08-672Council File # Green Sheet # Ip� 3054942 RESOLUTION C TY OF S T PAi3L, MINNESOTA �/ Presented By: � _ 1 RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Pau1, Police Deparhnent, is authorized to enter into the attached a�eement 2 witti Independent School District #625 to provide the School Resource Officer Program to schools in the 3 City of Saint Paul from July 1, 2008 through June 30, 2010. A copy of said agreement is to be kept on file 4 and on record in the Office of Financial Services. 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Bostrom Carter Thune Yeas Adopted by Council: Date: Adoption Cer�tifie by Co cil 5ecretary: BY� ///Gil/���,c��ov� Approved by or: Date: �J �J v� By: � � Requested by Department of: Appro�re y a r for b ission to Council: By: Q:\FiscdlAffai rs W O&CR�2008\S ROI SD625.crxls Approval Recommended by Financial Services: By:��'�� \ � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � ����� pp PoliceDepazm�ent 03,1UN-08 Green Sheet NO: 3054942 Contact Person 8 Phone: Chief John Hartington 266-5588 Must Be on Council Aaen Doc. rype: RESOLUTION E-DocumeM Required: Y DoeumentCOnWCt: EvetteScanrer ConpctPhone: 26E5541 � Assign Number For Routing Order Total # of Signature Pages _� (Clip All Locations for Signature) 0 oliceDe arlment PoliceDe artment I oliceDe artment POliCeDe ar(ment 2 ' Attorne Ci Attorue 9� 3 inancial Services Financial Services 4 or's Office 1VIa or 5 ouncit Conncil 6 i Clerk ' Cierk 7 olice De arhnent Police De aziment Signatures on the attached council resolution authorizing the City of Saint Paul, Police Department, to enter into the attached agreement with Independent School District #625 (ISD #625). Planning Commission GIB Committee Civil Service Commissian 1. Has this person/firtn ever worked under a contract for this department? Yes No 2. 4ias this pereon/firm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this personlfirm possess a skill not nortnally possessed by any current city empbyee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Authorizarion is needed to enter into an agreement with I5D #625 to provide services for the School Resource Officer Progcam (SRO) from July 1, 2008 through 7une 30, 2010. Advantage5lfApproved: Continuation of the SRO program in Saint Paul Schools from July 1, 2008•through June 3Q 201�. DisadvanWges !f Approved: None. Disadvantageslf NotApproved: Inability to conrinue the SRO program in the Saint Paul Schaols. Trartsaction: Funding Source: �SD #625 Financial Information: (F�cplai�) Activiry Number: 436-34107 Cost/Revenue Budgeted: �....,, e� onno �nno nnn n..,..,. e 6���� 2� Sc6001 Resource Officer (SRO) Program THIS AGREEMENT, made this April, day of twenry three, 2008, by and between INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTffiCT NO. 625, hereinafter referred to as "DistricY', and CITY OF SAINT PAIIL POLICE DEPARTMENT, hereinafter refened to as "City", WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the Board of Education of Independent School District No. 625 has by virtue of Board File No. , and the City Council, Ciry of Saint Paul has by viriue of Council Resolurion No. , authorized an agreement proviclin� School Resource Officer (SRO) services to the District; Now, therefore, TT IS HEREBY AGREED, by and between the parties, as follows: GeneraL The district agrees to pay City for the total program costs incurred as specified herein to pernut the assi�unent of School Resource Officers and Supervisor(s), all sworn police officers, for law enforcement and educational duties and services to be performed on behalf of the District during the period of Ju]y l, 2008 throueh June 30, 2010. The Scope of Services for this Ageement is as listed below. 2. Scope of Services. The SRO Program has two components: Basic Services: The City will provide nine (9) School Resource Officers for a period of 24 months. These personnel will he dedicated tA the duties of their schoo] assignments. These personnel will not be removed from the schools, except pursuant to section 6. The duties performed by School Resouxce Officers aze described in attached E�ibit A. The City and the Dish-ict shail work toward a commonality of what the SROs duties are, "post orders" as stated in E�ibit A. The City will provide each School Resource Officer with a police vehicle, gasoline, and vehicle maintenance. The City will provide a Sergeant that is responsibie for the supervision of School Resource Officers and maintaining a working relarionship between the City and the School Diskict's Seciuiry staff. 