197468ORIGINAL TO CITY. CLEIJK ST Council File No. 197468 —By Frank L. CITY OF Loss— O ENCIL NO. Whereas, The City Architect having OFFICE OF THE lrequested the City Council to hold a b pu lic hearing to consider any com- plaints about the expense' Incurred by C UNCIL RESOLUTION-the City of Saint Paul in removing a [danger..p structure at 113 Fenton PRESENTED BYY�r ?'' `yo3''v.desrziberl. as COMMISSIONER DATLL --ii, I ,rz( WHEREAS, the City "Architect having requested the City Council to hold a public hearing to consider any complaints about the expense incurred by the City of Saint Paul in removing a dangerous structure at 113 Fenton Street, more particularly described as Lot 10, Block 10 Tovm of Brooklynd, the City Council held a public hearing on May 24, 1960 to consider the expense and to confirm the amount thereof, and WHEREAS, it appears that the City Council, pursuant to Council File No. 193992, appr oved September 16, 1959, published September 19, 1959 , set a public hearing to consider removing the dangerous structure, and the Council by Council File No. 194303, approved October 13, 1959, published October 17, 1959, ordered the wrecking by and at the separate cost and expense of the ownery occupant, or other person in control thereof, and the Council by Council File No. 194723, approved November 199 1959, published November 21, 1959, directed the Commissioner of Parks and Recreation and Public Buildings to enter upon the premises and wreck and remove the building thereon and do any and all things therein necessary for the protection of life, limb and adjoining property, and that the City of Saint Paul has incurred the expense of $433.85 in removing said structure;. and WHEREAS, it appears that C. G. Wedebrand, 113 Fenton Street and State of Minnesota are the owners of the premises, copies of proceedings herein having been sent to 'dh� ^Attorxley General of the State of Minnesota, 102 State Capitol, Saint Paul; Joseph M. Robertson, Com- missioner of Taxation, Centennial Building, Saint Paul, Eltor Dehn, Land Commissioner's office, 286 City Hall, Saint Paul, Mrs. D. -M. De Courcy, Land Commissioner, 113 City Hall, Old Age Assistance, 476 St. Peter Street, Saint Paul, and Christine Wedebrand, c/o 877 Johnson Parkway, Saint Paul; be it RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby confirms the amount of $433.85 to ;be the fair, true and reasonable amount for such services incurred in removing the dangerous structure; RESOLVED FURTHER, that the City Clerk be directed to file in the office of the Register of Deeds for the County of Ramsey, a statement COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19 Yeas Nays DeCourcy 5- Holland Approved 19 Martinson Peterson In Favor Rosen Mayor Winkel A gainst Mr. President, Dillon 6M 7 -69 8 ORIGINAL TO CITY. CLE13K CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE 191468 COUNCIL NO. FILE of expense incurred by the City, for the purpose of securing a' -lien on the property, pursuant to the Building Code, Section 1.67"of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Ea�rr -- Peterson Rosen �T Mr. President, ' `='— 5M 7 -59 8 r JUN 8 W. Adopted by the Council 19 JUN s lose 9 Mayor r OFFPCE OF '.CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS 386 City Hall and Court House St. Paul 2, Minnesota f ' JOSEPH R. OKONESKI City Clerk HAROLD J. RIORDAN Council Recorder May 24, 1960 Mr. Louis P. Sheahan Corporation Counsel Building Dear Sir: The City Council requested that you prepare a resolution confirming the cost to the city in connection with the wrecking and removal of a dangerous structure at 113 Fenton St., against which condemnation proceedings were instituted. Very my yours, C y Clerk Rx1%PD AAAAV n - . -- MINNESOTA R t% R- #- a. e! OF ST. AA_ E - _ 4 ALFRED H.SCHROEDER City Architect CAPITAL OF MINNESOTA ROBERTA. LOBDELL DEFT OF PARES a RECREATO F- Muc WIN00 General Manager Parks & Recreation 545 City Hall Zone 2 CApital 4 -4612 - Ext. 376 W. LAMONT KAUFMA BERNARD - T.