197419ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK Fs. CITY OP ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK stt RESOLUTION— GENERAL FORM TE � rG FC,OENCIL NO. 'S`' 7419 RESOLVED, That the proper City officers are hereby authorized and directed to enter into that certain agreement between the State of Minnesota Department of Highways and the City of Saint Paul, copy of which agreement is hereto attached and made a part hereof by reference as fully and completely as A", if set forth herein verbatim. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Martinson Peterson Rosen Winkel Mr. President, Dillon 6M 7 -59 QR0.8 -Council File No. 197419 —By Adrian P. Winkel- : Resolved, That the proper City offi- cers are hereby authorized and directed to enter into that certain agreement between the State of Minnesota De- partment of Highways and the City of Saint Paul, copy of which agree- ment is hereto attached and made , a part hereof by reference as fully and completely as if set forth herein verbatim. Adopted by the Council June 3, 1960. Approved June 3, 1960. (June 11, 1960) n Favor Against aUN 3 i� Adopted by the Council 19 n'1 so Approved 19 w Mayor DUPLICATE TO PRINTER ` CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Adrian P. Winkel COMMISSIONER DATE r COUNCIL No! 9'� FILE RLBS4LVED, That the proper City officers are hereby authorized and directed to enter into that certain agreement / s J between the State-of Minnesota Department of Highways and the City of Saint Paul, copy of which agreement is hereto attached and made a part hereof by reference as fully and completely as if set forth herein verbatim. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the CounJp -" 3 19 Yeas Nays DeCourey $ '� Holland Approved JU 19 Martinson Peterson Tn Favor Joseph E. ni Uon Rosen Mayor Winkel D Against Mr. President, Dillon 5M 7 -59 8 AORSSHS•T Tills idRZW.JXT wade and entered Into by sad between the State of Minap"ta, Department of Highmprs, Hereinafter referred to as the "State ", and the City of Saint Paul, Ramsey Coaaty, hereinafter referred to as the !city", WIT1tSSl'THt WAM S, it is considered mutually desirable to install traffle control signals, and modify by added bettermmat certain existing traffic control signals, all at certain interseetiemsm in *hole or In part an the State Trunk Aigbvay System within the corporate limits of the City and heroluLfter spooifically set forth) and, Vim, it is mutually agreeable that said work shall be per- formed by the City with the State paring a portiem of the tests thoroof; NW, THMUWORZ, IT IS AORM AS FM WSt 1. The Oity shall prepare the necessary plans, specifications and proposals and shall perform the otgineeriwr mad irpostion required is i somplote the items of work hereinafter sot forth. Sub work as dosoribod Immediately above shall constitute OUgineorIM and Dopeotica" and shall be so referred to hereinafter. 2. The contract cost of the work or, if the weft Is not sootrertod, tbo cost of all labor, raterials, equipment rental mad insideatals required i to. complete the cork, wwopt the soot of piweridiag the power supply to thi sontrolleri, shall sonstituts the astual "Ccastrueticm COPP 90 be so referred to hereinafter. 