3. Term of Agreement. This Agreement will cover the period of July 1, 2008 througtt June 30, 2� 10 inclusive. A. Condidon of Employment. All services and duties performed by the assigned Officers wi11 be within tl�e course of employment by the Ciry. Officers, as City employees assigned under the A�eement, will remain employees of the City and, therefore, are covered by the City's Workers Compensation Program, will be paid by the City, and aze entitled to a11 benefits provided by their employer. Officers assi�ed under the Agreement will be expected to abide by and aze governed by the rules a�d regtilafions of the City. 5. Indemnification and Hold Harmless. Each party wiil indemnify and hold harmless tl�e other garty for acrions and representarions made by its own employees, officials, agents and representafives, which occur in the performance of the terms of this Ageement ot their employment duties and the resu]ts thereof to the eactent authorized by law and shall not be responsible for the acts and/or omissions of the other party or that party's employees, officials, agents or representatives and the results thereo£ The Iiabiiiry of ffie parties shall be Iimited and �ovemed by provision of the Minnesota Torts Claim Act, Minnesota Statutes Chapter 466, et esq., and other applicable law. 6. Performance. Soth parties accept full responsibility for performance of the duries outlined herein but neither the Ciry nor the Dishict shall be held responsible for non-performance of its duries ox responsibilities under this Agreement if the party's performance was prevented by acts or events beyond the party's reasonable control, including but not limited to: severe weather and storms, earthquake or other natural occurrences, strikes and other labor unrest, power failures, electrical power ii ' � surges or current fluctuations, nuclear or other civil or military emergencies, or acts of 3egislative, judicial, executive, or administrat5ve authoritiea Additionally, each SRO will remain under the City's direction and control, and will be subject to police emergency recalls for service, acrivation of any Tactical Alert throu�hout the City, and/or as officer necessiries arise elsewhere in the City. Emergency recalUtactica] alertlofficer necessity decisions are within the Ciry's discrerion and are not subject to quesrion or liability under this A�eement. Data Privacy. The CSty and District agree to abide by Minnesota Statutes (Minnesota Govemment Data Aactices Act) as well as any other applicable federal, state, and local laws and ordinances. 8. Changes. a. The City or District may request changes that would increase, decrease, or otherwise modify the Scope of Services. Such changes and methods must be a�'eed to and authorized in writing in advance 6y the Distnct and City. Any alterations, amendments, dele�ions or waivers of the provisions of this Agreement shall be valid only when reduced to writing and duly executed by the parties. b. It is understood and agreed that this entire Agreement supersedes any and al] oral ageements and negotiations between the parties relating to the subject matter herein. a lf the School Dishict wishes to increase the number of officers, the City may honor such a request at its sole discretion. The Schoo3 District will fund the total proa am costs of the additional officers, unless otherwise agreed to in writing by the parties. 9. Miscellaneous. a. Any failwe of a party to assert any right under this Agreement shall not consritute a waiver or a termination of that rie,�t, this Agreement, or any provisions of this Ageement. b. If a court or government agency with proper jurisdiction determines that any provision of this Agreement is unlawful and rules such provision void, the balance of this Agreement shall remain intact and in full force and effect. c. This A�eement sball be interpreted and consvued according to the laws of the State of Minnesota. AIl litigetion related to this Agreemenf shall be the venue of the Dishict CQUrC of the Counry of Ramsey, Second 7udicial Dishict, State of Minnesota. d. The School District may conduct a study and analysis of their drug prevention efforts and the enforcement duties at ffie schools. The City shall have an active and participatory role in any of these studies. 