199545ORIGINAL'[, -CITY CLERK 199545 °, - CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO NO. LICENSE COMMITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK M IL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMM SSIIONE DATE Nov. 3, 196o RESOLVED: That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses stated, be and the same are hereby granted. Dave Manders 770 N. Prior Gen.Rep.Gar. App.11149NOL It " VM Loc 11 11 111111 Laurie Oil (A Corp.) 225 Maria Gas Sta. 3P " 11435111111 n u VM Loc. n n nun Cigarette 1111" Casper Stein %St. Thomas College 2115 Summit Barber 11 't 11`+3911NII Fred Deutsch 916 Arcade Grocery " 1150$` "0" 11 " Cigarette " " 1111" Harold Clemons 1570 Selby Ldy.DC Pickup" 11538IINII Donaldson's Dept. Store 601 Nicollet TV Master " 11567""" " II 2 Servicemen " If " II II St. Paul 7Up Bottling Co. %Automatic Merchandise 709 University Vm. Loc. 'I 11615""" Henry g. Young 6262 Selby Restaurant " 1166570" Philip & Agnes McKinney 820 Hampden Restaurant " 11660 "'II' II II Cigarette " " 111" Roy Pederson X603 Bryant S. Mpls. Foods MPDW " 11 11689""" 11 u u II n I 1V #1560 Thomas & Sherrin Rust 1664 White Bear Grocery it 11691""" II II Froz. Meats " If "'II' 11 " Off Sale Malt" It " Cigarette 11 Ward E. MacMillan 264 University Wm. H. Heyne & Wm. H. Lybeck 335 St. Peter COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis sm 5.60 2 Restaurant Beauty Shop ICouncil File No. 199545 —By Mrs. Donald Me DeCourcy —Robert F. Peterson— Milton Rosen — Resolved, That licenses applied for by the persons named on the list attached to this resolution be and the same are hereby granted, and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the City treasury of In Favor the required fees. Adopted by 1960. -` the Council November B, Approved November 3, 1960. (November 5, 1960) Against - If 11693111111 " 11696111111 19- 19— Mayor ORI IO -CIYY CLERK - x.99545 SAL LICFATSE COI�2dITTEE CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO NO. _ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Nov. 3, 1960 COMMISSIONER DATE Contd. Page 2 Xaldo Dahlin 1742 W. 7th VM Loc. App. 11712DZL Jimmy Jingle, Inc. %Cities Service Oil Co. 584 N. Fairview " " 11715""" Vindent Cowley 1260 W. Idaho Cig.VM Oper.to 10M App-11783"O" James E. Fraser 1135 N. Dale Cig.VM Oper.2M° 11810""" Gold Medal Bev. Co. %National Food Stores, Inc. 448 N. Lexington VM Loc. M 11867//11 Muriel Rosenbloom 369 N. Dale Cigarette 11 11949 1INI' Duane W. Karnatz 388 Walnut Mtr.Veh.Dr. 11 1201311 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Moss 1___Tn Favor Mortinson Peterson Against Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis aM a -eo 2 Nov 3 Ion Adopted by the Council 19- N0v 3 1 �' Approved 19— Mayor