199416Council File No. 199416 —By Milton, ��� ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK - .� Rosen— CITY OF ST Re: State Project 6282 -9663 (T. H, L NO. 94 =392) Bridge No. 9663. Victoria Street. Minn. Proj. I094 -3 (39) 238. OFFICE OF THE Whereas, The City of. St. Paul has COUNCIL RESOLUTION approved the plans an specifications for the improvement of that that part of of Trunk Highway No. 392 renumbered PRESENTED B as Trunk Highway No. 94 within the ate, limits of the City of St. Paul COMMISSIO R ° ^�'6""t— to, Farrington Re: State Project 6282 -9663 (T•H• 94 =392) Bridge No. 9663. Victoria Street. Minn. Proj. 1 094 -3 (39) -238. - WHEREAS, The City of St. Paul has approved the plans and specifications for the improvement of that part of Trunk Highway No- 392 renumbered as Trunk Highway No. 94 within the corporate limits of the City of St. Paul from Dunlap Street to Farrington Street; and WHEREAS, In order to obtain Federal Aid in the construction of said Trunk Highway No- 392 renumbered as Trunk Highway No. 94 the Bureau of Public Roads requires the assurance that the City of St. Paul will not suffer any encroachment of any nature or kind whatsoever on the right of way of said Trunk Highway No. 392 renumbered as Trunk Highway No. 94 within the corporate limits of the said City of St. Paul; NOW, THEN, BE IT RESOLVED, That said City of St. Paul does hereby agree and covenant that it will never permit or suffer, within its corporate limits, any encroach- ment of any kind whatsoever, including curb gas pumps and gas stations, billboards or other structures of any kind whatsoever, upon the right of way of Trunk Highway No. 392 renumbered as Trunk Highway No. 94, and to the above end said City of St. Paul hereby agrees that it will never issue any license, permit, or grant or give any leave or liberty or any other consent of whatever form for the construction or maintenance of any encroachment whatsoever, including curb gas pumps and gas stations, billboards or other structures of any kind whatsoever, upon said right of way; and that said City of St. Paul will cooperate insofar as,possible to eliminate existing encroachments constituting traffic hazards and will further take any necessary action to eliminate any encroachment that may hereafter exist on said trunk highway right of way. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr Praa;r7gu!- S�n�rai�]�e ISM E -60 Qp. 2 OCT 25 I' Adopted by the Council 19- o CT 2 5 1960 Approve 19— Tn Favor Mayor � gairlat DUPLICATE TO PRINTER � - • CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE F FILE NO. NO. ��9 6 At: ate Project 6262 -9663 (T H. 9h`392) BrldSo No. 9563. l'ictoAa $troet. . PrQJ - I 09h-3 (39) 238• WHWM.* The City of $t, PaUl has approved the plon>s and Vocifiaationp for the i.'jr0VQWMt of that part of Trunk Higia MY ft. 392 ripaa abere d as Trvnak Hi,g+htrsy ft. 94 V thin the coxporaate a.imiits of the City of .8t. ;Pa►a]. from. ZUav Street to Farrington Street$ and WHOW0 In m4er to obtain 74doral A14 in the oonstruction of said Trunk Highway Hv. 392 r*nvabered es Trunk Ht&my Ho. they Bureau of Pnbl ca goads requires then "Su canoe that tha City, of Ct. Paul viii not suft*r any en q nt of any natu* or kind wbatsowcar on the right of vay of um$A Trunk Highway lb- 392 rambered any Highway lfo. 94 within the corporaatea its of tbo said. City of 8t, Paul; s T=JI B's, IT Y=, TA,t said City of St. Pam., floe# hereby agree aV. ant that it viU ne s yormit or suf!°rtr„ within its rorporatet lWts, #my scant of any kind teoo"r,, including e=b go yjW# and gas stations., billboards. or other structures of any ]Lnd rrbatsoea er, Upon the right of � of Trunk Hi.B' nmy Ho. 392 renuabeer6d ass 7.`rtnnk MoltV Ho. 54, a4nd to the abwo erg. weld City of St. rml hereby awes thie►.t. it will. n*Mr INSUO any 31offl Ra, perait, or avant or give, mW leave or liberty or am other consent of whatever frarer for the$ construction or mntenenaae of any whatmeve►rs uding curb ps pi ps 'amd gas statlonsy binboards or other structures of any kind whatso r, UP1 said right of Vay3 and that *aid City of St. Paul vM cooperate insofar as possible to mate a xtsting encroe�eimteata constituting traffic bazard and mill farther take any beeessarf action to eliminate WIT c nt t Wt away h/rtafter 6116t on odd trunk high right of Vayo OCT 25 SO- COUNCII24EN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays DeCourcy 0 Loss Tn Favor Mortinson Peterson Against Rosen An—rxmumlf, IV SM E -60 QN110. 2 a0r�S�J Approved 19— Mayor