200103nn COUNCIL FILE NO -------------- jaU-01 0 By---------------------------------------------------------------- FINAL ORDER < In the Matter of constructing a public sewer in YORK AVENUE from Cypress Street to Earl Street L under Preliminary Order ------ 19. 45 ------------------- - - - - -- approved ------------ March 3-1, 1960 _ _ - - - - -- IntermediaryOrder ---------------------------------------------- - - - - -- approved -------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is to construct a public sewer in YORK AVENUE from Cypress Street to Earl Street FnvAi, oRnE13 - - - -- Council File No. 200103— •In the matter of constructing a public sewer in YORK AVENUE from Cypress Street to Earl Street, under Preliminary Order 196245, approved March 11;.1960. A public hearing having been had 4h:,­ ' 0 improvement uoon }6�,,..the -Council having and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. , RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith: Adopted by the Council ----------- REC_ 2.0__1960_ - -- - - - -- DEC 2 0 1960 City Clerk. Approved------------------------------------------ - - - - -- Z_ i File 15091 Councilman DeCourcy Councilman Holland Councilman Loss Councilman Mortinson Councilman Peterson Councilman Rosen Mayor Vavoulis 2.55 2M 2 • I Mayor. ► CITY OF ST. PAUL • DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) 200102 In the matter of constructing a public sewer in YORK AVENUE from Cypress Street to Earl St. under Preliminary Order approved March 11, 1960 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated cost of the above improvement is - - - - - - $ 6,131.07 ,front 13, 13 The estimated assessment per /foot for the above improvement is - - - - $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: IIDESCRIPTION LOT IBLOCKI ADDITION I LAND VALUATION BLDG. II Subj to Earl St. over east 40 ft; 1 I 1 11 IIlot 1 and all of lots 2 -15 block 771 1l II and vacated Cypress St. west of andl I I 11 II adjoining said Lot 15, Dawson's Ear 1 1 11 11St. Addition and in Auditors Subd. 1 I 1 II No. 7 except the east 129.97 ft III measured at right angles from ex- 1 I 1 11 Iltended east lihe of lot 37 and all 1 I I 11 11 of lots 17 thru 1 361 1 I Auditor's Sub. No. 7 137800 $240200 kast f of lots 1 and 1 2 1 731 Dawson's Ear St. Addition 500 1500 ) itWest z of lots 1 and 2 77] 11 11 375 1750 Form B. B. 10 1M 3 -58 8 r Continued CITY OF ST. PAUL • y DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) II, DESCRIPTION I LOT IBLOCKI ADDITION II LAND VALUATION BLDG. !� Lots 21 and ! 221 731 Dawson's Earl St. Addition 1!$75 1 231731 1150 I! 1 21731 11 1150 II 1 251 73 1 " II 50 !� 1 261 73 1 II 50 !1 1 27 1' 73-1 'A 50 it 1 281 73 ! 100 II 1 291 73 1 II 250 X750 !I ! 301 73 !, " 11 250 2250 !! ! 311 73 1 n 11 250 1900 I! 1 321 73 1 ►' 250 1! I I I II II I I I II 11 ! I I II II I I I II II I I I 11 II i I I >I 1 TOTAL 60,100• $219,350• The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated ° o 9�° C - 0 Commissioner of Finance.,, ° Form B.B. 12 1M 3 -58 8 c 1 a`o 91 OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS REPORT TO COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE October 25th 119 60 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 196245 , approved March 11th , 19_6O , relative to constructing a public sewer in York Avenue from Earl Street to Cypress Street and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. The estimated cost thereof is $ 6,131.07 (See Letter Attached) 2. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. Y 3. Initiated b the Commissioner of Public Works 4. Improvement is asked for upon petition X /Z)� Commissioner of Public W .�0 1 Ev OCT 26 1960 Ft NA NCF, GEORGE- McSHEPARD " t„ I TAI -1041-0 r1 S Al N T iSTREET AND HIGHWAY ENGINEERING COORDINATOR •' ' Capital of Mmnesofa "DEPARTMENTLOF- PUBLIC. Z 234 City H611&- Cort�Hoi MILTON_ ROS�Ey=N�F rnmmlecinnarA6.0 Ir P:A U a [3� �" ,EDGED �• M. �WC��KS� = tsrgi is (2)= R -r -U� = T ■ —s n11+ n E V. AVERY <s ENGINEER J--­­ , IF w i OF OF i •m `ai iiy IJ a 1!+ ,+I P-1 ' - •- -_� °i a,;;..,.�a>�'rWI�LLIAIVI P:°BEHRENS UU, 11 '64106y Commissione[� ' t P _7L7 1 ' I October 25, 1960 i t i Hon. Milton Rosen Commissioner of Public Works City of Saint Paul Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the con- struction of a public sewer in York Avenue from Earl Street to Cypress Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. 196245, approved March 11, 1960. Estimated Total Cost Engineering & Inspection Assessments Cost per front foot Frontage Yours very truly, Eugene V. Avery Chief Engineer Approved for trap m ssion to I the issioner o Finance M- .1 on Rosen C�""issioner of Public Works $6,131.07 557.37 6,131.07 1.3.33 460 ft. r \` t"FCE4 V� d'Ci �� T5 I - t i { J � v St. Paul, Minn. - - - -- ----- - - - - -- 19 - - - -- -- To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: -------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- - - - - - -- -- - - - - -— Ave. from St. Ave. to - - - -- ------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- - --------- - -- St. Ave. 6M 6 -66 up �r LOT I BLOCK ADDITION 1 / NIXON F �W OAF N� ;. _ MWOW110 i OAF s _.M_... OAF 1 /J � � y • ' F!5001��',, weall" lull ,w _ - 6M 6 -66 up �r k . L f i J 1 1 f I i 't 1 } I CITY OF SAINT PAUL CAPITAL OF MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE BERNARD T. HOLLAND, Commissioner WILLIAM W. ROONEY, Deputy Commissioner 113 Court House, Zone 2 CApifal 44612 December 19, 1960 2oo�a'3 ELTOR A. DEHN Valuaflon Engineer CLIFFORD M. NYSTROM Chief Cashier To the Council City of St. Paul Gentlemen: I have checked the attached petition of remonstrance in the matter of constructing a public sewer in York Avenue from Cypress Street to Earl Street, Resident Owners 13 Frontage 1171.19 ft. Signed 4 Signed For 95 ft. 30% 8% and find that said petition of remonstrance is insufficient. Yours very truly, Bernard T. H011an Commissioner of Finance CH:Jp To the Council City of Saint Paul Gentlemen & Mrs. DeCourcy: We, the undersigned, being 60% of resident owners of property and representing not less than 50% of 'the frontage abutting on most strenuously object and protest to the / X76 Construct a public sewer in York Avenue from C)tpress St. to Earl Street. as proposed Uy 6ounell Me No. approve *)OWNER OCCZ141 eel ADDRESS LOT BLACK ADDITION FRONTAGE A //I ° l()3 J q- ? '3 Attu'a'div go /)4W, &-'� 'All L/ z-1 7 1\ b r , 4 STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ss. COUNTY OFRAMSEY ) �� > f, being first duly sworn, on oath deposes and says thaT He- c rc to the orego ng petition, that the names as shown thereon are the signatures of the owners of the property set opposite thereto, and are personally known to him. 41111 ANT /� n v� JoH�1 H• County, minn, cn =� ° N ry Pu 1 , Ram y Co- - y,Minn. ryotary Publlc,'RamSeY ec. 23� 19W - ° MY Commission exp' es My �Qmrpjsslon Expires P c-3 ti 't` rn cn '*, — c n r� r v� rn M J