199549Original to City Clark ,
An Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 11765,
approved June 29, 1960, entitled:
Council File No 199549 — Ordinance No.
11870 —By Frank L. Loss —
An Ordinance amending Ordinance
No. 11765, approved June 29, 1960,
"An ordinance amending the Zoning
Code, Chapters 60 to 64 inclusive of the
Saint Paul Legislative Code, pertaining
to Use Districts, Height Districts and
Rezoning of certain properties in the
City of Saint Paul, as amended. This
to an emergency ordinance rendered
��ssary for the preservation of the
"An ordinance amending the Zoning Code,
Chapters 60 to 64 inclusive of the Saint
Paul Legislative Code, pertaining to Use
Districts, Height Districts and Rezoning
of certain properties in the City of
Saint Paul, as amended. This is an
emergency ordinance rendered necessary
for the preservation of the public peace,
health and safety-."
Section 1.
That Ordinance No. 11765 approved June 29, 1960
hereby is amended in the following particulars, to wit:
That',the following clause of sub - paragraph one (1)
of section one., 41) of said ordinance,
ttand (b) "C" Residence District use only for
a multiple housing apartment building to
include no more than seven separate housing
units, as such use shall be permitted by the
regulatory provisions of said Code, as
amended, in "C" Residence District, thereby
established ",
shall be and hereby is amended so that the same,-shall read as
"and (b) "C" Residence District use only for
a multiple housing apartment building to
include no more than eleven separate housing
units, as'such use shall be permitted by the
regulatory provisions of said Code, as
amended, in "C" Residence District, thereby
established ",
and that the following quoted language of paragraph two (2)
of Section one (1) of said ordinance:
''within the period of 60 days next succeeding
the publication of this ordinance ",
Yeas Councilmen Nays
Mr. President (Vavoulis)
City Clerk
M 5 -60 qe�,,s
Passed by the Council
Oristnal to City Clerk ,
-�: ORDINANCE 199549"
2. ' #iK 11-It
hereby is amended to read as follows:
lion or before the first day of February".
Section 2.
This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency
ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the
public peace, health and safety.
Section 3.
This ordinance shall take effect and be in force
upon its passage, approval and publication.
Yeas Councilmen Nays
Attest • /V, / (.�r2!�?��ii� • .
-City Clerk
114 6 -60 v8
Passed by the Council DEC 71960
In Favor
A gainst
7 1960
` - �,- -: �_� -'>," '1:; _ rte' . 51.''• .. '' t ".,y,' ." 1.� .rt _ • ,
>;t twA:._ .� "r". �'o - ,J �,� _ a. t_ ,{ '� .:' ;�� _ '� i s�' ,[ _:r '9��}} J/• r .�c- ,' '
•,t „ .- .•'-'' - ' - <- ,. ",. - _ ,- i - ., :i, is L
.THIS It+iDNTURA, li[atie dnd executed`;.thie::Zth , dy „of ;Decemtior;r 1864;. ..'
by by :a"nd between _$` . H.'_1 'U-D M -'of' the County 6f _Ramsey and ¢t9�te of
a l' nnesotay• herelikter designated •as`• first__ Party,.' and CITY'OF: SAINT,- PAUL; c .
'(Y4ereinafter desi_gneted as, Se bnd•'Party j -N!, N868FTM'
' ''' +_ .- _ ,' .. t � - - • - '` ' -• : • ,w �� •7;,`dd
Y 'y►H$RB,�, 'the >F'irst ►a%tq, `ott the 7th` daq,�bf ,December, ,1 _$Q Sias and since has
been the "oirner, in Zee siziole of �t11 of• =tbe folloWing, deer�r'ibed
e_ state situpte'k in :the City. bf' $aiut Pahl, County" of RaMsdy, State. of «,-
t Minnesota; td-wit i
part 'of -Lots Twelve, (1g)- tud`•Sixteen '(x6) ,` ''` �• _ , ,t H
�' • . ” F Lake ,Con10 Villas. •'1 i'n Northerly- of COIOD Avenue,: .