10. Payments and Billings. a The City will bill the District for reimbursement as outlined herein for the costs of the SRO Program. All bills will be paid according to the terms of the Minnesota Prompt Pay Law (35 days). b. For the School DistricYs budgeting purposes, in September of each year, the City will provide an esrimate of the costs of the SRO program for the foIlowing yeaz. The estimated costs for 2008-2010 have been identified and are as stated in attached E�ibit B. The city will similariy provide cost estunate of services for the following year each September but providing this estimate does not create an agreement for the following yeaz c. In all cases, actua] costs and not a budget estimate will form the basis for reimbursement billings to the School Dishict. If at any time during the period of this contract, the City estimates, or has reason to believe, that ffie final contract billing will exceed their original estimate by 10% or more, they shall promptly norify ffia Distrlct in writing. The District or the City shall have the option of suspending this ' � � , program for the balance of that school year, but such suspension wil] not affect the annual renewa] of this contract, as sgecified herein. 11. Termination. a In the event that the SRO pxo�am is eliminated for any reason, this agreement will automatically temrinate. At that point, services will be billed and paid for the rime the progam was in effect and police personnel provided. A new agteement must be executed prior to the resumprion of the SRO pro�am. b. If either party wishes to terminate this a�eement, it may do so by providing 60-day written norice to the other parry, unless otherwise provided herein. Termination may occur according to a schedule mutually ageed upon in writing by both parties. 12. Notices. Written notices required by this agreement are to be addressed to the following representatives of each party: City: City of Saint Paul Police Departrnent Commander, Youth Services SecTion 367 Grove Street Saint Paul, MN. 5510] District: Saint Paul Pnblic SchooLs Chief Operating Officer 360 Colbome Street Saint Paul, MN. 55102 �-��a- II3 WITNESS WHEREOF, the pazties hereto have executed this A�eement, the day and yeaz first above written. � ,� � � Exhibit A 437.15 School Resource Officer Program School Resource O�cers shail work with students to facilitate positive police contacts, to promote positive choices and activities, and to establish rapport and encourage open communications. SROs shal{ ensure a safe and secure educational environment for all faculty and students in the Saint Paul Public Schools. School Resource OfFicers wiii conduct foot and squad patrol of the school grounds checking for individ�als foitering or acting in an inappropriate manner. Schoof Resource Officers wilt maintain high visibility during cafeteria hours, school arrivai times, and dismissal times. The School Resource O�cer will actively intervene when s/he observes fighting, disruptive foud boisterous behavior, individuals damaging property, gang activity or committing other criminal acts. School Resource Officers are assigned to the senior high schoois and junior high schools on a geographic basis. The deployment of the officers may also be based on the volume of calls for service. Schoo4 Resource Officers are a(I Saint Paul police o�cers and are assigned by the Chief of Police. Candidates must have at �east 2 years of generai pofice experience. Candidates are asked to submit a letter of interest and resume outli�ing past professional history inciuding activities involving youth. School Resource Officers are provided with office space, telephone, portable rad+os, Laptop computers, and cameras by the school district. The office space is located inside the senior and junior high schools. The schooi district shafi provide annual in- service training with regard to school policies, practices, procedures, school security plans, emergency operation pians, and expectations of Schoo( Resource Officers through instruction and written guidelines. Duties of the School Resource Officers: The School Resource Officer will meet with the administrator, teachers and staff of the senior and junior high schools including the principai, asst. principals, counselors, social workers and nurses. The School Resource Officer wiil take initial offense reports inciuding information reports requested by the school district. The School Resource O�cer wil! also assist with investigations on cases that they initiate or other cases where the suspect or victims are in schools and otherwise unavailable. The Schoo! Resource Officer wi{I also assist with incidents that take pface on school buses. The School Resource Officer will conduct informational ciasses for staff on subjects that they have expertise in, including gangs, drugs and the criminal justice system. �-���- The School Resource O�cer wili also work with youth after hours at their schools providing students with coaching/mentoring. The School Resource O�cer wifl confer with parents, neighbors and other members of the community