200075ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NOS LICENSE COMMITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Dec. f1 5 , 1960 COMMISSIONER DATE Contd. Page 2 Joseph Smertenko %Transit Supply go. 400 N. Snelling VM Loc. App.12512Re Robert Kroiss General Mills 1821 University VM Loc. " - 12603" Vaughn's Pet Hen Co. % Leo C. Varren 635 S. Snelling VM Loc." 12607" Overton Sales Co., Inc. %General Mills 1921 University " " 12664" Fred J. Marhoun 391 University Restaurant n 12687" 11 n Cigarette n n " Margaret Voeller 566 Atlantic Beauty Shop " Lorraine Christenson 389 Earl Beauty Shop n 20 Plus Club Snack Bar 360 Wabasha Restaurant n " " Ci Bare -t to " Jewell Parking Lot, Inc. 15 -17 -19 E. 5th Pkg.Lot 250t" Snyder Bros., Inc. �19 Wabasha Confectioner �yn Cigarette Albert W. Kollath 1573 Randolph Restaurant n On Sale Malt" " Off Sale Malt" Cigarette ". Walter E. Roscoe 1157 Selby Gas Sta.'2P " if n VM Loc. Overton Sales Co., Inc. %Hillcrest Development Co. 555 Wabasha VM Loc. " Albert Loken 310 University Grocery n Lafayette Oil Co. 500 E. 7th Hardware " . COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis ISM a -60 2 In Favor Against Adopted by the Council 19— Approved 19— Mayor V I ORIGINAL TO CITE CLERK (,7(��dl�� CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO ������77{{VV�° LICENSE COMMITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ��/ CiL.�� DATE DAC • 15, 1960 COMMISSIONER RESOLVED: That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses stated, be and the same are hereby granted. General Electric Co. Po N. Fairview TV Master App.10701Rei it M DeCourcy —Robert F. Peterson —' 2 Servicemen" It " David H. Levine 1899 Highland Pkwy. Aubtioneer It 11578" Harry J. Kladis 487 Wabasha Restaurant It 11683" licenses upon the payment into the Cigarette City treasury of the required fees. St. Paul 7Up Bottling Co. %State Hotel Corp. of America (December 17, 1960) A gainst 339 Wabasha VM Loc. " 12127" N %Midway Chev. Co. 1389 -99 University " " 12137" u Allen A. Margette 2599 W. 7th Gas Sta• 7P " 12233' Great Lakes Coal & Dock Co. 2102 University Fuel Dlr. " 12301" Pepsi Cola Bottling Co. %Clark Oil & Refining Corp. 1570 White Bear VM Loc. " 12374" " %Ritters Hairdressing Studios, Inc. 1558 W. Bear " " 12399" 11 %Capitol Gears, Inc. 349 N. Hamline VM Loc. 0 12414" Ronald C. Witt 621 Lafayette Gas Sta. 6P " 12438" n it Bulk oil Stor." " II Fuel Dlr. n n VM Loc. n " Ci arette n n n Donald H. Lobsinger n Canteen Co. of Minn., Inc. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourey Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis SM a.co .2 979 University It g Restaurant " 12445" Cigarette " " It %Transit Supply Co. 400 N. Snelling VM Loc. " 12481" 19— Council File No. 200075 —By Mrs. Donald M DeCourcy —Robert F. Peterson —' Milton Rosen— 1 Resolved, That licenses applied for by the persons named on the list at-1 tached to this resolution be and the 19_ same are hereby granted, and the .City Clerk is instructed to issue such} licenses upon the payment into the In Favoi City treasury of the required fees. Adopted by the Council December 15, 1960. Approved December 15, 1960' 1 Mayor (December 17, 1960) A gainst _ ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. �����G./ ]�J'0 L.IC�N SE COMMITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM C MM SSIONER DATE Dec- 15, 19F;Q Contd. Page 3 Christian Service Aux. 559 Capitol Blvd. Orig.Cont. App.12793Re Vendall Co., Inc. %Addressograph- Multigraph Co. 530 N. Robert VM Loc. " 12796" " %Bruce Publishing Co., Inc. 2642 University " " 12799" 0 %Crane & Ordway Co. 356 Broadway " " 12802" a %Energy Mfg. Co. 366 Wacouta 4th fl. " " 12805" " %Pure Oil Co. 747 Upper Levee " It 12826" " %Pfeiffer Brewing Co. 892 W. 7th " " 12829" " ,%Sifo Co. 353 Rosabel " " 12832" Sanitary Farm Dairies, Inc. ft n. Highway Dept. Garage 12+6 University VM Loc. " 12845" " %Northern States Power Co. Upper Levee " " 12848" n %MM & Mfg. Co. 399 E. 9th _ " " 12956" Stuart Automatic Foods Co., Inc. %Mutua.i Service Co. 1919 University VM Loc. " 12859" " Town & Country Motors, Inc. 1900 University " " 12963" " %St. Paul Post Office Clerks Union 170 E. Kellogg VM Loc." 12869" Louis P. Nadeau 509 University Butcher " 12880" Wesley M. Stafford 850 Payne TV Master " 12887" Arthur C. Paulson 487 N. Snelling Barber " 12891" Theodore Kriz 393 Michigan Bakery " 12894 ". COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis am a.eo 2 Tn Favor Against Approved 19— Mayor ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK 200 ^ CITY OF ST. PAUL FOE NCIL NO LICENSE COMMITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE Dec. 15, 1960 rontd. Page 4 West End Commercial Club Bldg, Corp.923 -5 W. 7th On Sale 1IaltApp.12895Rer Bowling 4a 11 Cigarette " " " Walter E. Roscoe 1157 Selby 1 add.Gas P." 12904" 11 " Gen. Rep. Gar. " " " Sidney & Sylvia Gershcow 1332 Randolph Hardware if 12912" Fred, Harold & Willard Krinkie 1400 St. Inthony Fuel Dlr. " 12914" Clarence Meyer Hoeft Electric Co. Stanley Korbowski COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Loss Mortinson - Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis 6M 8 -60 .08�, Z 1449 Carroll 103 E. 5th 849 Sherburne —b Tn Favor /_C-_­?'_Against Gen.Rep.Gar." 12916" TV Master " 12943" Mtr.Veh.Dr. " 13oo4" DEC 15 1960 Adopted by the Council 19— Approved 19— Mayor