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ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK 7 CITY OF ST. PAUL O, .FFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTfON- GENERAL FORM .—.I– COUNCIL NO. FILE RESOLVED, that Herbert A. Lund be permitted to remodel an existing filling station at the northwest corner of Fairview and Randolph Avenues, on Lots 29 and 30, Block 1, Kipp's Macalester Park, in accordance with plans approved April 7, 1960, and subject to the condition that sidewalks abutting said premises be kept clean and free of ice and snow at all times. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Martinson Rosen Winkel Mr. President, Dillon 6M 7-69 8 Council File No. 197086. — By Bernard T. Hollgnd- Resolved, That Herbert A. Lund be permitted to remodel an existing filling station at the northwest corner of Fairview and Randolph Avenues, on Lots 29 and 30, Block 1, Kipp's Macal- �ester Park, in accordance with plans approved April 7, 1960, and subject to f the condition that sidewalks abutting 4 said premises be kept clean and free I of ice and snow at all times. Adopted by the Council May 11, 1960. Approved May 11, 1960. (May 14, 1960) r MAY 111 Adopted by the Council 19 MAY 111 OFFICE OF CITY CC-ERX BUREAU OF RECORDS 386 City Hall and Court House St. Paul 2, Minnesota 4 ' S 111A 5- ' '�. o Mr. Louis P. Sheahan Corporation Counsel Building Dear Sir: May 5, 1960 JOSEPH R. OKONESKI City Clerk HAROLD J. RIORDAN Council Recorder .L� � 7 The City Council requested that you prepare a resolution granting the attached application of Herbert A. Lund for permit toxemodel an existing filling station at the northwest corner of Fairview and Randolph Aves . , on Lots 29 and 30, Block 1, Kipp's Macalester Park, in accordance with plans approved April 7, 1960. V7;6vClerk ruly your , C C�x MINNESOTA .......................... > .RD OF ZONING,' CITY OF SAINT PAUL N.SI.QNf 171- 931 -459 115 CITY HALL AND COURT HOUSE SAINT PAUL 1, MINNESOTA May 3, 1960 Mr. Joseph Okoneski City Clerk Building Dear Sir: This is in the matter of the application of Herbert A. Lund for a permit to remodel an existing filling station on property located on the northwest corner of Fairview and Randolph Avenues. The pro- perty is described as Lots 29 and 30, Block 1, Kipp's Macalester Park. The zoningis commercial and has been since the adoption of the ordinance in 1922. The site is presently occupied by a filling station which was con- structed in 1940. The applicant proposes to install one new pump island, one new driveway on Randolph Avenue, remodel the existing driveways and construct a small addition to the building. The site itself is not being enlarged. The property under consideration has a frontage of 80 feet on Ran - dolpb Avenue and 122.42 feet on South Fairview Avenue resulting in an approximate area of 9,794 square feet. North across an alley is a single - family residence fronting on James Avenue; south across Randolph Avenue is the Bethany Convent; east across South Fairview, Avenue is a filling station; west and adjoining is a tbree -story apartment building fronting on Randolph Avenue. Field investigation discloses no basic objection to the proposed remodeling. The Traffic Engineer has approved the plan which meets the standards for this type of facility. In consideration of the above factors, the Board of Zoning recommends the granting of the permit to remodel an existing filling station on the above described