'and -.SoutherYy .ot .t� 1_i'ne .SQ . l et •southerly 'f'rbn : - • _
d�paraXlel.to;Etiie' cente4r;line'of' -the Northern
>:(, • S., _ Pacific_ Railroad L" r►ecorditig,; to..the plat - thereof:=
on :tile and of record . in the 'office of ,the' Aegitter`"
`of 'Deady „of Rans'e” C', tyr,' mi nlesOta,,y being the
most' 'nurtherlq intersection of ' Coieo :Avenue ands• ; s • _�. - - . -
' uniiuproved •Avop street'= 3 ;
NH6REAS� -s_aid reitl'•�`estat_ e�YYiic�`_•dgte find ford a -considerable •- '� -'
•' - H `: _ ,_ w - F: i' a- -.. �i' - •'x S. __ +�7.Y ; °� 7•t .. •{.. sY_. _ - i .` ,x• • R. r
` {_• period _ of ,time' ieXt ;preceding �lae 'si�me,r +as .z'ezoned and recli asified ail ;; _ f
'� .• y " `i_��- �'M•'• > ..L F..L •. tt `y•- -•' "'S.4 T* 4r J:.f '• ~-- f•..,� .. -• .. :'_ 1:' •r "_ •..a
s° !C. Resi_d_ence'Didirict', .finder xind bk vir`tue'df cfw"Gf Saint- ,Paul .
• - .rF, r ,r., -", - ' - ��, s} _- , i-. ,•,Y *� ',,'• ",, ..- `��. •'•` _ ;� +;. ;,�LSs' -� '��.,` �'* '`i'•lala °T' •' _ -' -', "S• T,L .' 'c+.y.,)!r ` r '
�{ ` ;r.Ordiriaaae -No; 11788,: aiaendin 'pity :of` Saint', Paul Iu Idi'ng Zonei Ordi'ttance
�~ No'. 5840; as': oaended;' Chapter -6b to 64- ifttlusive,, 'Zoning Code, 18aint
y'• Legis lative Code ,arid puzsuant t6- the_ petition• of =• the kirat Pariy,
Council oi,the Seaoad-Pa'ty,.'duly enacted City of',Saitlt Pstixl'Qrdittance '
No; •r.�1187.0 �•, approved D ®cember> -7 1960_, And, pubY'iehed in the Officin�,
Newspaper of the `SgaoYid Pi rty,on•;the_ 10th: ds�y- -nt'becember,'_196U',''a�rtd ng,'
aid"Ord fula U*cei.
Nq., 1Y76:0 atldisaid•Ordittance No. r68.40 as: amended;`�ss� d
r' •' -
Building Zone .Ordinaince and said •:Zoning Code, -so' that. said:.hereinabove
described' -real es: tat® baviing -.been- previously •revOned land. r'eeliseified
:from^ "A' - rosidetice District, to` ('C` Reoidbdde, District undez ,amundptory: t
` '- •,•' ° , -'. ; subject' to especial
}.y r�'Ordinirnce No.- 11765,'�faxceptions ;end conditions3la -t66 nature of 'special' M`
- ..'.. e
reetr3lctiotts upon th_e °uso of- 'the'aa>ae, wnereby'.the use land employment of
. '. ' ,.� r,' .$ a _ •' ' ••'. ..'; _� e,. -, •'., v ''. .'-£ -.* ,1'- •, Y. ya 3.- , -i' " . .. •J,, ,,: -• f' .. :f ". c tY ,fL .�, :. A}, v, ,_
_said hereinabove'ci� ibed real4estAte w9d- thexQby further_ .3estricted l -,
_ _ FS •t _ •A .x_ .� • 1.
