08-661Council File # �' (1/ U' l
Green Sheet#3053410
Presented by
RESOLVED, that the zate of pay for the new classification of Facility Manager be
established at the rate set forth in Grade 013, of Bargaining Unit 09, the Saint Paul Supervisors
Organization Salary Schedule, and be it
FINALLY RESOLVED, that this resolution shall take effect and be in force on the first pay
period following its passage and approval.
Adoprion Certified by Co cil Secretary
Approv d y: Date ll� �(}
Requested by Department of:
OfficeofHi Resnuce
By: �
Approved by the �fice of Fin � I Services �/ �
B y:c " y ��� � �
Approved by`City A�Xp�
By: ��
Appr ed by a or for s ion to ouncil
I�Sysrems Devetopmrnt Sect�on\Org Daign\Co�ultant-McKwwn�I,isaY Clazs
Work�PAIQCS\Faz�hty Mariagcr\FaziLty Managa Rwol�mon doc
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� Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet �
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DepartrnenUofficeicouncii: Date lnitiated:
H � -H,��o� O6-MAY-08 Green Sheet NO: 3053410
Contact Person 8 Phone:
Lisa McKeown
E-DOCUment Required: Y
Document Contact: Trisha Freiberge�
Contad Phone: 266-6481
Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip Ail Locations for Signature)
0 amanResources
1 umanResources De arhnentDirector
2 ioancial Services ffice Fioancial Services �
3 i Attome
4 or's Office Ma or/Assistant
5 ouncil Ci Council
6 i Clerk Ci Clerk
Request approval of resolurion to establish the rate of pay for the new classification of Facility Manager in Grade 013 of b.u. 09,
Saint Paul Supervisors Organizarion.
itlations: Approve (A) or R
Planning Commission
CIB Committee
Civil Service Commission
1. Has this persoNfirm ever worked under a contract tor this deparfment?
Yes No
2. Has this person/8rm ever been a city emptoyee?
Yes No
3. Does this person/firtn possess a skill not normally possessed by any
current city employee?
Yes No
Explain ail yes answers on separete sheet and attach to green sheet
initiating Problem,lssues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why):
A study was requested by the Division of Pazks and Recrearion to detemune the appropriate classification and compensarion for a
vacant posiflon wiflun the Csreat River Water Pazk/Jimmy Lee Recrearion Center and future mulfi-function faciliries. The Human
Resources Office detemuned that the crearion of the new class of Facility Manager is appropriate.
Advantages If Approved:
Approval.of this resolution will allow Por appropriate compensation for this newly created class.
Disadvantages H Approved:
JUN a 1 2008
Disadvantages If Not Approved:
Pay will nat be established.
Transaetioo: $50,157.43
Funding Souroe:
CosURevenue Budgeted: y
Activity Number:
Pinancia� information: �e amount &sted represents the annual wage at Step l effecrive as of 4/26/08.
� t-
May 7, 2008 2:24 PM Page 7
Facility Manager
Description of Work
General Duty Statement
BU: 09 (Salarv Info) SPSO
Grade: 013
Effective Date: ?/?/08
Performs highly-responsible supervisory and administrative work managing a major,
multi-function community-focused faciiity. This includes providing management
leadership in the planning, promoting, directing, monitoring, and evaluating of programs
and services at the facility. Prepazes the annual facility budget and monitors expenditures
and revenues spending and financing. Prepares and manages grant projects related to the
facility. Represents the City regarding facility contracts and agreements and negotiates
permits for special use of the facility. Performs related duties as required.
Supervision Received
Works under the general guidance and direction of a division or unit manager.
Supervision Exercised
Exercises general supervision over all workers assigned to the major, multi-funcrion
facility, either directly or through subordinate supervisors.
• Demonstrates an understanding of applicable laws, rules, regulations and
standards pertaining to the programs offered and facility management.
Demonstrates the ability to apply this understanding in identifying and addressing
the full range of issues including the more complex issues associated with
managing programs and services at a major, multi-function facility.
. Demonstrates an understanding of current management and supervisory
principles, applicable labor contracts for multiple bargaining units, and
department policies and procedures. Demonstrates the ability to apply this
understanding in identifying and addressing the full range of issues associated
with managing a facility.
