1 97200
Council File No .............
Council File No. 197200 —
Whereas, �A written proposal for the JJ
making of the following improvement, i
viz.: f
Partially opening, widening and ex -�
anding .f proposed SHORT LINE
The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.:
Partially openingi xidening, and, extending the. proposed. SHORT LIN1# ROAD byy
con demnirig
and• -takin the 6ll,acwJ h ,degcribed•-1nt-e arid--pif ce1S--of•-land - -r ..... v,
....: 'T;ota`1' ands `14� �' Block" 2- Boulevard- •Adc�aibn •No'.�............- .... _ .... ....._. ............ . .....
_ 7;ota 1 'a_nd. 14,:r -Blo*. 3,,, ,SouleY_ and 'Additioii..No.3 . .............. ..........__ ...- - - - --
DaTh'ose'- parta"oft,7.A' bob -- and - 3—i ••B1oW -3-i- �Boulaiard.--Addition 1 3`bounded, by
the following described lineal Commending, at the% o rth*est7corner of
�... .- ..._._
said Lot 3; thence east on th&"n' orth i:nes of the aforesaid LI ote:cZraaj:,.
and,,3 to the northeast' corner of saki Lot 2y thence south on the east
line of said Lot 2, a distance, of fifty - eight(, 8) feet to a, point;
_ th'e`nce Wbi- northireaterly direction on a straight ;line to the point
of beginning. PRELVNUN.i,,ftY ORDER.."
�Y• rLq. 2,; exce�i��t�he ,ueasterlyhtea(77,Q� feet �B1oct,2E,h_�nn4A ::iamseyts Ad di tion,
1nlargement, rof.
Lot 7, ,Block 26, Anna E. Ra'mseyts Addition., Enlargement o
s,:d e�� : � � Zs i':a,' ;�.� .. o �:d �.i
k 9C D ;•
` '` qok "2� '" -Ramse r s • "I , Enlargement of.
and t'% of's ",l,id�'j,,`9=- anci�lO .,�Bl 7; '��nna'�`�: y;1 ;Addition a
TTl 6se� p "aftelof ot's 21 end 2� �D'lnc '22 rA'nna -$. Ramsey 's Addition,
Le! ; 1 Llbgll'rg&Wi _ of, bvundec by`tlis'4fo310 ng described lineal
'Commending at the northwest ,corner "of 'saiAd, Lot 21; thence east
i:o; c p;.,;,, .: +te: „i;,. +i; 's.�i a;,-�s:.�.c �:i,E� C,� .:....:;�;�, Tal.� rt,A7;,�'�••rfi _r'1 _3 ; �, .�___ �i
-�� VayVJ �FV iG�V, 'oVV.Y4 Vi. Vllt7_ ilUl ULlq ('Ta�.{
" i'corner-- of ihi d''Lot¢c22';, thieri a — ao1n' 3, 'esterlydirection oii a,
ciA lline to "
the point of beginning, which is the northwest
cornea of the said Lot.
ut 2,9 �,` Inc t t..O ;.3Mterj.y :; .� � } e�tf. Moe -j e6, Any
Lote B, Anna- E�attiseyl s Addition,, 4largement of. fat rf s?ioG 2.0p � u: b, k' ' oy t
M Ole
f o is 136,?`,5 'and 10, Bic* 27: In:;.s E• in�avmyf s � � oit�c:±, F- .areement of..
.1hose parts of Lots 21 az:d 22, .,lock 27#
ea & VAr;ey9 s A:!6!tio
oll win , dosq lb:d t,;;st
Commencing.at thelnorthwest��corner, of .said- -_I,Qt _2 ;,.thence .east-
on the *north lineg-ofr {the. aforesaid Iots 21 and 22, to the northeast
corner ofsaid - Lot�22 ;, :thence south on the'east line of said- L'ot �22�
a distanceX�#ty(60)feet to a point;_ thence -in a northwesterly ,
direction-on a straight line to a point on_ the; west line ,of•,the``._.�....�...
��_.. ...
Mn, pP,- yljaforesaid,Lot 22, that is twenty(20)feet south of the northwest Mayor.
corner of said Lot 22; thence,in a northwesterly direction -on a
"straight line to the point of beginning., which is the northwest
corner of the said Lot 21.
Lots 1,2 and 3, Block 30, Anna E. Ramsey's Addition, Enlargement of.