n it •y rte_
-; RY.• yL,f','r4 : -rr. wJ -� - +'`' .* - ,_` • ae :` 't' ,. •, .1 .,t. sw'r* •y - -
'_'..r- .•'-eti '• sd .•:' iT� "`'�_ ,... ,.'. °, y` .a Z. �" r • ." Y •7 s .C.1: t:`• - .k i. -,'
the"io'llowin. tise8' and employments, •,subject to iurther,•'rebnin' =;gaud --
recleesiti'cation 'oi= ttie' same', by;virtue 'tit' proceedings tlieretox' thereAtter' " ;'.,t°
lnstituted,.'conducted .'and completed'; -accprd_ing toriApplicable- provisions' - :r
rr.- .. ' ^� _ tF .- -i.;9,r •�. ._ ;�� _} `t !'��.: cy SR r� ., .. ��"' tr ;a ?'Y -. f. _ -i ee'i ,.•t <, ~ - �• .♦
.oi, said 'Ordinance : Na: 5890.,. ah& said Bui lding i'Zone "Ordinance and
Zoning Code , ,..and,, o < Statutes ;01' ,t'he state cif- .Yi�nxieso a, to; wits
;t • ` - + � - _ }f- i '_ .. : •• '' ., .b ••tier• _ '1 •
�tesidentiaT_ Dietrih,t` uses..,peraiitted" y Li „ -
�: "y. regulato> y. pxovisioris'ot the`said Building Y .
; F
" nd :said Zoi ihi'' Cod
done Ordinance a o, in`'
`Reaideiioe ,, •pistrict. ', B" 1tes,iddn. ce District
:n. .•thereby established ;:"ando.a�'
(b) "C Resid ®ace` District use' only for multiple;.`
housing..�ipartinent 'building;o ,ixic]ude no, ritore
-; _
s s ry• �i-� 'than ®haven sepnratq housing units,,: "ap,sucii
shal'l.,b®'`permit'te5ar • oy the- regulatory` proviiiijns
{.of- said,�Code,';a$'_afinended in-, C residence,
t^ ` '_' • ;, _ i �' :T strict.; 'thereby:,estgblisl?ed ;'a'
aHEB$AS; -The ,!fret Party `for himself; his, heirs,' admia 6tiators,
, � ,j, l.• !• ,J` , (; .. 1.S• l�a ♦ 7 -,7 .* 4 "+r •- .A `'.t •°7 .1. ' - -_ � w•,.., .R� . • ,'4L k. ' .,
' ei� ®- tutors' "'stall 'aasignsr "intends' hereby -to jic bPtr Ordinance Ko... 11870
and to,r provide _tor the imposition,, ms�iatens�noe and einforcement' of such
t• -, '`'' -4 eapeci:'a1= reutr_ i_"cti'on"e. °'iipbn� the- use- of ..satLd. hereaboVe de's cribed.`rga1J
�istate a can with` the . It and for grant _the Second `party; , in, further K:
•"�, - { {.� `' =�+ � -j jam.. -. •. •'"4 ♦• '• , :'�� e •`- � •' � 1• ' ` l`
_ compliance with' the., condit.ionaf of said aQrdinaxlce No. - 1Y870 , F' negatives , ,
:@asement -.the refbl.Vtt _ ,t +• ��, y "• _ '; ti ' �. - F
NOW THgRBFORE; tihe 'First F'artya-as sai�a'.ownex` oi' said= ereinabovb
de�cribed,;'rearestate,t `.iar5
bins, his; laeir_s,' administr'.4ito�rs; �o ecutors
.J - ,and;Jiasigns; does'.hereby= covenant -and bind himssli','his" heirs ;,,'4adminis_ '
.f •. .. -. ♦ •t. 1 _ ;` at - . 'rt , .l• _- ,.. .• ._.1' + - 't'it•�.+a.'•, t f�.:
:.,t-rators 'exedutors -and . iasigna' unto the Secoxid' 15artx',that,,;,in accordance' . P{
. - -_ - * +. , t, -.M - ,��,•• r -,. -* "ti' .,~ • -` `. - , _..; '' .••a ,Ii- • .. " • =- r rw •.rya. • , _ .F LL'..