. Demonstrates an understand'uig and the ability to manage an Aquatics facility, if
an aquatics facility is part of the multi-function facility.
• Demonstrates an ability to develop policies and procedures and recard keeping
systems for all functions of the facility. Demonstrates an ability to represent the
City regarding facility contracts and agreements.
• Demonstrates an ability to manage and coordinate multiple program activities and
facility use scheduling at the multi-function facility. Demonstrates an ability to
negotiate permits for special use of the facility.
• Demonstrates an ability to facilitate plamiing that includes mulriple pro�ams,
facilities, and activities, in order to identify the needs and expectations of a
diverse group of customers. Demonstrates an ability to routinely solicit feedback
and measure, evaluate, and analyze results. Demonstrates an ability to identify
and initiate program or activity improvements on a routine basis. Demonstrates an
understanding of program and activity best practices and conducts research and
• Demonstrates an understanding of and an ability to use CPR and first aid and an
ability to identify emergency situations where the assistance of emergency
medical personnel is required.
• Demonstrates an understanding of mathematics and general accounting practices
used in preparing and monitoring an annual facility budget, rental agreements,
personal service contracts, various grants, inventories, purchase orders, and cash
statements. Demonstrates the ability to apply this understanding in identifying and
addressang the full range of associated issues.
• Demonstrates an ability to use analytical skills necessary to compile and analyze
data. Demonstrates an ability to prepaze reports and documentation easily
understood by the audience.
• Demonstrates an understanding of a range of current and modem job-related
equipment, computer hardware, and software applications and an ability to apply
this understanding in addressing routine work associated issues or challenges.
• Demonstrates an ability to recruit, interview, and select employees best suited for
the assigned work.
• Demonstrates an ability to determine duties, responsibilities, and performance
standards. Demonstrates an ability to prioririze and assign the work of others,
negotiate deadlines, and set deadlines for others.
• Demonstrates the skill necessary to effectively manage employee performance
directly and through subordinate supervisors. Demonstrates an ability to
effectively communicate performance expectations, provide constructive
feedback, coach, train, rewazd, discipline, and effectively intervene in addressing
performance issues. Demonstrates the skill to ensure that staff ineet or exceed
performance standuds.
• Demonstrates an ability to conduct human asset planning in arder to address
future and ongoing staffing needs and staff training and development needs.
• Demonstrates an ability to effectively lead meetings by encouraging individual
participation and creativity, by being supportive of others and the group decision-
making process, and by effectively managing conflict.
• Demonstrates an ability to effectively communicate with a diverse group of
individuals both verbally and in writing. Demonstrates good interpersonal
communication skills with customers, employees, and groups tluough attentive
listening, patience, and appropriate nonverbal mannerisms. Demonstrates the
ability to make public presentations regarding the programs and services of the
facility, and/or activities provided and write reports and other materials that can
be clearly understood by the intended audience or reader.
b�- �la (
Demonstrates an ability to lead a staff team that provides superior customer
service. Demonstrates an ability to deal courteously and effectively in meeting
customer needs and expectarions.
Demonstrates general knowledge of basic mazketing principles. Demonstrates the
ability to prepare and supervise the prepazarion and dissemination of public
information regarding the programs, facilities amenities and/or activities provided
at the facility. Demonstrates the ability to plan and prepare promotional materials
which meet the requirements of various communications media. Demonstrates the
ability to interface with local media.
Bachelor's degree and two years of professional experience managing a large, complex
community facility, or managing a multi-function facility or a theme pazk which has an
aquatics component. Must have budget management experience with over $100,000 of
revenue collected and experience marketing a large facility and program. No substitution
for education.
Must possess a valid Minnesota Class D driver's license, or equivalent out-of-state
driver's license. The driver's license must have no suspensions or revocations for driving
related offenses within the two year period prior to the date of appoinhnent. Suspensions
for parking-related offenses are excluded.
Must maintain CPR and First Aid certification. Certain positions must maintain Certified
Pool and Spa Operators Certification. If required, it will be noted on the 7ob
If employed by the Department of Parks and Recreation, status as a Certified Park and
Recreation Professional (CPRP) must be obtained within two years of appoinhnent to this
position. Failure to obtain a CPRP during the defined two-year period or failure to
maintain a CPRP during employment may result in termination.