199473Council File No. 199473 — Whereas, A written proposal for the 19g4°3 making of the following improvement. viz.: Partially opening, widening and ex- -------- •- ----- •••••• -- tending a highway known as the Short Line Road by condemning and taking PROPOSAL FOR IMPF,an easement for highway purposes on aY;d across the following tracts of land, ��� ° �a �• -y7� and PRELIMINARY ORDER. Theundersigned hereby proposesthe making of thefollowing public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: aTTy:open(ng; "tiyide ;Wing antl`®ztend'ng a1iigl'iway"knowrn as__ifi y5hort Line"Road b :,cor�det [t.t tg,: and- ;takJ�g,.an easement for,.hlghway... purposes... om -and;. across..aho..:fol.I owl ng tracts of land,, all in the City of Saint Paul,'County of'Ramsey and .State of Mjnnesota, to..WI -t ::.. r.. .,... ,., .. n " +r- .,....... .�. ... ". ... •.vu! ... ... .,.r ..... ,...,. .• . .. •.... •.... -. ... r. rr..r.a .4.... .rr.s... •...,.... � ... •..... t� Those. _parts of the NE 1/_4 and U 1/4 of Section 3, T.,• 2$H,•.R , 23W,_ and Lot 13 6', "iansoq acid "'Simoiiton!s gditiori to Saint Paul• included within a .fl.f Q f� t ty (5 ), oo widestxipaiof::. lead; t�l. y.. �ngradJacent . orthea $ter- ]•y.:•of�thq'reoent southwesterly, r t ght -of -way i Ina of _ the Chicago, M[ lwaukee, St. Paul and, ,Pac i -,f i c_� Ra,i jfroad ,Company., extending from the west line of the said -NE"114;"-Sec`tiC�i;`3; ":T °. "28N "`R':;"23i ; ( iii�jsi.ne.. Avenue to the' south 1 i ne of the said SE. l /4, .sect i'on 3, T. ' 28N, 'R. 23W (St. C l a r, Avenu ®, being a portion of'the 'h' -way now owned by the said Chicago, Milwaukee; St ° - °Pawl - and- P&O-f -i c -9 , i"j road- iroitipany. . Atso.;that part of the.Nii 114 1,s;ec:t•io7jy10; - .EZ8N; 'R. 23W,. included within a itwentywfive (25) foot'wida, str;i,p 'of land Lying adjacent ,to and northeasterly of the phesen:ti'soutiiwe"sterly ri.gh' tai' vayt�i:i'rie�o xthet`CkitcSgo; lvlhlWaukee and Pacific Rai broad' Company, extending -from the north. ltne of ;thc .said NE 1/4', Section 10, T. 28N,, R. 23W Jft,- CJai rsAven�ue)lnto�s,th�e' east rie.,of ripe, aforesaid,, NEt1 /4, .Secti�Qn` ;10 �,.T.�_28�1,y(i., 23W Lax injton,6Pa'rkway So•),, bet n' a_1 ' t��on of',Xhe r' glut -of-wa ,now owned b. "'thew's,aid. irFl f cago; »- jwaukee; Pt `Z Pau 1� nd Pac l f � c Ra tread o `� "a' f F -:r•:•sW v�' ifs 'si' OT, ,.;,i i S►�.: ty 4yryit ." y 1:;d w� `r ' fit tk Wjt �Aigo that part of the' fW%'J /4', . Section' 11.,- T_ 28N,, R. 23W, and Lot, 8, Subdivision' of Ayd ,s; arnr punded �by�t�h_e ,fo.l;lowi ng,; descri beds i hes,:: Co uenc i n_g, atp,thsY;i nte'r3eot ion �o #,� -they est= 1'i:ne„of !teaitltNW °' 1/4:1 Sectionz�l i l�'; 8N;{ w23r f;(Lex n[�ton ar a So' �. rr• =f...i c._c N.... • 7 %Z y.+' F* 4-t•, �, .R G�. �- .,.7 � ,� �, -'i. -4 .Y �y, • rrl ti _the;,pres�,ht;soutCiwes;terly.r'igh -o €sway ,li'ne: +o €i�;t�he,6hic�a/�/� i•M lwaukee t:hPaul� 1 , •� �+.... , S. F +.� ..,: f r F w.,- a!' .1 .r. _g ;•� %... 'r .ur•., w. 4: i�.. w•a a � andiPac•Lf_fc Rai,j,roacl`;Gompany� thence; north' on;��tW,#aid- wesyt� -iii�a of Sectional i ­T 28N z, R., 23W; fto '' ;tihe+pojnt- oftis�i- nter$ect on ;wits ;a�l'ihe. 1 }y�ent five 2 ee. di tent. •i e• :vie r. J _+sue 1, _. "i1� .11 ."j:W Y'* S o ...