3. The City, with' its own forest and oquipmsmmt, or by e®ntrast, shall install traffic ooatrol signals as Indisated at tbe'follvriag iator iistiionst' ' ` (a) West Seven" Street (T.'R. NO. 5) W d Otto It"Was' (Ml traffic aOuated) , (b) Lbtlngton Parkway (Tell. Ho. 10) and West ikWt Bevis (Full traffio astnated) (o) Snelling avenue (T.I. No. 51) and 1Nrthers Route (?all traffic actuated) (d) east Seventh Street (T.R. Ito. 212) and Waoonta Street (Pro-timed) A'.11 '�. " ",A, y.. i.1 • �Y r • � �,. V .A Yr w ' \f �'' 'Sr L� ' y.A,v .�. ... r_ :. _ t .. _ G, c 4. The City, pith its o+rn forces.and equipment, or by contrast, shall modify, by indicated added betterment and related work, existing traffic control signals at the folloving interseetionso (a) Como Avenue (T.H. No. 10), Dale Street and Front Avenues. Install full traffic actuated traffic signal control. (b) Robert street (T.H. Nes..100 12, 49 and 52) and Eighth Strict (T.H. Nos. 49 and 212). Install pedestrian signals. (c) Robert Street (T.H. 'Nos. 10, 12 and 52) and seventh Street. , Install pedestrian signals. (d) Mudsoa Road (T.H. No. 12) and VMts Dear Avenue. Install three -phase full traffic actuated traffic signal control. . (e) Eighth Street (T.H. Nee. 49 cod 212) and Cedar Street. �. Install pedestrian signals. (f) Eighth Street (T.H. Nos. 49 and 212) and Hirassota Street. Install pedestrian signals. (a) Ninth Street (T.H. Mos. 49 and 212) and St. Peter Street (T.H. Nos. 56 and 216). Install pedestrian signals. (h) Ninth Street (T.H. Nos. Wind 212) and Wabaeha street . (T. A. Nos. 56 and 216). t Install pedestrian signals. (i) Snelling Avenue (T.H. No. 51) and Cows Avenue. Install full traffic actuated traffic signal control. `. (j) Robert street (T.R. Nos. 52 56 and 216) and Concord , Street (T.H. Nos. 56 and 21A). Instrall full traffic actuated traffic signal. control. (k) St. meter street (T.H. Nee. 56 and 218) and Siztk Street. ;. Install pedestrian signals. (1) Omitted. (r�) Wabash& street (?.R. Nos: 56 and 218) and Seventh �.. Street. Install pedestrian signals. (a) Eighth Street (T.H. No. 212) and Jackson street. install pedestrian signals. 5. All vork described in paragraphs 3 and 4 hereof shall be dens is aecordawo with plans sad specifications VVrorted by the State aged U its satisfaction. ' 6. In the ow that the City shall advertise for bids for aq or all of the work set forth in paragraphs 3 and L hereof, no contract for -2- L — —f ! t �Y. w •'��til����r1�,1V tier; 1( '•r� 4� 4.� �Yt �J 4..Y .Y ��.� '.V� • y� w ... i 'd �_. P JY • V • V J the performance thereof shall be awarded by the City without prier approval by the State. 7. The atateis *hare of the Shoal owstrwtien cost, pbu the pero*ntaie thereof a* full PON"t for the 8t4te19 •hare of the CMt of Nt 9inseritt and Impectien, Is set forth below for *ash item of merle provided for in paraNraphs 3 and 4 hereof. The City shall pay aq reaaiaing oasts. Tba estimated construction eat is wt firth bel0w,49 "setimated Cost*. (a) mat Stvemtb Street -(T.R. 'No. 5) and Otto avenue i • utimatod Coat - $50800.00 state's share - fiftj percent (50x) of the astual construation cost five Pircent (5x) Of- such share for and Inspection. 1 inNr (b) LudaNt,= lattcrq (T-H- NO- %10) and $last Nett Avemps. Intimated ao.t ,000.00 stated* share - fifty Perasnt (50x) of the actual somstrvatin cost five Percent (5x) of Bush share for "iineerimi and InopeotiM, . • Snell ) c ( ' _. ., ing �veaue (T.A. No. 5i� and Nertbern Route Netimated' Cost $5#700.00 Status share - fifty percent (50x) of the actual eonstruction cost Elus five percent (5x) of such share for Zftineeriar' and 16"etion. ' (d) bst Ssysnth Street (T.