200001200001. Council File No ............... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. Theundersigned hereby proposesthe making of thefollowing public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: _ ..................................... ----....................................... _-----------------------•--------__..----•----- ......------------------ ..._... Dated this....... lth. .... day Ufi l ton Rosen (/ Comsr. of Public Works PRELIMINARY ORDER. r WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: - ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- ------------ ----------- .= 4: Same as attached v Councilman. having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul ............... _ ...... _............................................................. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council- .------• .................................................. ... --- - G 13 1960 --------- YEAS NAYS Councilman DeCourcy Holland Loss s ,Peterson • Rosen M$. PaESiDErrr Vavou 1 i s 3000 7-b4 0/ DEC 13 1900 ' 1; Approved-----------------------------•--------------------------------------------- -------------- __...--.....---- ------ Mayor. ,M 1 Cuo s. -aing an±d tank-IM for the construction of flood walls, dines, pumping station �. sites, other structures ani slopes for flood control Furposeo on the foRowi r de ,c3 i asd property: hot 15, Block 2, and Lot 14, Block 1, all In Hitchcock6s Addition to West St. Paul. What part of Lot 6, Block 7, Langevitn °a Second Addition , lyinS between. 9122 southerly line of Perry+ St., the easterly line of Penton St., end {a line beginning at the SoutL -Y*3t eoruer of said lot; thence tearir.g VOrtherly to a ;aol- Ut on the Southerly line of Perry St. at a d:at;acce of 17.5 it. Easterly of the 17onivast corner of said lot. 7dat pare of Lots l and 2, Block 1, Potts* Addition., lying batajeen the Southerly lime of Oregon St., the Vestet+ly line of Fenton St. and a line baginning at the Southeast corner of Loo; 2; thence bearing Northwastarly to ,a point on the Southerly line of Oregon St. at a distance of 15 ft. Uestesly from the Northeast corner of said Block 1. That part of Lots 13 and 14, Block 4, Kettering °s & Oousttans Addition to Nest SQ.- Paul lying between the SoutIrRestorly lin3 of Penton St. ead a line beginning at the Northeasterly corner of Lot 13; thence baariug South - cast©rly 90 a point; on the %reharly line of Oregon St. at a distance of 40 ft:. VeSterly from the Southeasterly corn._r of said Bloch 4; thence hearing Easterly alosS the Northerly lime of Oregon St. a disttancca of 40 ft. to the Southeasterly corner of said Block 4. a Lot 8, Block 6, iLangevins Second Addition to Saint fatal. Lots 7 antd 9, Bloch, 6, Lan SevinQs Second Addition to Saint Paul a-LA that part- or Lots 6 and 10 of said Block 6 lying Westerly of a lino running from the lbrtheast corner of eaid Lot 6 to the Soutiruest corner of said Lot 10. All of Lots 4, 5, 11, and 12 and that part of Lots 3 and 13, Block 3, Laugevla° Addition, lying Westext y of a lino beginuing at the Southwest coronet of Lot 13; thence basriag 1ortherly to the mortheast cormr of Loot: 3. Also these parts of Lots 60 7, 9, and 10 in said Blom 3, lying Easterly of o line beginning at a point on the Southerly line of Florida St. at a distance of 30 ft. Easterly of the Weataely line of Lot 6; chance bearitZ Southerly to a point on the Northerly line of Utah St. at a dia- ttnce of 20.0 ft. Easterly from the Soutlwesf corner of Lot 9 of said Bloch 3. Lots 1, 2, 13, 14, 16 and the Uorthwateely 25 ft. of Lot 12, all is Bloea 2, Largrtvisoo Addition to Salut± Paul. Lot 15, Block 2, Laagavin's Addition to Saint Paul. That part of Lots 3 and 4, Block 2, Langavia °s Addition, lying S starly of a lime hegiminf, 10 *ft. Soutiriesterly of the Southwest corner of said lot 3; tthunce raring Northeasterly to a point on the tloxtheasterly 1%ne of Lott 3 at a distance of 50 ft. Southeaste0.y from the Southeasterly lime of Oonstws St. That pare of Lots 6. 7, and 8, Block 5, Lw3evin °s Second Addition, 9y&M2 E'est;erly of a line bagiuninS at the MortMcle corner of Lot 6; thence bearizrg Southerly to a point on the Sout hLent:orly lime of Lott 8 at a � f.st:ance of 12.5 ft. RaGt erly of the South-.