W, '$aid. Building 'Zono Ordinance" anii said;Zoning Code,�•particulariy ,
_ r: - ;a
y the.r`same has, been amended by eaid,bri dineode 'No.. .•11870 �, ",as sImentiing„
K_ i' .. . -- t"' _ wi' ,1 , v i' " - - _ "' -- '-• - { ' -� . 4. •• -� a .•... , 1 +. + •r
• ..- Ordi�fance. No.r 11765', said 'read estate :has ,been a feotively.restriate� and -
limited' ;in reBpe;c.t of its use- aiid'•emplgyment'-and _ shstl'1 henceforth` ,be r sftricted
and limited �,' such •pgrticulars, as 'ohaws, .to -wi`t: =
That sub eat: to any- further realasBiiication;oi' -the '1i�re In `
above described real estate' by .zfirtue .ot,.proceedings th'eretor, tiet'eptter,'
'" tuted, cgnductecl Band completed; accardixtg to' ap}iicabie 'iroViaions`
y? ,'t,, s ``} •`�+'•�,+ - *. 'F i '� }��- �• _ ,. _ �•. 'U� ' tt,, nwP, +l'.. , `'- s � .•;:r t •.'t .;rR�•w _� - •; `-; ..'l, -__
.. _.. >` r - •;,. �y,.`+•f* `ty.r .'f.a • f. :t, l[.'•r.• .•.! '• *�?• •
�C,`•T-f 'y _. w t•
- *h r'- �^ t� - 'i,•. y J• r 'Y 'a.. e - `. rc.' a a'° _ - ,`*. 'r••.r a -
_Y r
of said Zoning. - Code,,ali ',"euded.. an_d,applicable'provisions -'of the_._ x
r - - Stgtut ®sFAf the State o � 3tinnsaot: r.4 - ei'b' the °.:d_ niploytaen% of- eaid� )real a '
agtate hen x rnd c s ;1 9, ited• `to , tho 'fp1loping ^6peisiitied '
1 rp `UB @9,r tCi, -Nit= �r'a €.$,'• = -_ :t:�' .t •'' ''r a.- ! s.. " c'� �i, ry /L '
(e) `ReBidential District' use's ap @rmitte,d `by"the
regulatory `provisionssoZ toe; said. Building {
' 7 ` • .`;r - t roue Ordinance. and: sa'id�,Zoning;Code a:.A, . s
t- - ' • ;•.3. esia�nae'; Aiatrict,', B" :Residence bintri`et'
,= ;,• , .thereby established;
c „ ' •� (b). O Res'ideiice District, ,use ,oily_ i'orl multiple E _.Y•, ,
' housing :apartment Building,: to inc'lud` no afore
_ E •t +:.. _} than oleven separat(q'= housing - ni'to', `'as 'such_
'_ `t' • -`' _ ' Shn1]: be ;permitted ny ;tho regirlatory'provisibns }
•�'} . �~ • , !''i f _- r bit, said Code,-, asatsencii3d iii „C„ re'si'dence -
:i• =, bistrict, thereby' bstablished;' 'r
rt ana the said `First, Party; for''himself,; his - h'eiis; �ada�inistratora,' executors
~� ,: and -,assigns, •`herek#y grants,;,' cdnveya and `Vrarknts. ' unto'•the' $ec9nd Party.;
y; ! i s +' -e•` r. i ,c •, .. , i ” `'.._ •� a `r3 its+ , ^ ' r. '- ' l - ',. '