and provide speeches as necessary. All after school speeches must be reques[ed through the Community Service Unit's Speaker's Bureau. The School Resource O�cer will assist with truancy and other status offenses and recommend actions to reduce delinquency. The School Resource O�cer wiil as they move from school to school aiso remain cognizant of matters requiring police attention in the neighborhoods and business area near the schoois. The School Resource O�cer may assist other officers on calls for service in and near the schools and wili assist the districts with juvenile problems by assisting in identifying the locations where students congregate and cause disturbances. School Resource Officers will take part in the PPC (Probiem Pupil Committee) process acting as an information conduit. School Resource Officers Operating Procedures: School Resource Officers wili work from 0700 to 1500 hours, Monday through Friday during the school year. Officers then report directly to their primary school. The officers are to contact the 7uvenile Unit office by phona to check in for the day and to check for messages and mail. O�cers will also check in with the principals of their primary schools. Officers will check out with their primary school when they leave the school for an extended period of time. Officers shaN check out with the chief secretary either verbally or using a sign out form that the school wili develop. It is an expectation that School Resource Officers wiil remain within a reasonable distance of their assigned schoolJs. Officers shall make ali requests for time off (holiday, sick Ieave and compensatory time} through the Juvenile Unit School Resource Offiicer Sergeant. School Resource Officers wifl notify the school principals of any sick leave and additional planned time ofF. School Resource Officers are not permitted to take any extended vacations during the school year and are expected to take the majority of their time off on days that school is closed. OfFicers are expected to take the balance of their vacatio� time during the summer break, afthough they may hoid sufficient vacation time to accommodate the winter and spring vacation periods. Effective 7anuary 1, 20D7 f � i i Eghibit B School Resource Officer Estimate Julv 1, 2008 throu�h June 30, 2010 Police Officers Salary 2008-2009 2004-2010 Ator, Dustin Bakken, Greg Diaz, Ruby Kraus, William Mayavski, Williazn Rost, Cindy Shanley, Shawn Simmons, Vernon Thazalson, Michael 55,302 62,088 64,194 65,988 62,088 51,272 64,194 67,132 65,988 56,461 63,951 66,120 67,968 63,951 52,810 b6,120 69,146 67,968 Tatal Salary 9 Police Officer FTEs + 3% neg. increase Police Officer Fringe Benefits 36% Unifor►n Allawance Total Salaries, Fringe Bene�ts & Uniform Allowance City of Saint Paul Share 574,993 206,997 8,010 740.000 $100,000.00 592,245 213,208 8,010 813.463 $100,000.00 ISD 625 Share $690,000.00 $713,463.00 ., Ii � IIVDEPENDEN7 SCHOOL D1STRlCT NO. 62b BOARD OF EDUCATION SAINT PAUL PUBLIC SCHOOLS DATE: May 20,2068 70PIG: Agreement with City of Sainf Paut Police department for Shared Costs Of School Resource Officers A. PERTINENT FACTS: 1. The current agreement between the district and the City of Saint Pauf Pofice Department for shared costs of police of8cers tA provide schoot resource officer serviCes in the OistricYs facilities expires June 30, 2008. 2. The administration has been negotiating a new agreement for fiscal years 2008-2009, and 2009-2014 for services with the Saint Paui Police Department Other Yhan reducing the number of School Resource Officers from 12 to 9, a(I terms and conditions of the new agreement wi0 remain substantialiy the same as the previous agreeme�t. 3. Funding for the DistricYs share of costs for this agreement will be provided from the Safety and Security budget (both the dedicated Safe Schools Levy and general fund revenue�. Distribution ot costs wilf be as follows: Agency City of Saint Paul ISD 625 Saint Paul Pubfic Schoofs � 2008 — 2009 $100, 000.00 $690,400.00 2009 -2010 $100,000.00 $713,463.00 4. This pro}ect will meet the District target area goafs by aligning resource ailocation to District priorities 5. This item is submitted 6y William WaterkamQ, Safety and Security AdministratAr, and Hitesh Haria, Chief Operations Officer. RECOMMENDATtON: Thaf the Board of Education consider and authorize the Chair and Clerk to execute an agreement with the City of Saint Paul Police Departmenf to provide School Resource Officers for services to the Saint Paul Pu6(ic Schools for the term July 1, 2Q08 through June 30, 2010 in accordance with alI terms and provisions of said agreement. Revised 5lT708