property in accordance with plans approved April 7, 1960. Sincerely, 4 H. C. Wieland Secretary Board of Zoning HCW :FGI Encl. i CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota Tenth and Minnesota Streets, 1 POLICE ROBERT F. PETERSON, Commissioner HEALTH FIRE PROTECTION JOHN C. FELDMANN, Deputy Commissioner POLICE AND FIRE ALARM A. R. ANDERSON, License Inspector April 1, 1960 Mr. Joseph R. Okoneski City Clerk Dear Sir: Referring to the application of Herbert A. Lund for permission to remodel his filling station located at the northwest corner of Fairview and Randolph Avenues. Attached is report covering the inspection of the premises by the Fire Prevention Division. Very truly yours, 6"a � &� Commissioner of Public Safety r 4 THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTER- OFFICE COMMUNICATION z April 1, 1960 Hon. Robert F. Peterson Commissioner of Public Safety Dear Sir: In regard to the application of Herbert A. Lund for permission to remodel his filling station located at the northwest corner of Fairview Street and Randolph Avenue. We have investigated the foregoing and report that they wish to have one - 3 pump island (existing) and one - 2 pump island (new). I understand that there will be no change in the underground gasoline storage tanks that now exist. This installation will be made in accordance with the rules and regulations of the National Board of Fire Underwriters and the St. Paul Fire Prevention Code. There will be no increase in the fire hazard in this vicinity. Respectfully yours, lard J. S ell, Chief ion o ire Prevention HJS:ab Eno. City of Saint Paul, Minnesota APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL COUNCIL USE PERMIT (Please print or type) TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL % the City Clerk . City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Application is hereby made to remodel or reconstruct ,R FILLING STATION tom— 3 JOUP410 is) No. of islands and pumps I — Z. p pK4 fl is No . of tanks and capacity: .2. �° ° 9I 3� an existing (cross one out) am gNd exi5fiK9 a vi ct t► a y�/ PARKING LOT for (customers) (employees) (private use) (public use) (other) (indicate type) Capacity of parking lot To be used in connection with: 1 MISCELLANEOUS: (indicate type such as Drive -in Refreshment Stand, Used Car Lot, Dry Cleaning Pick -up Station, Ice Vendor, etc.) Capacity of parking area: *Location N, W. coy -vi e1^ Faiev, aw St, d- Ra►tiolo �P� st Legal Description Lot 2 c/ %L 3 o Block ) Addition Ki P P S Applicant's Name MAC -Qlq str� K y RT A. L UN D Home or Office Address: SQ„ 17 IR V ) N Q A?VF_ / $C7, M pL 5 / 9) Phone Number 0 6 .F E 3- to4`fI le r-4- 8►i FOR/BY THE APPLICANT, � ==tA,, . 3 kX3/4, o (Signature) date Address Phone No.: When completed: file three copies of this application form and three prints of the preliminary lay -out plans of the proposed facility with the City Clerk, Room 386, City Hall and Court House,'Saint Paul, Minnesota Z -3 6/11/56 Hall— and 1. S.E. corner of Main St. and First St. 2. `South side of Main St. between First and Second St. City of Saint Paul, Minnesota APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL COUNCIL USE PERMIT (Please print or type) TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL % the City Clerk City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Application is hereby ade to remodel or reconstruct an existing y y-1-- and- ate_-new (cross one out) EIFILLING STATION No. of islands and pumps ..,,q , f No.