200042Council File No. 200042-
In the matter of partially opening,
widening and extending a highway'
known as the Short Line Road by
condemning and taking an easement
for highway purposes on and across
the following tracts of land, all in the
City of Saint Paul, County of Ramsey
and State of Minnesota, to wit:
Those parts of the NEl* and SE,�
y of Section 3, T. 28 N, R. 23 W, and
Lot 15, Block'6, Manson and Simontcn's
Addition to Saint Paul included within
y a fifty (50) foot wide stripy of land
-a h��gh #frky�i Ian` dW o- fasrthe ;uliortrT,ine'"Roadjbg condemning -Pn t .ing an ea3emeat for
ehighway purposes on and across the following.tracts of land, all in the City of
Saint Paul, County of Ramsey and State of Minnesota, to wits
Those parts, of the NEI and SE4 of Section 3, To 28 N., R. 23 W., and Lot 15,
Block 6, Manson and Simontonts Addition to Saint Paul included within a fifty (50)
foot wide strip of lafid lying adjacent to and northeasterly of the present south-
westerly right -of -sway iine of the dhicago, Milwaukee St. Paul and Pacific Railroad
Company, extending from-the west line Hof the said NE4, Section 3, T. 28N, R. 23W
(Hemline Avenue) to the south `line `of the said SE4J Section 3, To 28N, R. 23N (St.
Clair'Avenue), being a portion of the right-of-way now owned by the said Chicago,
.wokeeifta:t: tPaL�r-.and-JPacifl8V ailroad:C.ompax approved Octgher. 22,,-1960 i --
Th f1nl1 -� it 01 111's Ci�y �� ,�tr� �t vin ei Yid 4- r rf of the Cbnvm;ssi �r of Finance
t lso a at Vem °f tt �, iS c ios 3 �,� 2t�,�T h23W3ncludeed w hin a twenty -
�i�v'�e 25)' f6d "W strip and of 1 85 lyrig Wd acent . d - no rtheasterly of the present
soutjxwe ;— fzrl � righteof_iw_W11nea�of.othdliCii as o �amkedogM ,Pacd.-ficaRai7road�ECom}ianY,
iQ en adMrzom the said!�NE�, Section 10, T. '28N, R. 23W (St. Clair`
Avenue). 'to. the east lino of the afor}es?.id N ,,Section 10, T,.q 8N,tR.�233Ni Lexington
Parkway h$o.�, bo i g port18VLof"'ihe ri:�ht -o - �aaynt�law, a�'wn�� by 'the said Ch cago,i' �
Milwaukee, St. Paul ,and Pacific Railroad - Company.
;�` j Also 'that'=parf;} of the' NW ; `Secti- bh 31;" T:: •28N; R :23W, . and' Lot ';8;� Subdivision of
'Aydts °Far-
arm - bo"unded 1by'the,,following °described',liries�s .Zowiencing at the intersection
of the west line of the said N J., Section 11, T. 28N,.R. 23W (Lexington Parkway So.)
with'`t�he ;present �'aouth�;resterlyd r'ight'er of� say' cli rie of; the iChiaag6;3 M41 r nkee °, 4SV. I Paul
arid='Pa ifzio Ft�iilroad Cbm iairry; t�ience�xnorth ►ovLthe ?:said;; wes Sect^ ion, .,11,; T. 28N,
R4? 23W� to �tf2ie porintl�oft its Firtteir'sect3 on�rith a�liiie :tyieaty -five: ! (25)� =Ffeet clist�ant
iiiortheasterly�` from =and `para11e1�=to= tYie� b_o,W menti:onecE,s,outhwest_erly -.Fright -of -'Nay ;,line; ,
thenc aoufi, easterly- 'cliredtforT on `a ltraiftt =I3.ne fto Lthea point, wits? (intersection
twit the ;�afor`esai4d '�odtY r'esterly right' =of iay line,'at- tYi'e �'.east'.�line; 0f31 ot: 'S division
Farm.i`ti`i ersaid',NW' of; Sec'ti8n�]l °; �thertce :;inGa;.northwesterl3t direction as
the aforesa�idd at�thwes .terry- right�ofiay.li#ie ofti the Chicago, �d Milwaukee, St. Paul and
Pacific Railroad Company to the pncint of- beginning..
•t�.+} '�� �� u �+i"- i�.:; � '�, '�i:�c�E�•�.:.�.�3` `�'. '� �� ���sr��l;��� -
i '( �soc aid emriiiigA�aiid 'tak3nganeaseaieiit,,for� "the ire :construotionendzaetQnsiorrOf 'F
fU'V_e ist. zig brill Ve!6i;en tlie= CYfi ca` o' Milwau ee T` .St.` :Paul -and': Paaif'ic :Railroa 0', Qo s
ing g g k s z
�tracks"onythea fo]lo�;jin = desi ted- .streets: ,Stinmiitaveiiue;.�Gr Avenna, �,incaln :Avenue
r� "+ r . r r
St: Clair Abenne rand K exingtori PkfWdy58out -y, guchi� bridge e`xteneions t ,provide highway
over;iass- ridg mover tFie� '�said`fSYiortXfAfi& ,1R&d,.p' nm cjrz. b7 t� vaid Chicago,
li .tx a�tocs St. f�tul, Paa.f% RaJ.road 04, 3. '.
�1.1 i :.J1;.tTf!7'-YI.i.Y�i L+ vkt� _at 1.t• H7• Yj �?+ {.'�� " a -/
l,dt a Fatz bov=1,-d 1,k _t;?*._xc io'.rid�i"'...� ��_t._ _ t �h��.�,.,►.4.
ha ..ri ,.tea =.,rr
of the west line of the said' H Section ll, T. 281 is R. 23W (laexington ;Parkway So:)
with the present southwesterly tight -of -way line of thei�CAic §B�•_Milwankee- �,�a,�7.,
and Pacific Railroad Company; thence north on the said west line of Section ll, T. 28N, j
R. 23W to the point of its intersection with a litre tweaty"five {25) feet distant
northeasterly from and parallel to t I rab,ye- mentioned'soutTh 04 -r ght�of vra ..line;
thence in a southeaster direct on on a straight line to the point of its rote :i"
13'' ! Bh p edtioa
with the aforesaid southwesterly ight -of -way line at the,;east line of Lot 89 Subdivision
of Ayd-Qs ,Farm in the said NWQ of Sec "Sflh,,!J;1; thence in a northwesterly direction on
the aforesaid southwesterly right- of-way line of the ,Chicago, ' Milwaukee, St. Paul and
Pacific Railroad Company to the point of beginning. '
- - -- - Also c cndemtsin j - - - �.- - -- - .
g and taking an easement for the reconstruction and extension of
the existing bridges over the Chicago, Milwaukee, fit. Paul,and Pacific Railroad Comnar*ta
�_ - k •�.. w�M.v v.. vas,)t• �.
K. St Cis it . �4venud, and. �,e:
bridg -as over 'tl
y1ti•`t" :tip Yi'�:; - , _ '
s s ree s s . $ .. t Aventrs, Grand :Avenue, oln Avenue,
rigtpn ,Parkw South, such' bridge extensions to'provl4e highway
1 mLid • Shoit' Line; Road . z :