199575COUNCIL FILE NO. FINAL ORDER In the Matter of r -199575 --------------- - - - - -- council File'No. 199575 — In the matter of changing the grade of the alley in Block 9, Eastville $eights, from 229 ft. West of Mendota Ave. to Ai6ade St. to conform to the f fade as shown on, the profile on file in he Department of Public Works; �1 '7rading and surfacing the alley ir' 'T ,st, We NHeights, from _ `o thr, , ,co. changing the grade of the alley in Block 9f Eastville Heights,, from 220 ft.- v West of Mendota Ave. ,to Arcade St. to .confo to tliQ grade Qs, shorn on ;'' proF:tle on file = i_ n fihe Dept. o Pub]3c i+iorke also grading and burfacing' the alley in Bl�ck .µj T �. 9, Eastville Heights; from Mendota St. to Arcade St. to :the proposed change of grade; also constructing a sewer in the alley from a point 220 fte West of Mendota, Ste to Preliminary Ordtr.1....ft........ of Men dote,Atg -;Ed ,..• :� J! � I ................. also . onstLructing a sewer in an easement 4%.e.obtained ,oxt- _the. Easterly - -h ft ............. Ino� r 'flock °q - i9 v3. x'ea�rpof'lldarllb�andvlll ���, R�eJ�1�1���+: �4vegoitolztthe�hl ].eyrtd.rihtY�o�lncil having heard al person., objections_ and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it — RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise n % cure, extent and kind of im- p ov, ment to be Piade by flip sm -3'0 City ia..- to change the grade of the alley. in $lock 9,. Eastville: Heiglite'� tYaml 220 !t. West of Mendota Ave. to.Arcade Sti to conform to the-grade as shown on the profile oa file in.• the :Deft. of Public, Works;- Block -93. Iastvi :also- e and - surae the alley iri� le f c Heights�i frb® Mendota , St. to Arcade St. to the proposed Change of ^grade; - •T....� .._ also construct agseev�er, in the alldy�froom a point 220 ft. West of mend" St. an4PLo,it- TR'1, itf hKI81 ' rc9ers aaiP lmprovMeluent to bee Wade. 1?:SOLVFn F'T3RTH1;1;. h ��i ,�� f s o' and �p eruct � HER. T ri �� eeg-g > t `W ba o� ,ineT - jW iiha diraisR tCp r P .d" '� �•• r Eat v a.x n J -' 411C• - 'd`GELL 2�41, ].oc'lf s�ii7lelge�i�o�rG�nd �8'$�o�vr4'oaf� �I1Z e z or apI ��� vaP.�c8iAppraval, t e grope ;• city officals are hereby authorized and directed to, pro - ce PR v lATahing of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council ---- %OLV----. r ------------------------------------- 1 -- - - - - - - - -- - - - -- NOV 8 1 City Clerk. Approved-------------- - - - - -- File 15022 - Councilman DeCourcy Councilman Holland Councilman Loss Councilman Mc rtinson Councilman Peterson Councilman Rosen Mayor Vavdulis 2.55 2M 2 OOW --------------------------- Mayor. r CITY OF ST. PAUL ' • DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE • REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE l • ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the matter of T _ - - 1 _$� -' - _ . ►N1F,.',fS iltS� ,M���'I. 'yam!. �' '1�lWw�VF���' cr-- "'�`r...ti, • � 1--•ti. } _ 'ur' a`� T • �!.� , a7 °` �= -� :i' .- ...- °- r",c- r•s�"'L"r'_ oG+7""= � A. � •�:+ ♦ .Mrs. � ` � '"ti';��_ � � � ��; � to A)i4do: olo . u tt# P004. f0ho.4.0.o A06 coostnatt OrA, o0ozont to lo obtdnoA : lko . ZA*torlr 4 A,. 6'r . .�' j'osbAW1 640, to v* wav 4A tb* ;fir of $04 lam. under Preliminary Order approved July 26, 1960 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated cost of the above improvement is - - - - - - $ 5.715.11 front ' 1.81 The estimated assessment per /foot for the above improvement is - - - - The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: Form B. B. 10 1M 3 -68 8 (Continued) e DESCRIPTION I LOT BLOCK I ADDITION I LANOVALUATIONBLOG. 