-of tanks and capacity: ; - t' ��. ,rte 'C,� S QPARKING LOT for (customers) (employees) (private use) (public use) (other) (indicate type) Capacity of parking lot To be used in connection with: M MISCELLANEOUS: (indicate type such as Drive -in Refreshment Stand, Used Car Lot, Dry Cleaning Pick -up Station, Ice Vendor, etc.) Capacity of parking area: *Location : N j0. ,. : V VAC it r "r. w 4 . s, tiv * 1 �, ►, J f t- � S Legal Description : Lot , Block Addition { �; Applicant's Name f i l er Rj Home or Office Address: Phone Number 13 0 5 p y4ce-3j Fg 3. 6. Lt Lt 1 iE X7 8/ 9 FOR/BY THE APPLICANT, — ( Signature )' (date) Address . Phone No.: When completed: file three copies of this application form and three prints of the preliminary lay -out plans of the proposed facility with tY Room 386, City Hall and Court House, Saint Paul, Minnesota �'�`�� SUBJECT Z -3 6/11/56 TO+T��f�x�'^�,�v� *EXAMPLE: 1. S.E. corner of Main St. and First St. FAR . ,.�U 6 �� ,,; 2. South side of Main St. between First and Second S !Y � I [. Aluminum Lampholder with I ar 38 150 W. Spot Lamp ' 150 Par, +SP I 3. Aluminum Lampholder with -Far 46 200 W. Flood Lamp 200 Par 46113MI'L 4. Aluminum LaTUpholder with Far 46 200 NW. Spot Lamp 200 Pir 4613 NSP _5. Aluminum Lampholder with flar 56 300 W'. Roo -i Lanip 300 P r 5!'!MFL Aluminum Lam,i»i_ .,. . p '3d ' r i. A;�,�.•7.'cn La:�t; `I, d r :., . 6 300 5peLamp 300 ' --� i�;lrFHt•e�.-24- — ,?_rte• i4ifi --,�. 1 300 f�l C R�Ma11 max? 3T IFMF-14�ixxtture with Spr ea. •', „ Flood Lamp 10. MDA -14 Fixture with SmoothlReam Lens 53J V 1 L40 Flood Lamp - :7 G/ FL 1 _ pp ntat'• €tuorescent Island Lighting s L?- ?- 21:89• puRi�s /a...yN1eK eR�s• ItE.N'rI�.E..Cot -oQ C�-Z7 Wl. B ", fJSPJ1Rt -T` f3 LACK ' EA1Jg Fi ?E REFERENCE DRAWINGS & SPECIFICATIONS LSPEC. R LAST R EVT I T L E . DATE Z- GEjJC -0 EME.Kj - BANJO SIGN A POLE PLf%AJS LELI VENT LINES FROM TANKS ISLAND LIGHT EL I-r- � WATER LINE SEWAGE & DRAINAGE LINES Z -z- $LDS E_ a Z -25-6 E OIL DISPLAY CABINET -z -s L_ -ZB74 s-/3 -58 _TA AD .7,9,9-9- q - zZ -Ae> /A1 c z7 r ' BANJO SIGN A POLE , VENT LINES FROM TANKS ISLAND LIGHT GASOLINE LINES FROM TANKS TO DISPENSERS WATER LINE SEWAGE & DRAINAGE LINES ------ GAL. FUEL OIL LG. _ GAL. WASTE OIL - ® OIL DISPLAY CABINET ISLANDER EXISTING ELEVATIONS OGAUGE BOX WITH AIR OFILL BOX 3 `N �aLJrMlBL}! VERTICAL CHECK VALVE OR IMPACT CHECK VALVE . OEXTRACTOR so VENT CAP FLOODLIGHT _ �Q,�_ W �'- AIR COMPRESSOR SPOT QQ_ W O HINGED TYPE NON - ROTATING AUTO LIFT FRAME CONTACT TYPE / FLOODLIGHT POLE _ 0=� ® AIR STAND , WATER HOSE BIBB REEL TYPE OSIZE_- , ® AIR STAND - POST TYPE ; - ------ TTT��� --- '1 AIR GAUGE U WAIL TYPE ' Q AIR 4 WATER WELL AIR WELL O ISL'J►NO LIGHT POLE (� A `^W ISLAND LIGHT POLE / WITH AIR -1111IM111111111IIIIIIIIIII CONCRETE Z L G. I PUMP ISLAND L G. / FC INDICATE ELEC. COMPUTING / Sc PRODUCT GASOLINE PUMP -7 FC INDICATE Sc LJ PRODUCT COMPUTING DISPENSER r/1 SUBMERSIBLE ' PUMP UNDER GROUND TANKS _ - -- _ - - -_ -- ------ GAL. GASOLINE - -- - -� VENT LINES FROM TANKS GASOLINE LINES FROM TANKS TO DISPENSERS WATER LINE SEWAGE & DRAINAGE LINES ------ GAL. FUEL OIL _ _ GAL. WASTE OIL - ® OIL DISPLAY CABINET 12.0 EXISTING ELEVATIONS OGAUGE BOX OFILL BOX 3 NONE VERTICAL CHECK VALVE OR IMPACT CHECK VALVE OEXTRACTOR FITTING __ANGLE CNECK _ - -- -FOOT VALVE VENT CAP AIR COMPRESSOR NON - ROTATING AUTO LIFT ROLL-ON TYPE NON - ROTATING AUTO LIFT FRAME CONTACT TYPE REGISTERED REST RM. SIGN