- HOLbAND, Commissioner Frank L. Loss WtLH*M4M:ite0l Ey, Deputy Commissioner D. R. Kothe Su t.of Perks 8 June 13, 1960 Mrs. Agnes O'Connell City Clerk Dear Madam: We are attaching herewith a copy of C. F. No.197468, approved by the City Council and published in the official paper on June 11, 1960. This has reference to the property at 113 Fenton Street, describ- ed as Lot 10, Block 10, Town of Brooklynd, owned by C. G. Wede- brand, last known address 113 Fenton Street, and the State of Minnesota (Attorney General, 102 State Capitol, St. Paul; Jos. M. Robertson, Commissioner of Taxation, Centennial Building, St. Paul; Land Commissioner, 113 City Hall, St. Paul 2; Mr. Eltor Dehn, Land Commissionerts Office, 286 City Hall, St. Paul 2) and Old Age Assistance, 476 St. Peter Street, St. Paul 2 and confirms the expenses incurred by the City in the condemnation and wrecking of the single family dwelling thereon, which amounted to $433.85. As you will note, the final paragraph of this - resolution directs the City Clerk to file in the office of the Register of Deeds, a statement of expense incurred, for the purpose of securing a lien on the property, in accordance with Section 1.07 -7 of the St. Paul Legislative Code. Yours truly, Alf d H. Schroeder Y ARCHITECT AHS..A CCs for Owners Legal Dept. ,,-V;. 'LA MONT KAYFMAN ALFRED H. SCHROEDER Supt. of Parks City Architect WM. W. ROONEY Bureau of Public Buildings Deputy Commissioner 445 City Hall CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 545 City Hall, Zone 2 BERNARD T. HOLLAND, Commissioner g April 13, 1960 Mr. Joseph Okoneski City Clerk Dear Sir: ROBERT A. LOWELL Supt. of Public Recreation Please file a statement of expense in the Office of the Register of Deeds for the purpose of creating a lien on the property known as 113 Fenton Street, described as Lot 10, Block 10, Town of Brooklynd. This property was listed in the name of C. G. Wedebrand, 113 Fenton Street and State of Minnesota: Mr. Miles Lord, Atty. Gen. 102 State Capitol, St. Paul; Mr. Jos. M. Robertson, Comsr. of Taxation, Centennial Bldg., St. Paul; Mrs. D. M. DeCourcy, Land Comsr, 113 City Hall; Mr. Eltor Dehn, Land Comsr. Office, 286 City Hall; and copies were mailed to Old Age Assistance, 476 St. Peter Street and Christine Wedebrand, % 877 Johnson Parkway, St. Paul 6. The expense was incurred by virtue of the wrecking and removal of a two story frame, single family dwelling therefrom. Follow- ing is an itemized statement of the expenses as per Registered Bill 4 -1827, dated March 1, 1960, copy attached. Expenses of Department of Parks And Recreation And Public Buildings for: Investigations, notifications, condemnation $25.00 Specifications 27.05 Photos 7.80 To Truck Crane Service Co for wrecking, as per C. F. 195409, Contract G 2010 374.00 $433.85 We are today requesting the City Council to hold a public hear- ing to consider any complaints about the expenses incurred and to confirm the amount. Yours truly,��� 57"n Z�. Alfred H-. Schroeder AHS .. A CITY ARCHITECT s TRIPLICATE TO COMPTROLLER ITY OF SAINT PAUL �y DEPAENT OF; & . 11 ptiy REGISTERED BILL Y TO THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL COMPTROLLER'S 4", 1110-# DATE RENDERED woeh 1.0 Isom TO BE CREDITED TO APPROPRIATION ITEM I CODE �� 1100" t, mild o4odru sn 'comvouft vith tho f lm ot lu "t" mo . r 40" m. t 3,04, nook 's tom ,�,.f ftotlyni go tome Pb,04- ft"k Croft ftwto Via* Ow %"mm -?'o jjo(' jq%Wo, #fir. l ol"gaQ fro, 4*0 0 st I rad Zoo +t city ftu Dft* ZMA corwo Off-It's old Jea A"tq* 476 ft,* Ntal, J; *,$ ,St;4 hut 9 'j, q/o 877 �►. 8 REGISTERED AND APPROVED Jost Y qi J o MITCHE CITY COMPTROLLER ML MCQUAY t a� 37,u CERTIFIED CORRECT COMMISSIONER BY .: RM ft"k Croft ftwto Via* Ow %"mm -?'o jjo(' jq%Wo, #fir. l ol"gaQ fro, 4*0 0 st I rad Zoo +t city ftu Dft* ZMA corwo Off-It's old Jea A"tq* 476 ft,* Ntal, J; *,$ ,St;4 hut 9 'j, q/o 877 �►. 