9 lEastville Heights !I 9.525 $950 II I 2 1.9 I n II 500 1150 II I 1 19 I n II 500 L150 I! I I I n II C;W 950 II I I I It 500 5600 II I E, 19 I p 500 2500 7 19 I n II 500 1850 II I 8 19 I n II 500 2250 II I 9 19 I J it 500 2000 III 10 I 9 I 500 200 II 7.1 9 I " 500 4000 Form B. B. 10 1M 3 -68 8 (Continued) e (C) CITY OF ST. PAUL • DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER IIDESCRIPTION I LOT IBLOCKI ADDITION II LAND VALUATION 19 I 1 II Xt�nn 8315C !! 1 131 91 " II 500 450c !! Lots 14 and 1 151 9 1 " 11 4300 2950 Il 1 1619 1 " 11 2600 2700 I� 117191 " II 500 2350 !! 1 181 9 1 " II 500 1500 !I 1 1919 1 " 500 3.150 II 1 201 9 1 " II 500 2750 !� 121191 " II 500 1400 �I 122191 Ill 500 3600 !! 1 1231 9 1 " 500 1050 124191 " 11 500 4250 11 1 2519 1 " II 500 1550 II 1 2619 " II 500 Il 1 2719 1 n !! 500 4650 IlLot 28 and except east 20 ft; lot 1 291 9 1 11 II 750 6200 II East 20 ft of lot 29 and all of 1 301 9 1 t1 II 750 5600 II I I I 11 III � i TOTAL I 201425• $771650- The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated , / 9 77 f>° Commissioner of Finance. Form B.B. 12 1M 3-68 °®08 OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS I REPORT TO COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE August 3rd 19-22— To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 198204 approved July 26th 19 60 relative to m 'd -t� iho Arado t 0 vhom QA �—* -St to Vooto On f ilfs JA' tho )�avv- ffitc-b Ao 00;M!q;"' 4mwlya' a-R& 0 reports: ft, 'df se�ont to b# obtalmd on ,'Vo A $I, f t 2. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a Dart hereof. 3. 4. 0 Initiated by the Commissioner of Public Works Improvement is asked for upon petition or "P. I a o� Of ssioner of Public Works GEORGE- SHEPARD (/��° STREET AND HIGHWAY V �/ I T Y - ',A�,�yi ENGINEERING COORDINATOR DEPART 234 Y17 \'� O f" S A I N T P; r ICHIE re Ca 'it al -of -Minnesota '? 0 r ji1M� MENT EtRUBLIC_WORKS == ~ �S�sFI 4-N, ' ,WW x Ouse (2 .S- :; T r Al t1 1 E V. AVERY ENGINEER o ,`EFN �NTENDENT' F SANITATION M F T:Q ► R O S �N, .:n iii S X111 Im Com ssioner_ __ i! ~ `� , _� Depu Commissioner — � IL 7Z� August 3, 1960 Hon. Milton Rosen Commissioner of Public Works City of Saint Paul Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for chang- ing the grade of the alley in Block 9, Eastville Heights, from 220 ft. west of Mendota Ave. to Arcade Street to conform to the grade as shown on the profile on file in the Department of Public Works. Also grading and surfacing the alley in Block 9, Eastville Heights, from Mendota Street to Arcade Street to the proposed change of grade; also construct- ing a sewer in the alley from a point 220 ft. west of Mendota Street to a point 158.15 ft. west of Mendota Street; also constructing a sewer in an easement to be obtained on the easterly 4 feet of Lot 26, Block 9, Eastville Heights, from Jessamine Ave. to the alley in the rear of said lots. Estimated Total Cost Engineering Inspection Cost per front foot Frontage Yo s very truly, Eu ne V. AVery Chief Engineer Approved for tra smission to the ommission f Finance Milton Rosen Commissioner of Public Works $5,715.11 415.64 103.91 . 4.81 1190 ft. UA AUG 4 1960 N D_FPT. Of ± ;l A PlGI" Zvi � � f v • 1 + II T ARE��E— D Z 0 r k3 a. �o a z 0 v� M6NUOTq .I 1 F02ES-r CYPRE55 I ST. I 1 1 , b -EA - } M U N D 3 I G Z O m K a. �o a z 0 v� M6NUOTq .I 1 F02ES-r CYPRE55 I ST. I 1 1 , b -EA - }