( S/ t'3 i ; northeaster ,�ly�,tijMta�ndr£p�ra ;l 1e:t.to� the above -� htioned �southwesterl�i r giittof�,`way l tne. ;. Fther�ce. iir�;�a ;��outheas�terly� it c ionton std �i_gh .`iRin to the, intx.oft i•ts int ®rsect1on :, r r i�a� y4.a t y �r . w, withxthe aforesaid; oath res�ter;Vlyy rjghi -pof -away line;-at the east. li.rie of Lot 8; Su vision of' Ayd's 'Farm •in the said -'NW r1 /4'of, :Section. 1.'l i thence in a� northwesterly direction on the .aforetai d hs�od"thwesterl el � hit ' f�va 1 ° � �t r r,- +, `� i nee °qf the-101 i ca'go,� Fit l raukee, St.11iu 1 sand a �? � -3 7 � +• Y. p � +� �) y it +, - ,.+ �,. � + � r + ,. r . •4s . Pac Uf i cf Flat l oad Com an a to fhe i nt= of e i nn i n � _ *� �= rte= �� ' i`'� y P Y i:l ..7 {l'y ;.".., �'-4s�4'��*; 3.. _ ;►'?� �r�°IIt TW /"'.� •t �p'� *��� t r`T ���`x , a i Al sd: �co�de�n�i�ng and, tak i rig a �_easemiant �foyro the ;�econ- ruct t off: and'' extens i on,j of . athe exist,in ridges over _tiissGlitcago; iii iwaukee Sti.'�',paulF :and• P.acjfic,�tai lroad Company's g t!t. 9e..1. 6wtr T. d. °1'ft .► R.:; .;Y49ti+� •4' ['1. id^.�. ♦ Ftr5}'It 2- tracks.on the fol:lbwing gnat ad. streets:: umm enueGra�d. Avenue L�ncoli,Aveinue '... ...1tr '�. at .'6J♦ ., 1�;r M b: 1Y ....t f 3i 4.: .y �r `nFi, l L.. �: CL...X..Wy • lT;.h1 ' _ _ t 'F, s s. �St w ;Glair - ,Avenue.~ and,, Lax), ngtonl; p.ar,kway�SouthL,s ;suc�s<;ridge extensions 'torovtde Highway \ overpass bridges over the said Short Line Road:``` �'`"'�`f•`¢` X41- +_.�. K .:. ;nPtt}} 1 �'�� a•,7 i:+c.+r ,,,•.„•�•�'r �r r —ttiM'I Of' he west ne f' `z 'aas�C�� i visa "t'ng` at ~fie, intaectT ©� - 1 i '�.o a 'sat' KWr 1/14, t � ;� 28�j�...R�.. ..(i 1PXWgtori l rXr,►ay so.) • with the pre #'ent,., . ttP ?,rr1y ,'1'ght- of4tiiay' alai_ rleof .the Chic,iigo, Mi,irvaeikee,, 8t. Pau) end Pacific' Ra`i. l r Com nyi: ;; �6611ce north``b n t , tai d etst� I ne '#f�.Se�c:t �.�: R: '23V to 'tho po l r�ta,o I.' s t► e e 'fl on nn Sri h'' ,a 1 i ns t�e� #y i it (2S} feat 'd i -s tant,' nortl�eaasterly Troia,.. para -Fl ; td `ttia a�love- mentloiieii :soeithwv�_tii �,� rtg$r }of�+��:'1 ins; ~bends -in t)iea kerly direc ion end = straight .line to tha p©ji,t' o#`"t s iht ®rsection ' . wj thq th'a .l4foresa td soath�ielEter 1 ; r.i gh -ofw�r y, ,i ;L ;na - t tba east i i ne of �tAot $, .Su.b tv t s tor+ Of Ayd!t. 1"arTn' til,the' said Nt+( l/ of Sectton.'T,ii thence toe "norEhwssterl'y direction on the aforesaid: i<outi�weateriy rlgf�t- of-way iie of xhe .Chl.cago,, .11llwaukeo� fit. peal and Poo; fic ;.Rai Iroad, Company to, the palm -of he9 inn i'ng. -. •Altai' condamnt�ng and takipq An easement 'for' the .reconstruttton and extenSinn of tlia ex.tst ng brt.dge's' over the '1+litcago, Mi iWaukea, St. Paul and Pacific Rai'it�oad Caapany � (•tracks o° # the f4 YoN rig igna 'streeis '��t Avenue.r.6ran , venue, L Mr Avw �, �. :,St. V ai. r Ave 0m, and Lox i n'gton Pa.rlcway South, .6 r'l dgs. •xtens tons to provide i�a de higy overpais iir j',',d es over - the. satd .Shoif thW Roaid: