197117ORIGINALIO CITY CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCL� RESOUj'PI)UN- GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER ,�_ DATE I COUNCIL R - - FILE RESOLVED, That an extra in the amount of $300.00 be allowed under Contract No. G -2045, between the City of Saint Paul and the Armor Coat Finishing Co., Inc., said contract for Bituminous And Sewer Work, for the Valley Playground Area, located at Valley and Jackson Streets, Saint Paul, Minnesota, and said extra to cover the cutting down and removing of two cottonwood trees alongside the Recreational Center Building, this work having been re- quested by the Commissioner of Parks And Recreation And Public Buildings, and agreement made with the Contractor and a memorandum of said agreement having been filed with the Comptroller and countersigned by him. Approved: y Comp oller COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Mortinson 6 Pe4epeeaa In Favor Rosen Winkel _Against Council File No. 197117 — By Bernard T. Holland — Resolved, That an extra in the amount of GO 2 4bte e enitit No. 05bewn the of San Paul and the Armor Coat Finishing Co., Inc., said contract for Bituminous And 'Sewer Work, for the Valley Playground Area, located at Valley and Jackson Streets, Saint Paul, Minnesota, and said extra to cover the cutting down and jremoving of two cottonwood trees alongside the Recreational Center Building, this work having been re- quested by the Commissioner of Parks And Recreation And Public Buildings, and agreement made with the Contrac -' for and a memorandum of said agree- ment having been filed with the Comp- troller and countersigned by him. Adopted by the Councll May 13, 1960. Approved May 13, 1980. L (May 21, 1960) MAY 131960 Adopted by the Council 19 MAY 131960 Actififf Mayor ti DUPLICATE TO PRINTER ~ CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE COUNCIL NO. FILE 9 t1_1 RESOLD, That an extra in the amount of $300.00 be allowed under Contract No. G- 2045, between the City of Saint. Paul and the Armor Coat Finishing Co.., Inc., said contract for Bituminous And Sewer Work$ for the Valley Playground Area, located at Valley and Jackson Street$, Saint Paul, Minnesota, and said extra to cover the cutting dorm and removing of two cottonwood trees alongside the Recreational Center Building, this work having been re- quested by the Commissioner of Parks And Recreation And Public Buildings, and agreement wade with the Contractor and a memorandum of said agreement having been filed with the Comptroller and countersigned by him. approved$ My mp ro er COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Mortinson Rosen Winkel n 5M 7 -69 8 �Tn Favor Against MAY 131960 Adopted by the Council 19 MAY 13, "Jou Approved 19 Mayor A L ALFRED H.SCHROEDER "�- CityArchitect CAPITAL OF MINNESOTA ROBERTA.LOBDELL DEP_ OF PARES F- RECREAHCO 6, MIX MUSS General Manager Parks & Recreation 545 City Hall, Zone 2 CApital 4 -4612 - Exf. 376 r W.UMONT KAUFMA BERNARD T. HOLLAND, Commissioner WILLIAM W. ROONEY, Deputy Commissioner Supt. of Parks 8 Mqy 12, 1960 Comsr. Bernard T. Holland Dept. of Parks And Recreation And Public Buildings Dear Sir: Contract No. G -2045 was awarded to the Armox Coat Finish- ing Co., Inc. for Installation of Grading, bituminous and Sewer Work for the Valley Playground Area, located at Valley and Jackson Streets, St. Paul, Minnesota. During the course of the work under this contract, it was found desirable to cut down two cottonwood trees alongside the Recreational Center Building and remove them from the premises. Negotiations have been conducted with the con- tractor who agrees to do this for $300.00, which is a rea- sonable amount for the labor involved. 1 1: It is requested that a resolution be submitted to the Coun- cil authorizing this extra. Yours t uly, tAed H. .Schroeder CITY ARCHITECT AHS..A CC: Mr. Schnarr Mr. Storey