196912.a QRiGINAL TO CITY CLERK - � �� f , � - � i ` CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NCIL NO. �Z 1. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY '�/✓` �l/�/ COMMISSIONER _ DATE Whereas, The Council Of•the City of St. Paul, has duly canvassed the returns and votes cast at the City General Election held on Tuesday, April 26th, 1960, copy of which canvass is hereto attached and made a part hereof; and Whereas, It appears from said return and the canvass thereof that the following named persons received more votes than any other candiNtte ors person for election for the following named offices in the City of Saint Paul: • Council File No. 196912 —By Robert F. f' MAYOR Whereas, ereas, The Council of the City • of St. Paul; has duly canvassed the ,537 returns and votes cast at the City Gorge J. vavoulis 45 General Election held on Tuesday, April 26th, 1960, copy of which canvass Js hereto attached and made a part CITY COMPTROLLER Joseph J. (Joe) Mitchell 519953 MEMBER OF BOARD OF EDUCATION John G. Robertson 45,278 Charles L. Rafferty 38,695 JUDGE OF MUNICIPAL COURT'OF ST. PAUL, OFFICE TO WHICH ARCHIE L. GINGOLD WAS ELECTED FOR THE REGULAR TERM Archie L. Gingold 642124 JUDGE OF MUNICIPAL COURT OF ST. PAUL, OFFICE TO WHICH LEONARD J. KEYES WAS APPOINTED. Leonard J. Keyes 59,129 JUDGE OF MUNICIPAL COURT OF ST. PAUL, OFFICE TO WHICH J. JEROME PLUNKETT WAS ELECTED FOR THE REGULAR TERM J. Jerome Plunkett 59,935 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Mortinson Peterson Rosen Winkel Mr. President, Dillon 5M 5.58 2 Tn Favor Against Adopted by the Council 19— Approved 19— Mayor A 4RIbINAL TO CITY CLMIK CITY OF ST. PAUL COU NO 1959 r ` OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE -2- COUNCILMAN Milton Rosen 46,515 Robert F. (Hbb) Peterson 45009 Mrs. Donald M. DeCourcy 42,722 Bernard T. (Bad) Holland 42,418 Frank L. Loss 41,286 Severin A. Mortinson 40,648 JUSTICE OF THE PEACE AT LARGE R. F. Ferguson 44,106 John M..Drexler 37,700 CONSTABLE AT LARGE Benedict G. Fischer 441202 Robert J. Murphy 35053 JUSTICE OF THE PEACE - 6th WARD Wm. J.`Follan 3022 CONSTABLE - 6th WARD Harry Crosby 3074 JUSTICE OF THE PEACE - 10th & 11th WARD Thomas J; Nash 19,838 Total Number of Ballots Cast and Counted 85,165 Total Number of Names of Registered Voters 1592629 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Mortinson Peterson Rosen Winkel Mr. President, Dillon 5M s•sa IiM 2 N Favor Against Adopted by the Council 19_ Approver] 19_ Mayor l� v ORIGINAL TO CITY CLMK !y PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONS t CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM COUNCIL NO Therefore, Be is Resolved, That each of the foregoing persons be and he is hereby declared elected to the respective offices as designated above, and the City Clerk is hereby in- structed and directed to notify them of their election and to issue and deliver to them proper certificates of election. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy HvRan& Mortinson Reterwni Rosen Winkel M%,,P :silent, Dillon, SM `SAJE' Adopted by the Council APR 2 9 IN App oved APR 2 9 1990 V19 Tn-Favor ;� Mayor O Acting Against R OFFIC1, L HfTUBNS ®C TTY GS&2ahL BLECTIOA m April 26, 1960 FOR MAYOR George J. Vavoulis 458537 Adrian P. Winkel 389902 EQR Qj. OTC PTaOL io 45.4009 — ph J. (Joe) Mitchell 21,453 John Lan- 3s 97 FOR M'EM OR OF BOAH2 F_fUC,�ATION � John G* Robertson 459278 - Charles L, Rafferty 38 s6 John E. .:ertz 33425 Eugene H. Colestock 27,378 kR JUDGE OF MUNICIPAL COURT OF ST, 7 PAUL 0?FICE TO :.RICH ARCHI3 L., GINGOLD 35#233- t AS M,EC'�ED FOR THi RMLAE Tr .U�v�.r '�M Dean Meredith u r rrs .Archie L, Ginmold 648124 FOR JUDGE OF MUNICIPAL COURT OF ST, PAUL OFFICE TO .:HICH LEOAARD J. KE E'S WAS APPOINT2D Leonard J. Keyes 598129 FOR JUDGS OF MUNICIPAL COURT OF ST. PAUL OFFICE TO i:'HICH J. JEROME PLUNK&T WAS i;LSCTED FOR THs RMULAR J. Jerome Plunkett 598935 FO}3 _COUNCILMAN Milton Rosen, 46,515 — I Robert F, ( Bob) Peterson 45.4009 — z Mrs, Donald M, DeCourcy 420722 - 3 Bernard T. ( Had) Holland 428418 — zf Frank L. Loss 418286 - 5� Severin A. Mortinson 408648 4chard M. (Dick) Parranto 38x851 - 7 Michael W: (Mike) McLau hlin 35#233- Dean Meredith 299993- 5 Georme A. Hardenbergh 268211 - /b Vernon P. • ( Boots) Michel 20,405 •- // Roder C Blomquist 20,070 2 FOR JUSTICtS � THS P SAC AT LdRGL R. F. Fer;uson 448106 John M. Drexler 34 +700 Charles T. (Chuck) Stle;er 8450 FOR CONS�;� AT &AgU Benedict G, Fischer 448202 Robert J. Murphy 35.8353 Odean J. Jackson 33x819 FOR �dU5_5.CE OF S PE-AQE- tih :.m. J, Bollan 38322 FOR coNSTA$LEm61n Harry Crosby 4T 3074 FOR JUSTIQ& OF THE PSAC,3 -jQth 8c Ith k:DS, Thomas J. Nash 198838 VOTES CASs 85,165 REGISTERED VOT3RS 1590629 OF RMISTL$1D VOT iRS 530 35 f Joseph R. Okoneski City Clerk .'ta . ' tt • r � TF 1:. Y� "�' -^L .ice. i ' .'.�'"'Y^'v .:('. i� �' ' jJ'l'�•; , � �� ' - r .. <