-H. No. 212) and xaoo.ta Street Intimated cost $4,200.00 State's *bare - fifty Percent (50x) of the ritual oonstrtotiw cost P� five percent (5x) of Buoy share for NgimeeriaN . and Inapestiom. We. 10)9 Dais 3trost and From Avamri ' Unmated Cost $4000.00 status share - thirty AM three S ems -third ,percent (33 1/3%) of the actual oometrnetion cost lws tiro peresmt 5x) of -owy• 4hWv for min o and Iispeotioa. . (f) Robert street T.R. Nee. lo, 12, 49 and 52) and ' ZIChth Street (T. R. too. 49 and 212). btimated Cost $950.00 J State'* share emi • .� a } 1 hundred pereMt ('.(100%) of the actual esm* .ri"wtj�ft s O"t lus five pere"t (5x) of Bulb stars for ` act=- and Imspeetioa. t ft) Nobert I Str0it (T.». " nd 10,•12 and 52) ad - Str.et stinted cost $950.00 State I a Bhare' _ . fj* . Person (50x)'of the setuu oemstruction a i1 lti, ~ five pirieut (59) Of eusu stars for " " r' •and Iospe*tion. ' • ''' • h ) Radom Road (T. A. No. l ?) and Y4te )ear Lveaw ' h itlmatrfd Lest $5,000.00 State's share - #fIr Persemt (50x) of tie attaal oonstrustioa east five Percent(5x) of Bosh share for N�ineerinN - r � Inspection"' + - 3 - �u�F"•�tiir• 'i.,.r s•�r ;4 •'•s' ��- ! a v' +r•••'YF J wl' fir: `'Fl•, � Jr • y " '�u ., . ,,Mee (i) iighth Street (T. s. Noe. 49 and 912) and Oedar street Sstinated Cost $950.00 State s share - fifty percent (50%) of the astdal construction east L five percent (5%) of suk share for sntineorias and Inspection. ' (�) 24 Rhth street (T.1. too. 49, am !12) an& Mides"U ` . street . ' Estimated Coot $950.00 Status share - fifty " percent (50%) of the actual, tonstrustion out #wa . 5 _1 fire percent (51) of auk share for 1 and ILrpeitien. Math Street (TA. Nos. -49 dot :I2) aid ft. Penh Street (T. V. rec. 56 and M) lstiaatod Cost =950.00 statili ohs" - or '. hundred percent .(100%) of the actual. eorrtrstiw • sML tip "Pereeit- (5) Of insh am" z r ; ' � rers" am " SUM street (?.R. win-,k9 add n`) 6M Wabash" j- r. ' Street (T. N. See. 56 and 128) estimated Cost $950.00 Status share - w Iauidred percent (100%) of the aofttal soestrastion . cost pigs five percent (5%) of ausk stare for �''- net '3rpeKiea. (m) atoning ♦venue (T.R. Yo. 51) 'std Cease ti�swoe " Utimatod Cost $1,900-00 auto's share - fifty ' pocwnt (50%) of the astpal sonstrustion cost • five percent (5%) of eeeh share for and Inspection. ' (o) Robert street (T.•. res. 5 56 and 218) and Ostes" is -2t Street (T. 11. roe. 56 and . IbUmated Cost $k,500.00' Statels-share - its humtred percent (IW%) of the "Kral eonstrtttien. ; ' cost Its fire percent (5$) of wi sharp for and Inspection. h it. Peter street' (T.r. res.. 56 and Yls) add SIAh . t { ' , r retlaated Oast $?00.00 auto's share tiny► P (59%) opt tine asturl tertetswen seat five percent (5$i st seek stars for add Idspostiva. ' {q) Vabasb" street (T -r. tee - 56 and n8) sm& sevonti. , Metiaated Oast 050.00 Bute• snare • fifyr- ` pems*MMt (50$) or the ac�l oemstriMt3"a oset Imo.: '• ' • •, . �. fire Person (5%) of .ouch share tee 411ine�l�IS . ;: and Isspestien. , (r) 1ghth street (T.s. ro..$12) aai Jaskess stye" • - , $s`imated Cost $950.00 status dire - fifty r percent (50), of the actual somstrestioa cost HIM fin pesoant (5$) of auk share for 1Mg;wriY* and Inspection. 