seiid..City{'ot; Saint - -Paul i- do' Auc)i:muniei�pal corpordtio�n, =tn trust for
�'r •. •. -,� - y' \~'. _ _'j•: e. :]}; a, {,f „• -, .,.r F•_ -• .r_. • ^• ., L'a � t- � +. rR' ,
r� - benefit oi- the peiblic; �i per- petual negative :easement in- and tb_said, ,
- her$in'above debdr bed, real .6atatte and all 'thekooi., for' 'the'_ impoiition�
maintenlance andenfoteeaont byr'the'•Oec6fa4l party,° Ob. gitp,# •,auuiicipai
` !.f mot' �- Q`_' �., ! '. •�`' � i't -: .✓ .':_ 'r,, .. •,� � c ,-' . ",. - :.. _! ': �'` -` +• - - ' •
corporation of .tha. -.atotesaid,restr'ictions; and limitations upon the• use 4
axid eniploym-ent- o isaid hereinabove,'descriiied, rd;kl st�ite;.:to 'run with
�.- , `, Yj �. -• . -1ra ` ✓ i .Y `f • ..•••`.♦ ✓ r . ?� f :y • , 1,` �` .,a' �.: . f .• �p - s !- , ,`i•�.'.T, _ � _
the lana;' and Yor` goad arid, palu'able consid ®rati0n,, the sec @pt anti:`
• t - .,. ._. :fir :.•,' •.:_• t _`_ -+ s. •. n'' L �. " ; • • i -• -, ,
sufficiency Mri rthe,'F�ret.•Party,,he�eby.is knowledgHd ,'anti "'thot',
.;' it _by ac ... .. .•. + ,c': y-•. � •. = ... "r' ... `-' . -" -. - a r ` _'- -: . t-
a a •.
•.'said aegat.ive. easement aiaenda•, "a-- pi -io)r i�itrument ent_itied Negat'i,ve Ease-,, t
"Ment ! irid'+Acceptance' of Oidi_ nance, dat,J s ipteffiber' ki 000; an_d'running
unto the said Second -- Party,; =arid -that`•`sjid ii ondatory {negative a soMon
;� .•,,.,; .. -has' r. "''; -, �' : -; _'.;:�.. , :.. :; :: � ,:.:. .,• .t - :- ,.-
' $hs1T•be -deemec - !super le?thaY said 'prior Instrument,, dgte7l`.6eptenbex 1,
�• i96.0; an_d t_ he Registmr'ot,.Tit.les, of, the - County, of ` til tsey,' State• of `•
Minnesota,: ,isr -ereby authorized to expunge. the membrieh;.o "said pribr
_ ; }' •, - .••. - `. .� - 'Y '• � it �' l• s:. u � n • -.♦'� ,. �} - �' -a -� _ r
iristru�aaat =t ?oat ;the �tegist r. of Titlt d. and anji'•-teritificate thereon', f6
`the, rest estate :hereinatiove deaciibed. 4' Y •J a �' "- r ,.� '
' - _ � -•��' , -� r,�.-. _' _;. -" y ".�: .ter_ t• a.• _ ••
L�uxth @r,,.`_tbe`•First'Part; - make�a',roferonce. 'to said Building +n,
' r . Zone;,Oiadinance No.' -58 40' and, ;said. 'Z.oning Code, as amended; and -Ordinance,
".S' 1,x• a 'e , t t, •s.
j'.f ,. j.. _ .. •`'r M- - r - Y. , .nti , r i' ` f -, ' _ - y -i . r •
• ` .yr ` - _ ` t •• }4 = . _ .y-av ,`. � ''lr y !., - •• .. `�'i,iL ;,• _ ••t Y .
