196921ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy N almond' Martinson Retoreft Rosen Winkel Mr. Vice Presidlan (Peteraoj► 6M 7 -69 Qgog r,ni 1 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK :FL, RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM Resolved, that the Northern States Power Company be given permission to install approximately 1,306 lineal feet of gas main on Avon between Grand and Summit; on George at Stryker;on Stevens between Stryker and Winslow; on Livingston between Morton and Baker, on Livingston between Baker and Elizabeth; on Elizabeth between Livingston and Gorman; and on Third at Maple under provisions of Council File No. 149392, Ordinance No. 9313, dated June 24, 1949• Tn Favor Against COUNCIL FILE N�• 7 Council File No. 196921 —By Adrian P. Winkel — Resolved, That the Northern States Power Company be given permission to install approximately 1,306 lineal feet of gas main on Avon between Grand and Summit; on George at Stryker; on Stevens between Stryker and Winslow; on Livingston between Morton and Baker, on Livingston be- tween Baker and Elizabeth; on Eliza- beth between Livingston and Gorman; and on Third at Maple under provisions of Council' File No. 148392, Ordinance No. 9313, dated June 24, 1949. • Adopted by the Council April 29, 1960. Approved April 29, 1960. (May 7 ,1960) APR 291960 Adopted by the Council 19 APR 2 9196® Approved 19 Mayor Acting