197480ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK PRESENTED B COMMISSIONE CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK h COUNCIL RESOLUTION— GENERAL FORM TF COUNCIL 97480 NO. FILE RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul that the proposed Utilities Agreement No. C -2674, between the State of Minnesota, Department of Highways, therein referred to as "the State" and the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, acting by and through its Board of Water Commissioners, therein referred to as "the Board" and by and through its City Council, therein referred to as "the Council ", approved as to form by the Corporation Counsel, be and the same hereby is in all things approved, and the proper City officers be and hereby are authorized to execute and deliver the same on behalf of said City of Saint Paul. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Hollan or 1 Peterson Rosen In e Mr. President 6M 7 -69 Qpo.8 Council File No. 197480 —By Mrs. Donald M. DeCourcy- Resolved, By the Council of the City of Saint Paul that.the proposed Utili- ties Agreement No. C -2874, between the State of Minnesota, Department of Highways, therein referred to as "the State" and the City of Saint Paul, Min- nesota, acting py and through its Board of Water Commissioners, therein re- ferred to as "the Board" and by and through its City Council, therein re- ferred to as "the Council ", approved as to form by the Corporation Counsel, be and the same hereby is in all things approved, and the proper City officers be and hereby are authorized to exe- cute and deliver the same on behalf of said City of Saint Paul. Adopted by the Council June 8, 1960. Approved June 8, 1960. t(June 11, 1960) Adopted by the Council 19 g 190 Ap roved 19 r Mayor DUPLICATE TO PRINTER CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE COUNCIL NO 97 •!� FILE SESOIXM I, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul that the proposed [ttilities Agreement No'.. C- 2674, between the State. of Minnesota, Department of Highways# therein referred to as "the State" and the .C3ty of Saint Paul,: Minnesota# acting,by and through its Board of Water Commissioners, therein referred to as "the Board" and by and through its City Council, therein referred to as "the Council ", approved as to form by the Corporation Counsel,. be and the same hereby Is in all things 'approved, and the proper .City officers be and hereby are authorized to execute and deliver the same on behalf of said City of Saint Paul, COUNCILMEN Yeas _Nays DeCourcy Hollan 1VIo�r- ii�een -� Peterson Rosen ,Winkel Mr. President,`.Dillon— 5M 7-59 8 6 J 400 Tn Favor Against ju% 8 A Adopted by the Council 19 JUN 8 1 Approved 19 Mayor