-zest coverer of said lot. ;�j All of Lots 1, 29 9, l0,and 11, Block 19 Langvins Second Addition. Also that pant of Lots 3 and 4 of said Block 1 lying Easterly of a line bisginning at the Northeast corner of Lot 3; thence bearing Southwesterly to -the Southwest corner of Lot 4. Also that part of Lots 12 ar/j 13 of said block lying INASterly of a. line bets► tho Southwest corner of Lot 12 and the Northeast corner of Lot 11, Lots 7 and 60, Block 1, Langevins Second Addition to Saint Paul. Lots 1 thru 5, Bloc]: 2, Langevins Second Addition to Saint Paul. Tlhat,Part of Govenment Lot 9 in the SE 1/4. Sec. 59 Tm28, R -22 and south of Pott °s Addition to the City of St. Paul lying cdthin the following described lines Commencing at the Southeast corner of Block 29 .Wrrison9 s Addition to West Saint Paul; thence bearing S.1 0151 East; along the Westerly line of the SE 1/4, Sec. 5 to tho Northeast corner of Block 1, t1orrison 0s Addition to Nast Saint Patel; thence bearing Southeasterly a distance of 30.0 feet along a straight line running from the Northeast corner of said Block 1 to the Not�thwest corner of Block 9, Hitchcock °s Addition to West St. Paul, to the point of beginning of the property to be described; thence bearing N. 320071 East a distance of 50 Ft.; thence at right angles bearing S. 57 4'53° East a dist.-,-=e of 160.0 ft.; thence at right angles bearing S. 32 °070 West to the intersection with said line running frm the Northeast corner of Block 1, Morrison °s Addition to West Saint Paul'to the North - west corner of Block 9, Hitchcock °a Addition to West St, Paul; Vience bearing Northwesterly along said line to the point of beginning. That part of Goverment Lot 9 South of Pott °s Addition to the City of St. Paul and that part of Lost 1 of Block 1, Morrison °s Addition to West Saint Paul, being part of the S.i /a Sec. 5 and the NE 1/4 Seca 8, T-28, R -22 lying vAthin the following described lines Commencing at the Southeast cornor of Block 21, Morricon °s Addition to West Saint Pau13 . thence being S.10150 East to the Northeast corner of Block 1, Wxrisonlo Addition to West Saint Paul; thenca bearing Southeastorly along a line running fraa the Northeast corner of said Block 1,. to the Howthwatt corner of Block 9, Hitchcock °s Addition to test St. Paul, a distance of 30.0 ft. to the point of beginning of the property to be described; thence bearing S.320071 «lest a distanco of 80 ft.; thonce at Riglat anglo bearing S. 570530 East a distance of 160.Oft.; thence at right angles bearing N.321070 East to the intersection with said line rwMing from to Northeast comer of Block 19 lbrvison°s Addition to West Saint Paul to the Northwest corneas of Block 99 Hitchcock °s Addition to West St. Paul; thence bearing Northwesterly along said line to the point of b6g nning. a2tv 1' Condemning and takingpermanent easements required for construction maintenance, access to levee, closure strucWree, flood wall or seymrs for flood control purposes on the following described property: That part of Govemment Lot 9 In the SE 1/4 Sec. 5, T-289 R -229 and south of Pott °s Addition to the City of St. Paul lying within the following described line: Beginning at the Southeast corner of Block 29 Mrrisen °s Addition to West Saint Paul; thence bearing S. 10151 East along the Westerly line of the SE 1/4 Sec. 5 to the Northeast corner of Block 19 hbrrison°s Addition to Test Saint Paul; thence bearing Southeasterly along a line running f said Northeast corner of Block 1 to the Northwest corner of Block 9, Hitchcock °s Addition to Nest St. Paul, a distance of 30.0 ft.; thence bearing N. 320070 East a distance of 50 ft.; thence at right angles baring S. 578531 East a distance of 50 ft.; thenco bearing N. 1015° We a distance of 100 ft.; thence bearing Northwesterly to the Northeast earner of Lot i, Block 2, Morrison0s Addition to West Saint,Paul; thence bearing S. 1 10151 East to the point of beginning. That art of Government Lot 9 and Block 40 in West St. Paul Proper in the N. 1 2 Sec. 81, T -281, R -221, lying trodthin the following described liner Commencing at the Southeast corner of Block 2, Morrison °s Addition to Wrist St. Paul; thence bearing S. 1®151 East along the Westerly line of the SE 1/4 Sec. 5 to the Northeast corner of Block 1, Morrison °s Addition# thence bearing Southeasterly along a line between said Northeast corner of Block 19 and the Northwest corner of Block 9, Hitchcockas Addition to Nest St. Paul a distance of 30,0 ft.; thence bearing S. 328070 West a distance of 80 ft.; thence at right angles bearing S. 57053° East a distance of 130 £t. to the point of beginning of the property to be described; thence bearing N. 570531 West a distance of 60 ft.; thence at right angles bearing S. 320071 West to the intersection tdth a line 50 ft. Southwesterly fz,6m and parallel to the center line of the ruin track %Mch is 3ba Southwesterly R/W line of the C.C.Y. Ry.; thence bearing Southeasterly along said R/`9 ITno to'a point 60 ft. from the last described line; theca bearing North 320070 East to the point of beginning. The Northerly 100 ft. of Lot 1 and that part of Lots 49 59, and b, Block 29 all in Wrri wn °s Addition to West Saint Paul, lying Northerly of a line between the Southeast corner of said Lot 4 and a point on the Weeteriy