08-671Council File # (� �� � Green Sheet # �� Presented By 1 WI-IEREAS, the Saint Paul Police Department wishes to investigate the use of GPS 2 systems in tracking auto theft; and 4 WFIEREAS, Bunce Industries, LLC has a Forensic Partners Educarional Grant Program 5 which would allow the Police Deparhnent to purchase a GPS system from Bunce at greatly 6 reduced cost; and 7 8 WHEREAS, the Police Deparhnent wishes to purchase a Hiper Lite+ Forensic Mapping 9 System and accessory items with a list price of $46,695, and to accept grant funding in the 10 amount of $46,695.00 as an eligible official police training facility; now, therefore, be it 11 12 RESOLUED, that the Saint Paul Police Department is authorized to accept the donation 13 of grant funding from Bunce Industries, LLC for assistance in purchasing the Hiper Lite+ 14 Forensic Mapping System and accessory items at the reduced price. Adoption Cemfied by Counc�l Secretary By: —�lj `�S Approved by May � a� � 00 By. RESOLUTION OF PAUL, MINNESOTA �� I 2-� Requested by Departrnent oE Adopted by Council: Date �/�J /�/�lJ� � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � (�'LP� ( � PD — Po]iceDepamnent ; CofMact Person & Phone: � ChiefJOhnHartington 266-5588 Mus[ Be on ; Doa Type: RESOLUTION E-Document Required: Y Document Contact: Evette Scarver ,. CoMaet Phone: 266-5541 03-JUN-08 I Green Sheet NO: 3054941 � � �eueruneua ac+n �orc�wn i I 0 �WiceDeP��t i PoticeDeo��ent Assign i olice Deuartmeut Police Deoartruent Number For 2 '�ror's OtLce I Maror Routing 3 d Comcil ' Order 4 Yv Clerk I Ctitv Clerk 5 oliceDepartlnent I PoliceDeparmient Total # of Signature Pages �(Clip All Loeations for Signature) Signatures on the attached council resoluUOn authorizing the City of Saint Paul, Police Deparmient, ro purchase a Hiper Lite+ Forensic Mapping System and accessory items. idafions: Approve (A) or F Planning Commission q6 Committee Civil Service Commission 1. Has this persoNfirm ever worked untler a contract for this departmenY? Yes No 2. Has Nis personffirtn ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this persoMfirm possess a skill not nortnally possessed by any avent ciry employee? Yes No Explain all yes answeYS on separate sheet and attach to green sheet Initiati�g Problem, lssues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): The Police Departrnent will purchase a Hiper Lite+ Forensic Mapping System and accessory worth $46,695 and accept a grant fundin in the amoant of $46,695 as an eligible official police training facility. Ad,yamages !f Approved: Oeportunity to inves[igate [he use of GPS systems in �acking auto the8. Disadvantages If Approved: None. Disadvantages If Not Approved: Lost opportunity to investigate the use of GPS systems in tracking auto thefr. - i otai wmoum ot Transaction: $46,695.00 funding Source: Financial Information: (EUplain) June 3, 2008 12:48 PM CosURevenue Budgeted: Aetivity Number: Page 1 S� Page 1 of 1 Mike Brick - Re: GPS Grant Status �'lY� � From: Mike Brick To: G2vesen, Greg Date: 5/29/2005 10:59 AM Subject: Re: GPS Grant Status CC: Scarver, Evette Greg, this was the one that the City Attorney was going to create a gift resolution for and I talked to her this morning and she forgot that she was going to do that. I just got back from her office, she wrote it up while I was there. I'm going to interoffice this over to Evette Scarver at the accounting office in Gri�n so she can prepare the green sheet to route it for signatures. Then you will have to have this put on the City Council agenda so they can sign-off. After they sign-off send a copy to me and T can create the purchase order. Let me know if you have any questions, thanks. Mike Brick Contract Services/City of St Paul/Ramsey County 651-266-8909 »> Greg Gravesen 5/27/2008 727 PM »> Yes, it is the one for Bunce Industries. Thanks. Greg »> Mike Brick OS/27/08 3:20 PM »> Greg I believe the po was cut a while back for this. I'm having someone check on it and will let you know what she finds out. This is the one for Bunce right? Mike Brick Contract Services/City of St Paul/Ramsey County 651-266-8909 »> Greg Gravesen 5/23/2008 3:43 PM »> Hi Mike. Can you advise the status of this grant/purchase? Do you have an anticipated date this wiil be concluded? Thanks. Greg Gravesen file://C:�Documents and Settings�Brick�L,ocal Settings\Temp�XPgrpwise\483E8C84maildp... 