ON FLOODLIGHT POLE ` 0=� REGISTERED REST RM. SIGN AND SPECIAL POLE �x WATER HOSE BIBB OSIZE_- FIRE EXTINGUISHERS ----- ------- ___ - _ - -- _ - - -_ -- FILL LINES FROM FILL BOXES TO TANKS - -- - -� VENT LINES FROM TANKS GASOLINE LINES FROM TANKS TO DISPENSERS WATER LINE SEWAGE & DRAINAGE LINES T TELEPHONE LINE - -- ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER COMPRESSED AIR LINES 12.0 EXISTING ELEVATIONS X e FINAL REQUIRED ELEVATIONS APPROVAL RECORD DATE BY TEX�,CO TEXACO INC. TEX�ACC - DIV.OFF. DOMESTIC SALES DEPARTMENT P /WACRL) DIV.OFF. YJPLS DIVISION COON-re REG'NLOFF. (P.C.R.) tit 5' o 77/1 -- - :..,.._._ .. . _.... u N.Y. OFF. 5T REVISION RECORD Fi9/R1UlE1%�/ LRA.ti.DoL): H =S7 -/Z�5. DATE BY DESCRIPTION �E�SJER,4.L .9RftA.ur3914,FWj_ PLAl1� 1�ZE1-�A13. Oz -z(o u cE .5 - DATE _ 2 DRAWN BY �ZDAI TRACED BY 0 CHECKED BY4�JS0•' APPROVED NO Q� N i A E W Q P1 /1,L771'It " d- 6;U_C A87E Cy f 7 _r1L41_. msT G-C 1 .)C1:USw L kw :k t5 L yer Pi c ' -BOX ` j I r T5 :Z11' ! o `� h 0. 0 N x MM' q� Aj w -5 " SPOTiv-s-S RAlmar- U19-i 7,3' • A-,sPPA I-T .WZjL 'a r- LW-O"T RpuE'9'5 -k - - EX) S-r/'v 4q ,�9p P tv, 0 .49 C_ H Z &ODE) 4 3 � ©i �� t4;4 I I I a 0 0 qj 5,PHz74-:r )DO V 45-ME-A-) A.,%!D LOBC,h) L Tri T -f;�7 c - 7 oi ced a; nul (Tr'..-, ctor-nar o.f properl.y and ovjaP crushed rock at north of :Z11' ! o `� h 0. 0 N x MM' q� Aj w -5 " SPOTiv-s-S RAlmar- U19-i 7,3' • A-,sPPA I-T .WZjL 'a r- LW-O"T RpuE'9'5 -k - - EX) S-r/'v 4q ,�9p P tv, 0 .49 C_ H Z L T,'_Zj S 0 R 'L"C I TT' T A •L L 7L7 7 JF�,Z�'E`T "URN" SH.ED _nY T,,',_,-k3G IN' i — I'll ft. WIM, iigFt ; - - ti c-,.irved brackets cm exisi-ine, polis. 2�jr �� 7 z -41- I - !I,'- 'E't "T i-lht -Ind 1 - 3 '4P air comnrs�,qsor 1 - Frclme C-Urt:.'C-C. AR� / CZRM S'E 1 - 21; ft. hinaed nole )REVE� I 2 - Gommutj.11E Puzm. .0s, I -Fire an Chief. TO 3'.'.. P' lush F ills I 't C., - V ly / : ..' UL ti 40 300 " Snots . t APIA D , � - i &ODE) 5,PHz74-:r )DO V 45-ME-A-) A.,%!D LOBC,h) L Tri T -f;�7 c - 7 oi ced a; nul (Tr'..-, ctor-nar o.f properl.y and ovjaP crushed rock at north of T of 12' pvnr, a-, e i i-forced coilcrt�te apron arolmd is1zadp Ir c� I t ion o f e r 7 7 ins t.�-..liatiom c-f a_lon,,�- viest property line, includiin re-,-,-radinE per pl�m P,-1175B. .ene-j r e--:-Lstin I t 4 c c-, n c r worst area and replace. vTitl .rely '00 Sq. Pt. oj. all.:�41-ion of pcjrcelair, froni-I �,rlJ sides, per pl - -c'050RH -'-zid 1.1-12,75B moc T-nst-11a t i o n TIN'W-Z, 44 e, to sr�i -vi. c e b:-;; t. I:staila-ion of '7 1,11.1 1, ra rail talon- propert', line 1'nstallation of re C. ix door A"On hardigare and asphalt tile in saleE r sill in r-:::_nw existing- fence. 7 of -- n service bay. 3. '-.'e lo cat cn-n of stmnd to ,?Jheel.-uard. 1. T1 6 Lmrb at property .1ine or S" S. T11;--�.11 J rij Ja co f Cr Install riT--in,- for ne-w, comr flush - -.,-)e i 1 J. b oxe s 6 n i- F r�ipl, ce exis`-in - i-I'l s- r, Tr stalla ion of el ?. c ri c a 1 r1ins -,n ei-z-Ai-stin1g, I'loil-r-oscant light in bays as 13-ar Tr F t al lr. t i o n o f reli circuit t•o L T,'_Zj S 0 R 'L"C I TT' T A •L L 7L7 7 JF�,Z�'E`T "URN" SH.ED _nY T,,',_,-k3G IN' i — I'll ft. WIM, iigFt ; - - ti c-,.irved brackets cm exisi-ine, polis. 2�jr �� 7 z -41- I - !I,'- 'E't "T i-lht -Ind 1 - 3 '4P air comnrs�,qsor 1 - Frclme C-Urt:.'C-C. AR� / CZRM S'E 1 - 21; ft. hinaed nole )REVE� I 2 - Gommutj.11E Puzm. .0s, I -Fire an Chief. TO 3'.'.. P' lush F ills I 't C., - V ly / : ..' UL ti 40 300 " Snots . t APIA D , � - i