'! '- - 'y �.., z r , _ _ .- •, - ^17.4 q ,e, •.k e _ 'r t• � - a - ',.'. • -s - ?` • c. - ,, S .�x
^ •'ly_•'t5 :f •.�,.`�' ` 1, -• - '� • ; -' -, V` .. •— • li} r� .• .fit. .A� .T • -1_ L ,iS -Y_ •'' {, '� ' • • ,• {• ," ,y
" 'r� aft �>'..'1• t' .s'• _ -•r• i :1 - ,�_ t ' - • - -' •"•, `•• 'a - i•' i• "
- -�'L _ ` '� -.`_ •. F•. •t 'Ji.'{ ,af t•- •, - t _ •s• , -tP•f[ 'ty ` � Y _ "Y ._ .• t ,
.4 a .fr � �. =t. `, __ - a,' i R• - - - _ ei �' ! , - - .. _ . - - '
11 , . _ - 1. ,` _ �• - _ t .` - . - A .. r.• , • r : _
t ;No. 1f17q 'ameriding_,the same ' and by xi4brerice,'incorporatestiie� sa ;'hereifi.;'
as .'part Tiereof ,'.,with taie- -same' intent ; plirpase, aria' eitect AS if said,' ,
Suildig:.Eode Ordinance and. said Zoning Code .were fully, set fdrth
Herein, andinakeg''ftirther relerencea to,' said Amendatiiry` O'rdinaace .2�0: _ 118.70
and-to_ -the aduly` certified copy of the',same'hek6to'�ttached and her ®by
a incorporated liei�gin ' by: rr�ierence as par.: 'hereof;• and'tsaid First. PArty ^;,
foz Himself ,' hie heirs tr tors exoaut rs'�
r ,, � Adminis. a ;' O - end' assigns , hereby
Y •_ :accepts °.sa'id. :AmdndAtory Ordinance "No. -' 11820 and every,provIaion,
• +- - - J -_ 5= 4.z.. t ^i.�.." - r _ _• ��''. • f _i ` • ^i.�a -
_ term'..coniditiontof - °tiie same 'irithout�lresei�vation.vr `exceptions.- "; r
- ' , , Y A' • n .'� �^ { + `i. - \ 't^ ' 'r'•`. _ %•� .. .} . - 'Jiu- �• .' t', f .A +j • -K
- TTSTD[OIiY: W>ISREOI', laid `Firs't .Panty ATa H. ' LIDENBERG .has
tea, e, - r ti
Oat-his 'hand to .this', instrument: as: of the day :ilnd -year - first above =
Writ ten' :{ :r;= ^ ^ - ,.: ., , :; a _ ='•a '
• 5 IN TIiR ` 1�RS$SNCI#, �F • ' . _ , y t t ' i -
- • tM , .. 4 � .2• t r k +A- • i _ .s r.1 i - _J �` • _ " . -F• _ ��
' r•'t ear `:r •- `' _ '� •�•i °. 'f: '1 �r .y , •� �'. . `• - '
- 8TAT8 OF i�IINN& O_ TA' .)' �'. - . ,
on tliis' _' day of ,pecember, 1960, before a ,r a'_Notary' ... _
rs '` Public within_ and, for.:eaid County. 1pesonallq appeared' N. H:- LIDENSER(i,`$._.
} 1:- ,...:•. A - !,. ., gat' , - _!
to she knopri to .•be: that 'parson' descriliad l in .rind ,w o executed the�'fo re
M '' instrument and~tAno, ileii'par, ®d that iha' -eyy ' tad tlwe• Same 'as'. 'hio free act
- O r•I _ r. .i ' 1 a,F •_ t r - 1 .'y J
> • _ -, -, � ... i �7` ;* ''�' •,', � f r, _ 1 ��.s ' •�a. .-,' .tiij - � - . - -„ •.., - n4, �,a`ti•'.+, �.� _
. .. ,' ,y ,'_ ,_..,,• I3o #ary' .gc:�1�;
' a - - - "a - _ _ _ .•y,` -, - ��'�9 "`•:as�.�;i " . A - � „ = 1.
d i• s "`F - ,. • ,j f,• t}" Y -r., - • , - ,. •,t' •s_ =y }F ' 2 r �' •f - -`- •�� ` f - - •:F
IlR iq .,t, '' •' I' p _ -_ [.f •Y- s.T Y:,'�.r_ �,;� \ rJ-�� -s, i .• .. lr� = ` '. _ '
1 ;'_. -h rag` -' -- `�• •�V _� 1. �_;_•' c` 1,,, - - •�,t',. �Y ,. ,4: �y of � ._ -
386 City Hall and Court House
St. Paul 2, Minnesota
Mr. Robert J. Swords
Corporation Counsel
Dear Sir:
Nov. 1, 1960
City Clerk
Council Recorder
Nov 1- "1930 •
The City Council requested that you prepare an ordinance amending the attached
Ordinance No. 11765 so as to provide for an 11 -unit apartment building rather
than 7 units as specified in said ordinance, together with any other amendments
which may be necessary to effectuate the above amendment.
