08-67Council File # Q8- � Green Sheet # 3�47717 RESOLUTION 3-� CITY,OF SAII)I,T PAUL, MINNESOTA rresenced RESOLVED, that the rate of pay for the following classifications and grades in the Special Employment Salary Schedule, Employee Group #99, be cl�anged from the current hourly rates to 5 Occ Parks and Recreation Worker I Code Grade 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 CURRENT 494A 31H $6.15 $6.25 $638 $6.75 $7 $7.25 $7.5 FUTURE EFFECTIVE DATES • After the first pay period foilowing its passage 494A 31H $6.15 $6.25 $6.55 $6.75 $7 $7.25 $7.5 and approval thru the beginning of the pay period priorto 7/24/08. • 7/24/08 thni the beginning of the pay period 494A 31H $6.55 $6.75 $7 $7.25 $7.5 prior to 7/24l09. • Effective the beginning of the pay period prior 494A 31H $7.25 $7.5 to 7/24/09. Note: Federal Minimum Wa e is $6.55 er hour as of 7/24/OS and $7.25 er hour as of 7/24/09. the future hourly rates as listed below; and be it v�- �� FINALLY RESOLVED, that this resolution shall take effect and be in force on the first pay period following its passage and approvaL Requested by Deparpnent of. Adoption Certified by Counci] Secretary By. _- � � Approv M : D By. By. Approved By. Approved By. Appr qv By. \ I:\Systems �crelopmmtSavon\Otg t��ign\Coawalimt-McKeownU.isa's Class Wo+kNTm��m W�e ChavgeUtesol�6on 0]Mm WageChmiga 2.doc Adopted by Council: Date ��Lo�jJ� � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � p�-(�'1 DepartrnenVoffice/councii: Date Initiated: H � -�u��R� 20.DEC-07 Green Sheet NO: 3047717 ConWct Person & Phone: Lisa McKeown 266-6479 Must Be on Council Aaen y Assign Number For Roufing Order 0 uman Resources n,,N 7 umanR¢sources De artmentDirector V'! " , �2 mantial Serrices ce Financial Servicu 7 3 i ' Attorne y �.� l.� 4 a or•s OtHee Ma orlAssistant 5 ouncil Ci Counol 6 i Clerk Ci Cierk Doc. Type: RESOLUTION W/$ TR4NSAC E-Document Required: Y Document ConWct; Lisa McKeown Contact Phone: 266-6479 Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip Ali Locations for Signature) Action Requested: This resolution adjusts the rates of pay for those titles that will be below the minimum wage. itlations: Approve (A) or R Planning Commission CIB Committee Civil Service Commission 1. Has this person/firtn ever worked under a contract for this department? Yes No 2. Has this pereon/firm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this persoNfirtn possess a skill nol normally possessed by any curtent city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separete sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (VJho, What, When, Where, Why): Cmrently the City of Saint Paul rates of compensation meet State and Federai minimum wage laws. Cutrent State minimum wage is $6.15/hour and the current Federal minimum wage is $5.85lhour. As of 7/24/08, Federai minimum wage will be $6.55 per hour and as of 7/24/09 it will be $725 per hour . Due to tlils law, all rates of compensation were reviewed and the following changes aze being made to the Special Employment Salary Schedule, Employee Group 99. Advantages If Approved: Compliance with State and Federal minimum wage laws. Disadvantages If Approved: None. Disadvantages If Not Approved: Non-compliance with State and Federal minamum wage laws. Transaction: Funding Source: Financial information: (Explain) CosURevenue Sudgeted: Activity Number: December 20, 2007 5:39 PM Page 1