199462ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK 9462 TEE CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOENCIL NO. UJ VV _ LIGEITSE COI*a OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CM RESOLUTION - GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY / October 27, 1960 COMMISSIONS DATE RESOLVED: That Application F- 11724 for the transfer of portion of License N&. 9421, expiring February 23, 1961, covering Gas Station (2— pumps) issued to Harold Tmhoff at 2249 University Avenue, be and the same is hereby transferred to Bernard A. Knaff, Sr. at the same address. TRANSFER (Licensees) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy HvHa'nd Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen MT,P=%weRtrVaveu.I SM 6 -60 2 Council File No. 199462 —By Mrs. Donald M. DeCourcy —Robert F. Peterson — Milton Rosen — Resolved, That 'Application F -11724 for the transfer of portion of License No. 942, expiring February 23, 1961, covering Gas Station (2- pumps) issued to Harold Imhoff at 2249 University Avenue, be and the same is hereby transferred to Bernard A. Knaff, Sr. at the same address. Adopted by the Council October 27, 1960. Approved October 27, 1960. (October 29, 1960) 0(;T 2 7 1260 Adopted by the Council 19— ()CT 2 7 1960 Approved 19— IFavor Mayor Against .I