line of said Lot 5 at a distance of 20 ft. Southerly of the Ko Owdst corner of said Lot 5 and Southerly of a line between the Northwest corner of Lot 1 and Northmst corner of Lot 6, Block 2, in said Addition, being part of the SW 1/4, Sac. % T -28; Rs22, and all public streets, alleys and ways contiguous to the hereinebove described lands -and upon thich said herainabove described lands or any of the same abut, heretofore or horeafter vacated, together with all lands and interests in lands t:hich embrace every such contiguous public street, alley end wayo -3� Condemning and taking temporary easements reepired for constrcuction of flood wallSa duce$, pusping station sites and other statiuetures for flood control purposos on the folloving described pMerty: The Northerly 20 ft. of Lot 16 and the Northerly 10 ft* of the Westerly 30 ft. of Lois 17 and the Westerly 30 ft. of Lot 14, all in Block 29 Hitchcock °s Addition to West': St. Paul. The Westerly 20 ft. of Lot 13, Block 1, Hitchcock °s Addition to West St, Paul. The Northwesterly 20 ft. of the southwesterly 10 ft. of Lot 79 Block 79 Langevin °s Second Addition. Also Lot 8, of said Block 7, =except for that part of .said Lot 8 lying Westerly of a line beginning at the Southm westerly corner of said lot; thence bearing Northerly to a point on the Southeasterly line of Perry St. at a disthnae of 17.5 ft. from the Nottha westerly corm of said lot. The Easterly 10 ft. of Lot 1, Block 29 Rotas° Addition to the City of St. Paul. The Easterly 30 ft. of Lots 3 and 41, Block 1, Potts° Addition to the City of St. Paul. The Easterly 45 ft. of Lots 1 and 29 Block 1, Potts° Addition, except for that part,of said lots lying bat=en tho Southerly ling of Oregon St., the Westerly line of Fenton St, and a line beginning at the South east corner of Lint 2; thenco bearing Northwesterly to a point on tiie Southerly line of Oregon St., at a distance of 13 ft. Westerly from the Northeast corner of said Block. The Southeasterly 20 ft. of the Northeasterly 10 ft. of Lot 1 and the Northeasterly 20 ft. of Lot 12; Block 49 Kettering 4 Constans Addition to West St. Paul. Also the Northeasterly 60 ft. of Lots 13 and 14 of said Block 4 except for that part of said lots lying between the South- westerly line of Fenton Sto and a line beginning at the Northeasterly corneas of Lot 13; thence bearing Southeasterly to a point on the Northerly lino of Oregon St. at a distance cf 40 ft. Westerly from the Southeasterly corner of said Block 4; thence bearing Easterly along the Northerly line of Oregon St. a distance of 40 ft. to the Southeasterly cornea of Block 4 in said Addition. That part of Lots lying Easterly of the Northeasterly the Southwesterly 59 69 10 and 119 a line betwesnn t corner of Lot 6 corner of Lot. 11 Block 6; Langevin °s e Southwesterly cor, nd lying Westerly o and the Northeast corner of Lot 5. Second Addition, er of Lot 10 and a line between That part of Lots 2, 39 13, and 14, Block 39 Lcngevin °s Addition, lying Easterly of a line between the Northeasterly corner of Lot 3 and the South- westerly corner of Lot 13 and lying Westerly of a line between the North easterly corner of Lot 2 and the Southwesterly corner of Lois 14. Aleo that part of Lots 6, 79 9 and.10 of paid Blocks 3 lying Westerly of a line bey ginning on the Southerly lines of Florida St. at a distance of 30 ft. Easterly of the Westerly line of Lot 6; thence bearing Southerly to a point on the Northerly line of Utah St. at a distance of 20 ft. %asterly of the Southwesterly corner of Lot 9 of eaid Block 31, Langovin °s Addition. 0 4 t ,a The Southwesterly 12.5 ft. of Lot 12 and the Northeasterly 20 ft. of Lot 11, all in Block 29 Langevin °s Addition to Saint Paul. That part of Lots 3, 49 and,5, Block 2, Langevin °s Addition lying Westerly of a line beginning at a point 10 ft. Southwesterly of the Southwest corner of $aid Lot.3; thence bearing Northeasterly to a point on the Northeasterly line of Lot 3 at a distance of 50 ft. Southeasterly from the Southeasterly line of Constans Ste and lying Easterly of a line between the Northeast corner of Lot 3 and a point on the Southeasterly line of Lot 5 at a distance of 15 fti, Southwesterly from the Southwesterly corner of Lot 49 Block 29 Langevin °s Addition. The Northwesterly 30 ft. of Lot 9, Block 59 Langovin °s Second Addition. Also that part of Lots 4, 5, 61 7 and 8 of said Block 3, lying Easterly of a line beginning at the Northeast corner of Lot 61 thence bearing Southerly to a point on the Southeasterly line of Lot 8 at a distance of 12.5 ft. easterly of the Southwest cornar of said Lot 8 and lying Westerly of a line beginning at the Southwesterly corner of Lot 61 thence bearing . Northeasterly to a point on the 'Southeasterly line of Constans Sto at a distance of 10 ft. Northeasterly frm the Northwesterly corner of Lot 4 of said Block 59, Langevin °s Second Addition. That part of Lots 3 and 49 Block is Langovin °s Second AdAtion, lying P'lesterly of a lino between the- Northeast corner of Lot 3 and the Southwest,, corner of Lot 4. Also Lot 14 end that part of lots 12 and 13 of said Block 1 lying Easterly of a line between the Northeast corner. of Lot 13 and the Sovtht*st corner of Lot 12. The Southeasterly 39 A* of Lot 59 Block 1, Langevins Second Addition.to Saint Paulo The Southeasterly 20 ft* of the Northeasterly 331/3 fto of the Northeestorly 100 ft. of ,Lot 59 Block 1, in Langovins Second Addition to Saint Paula The Northn"asterly 10 ft, of tots'6 thru 109 Block 21, Langevins Second Addition to Saint Paul. That part of Government Lot 9 in'-the NE W4 Sec. 8 and the SE 1/4 toe* 5, T-289 R °229 lying within the following described line: Coasaenncing at the Southeast corner of Block 28 Morrison °s addition to West Sto Paul; thence bearing S. 1121511 East along the Wostorly line of the SE 1/4 Sec. 5•to the Northeast cornor of Block Is Morrison"s Addition to West St4 Paull thence bearing Southeasterly along a straight line running from the Northeast comer of Block 1 in said Morrison °s Addition and the Northivest corner of Block-9. Hitchcock °s Addition to West St. Paul a distance of 30.0 ft.; thence bearing North 3200711 East a distance of 50 ft.; thence at right angles bearing South 570531 East a distances of 56 ft. to the point of beginning of the prop- erty to be dQacv1bedj thence bearing South 57x530 East a distance of 110.0 ft.; thence at right angles bearing South 32A0711 Test to tie intersection 4th a line betmen the Northeast corner of Block 1, tarrisonRe Addition to West St. Paul and the Northwest corner of Block 9, Hitchcock °s Additions to West St. Paul; thence bearing Southeasterly along lost described line e distmce of 30.0 ft:; thence bearing Forth 320070 East a distance of 130.0 ft.; thongs bearing Northwesterly to the intersection with a line bearing North 116159• West from the paint of beginning at a distance of 100.0 ft, from said point of beginning; thence along said line beaming South 10150 East a distance of 100.0 ft* to the'point of beginning* 0 5 M R That part of Government Lot 9 and Block 40 in West St. Peul Proper, being part of SE 1/4 Sec. 5 and the North 1/2 Sec. 8, T -28. R -22, lying r4thin. the following described lines& Co=cncing at the Southeast corner of Block 2, Morrison0s Addition to West St. Paul; thence bearing South 1 0151 East to the Northeast corner of Block 1, Abrrison0s Addition to West St. Paul; thence bearing Southeasterly along a line bot =en said Northeast corner of Block 1 and the Northwest corner of Block 9, Hitchcock0s Addition to West St. Paul, a distance of 30 ft.; thence bearing South 320070 West a distance of 60 ft.; thence at right angles bearing South 570530 East a distance of 160.0 ft* to the point of beginning of the property to be described; thence bearing North 3210070 East to the intersection with a line betwean the'Northeast corner of Block 1, Morrizon0s Addition to West St. Paul and the Northwest corner of Block 99 Hitchcock0s Addition to West St. Paul; thence bearing Southeasterly along said line a distance of 30.0 ft.; thence bearing South 320070 nest a distance of 70 ft.; thence bearing Northwesterly to the point of beginning. Also that land lying within the following line from said point of beginning; thence bearing North 571c�5 30 West a distance of 30 ft.; thence at right angles bearing South 320071 West a distance of 190 ft.; thence at right angles bearing South 570530 East a distance of 30 ft.; thence at right angles bearing North 320071 East a distance of 190 fte to the point of beginning. Also that part of said Government Lot -9 and Block 40 in Nest St..Paul Proper lying udthin the following described lines Commencing at the Southeast corner of Block 29 R1orrison0s Addition to West St. Paul; thence bearing South 1 10150 East along the. Westerly line of the SE 1/49 Sec. 59 to the Northeast corner of Block 1 in said Mrrison0s. Addition; thence boarirtg Southeasterly along a line between the Northeast corner of Block i in said dbrrison°e Addition and the Northwest corner of Block 9, Hitchcock0s, Addition to rest St, Paul, a distance of 30 ft.; thence bearing South 320070 West a distance of 80.0 ft.; thence at right angles bearing South 570530 East a distance of 40 ft. to the point of beginning of the property to be described; thence bearing South 570530 East a distance of 3a ft., thence at right angles bearing South 3M70 West to t1he intersection cAth aline 50 ft. ScuAwesterly from and parallel to the center line of the C.C-.W. Ry main track tbich is the Southwesterly Ry R/W line; thence bearing NorVwiesterly along said Southeasterly R/W line a distance of 30 ft.; thence bearing Northeasterly to the point of beginning. og - CO3- &MiAg and tc ring for the constrructioA of f' owd walls, dikes, pumpirg statioa " sites, otter structures and slopes for flood control p�irposes on the folla-r7ing d2scx2�*d proarcrty: LOt 15, Float 2, and Lot 14, Block 1, all Is gitc'acochgs Addition to Viest S�. Paul. Tat part of Lot 8, Block 7, Langevia °a Second Addition , lying between the southerly lice of Perry St., the eastea:ly lin3 of Fenton St., End a line beginning at, the Soutbhwezt corner of ssid lot; thence bwrir~g Uortherly to a point on the Southerly line of Perry St. at s distance of 17.5 ft. Resterly of the Fortivest corner of said lot. r`hat part of Lots 3 and 2, Bloch 1, Potts° Additiou., Lying boLueen the Southerly lim of Oregon St., the Westerly live or Fenton St. and r liege beginning at the Southeast corner of Lot 2; themes: bearing harthwasta:rly to a point on the Southerly line of Oregon St. at a distance o€ 15 ft. 4Jestorly from the 1?ortheast corner of said Block 1. Tu`t part of Lots 13 and 14, Bloe -k 4, KetteriagOe & Constaus t.dditiom to Weet SQ. Paul lying between the Southwesterly ? inW of Fenton St. aed a line hegimking at the Northeasterly corner of Lot 13; ':hence bearing Soeth- aacte ly to a. point on the Northerly line of Orcgfln St. at a dlstars a of 40 €t. Westerly from the Southeasterly covaer of oald Block 4; thence bearit�; Easterly al=3 tbe, Northerly lips of Oregon, St. a. distance of 60 ft. to the Southwesterly corner of said Mock fir. Lot 8, dock 6, Lange-gins Second Addition to Saint Paul. locs 7 and 9. Bloch 6, Langevin. °s Second Addition to Saint Paul aad that paw - of Loco 6 and 10 of swid Block 6 lying VesCarly o:: a lira runuing from th_ !brthcast corner of said Lot 6 to the Sault Scat corner of said Lot 10. All of` Lots 6, 5, 11, and 12 and that Bari; of Loto 3 and 13, Bock 3, 14=8eVia° Additioa, lying Westerly of a lime begieming at the Southxast comer of Foot. 13; thence bearing Northerly to the Northeest colmor of ;got 3. Also those parts of Lots 6, 7, 9s, cd 10 :'.n said Block 3, lying ZestQrly of a lino beginning at a point on the Southerly line of Florida 39. at a distance of 30 ft. Easterly of tree tiestooly ling of LoC 6; chance bears Lng Southerly to a point on the ftrtherly Ilan of Utah St. at a dis- tance of 20.0 ft. Easterly from the Satuthwc.3t corn sr of Lot 9 of said Block 3. imts 1, 2, 13, 14, 16 and the uo;rthwstesly 25 ft. of Lot 12, all in Bloat 2, lsr�avi.n °s Addition to Saint Paul. lot 15, Block 2, Langavin °s Addition to Saint Pau..* That pat:t of Lots 3 and 4, Bloc: 2, Langavia's Addition, lying Usterly of a lime beginning 101t. Southwesterly of the Scmthvest corner of said Lot 3; dance bearing sbreheasursly to a polut on the lbrtheasterly line of Loft 3 at a distance of 50 ft. 9outYawsterly from the Southeasterly liege of Conestans St. Timt part of Lots, 6, 7, and 8, Block 5, Lan,,Sev nle, Second Addition, lylag Wa zterly of a lime baglanin$ at the Mortbesst corner of Lot 6; thence kearizz Southerly to a point on the Smuthw� steely lime of Lot 8 at 'a c1stan?ce of 12.5 ft. Easterly of the Soatbisest cofver of said lot. - 1 - All of Lots ?., 29 9, 109 M 11, Block 19 Lanngvins Second Addition. Also that pa-ft of Lots 3 and 4 of said Block 1 lying Easterly of a line beginning at the Northeast corner of Lot 3; thence bearing Southwesterly to •Che Southmst corner of Lot 4. Also that part of Lots 12 arVA 13 of sqd block lying Wt%terly of a .lime betrmn the Southwest comer of Lot 12 and the Northeast corner of Lot 130 Lots 7 and 6, Block 19 Langevins Second Addition to Saint Pawl. LOU 1 thru 5. Block 2, Langovins Secorid Addition to Saint Paul. ;.aat.'part of Govennent Lot 9 in the SE 1/4. Sec. 59 T-289 R-22 and south of Pott °a Addition to the City of St. Paul lying vAthin the followihq described line: Comencing at the Southeast corner of Block 29 Mrriron's Addition to West Saint Paul; thence bearing S.1 6150 East along the Westerly line of the SE 1/49 Sec. 5 to the Northeast comer of Block It Mrsim's Addition to finest Saint Pml; thence bearing Southeasterly a distance of 30.0 feet along a straight line ruining frm the Northeast corner of said Bloch 1 to the Northwest corner of Block 9, Hitchcock °s Addition to West St. Paul, to the point of beginning of the property to be described; thence bearisig N. 32 °07° East a distance of 50 Ft.; thence at right angles bearing S. 57 °53° East a distame of 150.0 fie.; thence at right angles bearing S. 32 007° West to the intersection with said line running from the Northeast corner of Block 1, Morrison °s Addition to Kest Saint Paul'to the North - west corner of Block 9, Hitchcock °s Addition to West St. Paul; thence bearing