199486ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK , • 89486 CITY OF ST. PAUL F IL NO NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION - GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY xJGldbtlXBQPlBNMX Mayor Vavoul is DATE November 1; 1960 WHEREAS Section 3$6 -b of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul provides for a Commission to be appointed by the Mayor, subject to the approval of the City Council, which Commission shall determine eligibles for appointment as Chief of Police for the City of Saint Paul, and WHEREAS Mayor Vavoulis has reappointed, subject to the approval of the-Council, W. J. Hickey, Sr., for a term of six years, said term terminating on June 30, 1966, therefore be it RESOLVED that the reappointment of W. J. Hickey, Sr., for a term of six years as a Commissioner on the Police Commission, by the Mayor, be and it is hereby ratified by the City Council. ` a Council File No. 199486 —By George J. Vavoulis, mayor — Whereas Section 356 -b of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul provides for a Commission to be appointed by the Mayor, subject to the approval of the City Council, which Commission shall determine eligibles for appoint- ment as Chief of police for the City of Saint Paul, and Whereas Mayor Vavoulis has re- appointed, subject to the approval of the Council, W. J. Hickey, Sr., for a term of six years, said term terminating on June 30, 1966, therefore be it Resolved That the reappointment of W. J. Hickey, Sr., for a term of six years as a Commissioner on the Police Commission, by the Mayor, be and it is hereby ratified by the City Council. Adopted by the Council November 1, 1960. Approved November 1, 1960. (November 5, 1960) NOV Z 196 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays NOS DeCourcy 90Han }._ Ap oved 19— Loss Favor Mortinson Peterson Mayor Rosen ga,lnst Mr. President, Vavoulis 5M 5.60 2 Ali • _,- __ _ - '1, I•ut 1r• 1y 1r �r't s,• i -.1 '•�•A, .•• * - _ � . ? .• y f '_ �j�,• ..�V _ .. t 'O F.F I.C.B:O F rT Fl E' —MAY O R & - 0TY''OF, S`AINTs 'AUL n• ` s EXECUTIVE DEPARTM;E'N -T ; Oeorge J. Vaivoulls"' '. 34i City, gait and - Court House Building Mdyai• x- = r ' = .Saint Pdul 2, Minnesota + •- ; _ . , '• _ �- -- .. ,t ,. , _ . - - . . . .., November- .1,, 1 quo :... _ • . ' Mr. W.. 'J: Hickey.,' Sr. , ? . ;, �- M...Smyth Printing Co.,, 108$ Sne113ng'Ave: No. - ,.. ; Saint. Paul! Minnesota. ' Dear Mr Hickey;t Y: ,•.. : ,r r = °: ; This'.letter .'will _ sei ve' a" offi al .n ce f r - ' reappointment,':•to the_ St.' ,Paul oli '`e C mmi _Sion or the _ term expiring Jun_ e 303 , 1 six- ear 5. Th reap of twent was conf irmed`` b C,i it - eao >it n his ' mo ni ' � ,. .. .,` • , ` a .::`� - ,_ - -- :$' _ - - - - 1. ..- . , I want ••t' nk ya' , for' y u,.r re of, service on this . C.dmmi = on your w 11 es to continue d memb Your, o -a eratio i" ' ea ly'sPPreciated. R GURU- 'J. yVA_VQIH,IS • _ "fit,_ „ ., - _ _ °1 • - _ �_, u - - i _ _ ,.- <' , _