5/29/2008 03/28/2008 11:54 6512665852 �� _ `Li. . . -- : - �r _I: �1��, '�.� . 4 , __ :�i �� .�i�� 873 Great Rd. Stow, MA 01775 Phone (846) 225-9400 Fax (978) 897-3504 Office �ocadons Berlin, CT: {866) 388-9068 Fax (860) 829-5014 FORENSIC EDUCATIONAL PARTNERS GRANT PROGRAM DATE: Customer Info: SPPD CWS February 28, 2408 Name: Agency: Street Address City, ST ZlP Code Phone: Fax: �' I Bunce Industries LLC is pleased to announce their Forensic partners Educational Grant Program. This privately funded program is designed to help bri�g advanced technology into accredited colle�e and official police training facilities. In order to be eligible for this grant funding, the requestin� agency must use tha equipment in combination with their existing forensic mapping, crash recanstruction and crime scene reconstructien programs. PAGE 01/03 Agencies requesting to purchase a system under this program must submit a purchase order or tetter of i�tent to purchase from an aceredited college or o�cial police training facility. Training will be provided at Bunce Industries main office located in Stow, Ma. There is no additional charge for attending the training however agencies will be responsible for providing thei� own transportation and travel arrangements. A lisz of motels offering government rates will be provided to those attending. This class is designed for the train the treiner arid each participati�g agency witl be limited to two attendees. This program has three systems available. For New England Agencies, Access to Bunce's GPS Network will be added at no additional charge. This ailows for Forensic Mapping within the Network Coverage with just the use of a GPS Rover Pole. for agencies outside of the New England Area, you wilf have a choice of a GR3 ease and Rover System with is capa�le of receivirtg the European GPS System once online(Galileo) as 03/28/2008 11:54 6512665852 SPPD CWS PAGE 02/03 bg - (�'11 w211 as the United States and Russian GPS Systems (Glonass�. The second system availaBle is the Hiper Lite+System which includes the a6ilityto map using the United States GPS System as well as the Russian GPS System (Glonass) Each system includes standard manufacturer warranties. , 01-8448�Z-O6X 27-000004-34 27-Od0007-U4 27-040401-01 27-006011-128 22-0�6004-01 3a-030009-01 51861 51940 55501 9060-1346 60516 HIPER LITE+ WITH USB AND CABLES RTK 10 HZ, GPS/GLONASS L1+L2 ADVANCED MULTIPATH REDUCTION HIPER 6PS/GlONASS Ll/L2 OPTION DATA RECORDING CAPACITY 128 MB LITE POLE (COMpO51TE POLE} TAPE, HI POCKET2 METER TRIBRACH ADAPTER MODEL S2 PLUG AQAPTER TRIBRACH 20J OPTICAL PLUMMET CASE HIPER LITE+SHIPPING FC-200 ROD BRACKETT $34,000.00 29-034016-07 TOPCON TOOLS COMPLETE W/USB KEY $11,250.00 60515 FG2d� 512M6 WITH TOPSURV BFCARD $4Q45.00 TOTAL LIST PRICE $49,695.00 BUNCE GRANT FUNDING -40,70�.00 � � �' � � 11 03/28/2008 11:54 6512665852 SPPD CWS PAGE 03/03 /,�'(�C� � . �. ... 8058G3-OEB �0�0-02 �o�aoi 7070-03 29-034016-07 8620G3B 8620G3R 60515 GR3, 915 BASE AND RQVER KIT UNLlMITED oAF, G3, GLONA55,1.1 L2 TRACKWG OAF, G3, GPS LS TRACKING OAF, G3 GALILEOTRACKING TOPCON TOOLS COMPLETE WITH USB KEY GR3 BASE ACCESSORY KIT GR3 ROVERY ACCESSORY KIT FC-200 W/TOPSURV COMPLETE TOTAL LIST PRICE BUNCE GRANT FUNDING $3a,9oa.00 $�000.00 $5000.00 $6000.Oa INCLUDED $1795.00 $995.00 $4445.00 $60,135.00 -$43,350.00 NET-G3 RE�ERENCE STATIOIVS NEW ENGLAND AGENC4ES ONLY O1-064701-D1 NET G3 GN35 REC�IVER $1A,995',00 BUNCE FUNDING $14,995.00 PARTNER COST: $0.00