0. Qpon oowplstien of the work oentemplated herein, the City shall maintain not keep in repair $aid id$tallatiets and shall provide the -4- meososary •lsstrisal power for tkair operation, all at tM 0010 cost and OVOSse of the City. In addition, the City •ball provide the parer supply to the sontroller cabiASto at its sMa sspsass. 9. The City indemnifi0O, ser cos ant belts barUloss the State and all of its 4800to amd employs" Of and frosR aspr and all slain, denands, "tions or "so" of action of Jatisov•r nhtIft or sbarestsr arising out of, or by reason of, the perforrase of asy "rk tF tM City provided for hO"b # and further agrees to darood at its solo oast and awgisnse iwq astion or proeeediai oawe®sed for the p=V"o of ass•rti" aW claim of lUteoover sbarastOr arising in connection with or by virtue of the rintenaas• work to be 'Perfaeed by LM City. 10. arp► so all psrsey engaged in the afswaid mainleaauso work to be performed by the City shall be oswasidsr•d employsss 0f tie City and app &W..&3-1 slaime that my or night ate• rode: the W6rk asn! s Cempematisa Set Of this State on behalf of said empleysee ykilo so engaged, and e0► and all claims made by aqp third paw as a goo"gnenss of any ast or omission on tM Pat of said City "Ployees whils so OWRW oa aq of the Mork contesqjUtid herein shall be the sole obligation and responsibility of the City. 11. The City shall prevent, by adegrate policing ayr stepping, ' standing or parking of vehicles prohibited tir S.otleas 169.34 and 169.35, MiNA"Ota statstis. 1957, on all trunk highogyn within its limits. It' shall &1s0 prsysnt the installation or eawtse the rsmo7n►1 of gasoline puVO located on trunk higb y right of wV, and all other obstrrstioas and signs pret►ibit0d, b7 3OOtiorA IW. 271 and 169.b7, M umesta Statates 1957s von or along any trunk hsghry through the City. r•• 1L. il.l t Of all tr•ffis control signsU peg, d,d fee b•s�1l, dial: bo ;Utermined by the State, tJ q.0 its 0owswissioner of , Snit , . IV shasgva VAU be made tMroin *XGOpt with the approval of the sta#o. 13. Payment by the State of its share of the actual 06notrrstien cost of tho Mork plus the Poropatago thersof as payment for Mgirsriag and Inspection as set forth hsrsin, shall be meth wPon OOwletisn and approval Of the Mork and upon srbmission by the City of u invoiss is triplisatO •bowing the total actual consirustion oestO to the City of the work performed. -s- _ V i . - I c hrtial partsats or payments, bV the stag of its share of tie aetaal sswstr§st- ion Bost of aq item of work provided for isrsis plum psroontass tharsef as payment for mad lmpsotiom mW be sssoldered saw at the sit of a ~trnsllsa swao and only for tbaes items of weft provided few !"11110 �itish are sinp"ts, in apssatioa and appraiM, and imalosd as provided fee ahoTs. 14. The total sstimtsd mmwL'to U paid to the City from ?rMnk Tsmis for work psrtasasd seise t4is agreement is jt7,W - 75: I4 the r teiliR that" St aq tins it appease that inish rsiwbarssment will nosed said ew • the City shs11 peawpt%y ootity the slats thereof In ester that tics slat• .q ememobsr srsh additional fide as mp is 2ee400ar7. Os�dsrtiigist: ,� . . 1�pst sit® �vnptrellsr By City Clsrt Appesrsd as to form and sxrsgtioms "sistsnt= Corporation Council Ssee�seMd ,far approval t ' fraffis ltisese, Dept. of giglnp►e t Ustrist Awgimorg, Dept. of figbvW . r Approeeds Chime magism 0 Dot. of ' r Approved as to form and oxmitions apeoial Assistant Attorney General sTAn (F RIVIMA Iff Qie�isei,eeea�' � Ziglr�e bated= • .ti ., 6 .