197399ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO LICENSE COMNJITTEE FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CN— L F M PRESENTED BY June 2, 1960 COMMISSIONER 1-973199 WHERM0 : American Legion Memorial Post No,, 533 holders of License No. 64219 expiring July 6, 1960, permitting them to conduct Bingo Games at 659 University Avenue (Second Floor) each Wednesday Evening, between the hours of 7 :30 and 11:30 p:me and WHEREAS : American Legion Memorial Post No. 533 has made application for the change of location at which they are permitted to conduct such games, therefore, be it RESOLVED: That License No. 64219 issued to the American Legion Memorial Post No. 533 be and the same is hereby amended to read "3452 University Avenue" for the remaining periods of the licensed year: I Council File No. 197399 —By Bernard T. Holland— Severin A. Mortinson —� Robert F. Peterson— Whereas, American Legion Memorial Post No. 533 holders of License No. 6421, expiring July 6, 1960, permitting them to conduct Bingo Games at 659 University Avenut (Second Floor) each Evening, I _ Wednesday between the hours of 7:30 and 11:30 p.m. and Whereas, American Legion Memorial - Post No. 533 has made application for Amendment to License the change of location at which they are permitted to conduct such games, therefore, be it Resolved, That, License No. 642I, Oiin �� pP � 1833 issued to the American Legion Memo - rial Post No. 533 be and the same is hereby amended to read "3453 Univer- sity Avenue" for the remaining periods of the licensed year. , Adopted by the Council June 2, 1960. Approved June 2, 1960. (June 4, 1960) Informally approved by Council May 24, 1960 �N 21960 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19 Yeas Nays 21960 �uN Holland Approved 19 1 Martinson Ratep"s Tn Favor Rosen Mayor Winkel Against Mr. President, Dillon 5M 7 -59 8 IN' I