199936ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL FILENCIL N0:4' 9916 f 9 LICENSE COMAaTTEE OFFICE OF' THE CITY CLERK y ., C _QUNCIL RESOLUTION - GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY � ��� n 3:5 December 6, 1960 COMMISSIONER l Nn '� L\, 24- DATE RESOLVED: That On5ale Liquor License No. 5682, expiring January 31, 1961, issued to the Exchange Bar, Inc. at 499 Wabasha Street be and the same is hereby transferred to the Exchange Bar, Inc. at 499 -501 Wabasha Street and the license be amended to cover the Main Barroom and Adjoining Room. TRANSFER (Addll Location and Coverage) Informally approved by Council November 10, 1960 Orig. Appn. 6091 Council File No. 199936 —By Mrs. Donald i M. DeCourcy— Robert F. Peterson —� Milton Rosen — Resolved, That On Sale Liquor Li- cense No. 5682, expiring January 31, 1961, issued to the Exchange Bar, Inc. at 499 Wabasha Street be and the same is hereby, transferred to the Exchange Bar, Inc. at 499 -501 Wabasha Street and - the license be amended to cover the Main Barroom and Adjoin- ing Room. Adopted by the Council December 6, 1960. Approved December 6, 1960. (December 10, 1960) J SM 5.60 2 UVn g 1so COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays DeCourcy DEG Q� g Holland Approved 19— Loss Tn Favor Mortinson Peterson /� Mayor K Rosen Against en , avou SM 5.60 2