199308PRELIMINARY ORDER 1"9.94708
Council File No. 199308— ' No...- ._- _..:...._..._
Whereas, A written proposal for the
PROPOSAL FOR I �,'-'-`� making of the following improvement,
Condemn and take a 15 foot wide
figment for purposes- of
The undersigned hereby proposesthemaldngofthefollowing public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.:
.V • .. .. ... .. .......... v.,,..._......-. w .... .............r.......,.... ... -. wrw-....._......wyy. .. ................._.............
condemn and talcs a 15 foot wide'permanent easement for purposes of constructing,and
maint_Aining..,pub.l.ic sewers, -the center-] ine : -of said' :5' feet west of and pare)-
•.iel to the.,west property...l i'ne of Cretin Avenue and extending fr"_om,.the .rior;th - 1.ine.of = Goodrich
Ayehue tof�'the-cen "terYine 'of 1�lncoln'Ayeriu `a1so� condemn and .take a 25 fo.6t wide permanent
easement for -the pur.p.oses „of ;constr_uct,i.ng.: and nai.ntainI,ng- pub•}ic� sewers °the= center °i "i'iie "of
said easement being Pl2ti5 feat west of and parallel to the west, property�.i�he of Cretin Ave: ,
and exteii'd_i;ngt;fivom..- he.• nor••th3p'lfopertp���`ine•--of° Gt�od�rI- Avenue" to id- feet north of the north
property ] '!;he of Goodrich Avenue. ..........__ _w .. .; . .� .. .......{ . ....-.� .. . ... -i- _ ............... ... A condema and take 10'foot wide tempor.ary -- e a s- .e_m..e_ n.ts -..
for purposes of C"'b"WsEr'U�fing
public sewers said temporary easements being westerly of and adjacent to above described
permanent easements, y
A°lI'so�condemrf- 4fd'�`take. a s r.ip of ° "land'10 feet in width for purposes of constructing
public sewe;rs;,' sa`.id strip of land bte g`iogthe�,�lr�yof�n�d �dJacent to the north property
line of ;Goodrich Avenue, and eXtehd i ng from the west .1 i —l" e of Wood i awn Avenue (produced) to
the west ie of CFet�, tfte � .`., ?far thb i*�' t� f rx of 11, l"r ".cwirg xmprovemeL. , vi:.:
t6ndem'nr and take a 15 foot wide permanent easement for p rposes of .conskructi'ng an3—`^`
main'tdtntng; public sewers.; tli®,centerl ine ofatd easement being: �. feeit west., o f d iral-
tel ,to, fihe Est_ "p. Cap ®!'Y...l.i.ne.,4fi:_ :�rextri Avcri.ue.�nd.extQndi,ng f.rom`the ..nortkr.rl.Mnm,.of..Caoodr,ich
Avenue to' Elie centeri ine of L1ncoln Avenue; also_,, condemn' and .take a 25 foot•'wlde permanent
,easement •, for,• the ' - -purposes- of• -cons tructl-hg and•- maJnta'tning pub -]iv --sewers,•the cQnfie..rlinb' ail,
said, s� er pbe� g f1 L,5thfa%t, Flo vii fof Eanyd - a al,lpluto the west property, -i ine of, Cretan Ave.
and ex eliding from he nortf� property '1 �na at' Goorf ch Avenue to i0 1eet,'nortfi` o ":the'iiiaith
propV fgfcl-i;A1 bf Goodr i`ch Avenue. ,
Al tCic0 i Wrv. F� t�f�e l.Qi ^fioQt�,wi�leP efiporar'�r F ea. seinents- cfor�r0ur;ios *1sdbfctCOnstruci f ng
public s�ewelrosi u° ��p, yetnp orx 4iZles, eo bb '4Pa�rll�tywestar -ft ,of gaud J`a�ce�t�uto�tabove described
permanent easements,
At so cdhili5 fi';A'd'ttikre'�lgrl;f�=ijp fniand io= fed€° r} iKiift-fi foi piirp8''sesso ��carist�ruct ng
pdbl lc �+awe,ryas_ailas�fir�i,p, Hof. trlandad3e :ing_no.rthe�ruly.�:ofat,and, edJacent to the north: p- roperty ;
,11 ne. of ,1Good�r iph�AVenuAc app o:p?ct. e. } I .�v�f�r:. ltd �r withe�of tM, a� na lien (r uced)' tb
the west t Ina o? 616"t- n Ave ue.
- _ - �5. To repart'upon all s�f �s for�boin� Iicir�ttc;:a to .tile l�oC�ai.�sioner of f'i�►sce'�. • _. -- -- - _ _ . _ _—
Adopted by the Council A.�iT . -� 16
DeCou rcy
Morti nson
Vavou i i s
3000 7-54
Approved ........... NIT
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