ttorthwastesly along said line to the point of beginning. That part of C-overnment Lot 9 South of Potts Addition to the City of St. Paul and that part of Lot 1 of Block 1, Morrison °c Addition to West Saint Paul, being part of the S.1 /2 Sec. 5 and the HE 1/4 Seca 8, T ®28, R -22 lying tdthin the following described line: Comencing at tat Southeast comer of Bloch 2, ftrrison °s Addition to West Saint Pau13 thence being S.1015° East to the Northeast corner of Block it MWG ricon °s Addition to West Saint Paul; thence bearing Southeasterly along a line running fry the "Northeast cornir of said Block I., to the Roxthwaot COXDGr Of BlOt,k 99 Ktchcock°s Addition to West St. Paul, a distance of 301.0 ft. to the point of beginning of the propeaty to be described; thence bearing 5.320071 West a distance of 80 ft.; thmee at right angics bearing S. 570531 East a distance of 160.Oft.; thence at right angles bearing N. 07° East to the intevaecti ©n with said line running from to Northeast corner of Block It Abrrisdn °s Addition to Most Saint Paul to the Northwest corner of Block 9, Hitchcock's Addition to West St* Paul; thence bearing Northwesterly along said lino to the paint of bo' g1pning. 2 ev I' Condemning and takingpermanent easements required access to levee, closure structurest flood wall or purposes on the following described propertyi for construction maintenance, svmws for flood control That part of Goveenanent Lot 9 in the SE 1/4 Sec. 5, T -289 R -229 and south of PottOs Addition to the City of St. Paul lying within the following described line: Beginning at the Southeast corner of Block 29 Wrrison0s Addition to West Saint Paul; thence bearing S. 1 015' East along the Westerly line of the SE 1/4 Sec. 5 to the Northeast corner of Block 19 Ybrrison0s Addition to West Saint Paul;- thence bearing Southeasterly along a line running frM said Northoast corner of Block 1 to the Northwest corner of Block 9, HitchcockOs Addition to West St. Paul, a distance of 30.0 ft.; thance bearing N. 320071 East a distance of 50 ft.; thence at right angles bearing S. 57x531 East a distance of 50 ft.; thence bearing N. 1 10150 W. a distance of 100 ft.; thence bearing Northmeterly to the Northeast corner of Lot 1, Block 29 MDrr1son0s Addition to West Saint Paul; thence bearing S. 10151 East to the point of beginning. That art of Government Lot 9 and Block 40 in West St. Paul Proper in the N. 11 Seca 8, T -28, R -229 lying within the following described liner Commnencing at the Southeast corner of Block 2, ftrrisonOs Addition to West St. Paul; thence bearing S. 10 150 East along tho Westerly line of the SE 1/4 Sec. 5 to the Northeast corner of Block 1, AbrrisanGs Addition, thence bearing Southeasterly along a line between said Northeast corner of Block 1, and the Northwest corner of Block 99 Hitchcock °s Addition to West St. Paul a distance of 30.0 ft.; thence bearing S. 320070 West a distanco of 80 ft.; thence at rights angiGs bearing S. 570530 East;a disuse of 130 ft. to the point of beginning of the property to be described; thence bearing N. 570530 best a distance of 60 ft.; thcace at right angles bearing S. 320070 West to the intersection with a line 50 ft. Southwesterly from, and parallel to the center line of the main track which is lie Southwesterly R/W line of the C.C.W. Rye; thence bearing Southeasterly aLon said R /19 line to'a point 60 ft. from the last described line; thence bearing North 320070 East to the paint of beginning. The Northerly 100 ft. of Lot 1 and that part of Lots 4, 59 and 69 Block 29 all in Morrison0s Addition to hest Saint Paul, lying North*& -ly of a line between the Southeast corner of said Lot 4 and a point on the Westerly line of said Lot 5 at a distance of 20 ft. Southerly of the Northmst corner of said Lot 5 and Southerly of a line between the Northwest corner of Lot 1 and Northwest; corner of Lot 69 Block 2, in said Addition, being part of the SW 1/49 Sec. 5, T -289 R-22,; and ali public streets, alloys and mays contiguous to the hereinebeve described lands and upon v ich said her'einabove described bands or any of the same abut, heretofore or hereafter vacated, together with all lands and Interests in lands which embrace every such contiguous public etreet, alley and Mayo w30 Condemning and taking teWorary easements required for construction of flood nulls, dikes, pumping station sites and other structures for flood control purposos on the follovAng described propertys The Northerly 20 ft. of Lot 16 and the Northerly 10 ft. of the Westerly 30 ft. of Lot 17 and the Westerly 30 ft. of Lot 14, all in Block 20 Hitchcock9s Addition to Vdest;,.`St. Paul. The Westerly 20 ft. of-Lot la, Block 1, Hitchcock's Addition to Vtest St, Paul. The Northwesterly 20 ft. of the southwesterly 10 ft. of Lot 7, Block 79 Langevin °s Second Addition. Also Lot 8, of said Block 7, except for that part of.said Lot 8 lying Westerly of a line beginning at the South- westerly corner of said lot; thence bearing Northerly to a point on the Southeasterly line of Perry SQL. at a distance of 17.5 ft. from the Northo westerly corner of said lot. The Easterly•10 ft. of Lot It Block 29 Potts° Addition to the City of St. Paul. The Easterly 30 ft. of Lots 3 and 49 Block 19 Potts) Addition to the City of St. Paul. The Easterly 45 ft. of Lots 1 and 2. Block 19 Potts° Addition, except for that part of-said lots lying between, tho Southerly line of Oregon St., the Westerly line of Fenton Ste and a line beginning at the South east corner of Lot 2; thence bearing Northwesterly to a point on the Southerly lima of Oregon St,, at a distance of 15 ft. Wdsterrly from the Northeast corner of said Block. The Southeasterly 20 ft. of the.Northeasterly*10 ft. of Lot 1 and the Northeasterly 20 ft. of Lot 129 Block 4, Kettering B Constans Addition to West St. Paul. Also the Northeasterly 60 ft. of Lots 13 and 14 of said Block 4 except for that part of said lots lying between the South - westerly line of Fenton St, and a line beginning at the Northeasterly corner of Lot 13; thence bearing Southeasterly to a point on the Northerly lino of Oregon St. at a distance of 40 ft. Westerly from the Southeasterly corner of said Block 4; thence bearing Easterly along the Northerly line of Oregon St. a distance of 40 ft* to the Southeasterly corner of Block 4 in said Addition. . That part of Lots 59 69 10 and 11, Block 6s Langevin °s Second Addition, lying Easterly of a line between the Southwesterly corner of Lot 10 and the Northeasterly corner of Lot 6 and lying Westerly of a line between the Southwesterly corner of Lot 11 and the Northoast corner of Lot 5. That part of Lots 2, 39 13, and 14, Block 3, Langevin °s Addition, lying Easterly of a line between tho Northeasterly corner of Lot 3 and the South - westerly coiner of Lot 13 and lying Westerly of a line between the North- easterly comer of Lot 2 and the Southwesterly corner of Lot 14. Also that part of Lots 69 79 9 and 10 of said Block 3 lying Westerly of a line be& ginning on the Southerly line of Florida St. at a distance of 30 ft. Easterly of the Westerly line of Lot 6; thenco bearing Southerly 4o a point on the Northerly line of Utah St. at a distance of 20 ft. Easterly of the Southwesterly corner of Lot 9 of void Block 3, Langevin °s Addition. 4 The Southwesterly 12.5 ft. of Lot 12 and.the Northeasterly 20 fto of Lot 119 all in Block 29 Langevin °s Addition to Saint Paul. That part of Lots 3, 49 and 5. Block 29 Langovin °s Addition lying Westerly of a line beginning at a point 10 ft. Southwesterly of the Southwest corner of said Lot 31 thence bearing Northeasterly to a point on the Northeasterly line of Lot 3 at a distance of 50 ft. Southeasterly from the Southeasterly line of Constans Sto and lying Easterly of a line between the Northeast corner of Lot 3 and a point on the Southeasterly line of Lot 5 at a distance of 15 ft.'Southweeterly from the Southwesterly comer of Lot 49 Block 29 Langevin °s Addition. The Northwesterly 30 ft. of Lot 9, Block 5,-Langevin0s Second Addition. Also that part of Lots 4, 59 6, 7 and 6 of said Block 59 lying Easterly of a line beginning at the Northeast corner of Lot 6; thence bearing Southerly to a point on the Southeasterly line of Lot 8 at a distance of 12.5 ft* easterly of the Southwest corner of said Lot 8 and lying Westerly of a line beginning at the Southmaterly corner of Lot 6; thence'bearing Northeasterly to a point on the* Southeasterly line of Constans St. at a distance of 10 ft. Northeasterly fm the Northwesterly corner of Lot 4 of said Block 59 Langevin °s Second Addition. That part of Lots 3 and 49 Block It Langevin °s Second Addition, lying Westerly of a line between the Northeast corner of Lot 3 and tho Southwest corner of Lot 4. Also Lot 14 and that part of Lots 12 and 13 of said Block i lying Easterly of a line between the Northeast corner of Lot 13 and the Southwest corner of Lot 12. The Southeasterly 39 ft. of Lot 59 Block 19 Langevins Second Addition to Saint Paulo The Southeasterly 20 ft. of the Northeasterly 331/3 fto of the Northwesterly 100 ft. of Lot 5, Block 1, in Langovins Second Addition to Saint Paulo The Northwesterly 10 ft. of Lots 6 thsu 10, Block 2, Langevint Second Addition to Saint Paul. That part of Government Lot 9 in-the NE 1/4 Sec. 8 and,the SE 1/4 Sec, 5, T -28, R•229 lying vAthin the following described lines Commencing at the Southeast corner of Block 21 Morrison °s Addition to West St. Paul; thwee bearing S. 1 01511 East along the Westerly line of the SE 1/4 Seco 5 -to the Northeast corner of Block 11, Morriaan °s Addition to WOast Ste Paull thence bearing Southeasterly along a straight line running from the Northeast coaror of Block l in said Morrison °s Addition and the Northwest corner of Block.90 Hitchcock's Addition to West St. Paul as distance of 30.0 ft.; thence bearing North 32007° Fast a distance of 50 ft*; thence at right angles bearing South 570530 East a distance of 56 ft. to the point of beginning of .the prop- erty to be described; thence bearing South 570530 East a distance of 110.0 ft*; thence at right angles bearing South 320071 West to tie intersection with a line bettym the Northeast corner of Block 1, MrrisWs Addition to West St. Paul and the Northwest corner of Block 99 Hitchcock's Addl -tion to West St. Paul; thence bearing Southeasterly along last described line a distance of 30.0 ft.; thence bearing North 32x0711 East a distance of 13000 ft.; thence bearing Northwesterly to the intersection with a line bearing North 10159• West from the point of beginning at a distance of 100,0 ft. from said point of beginning; thence along said line bearing South 10150 East a distance of 100.0 ft* to the point of beginningo' .P5v y r. That part of Goverment Lot 9 and Block 40 in West St. Paul Proper, being part of SE 1/4 Sec. 5 and the North 1/2 Sec. 8, T -28. R -229 lying vA thin. the follaGring described lines& Coamaancing at the SoUthoest corner of Block 29 Morrison °s Addition to West St« Paul; thence bearing South 10151 East to the Northeast corner of Block 11, Abrrison °s Addition to West St. Paul; thence bearing Southeasterly along a lino botvmen said Northeast corner of Block 1 and the Northwest corner of Block 99 Hitchcock °s Addition to Weet St. Paul, a distance of 30 £t.; thence bearing South 3200711 Vilest a dista3nce of 60 ft.; thence at right angles bearing South 57°53° East a distance of 160.0 ft* to the point of beginning of the property to be described; thence bearing North 320070 East to the intersection vAth a line betmen the Northeast corner of Block 1, Morrison °s Addition to West St. Paul and the Northwest corner of Block 9, Hitchcock °s Addition to West St. Paul; thence bearing Southeasterly along said line a distance of 30.0 ft.; thence bearing South 32'070 West a distance of 70 ft.; thence bearing Northwesterly to the point of beginning. Also that land lying within the following line from said point of beginning; thence bearing North 570531 West a distance of 30 ft.; thence at right angles bearing South 320071 West a distance of 190 ft.; thence at right angles bearing South 57c530 East a distance of 30 ft.; thence at right angles bearing North 320070 East a distance of 190 ft. to the point of beginning. Also that part of said Goverment Lot 9 and Block 40 in Vest St..Paul Proper lying uAthin the following described lines Commencing at the Southeast corner of Block 2, Morrismile Addition to West St, Paul; thence bearing South 10150 East along the.Weeterly line of the SE 1/49 Sec. 5, to the Northeast corner of Block 1 in said Mrrison0s.Addition; thence bearing Southeastaxl y along a line betueen the Northeast corner of Block 1 in said Morrison °s Addition and than Northwest corner of Bibck 9, Hitchcock's Addition to West St. Paul, a distance of 30 ft.; thence bearing South 320071 West a distance of E0.0 ft.; thence at right angles bearing South 570531 East a distance of 40 ft, to the point of beginning of the property to be described; thence bearing South 570530 East a distance of 3a ft., thence at right angles bearing South 32007° West to the .Lntersection with a lino 50 ft. Sou,thVesterly from and parallel to the center line of the C.C•.Wo Ry main track thich is the Southumsterly Ry R/W line; thence bearing Northmstesly along said Southwesterly R/W line a distance of 30 ft.; thence bearing Northeasterly to tho point of beginning. - 6 - a 200001 r - Council File No ................. ......_ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of thefollowing public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: Dated this---- ...... 3 - -.day of .................................... DodQtnber ................... - -, 19' ..q - MI- torr-Roseen --------- ------------------------------------------------------------ Oomar. at PuKlo Rio *ar Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ,4 Sow as attaohed • ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - - - - -- having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul ...... _ ....... _ ................................... ............................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council- .................................................... n C o I -1q T �0 � YEAS NAYs Councilman DeCou rcy } Ho l land Approved ................ DEC-11-1.98.9 -------......-----..........-------- Loss Peterson Rosen MR. PRESIDENT Vavou 1 i s Mayor. 3000 7-54 V