , Theundersignedhereby proposesthe making of thefollowing public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: ..i� rovjn �1Ni1`E' .B1.AAA - - .. . . -.... ....... . _. .... ,.... .. _"_' _A 9 AVENUE from East Th i rd- Street- to Hudson ,R;gad, _(T.H. Ho. j2) ' by regradi,ng...:curbi ng, and. paving with 8"-_one. 'Course' "concrete. pavement; b I, paving streets alley and driveway returns; b radin and sodding - •boulevard areas and ssldewalks� curbs - constructed b constructin drains e idew lkstc r sand pavements g 9 facilities• b reconstructin ... _ _. ..Q.n, intorsecting••streets where not. in conformity with ,a F... I ` s' a' i�d` �improvemen ,t ;•�'by'eonstruct�i.tig,�sewer water and gas service <c"5nnect�ons frorb street i mai:ris°t tb4p.ropar.ty...1 ilie's�.where - ,necessary "and' °by ":doing °aY`j other work necessar`.y, and incidental to zomplete the', im provement. f!�1.r PRELIMINARY ORDER. i ` WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: u. .., . , ,mow...- ,.. _ _ .. ,4M NIT . ^ I mprov 1 ng�� WH I TE BEAR- AVENUE fr- :t ast'.1'h t rti',.Stre t,. to:.Hudsori.ttRc�ard;.:liT. ti . '►to. ui.2 ��� b'y " " "i�m$Nadrng; cur6itig ind.pavi -ti9 «with 8!' one course concrete - pavapent; by ,grading and, pavi_DgK &troet.r...a.1,t_ey. arld,�dr.iv.eway re #a�ns'; by grading, and soddi:ng...botrtevard- areaa� ." where -new curb ia=eans "tructe'd; by construe' drainage factlit'lesi by reconstructing � . . ................. .._ _.. y s i dewat ks ,curbs and ,pave,aenI ; .. '.t�te� 'sec #'i ag "'S:treets where nc�£ f n confoi� iii t with s.� d;r:V.Prov `apt.; jby jconitfuct,!pgesey�rr ,watie�• wand. :gas...se�ry:lce..connectioras- .from =s�i�" mains .to ,p�pperty. ,t,i.nes,'whare neeessary and by, doing al other work ndc'ssiary and #ncict ,i ta' A"fo ;complete, the. sal,d4 improvement. fiF Ql,i'E13, 'ghat tl:a Comw1;zi__ucr o;, Public W6rks be and i3 hereby order, d sad d4ett� 1. To investigate the- neaw-ity for, or desirability of, the making of said impro+vcment. 2. To investigate the nature; extent and estimated cost-of said improvement, and the total coat theiebf.— 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council- .._ ............... .............................in _.��.._`U.1945 YEAS Councilman MR. PRESIDENT 3000 7-54 NAYS DeCourcy Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Vavoulis 0 t