D001761�riginal�-City Clerk Copy--Pinance Department Copy--Department CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR � O j 7 � No.: � ADMIlVISTRATIVE ORDER Date: 9-�8-9� ADMINTSTRATIVE ORDER, to comply with CouncIl File No. 267621 regulating eligibiliry for the Ciry's contribution to the Aealth and Welfaze Program for Ciry employees, the following designated dates shall be applicable for such eligibility and payroll deduction for the employee contribuuon in the year 2000: Qualifying Pay Period Insurance Deductions Taken on Pay Day Month Covered Dec. 18, 1999 to Dec. 31, 1999 Jan. 15, 2000 to Jan. 28, 2000 Feb. 12, 2000 to Feb. 25, 2000 Maz. 11, 2000 to Mar. 24, 2000 Apr. 8, 2000 to Apr. 21, 2000 May 6, 2000 to May 19, 2000 � Jun. 17, 2000 to Jun. 30, 2000 Jul. 15, 2000 to Jul. 28, 2000 Aug. 12, 2000 to Aug. 25, 2000 Sep. 9, 2000 to Sep. 22, 2000 � t. 7, 2000 to Oct. 20, 2000 v. 4, 2000 to Nov. 17, 2000 APPROVED AS TO FORM / ' Assis Ciry mey Jan. 14, 2000 Feb. 11, 2000 Mar. 10, 2000 Apr. 7, 2000 May 5, 2000 Jun. 2, 2000 JuL 14, 2000 Aug. 11, 2000 Sep. 8, 2000 Oct. 6, 2000 Nov. 3, 2000 Dea 1,2000 January February March April May June July August September October November December ��ff���� Departmern D'uector a � �-�-� Date ���t , �� � osrzoiss oRDBt TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES ��P GREEN SHEET �00 �71�/'� No 1 Q3052 V aa.a,.a.cw�mR ��r �, v,�r.c u aTMwwn — � arc�nauar � � a'rusnK ❑puw�taErtxceson � .,p ❑wuweu�aFawkcra 3❑ / V ( �Risk Mgmt Div ...` 7 T"ti_`_ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Establish schedule for 2000 quatifying pay periods for employee insurance benefits. PLANNING COMMISSION CIB CAMMITTEE CIVII SERVICE CAMb11SS10N q50NAL SERYIGE CONSMCSS MUSS ANSWE0.S54E iOLLOWING QUESTIOHS: Hes fhis persaJfirtn everwa�ked untler a coMrac[ tor Nia tlepartmenl? YES NO Has thie W=isoMrm ever been a citY emVbYre7 YES NO Does Mie pe�im poe¢ess a sitlll not normallypoceesseU by any curteM dty empbyee7 YES NO Is ihis persoMrm a tarpeted vendoYl YES NO Council File No. 267627 requires the annual establishment of monthly qualifying pay periods for the determination of employee � eligibility for City paid insurence coverage on a monthly basis. - . e — This is an annual Administrative Order as reqaired by Council Resolution. .e-cr� ;3 n �Mr °�b,a +`-�-^ ..J �y �� � {'� • R � r � . , i 4' "w' ' � n'�� bT4'. � G�G COSTrttEVENUE BUIXiETED (CIRCLE ON� VES SOURCE N � A AC7NITYNUMBER N/A NO