As it is not contemplated that the amendatory ordinance will be adopted until
December 7th, we recommend that you specify a sufficient length of time for
the owner to file his acceptance and deed of negative easement.
Very truly yo
City Clerk
Council File No. 197462 — Ordinance No.
11765 =;3Y Frank L. Loss -
- - ordinance amending the Zoning
Code, Chapters 60 to 64 inclusive of the
Saint Paul Legislative Code, pertaining
to • Use Districts, Height Districts and
Rezoning of .certain properties amended. ernes This
City of Saint Paul,
is an emergency ordinance rendered
4 necessary for the l preservation ation f he
iiii public peace,
The Council of the City of Saint Paul
Does Ordain:
That the Zoning Code, Chapters 60
to 64 inclusive of the Saint Paul Legis-
lative Code, pertaining to Use Districts,
Height Districts and Rezoning of cer-
Paul,paspamend d, be and the same
is hereby further amended so as to
rezone the following described prop
e� Res dence" District: District to from
That part of Lots 12 and 16, Lake
Como Villas lying northerly of
Como Avenue and southerly of a
E line 5D feet southerly from and
F parallel to the center line of the
P Northern Pacific Railroad, accord -
1 ing to the plat thereof on file and
of record in the office of the Regis-
ter of Deeds of Ramsey County,
Minnesota, being the most north-
erly intersection of Como Avenue
and unimproved Avon Street,
subject to the following express ex-
ceptions and conditions:
1. That, subject to any further re-
1 of said hereinabove de-
scribed real estate, by virtue of pro-
ceedings therefor, by instituted,
conducted and completed according to
applicable provisions of said Zoning
Code, as amended, and applicable pro-
visions of the statutes of the State
of Minnesota, hereby, the employment
of said hereinabove described real
estate henceforth is restricted and
limited to the following Specified uses,
to -wit: (a) Residential District uses
permitted by the regulatory provisions
of said Zoning Code, as amended, in
A" Residence District, and "B "•Resi-
dence District, thereby establishedfand
(b) "C" Residence District use only for
a multiple housing apartment building,
to include no more as such-use h than-seven halt be
housing units,
permitted by the regulatory provisions
of said Code, as amended, in "C"
Residence District, thereby established.
2. That the owner of said real ef f oo
e e
within the period of 60 days . next
P succeeding the publication of this or-
dinance, ,shall, file with the City Clerk,
( in 2 fully executed counterparts, said
E owner's written acceptance of this
r ordinance, incorporating, among other
C things, said owner's grant unto said
City of Saint Paul of a negative ease-
ment, affecting said hereinabove de-
scribed real estate for the imposition,
maintenance and enforcement of the
aforesaid restrictions and limitations
upon the employmen o and as to forme
said real estate, app the Corporation
and execution by
Counsel and recordable in the office
�of the Register of Deeds; that said
instrument granting such negative11
easement shall contain additional pro -1
visions in the nature of covenants
by the grantor or- grantors, in favor
of the City of Saint Paul, obligating
the grantor or grantors, at his or
their own cost and expense, to procure
the requisite permit 4herefor and to
grade Avon Street upon which the tO the extent
subject necessary rto provide adequate ingress
thereto and
grading worketoebe hone ftundersthe
supervision and subject to the direction
of the Commissioner of Public Works,
and completed not later than June 1,
3. That in addition to other require-
ments therefor, said written instrument
of acceptance and grant shall incorpo-
rate a certified copy of this ordinance,
and immediately upon the aforesaid Clerk shall
cause on of such counterparts thereof
to , be filed of record in the office of
the Register of Deeds in and for Ram-
sey County, Minnesota.
