199951X995, ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. LICENSE COMMITTEE C UNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM CY � OMMISSIIONE ��� DATF Dec • 6, 1960 RESOLVED: That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses stated, be and the same are hereby granted. Connolly Mtr. Service, Inc. 24 W. College Pri.Gas PumpApp.5453 NNL. Wayne Davis, Marvin Widness & Paul Hokanson 591 w. 7th VM Loc. " 11582""" Frank Schleeht 500 Sherburne Wndw. C1ng. ( 2nd. fl. & up) , 11744# o& f Bold Medal Bev. Co. %Jewish Home for the Aged, Inc. 1554 Midway Pkwy. VM Loc. App.11869 "0" Gene T. Betz 405 S. Wabasha " III 12059 "m" St. Paul 7Up Bottling Co. Montgomery Ward & Co." " 1400 University` " %Ramsdell Chermak Co. 43 E. Colorado " " " %Twin City Engine Rebuilders 1754 University" " LeRoy Sehoweller 745 S. Robert Gas Sta. 4P " " " Gen.Rep. Gar. " " VM Loc. " 12140 "0" 1215-" n n 1218311 n n 12190 "N" n nun " n"" Vending Service Corp. %Stevens Amusement Corp. 1053 Grand " " 12197 "0" u Papital Theatre, Inc. 1077 Payne " " 12199H11" Theodore D. Stadler 997 Payne Beauty Shop " 1234+ "N" Eddie C. Thompson %Elmer D. Heppner 1266 Donahue VM Loc. " 12356 "0" Martin F. Gibis 130 W. Winifred Grocery " 12358 " "" " e Butcher 0 f Sale Malt" " COUNCILMEN " Adopted by the caifette " 19- u n n Yeas Nays DeCourey Rolland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis sm 5.60 q6JR0 2 Council File No. 199951 —By Mrs. Donald M. DeCourcy —Robert F. Peterson — Milton Rosen— i Resolved, That licenses applied for by the ppersons named on the list attached to this resolution be and the same are hereby granted, and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the City treasury of the required fees. 119 0dopted by the Council December 6, Approved December 6, 1960. (December 10, 1960) Approved 19_ Mayor ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL FCOUNCIL NO. ,LICENSE COMMITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY 6 19 60 COMMISSIONER DA's Dec • Contd. Page 2 ._9951 Mary H. Richardson 168 N. Fairview Beauty Shop App.12360NNL. Pepdi Cola Bottling Co. %Investors Confection, Inc. 741 Selby VM Loc. ° 12369110" " %Hope Chest Co. 306 N. Snelling " n 12381 "11" " %Klein Super Markets, Inc. 522 S. Snelling " N 12383 "011 " % N 633 w. 7th " 12395""" 5 %G. C. Murphy Co. 1566 University " if 12390""" " %R.B. Boak Co. 329 E. 4th " " 12416 "N" 5 %General Foods Corp. 475 N. Prior " It 12420 "''" It %Minnesota Union Advocate 40g Auditorium " " 124225 "" N %Olson Photographic Supplies, Inc. 2446 Univ." " 12424011" It %Webb Publishing Co. 55 E. 10th 5 " 12427 "0" Chittenden & Eastman Co. 2402 University 2nd.fl. VM Loc." 12578 " "" Vaughn's Pet Hen Co. %Muriel Rosenblum 369 N. Dale VM Loc. n 12605 0N" Ray L. Johnson 1040 S. Cleveland Gen.Rep.Gar.S 12643 "0" VM Loc. " 126435nn n u Cigarette Overton Sales Co., Inc. %Mont omery Ward & Co. 1400 University VM Loc. " 12654nnn T.W. Opheim %Farwell Ozman & Kirk Co. 160 E. Kellogg VM Loc." 12681 "nn N %Spotts Mailing Corp. 2402 -14 University VM Loc. " 12695nnri COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19 Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis SM S.sO Z Tn Favor Against Approved 19 Mayor G'RIGINAL TO CITY CLERK 19 9951 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO LICENSE COMMITTEE COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED / COMMISSIONER DATE Dec. 6, 1960 Contd. Page 3 Floyd F. Dodge 1202 N. Dale Gas Sta. 6P App.1270ONM, Gen.Garage q fl tiaN a " Cigarette till" Melvin F. Thompson Harry Miakelson COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen __Wx, Pre&ider TP - - u4s__ ISM s -6o 2 1717 Selby Mtr.Veh.Dr. ti 12725 ""N 96 W. Robie N a 1 �728""H DEC 6 Adopted by the Council 19— DEG 6 1950 Approved 19— Tn Favor , Mayor Against