8 REGISTERED AND APPROVED Jost Y qi J o MITCHE CITY COMPTROLLER ML MCQUAY t a� 37,u CERTIFIED CORRECT COMMISSIONER BY PRINTER • 19746 COUNCIL r /ED CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM R F. LOSS DATE COMm7 WHEREAS, the City Architect having requested the City Council to hold a public hearing to consider any complaints about the expense incurred by the City of Saint Paul in removing a dangerous structure at 113 Fenton Street# more particularly described as Lot 10, Block 10 Town of Brooklynd, the City Council held a public hearing on May 24, 1960 to consider the expense and to confirm the amount thereof, and WHEREAS, it appears that the City Council, pursuant to Council File No. 193992, appr oved September 16, 1959, published September 19, 1959 , set a public hearing to consider removing the dangerous structure, and the Council by Council File No. 194303, approved October 13, 19590 published October 179 1959, ordered the wrecking by and at the separate cost and expense of the owner, occupant,, or other person in control thereof, and the Council by Council File No. 194723, approved November 199 1959, published November 21, 1959, directed the Commissioner of Parks and Recrebtion and Public Buildings to enter upon the premises and wreck and remove the building thereon and do any and all things therein necessary for the protection of life, limb and adjoining property, and that the City of Saint Paul has incurred the expense of $433.85 in removing said structure; and WHEREAS, it appears that C. G. Wedebrandq 113 Fenton Street and State of Minnesota are the owners of the premises, copies of proceedings herein having been sent to th?�-Attoz -Aey General of the State of Minnesota, 102 State Capitol, Saint Paul; Joseph M. I1 bertson, Com- missioner of Taxation, Centennial Building, Saint Paul, Eltor Dehn, Land Commissioner's office, 286 City Hall, Saint Paul, Mrs. D. M. De Courcy, Land Commissioner, 113 City Hall, Old Age Assistance, 476 St. Peter Street, Saint Paul, and Christine Wedebrand, c/o 877 Johnson Parkway$ Saint Paul; be it RESOLVED, that the Council of the Qlty of Saint Paul hereby confirms the amount of $433.85 to be the fair, true and reasonable amount for such services incurred in removing the dangerous structure; RESOLVED FURTHER, that the City Clerk be.*directed to file in the office of the Register of Deeds for the County of Ramsey, a statement COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19 Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Martinson Peterson Rosen Winkel Mr. President, Dillon 5M 7-59 Ospog In Favor Against Approved 19 Mayor 0 0 C� n M M Co.) J DUPLICATE TO °PRINTgR CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMM ISSIONE DATE r COUNCIL NO. FILE of expense incurred by the City for the purpose of securing a lien on the property, pursuant to the Building Code, Section 1.07 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Hollan Peterson Rosen inke Mr. President, --Mivn— 5M 7-59 Oao8 In Favor 0---Against jUN g 10 Adopted by the Council 19 a 1 Approved 19 � 0 Geo. J. Vavoulis, Mayor 0 n DO --I n m DO t STATEMENT OF EXPENSE ON PART OF CITY OF SADV PAUL INCURRED r IN THE WRECKING OF A BUILDING AT 113 Fenton Street Lot 10, Block 10,. Town of Brooklynd T6t 'I, Agnes H. O' Connell., city Clerk, do hereby maka and file a formal statement of expense incurred by the City of Saint Paul in the. removal and wreckage of a building at 113 Fenton Street; described as Lot 10,+• Block. 10, Tam of Brooklynd. STATEMENT OF EXPENSE Said expense, as hereinabove stated, was incurred by the City of Saint Paul on Hareh I , 1_,.260, for wrecking and removal of building at 113 Fenton Street: Expenses -of Dept. of Parks and Recreation And Public Buildings for Investigations, notifica- tions,, and condemnation $ 25.00 Specifications 27.05 Photos. 