This ordinance is hereby declared
to be an emergency ordinance rendered
14 necessary for the preservation of the
public peace, health and safety.
County of Ramsey ss.
t ..
} ! i
Mrs. Agnes H. O'Connell, City I + -- :-------- - - - - -- -----------------•------------ •---------------- - - - - -- Clerk
of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota do hereby certify that I have
compared the attached copy of Council File No... ...197462 ...... ................
being Ordinance No. 11765
as adopted by the City Council --- _ ------ _ --- ? e- .29 : ......................19.. 60..____..
and approved by the Mayor ...................... June_ 29 :........_.............19._ 60
with the original thereof on file in my office.
I further certify that said copy is a true and correct copy of
said original and the whole thereof.
WITNESS my hand and the seal of the City of Saint Paul, Minn.,
.......... 31st---- - - - - -- -day b 60
............ Octo ... er' D. 19_...'
--•--- -� -- l-er ------------------ -- ---------
„ / C
Councils le No. 199M Ordinance No.
Council File No. 197462 — Ordinance No. 11870 —By Frank L. Low
117&5 —By Frank L. Loss—
An Ordinance amending Ordinance
An ordinance amending the Zoning No. '11765, approved June 29, 1960,
Code, Chapters 60 to 64 inclusive of the entitled:
Saint Paul Legislative Code, pertaining-' "An ordinance amending g
to Use Districts, Height Districts and 'Code, Chap ters 60 to B4 inuslve of nr
Rezoning, of certain properties in the IS�t Paul t es 60 to inclusive r
City of Saint Paul, as amended. This Use Districts ,r.a u ltrs
is an emergency ordinance rendered ezoninp a� ; N,_;� 'd is ti, 1.°
E necessary for the preservation of the - - -�, ?usr,�sVpir
County of Ramsey ss.
I__________________________ -- - - - -:- City Clerk
of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota do hereby certify that I have
compared the attachede of Council File NoQ#...17. 19.74452 A.U.9549
he . ox�d ges Nos: 1x.765 , � 160 & Me To1960
as pted by the City Council---- - - - - -- a - - - -- -------------- - - - -�.2 ...............
and approved by the Mayor_____ @. , __1 4- $a- .... -- �'�
with the originalothereof on file in my office.
--------- - - - --- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - - ---- -- - - - - -- --------
I further certify that saide itrue and correct eof
said originalsand the whole thereof.
WITNESS my hand and the seal of the City of Saint Paul, Minn.,
this------- 2M-------- - - - - -- -day of ............ �aembe r *---- - - - - -- Vk - --
......- - -` -�. -- - --
® Ci
October 19, 1960
The Honorable, the City Council
Saint Paul, Minnesota
Gentlemen & Mrs. DeCourcy:
I have today filed a petition for the vacation of N. Avon St. between Como Ave.
and the N. P. right-of-way and in the event that such petition is granted, I
request that you change and modify your Ordinance No. // adopted �'z Q- G O ,
rezoning property abutting this alley but restric� the use to that of a 7 -unit
apartment building. The proposed modification, which I am informed meets with
the approval of the Zoning and Planning staff, is for an 11 -unit apartment building
I further request that the provision in said ordinance requiring the grading of
that portion of Avon St. be eliminated in the event of such vacation.
It is also requested that the City Clerk be instructed to withhold filing of a
negative easement executed by Richard Coverdale until the vacation and modification
questions are resolved.
Very truly yours,
2464 % .
Dr. N. H. Lidenberg
667 -671 N. Snelling Ave.
Laid over to
3rd and app ` I )A opted
Yeas ays Yeas Nays
Mortinson 10,
t Cocy
ort' on
/Peters n
Mr. President Yavou is 4f.: z- : -esidenaCn t —Wa i oulis