200156Original to City Clork PRESENTED BY O-RDINA ORDINANCE Council File No. — ordinance No. o���� 11896 —By Mrs. Donald M. DeCourcy- Robert F. Peterson — Milton Rosen — An ordinance amendi ng Chapter 401 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, as amended, pertaining to • Auctioneers. This is an emergency ordinance ren- dered necessary for the preservation of the.- 12),ie l, Is --. health d ssX Pt'k,. An ordinance emending Chapter 401 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, as amended, pertaining to Auctioneers. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health, .and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the St. Paul Legislative Code, Chapter 1101, as amended, be and the same hereby is further emended by adding an additional section thereto, to be numbered !}01.10, and to provide as fellows: Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to bean emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health, .and safety. Section 3.' This ordinance shall take effect and be in force upon its passage, approval, nand publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays DeCourcy Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen ���Mr. President ((V ulavoulis),, AttesO li/1 //1 Al,) /� /�.sAi6�� IM 5 -60 O§D 8 City Clerk n Passed by the Council JAN 1001 Tn Favor A gainst .! AN 1 (1 196 Approved• Mayor r "AD1.10. Non - Resident Auctioneer's License. , Despite any contrary provision hereof, the Council hereby reserves the right to provide by resolution for 4• the issuance hereunder of ,a, Special.Auctioneer's License to a nonresident auctioneer duly licensed as such by the governmental .agency of his place of residence. No such Special Auctioneer's license shall be operative at more than one auction sale site or for more than one auction sale or for any period in excess of ten days to be specified therein, ••and the same shall - restrict the operations of the licensee thereunder to such sale as shall be conducted in association•with a. resident regularly licensed auctioneer hereunder. The license fee for any such special•auctioneer's license wu C shall be Thirty Dollars ($30) for each day, for which ,b,, •._ , ,. _ _, ___ z `, ;: the license is required. All the terms, provisions, conditions, and requirements of this ordinance reldting to applications for annual licenses, except those pertain- ing to residency, shall apply to applicants for a special license for one cky or for a specified number of days, rc not to exceed ten days, -and the applicant for such special license shall, in :addition to the other requirements, C specify in his application the day or days for which the OL license is required, the place where the auction is to be conducted, and the kind of property to be sold at such tc j auction, and the license, if granted by the Council, shall be issued by the Clerk for the day or days, place, and kind of property specified, and none other." Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to bean emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health, .and safety. Section 3.' This ordinance shall take effect and be in force upon its passage, approval, nand publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays DeCourcy Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen ���Mr. President ((V ulavoulis),, AttesO li/1 //1 Al,) /� /�.sAi6�� IM 5 -60 O§D 8 City Clerk n Passed by the Council JAN 1001 Tn Favor A gainst .! AN 1 (1 196 Approved• Mayor 6 _ is v _�;, 2n Laid over to —�/ 3rd and app-. r a Adopted l � I Yeas Nays Yeas I N ys Decourey Holland Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson .Resen -- 8 2-00155 Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President Vavoulis