7.80 To.Truck Crane Service Co., for wrecking, as per C.F. No. 195409, Contract No. G-2010 3,74ioo $ 433.85 Said expense, as hereinabove stated, was incurred by the City of Saint Paul on March 1. 1960. The authorization for this statement is given in Council File No. 197468, passed by the Council of the City of Saint Paul on Tune 8, 1960, a copy of which is attached and made a part hereof. This statement is herewith being filed in the office of the Cs t f.1Y= _ •� .e �i r~1. -,�1 ai � a �1 _ .:,�' STATEMENT OF EXPENSE ON PART OF CITY OF SAINT PAUL INCURRED IN THE WRECKING OF A BUILDING AT 113 Fenton Street Lot 10, Block 10, Town of Brooklynd That I, Agnes H. O'Connell, City Clerk, do hereby make and file a formal statement of expense incurred by the City of Saint Paul in the removal and wreckage of a building at 113 Fenton Street; described as Lot 10, Block 10, Town of Brooklynd. STATEMENT OF EXPENSE Said expense, as hereinabove stated, was incurred by the City of Saint Paul on Marsh i , 1q60, for wrecking and removal of building at 113 Fenton Street: Expenses of Dept. of Parks and Recreation And Public Buildings for investigations, notifica- tions, and condemnation $ 25.00 Specifications 27.05 Photos 7.80 To Truck Crane Service Co., for wrecking, as per C.F. No. 195409, Contract No. G -2010 374.00 $ 433.85 Said expense, as hereinabove stated, was incurred by the City of Saint Paul on March 1; 1960. The authorization for this statement is given in Council File No. 197468, passed by the Council of the City of Saint Paul on June 8, 1960, a copy of which is attached and made a part hereof. Yn. 0 0 C0 02 m 01) C-D CJQ bement- is._be ezadth�be na filed in the office of the T L� 11 Ya� V7ra..IS�L'J .. •. Ckl, ��.'� •:JJI �`V' J �i t�j .. ! i j{SOLq JJ c� ..1;::J.� �. � -.aG; ; Ut. �- -��' p� • ��.JnJ �,� ?.s : {.J•re Coy, • � • , C01� -GT f uC 14'2. O:, n T,snJ o ;J nJJ:: 8' 3'3 -- 0 J7;gGL 012q ))nL- Yq ::,��s��_tJf uc,v4.:. ?u%,q StJ (;ofro-T T '�� ' •� ui. ., ii� fiJ;iJGi, �%]i'q LilYi.t li=.t:i 0 : i. G ;.1 06YAGYj ;o 1 • Ot { �F� GIJ.F Ot, G%04ticG SIJ Pt.,L cebscr�A* aa rr4. C Ot ('± OT .rYi:i C4 4�% OL c�jj-uG T,Ln suq rs�o exec?rLq p}.G oT•.,EaorJJ iJvL' �:7 6 , j'1� :. !_'>�,:•r.�q �,` ;�� �1. 0 100j3'__ j-]' .Co 100 r.,Lo u ro ne ;1:0 (,jj �jU-f3r qvX oT. +1t:J G , 7c ' p� �orrs u�' :J j+o .r: *._', s f;-! J c M CoLo� 7llf We' 1i1M L IWhfryas, 72m p4 l n/ r+gwated the haul pwnt hen trlrtt toe cow any �a the City of salnJ Pauli 1Reyrt*d by dangerulla rt n structure nth 11r 7 wventon Lot 10 Block 1�0, w' ��h�n 'the Cliy Council M 'the City o 1pl toteo�r the ez- ot. and to confirm the aypynt tbaro- 11 Whereas, it appfa Council Purwun! to Council File No . puhli a pre*ed j Public t DtOmb � is heir Jta. fly. 1 public hfanr� {p w. set a the dan consider ell _by Coeu el�j ago". then Cgu,_ 1 a' r 17, 11�, pp 9, ordfrfd tty betfatbtb the separate eeft and *x by ot+the owner, uceupent. ottler control rileer o, Nl raffia CaiaKtl by 21 19M. ddh'Wiied P� f Yf°e Parks and andai a to � uPoe thhee bbl wreck and reumme the j U and do any and &U Ilif, limb an oar pro bnnof that the City oI oy�� in t erred the expfnaf otiitrt r� said structauprpee �e- brand r11�i re the 3trMt�and at,% qf UIs". sots of the owners of the been sent tJ>♦ At bev. Of the State of tt{lrNiefota, i Capitol, anent raw. J M. &Abe ienlal o'f •axa�. Cfw. . saint pain. ><tlor n= [+�1iWtQ yer'a Dike, tip courty aA ComLnm t% H. City HaiL, Old Are Assyta e7ti alt lytf� Stmt, Gatti PJul. and Cbrlatlns Mfde- � be It 77 loll ParkwsW. Saint e. Paul; Johnson city 4 * vOd. Yat the c lwetl at tag ( amount of Saint P W to aOMrr, tYe iced n� ea�b nascent be 11" for atKhr'aKy. ous structure; »moving the Clerk be �direetfdhfto �t he Ct7' of, the Register M �!• in the of1k of Ramsey a stns ounty ,Incitrrsd by the Cit. f XPMrse of -curing.. Len o or the A y f Sunni to the gill ,PzW 1.07 of the Saint Paul C Adopted by the Councl 1ja� ». Approved June 1, left 'June 11. low)