196925ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK CC) CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ;16 KESOLUTION— GENERAL FORM ME COUNCIL NO._ FILE RESOLVED, that the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hw eby authorized and directed to do the necessary street, curb and drainage work at and ad- jacent to the intersection of RONDO and VICTORIA STREETS, said work to be performed by CITY FORCES at an estimated cost of $ 3, 000.00, which cost is to charged to the Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund CODE 3001 and which Fund is to be reimbursed from Municipal State Aid Suspense Fund (1958) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy HvHarrt Martinson PeterzoR__ Rosen W` �inkell r:� PreDl Mr. Vice presicikt l emwcli 5M 7 -69 Iffio.8 Council File -No. 196925 —By Adrian P. Winkel — Resolved, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby i authorized and directed to do the nec- essary street, curb and drainage work at and adjacent to the intersection of i RONDO and VICTORIA STREETS, said j work to be performed by City Forces at an estimated cost of $3,000.00, which cost is to be charged to the Permanent 9 Improvement Revolving Fund Code 1 3001 and which Fund is to be reim- bursed from Municipal State Aid Sus- pense Fund (1958) Adopted by the Council April 29, 1960. ' Approved 4pr11 29, 1960. (May 7, 1960) f Tn Favor - �Against APR 2 9 1960 Adopted by the Council 19 APR 2 9 1960 Approved 19 Acting Mayor DUPLICATE TO PRINTER CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE COUNCIL 19 6925 FILE NO. RESOLVED, that the Commissioner of Public Works be and be is hereby authorised and directed to do the necessary street, curb and drainage work at and ad- jacent to the intersection of RONDO and VICTORIA STREETS* . said work to be performed by CITY FORCES at an estimated cost of $ 3,000.00, which cost is to charged to the Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund CODE 3001 and which Fund is to be reimbursed from Municipal State Aid Suspense Fund (1958) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy HeH=6 Mortinson Pctersea Rosen Winkel Mr. Fresiddnt; Dillon----� Mr. Vita hwiLkaL � CD'" refill, 5M 7-59 qW8 -S In Favor v Against APR 2 91990 Adopted by the Council 19 APR 2 9 199 Approved 19 Mayor