197391.r ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL `OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUACIIf -R5 LUTION— GENERAL FORM TF COUNCIL NQ -1 Q17291 FILE RESOLVED, that the Selby- Snelling Business Association hereby is granted a permit to barricade and use the vehicular roadway of Selby Avenue from Snelling Avenue to Fry Street, from 2:00 P. M., to 4:00 P. M. on June 4, 1960, for the conduct of its June Festival and Kiddies Parade, - provided that said permittee shall fully indemnify the City of Saint P ul against all liability of every kind and nature arising from or confiected with the exercise of said permit and shall at its own cost and expense furnish and provide, by proper and accept- able policies of casualty insurance, full indemnity to the City of Saint Paul against all claims arising from the exercise of said permit in the following amounts and for the following purposes: 0100,000 insurance coverage on account of bodily injury to one person, and 1300,000 on account of bodily injury from any single accident, and 5,000 on account of property damage in each single accident, and to deliver such policy or satisfactory evidence of the same to the City Comptroller. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Holland Mortinson Pate Rosen Winkel Mr. President, Dillon 5M 7 -59 c QIMPo.8 Council File No. 197391 —By Adrian P. Winkel — Resolved, That the Selby-Snelling Business Association hereby is granted a permit to barricade and use the ve- hicular roadway of Selby Avenue from Snelling Avenue to Fry ,Street, from 2:00 P.M. to 4:00 P.M. on June 4, 1960, for the conduct of its June Festival and Kiddies Parade, provided that said permittee shall fully indemnify the City of Saint Paul against all liability of every kind and nature arising from or connected with the exercise of said permit and shall at its own cost and expense furnish and provide, by proper and acceptable policies of casualty in- surance, full indemnity to the City of Saint Paul against all claims arising from the exercise of said permit in the following amounts and for the fol- lowing purposes: $100,000 insurance coverage on account of bodily injury to one person, and $300,000 on account of bodily injury from any single acci- dent, and $5,000 on account of property damage in each single accident, and to deliver such policy or satisfactory evidence of the same to the City Comp- troller. � Adopted by the Council June 2, 1960. Approved June 2, 1960. (June 4, 1960) n Favor Against JUN 21960 Adopted by the Council 19 3UN 2I SO Ted Tudisco, Pres. Max Bearman, Vice Pres. Robert J. McGuigan, Sec'y. David R. Fesler, Treas. Committee of Management Max Bearman Towey Drugs 1581 Selby Harvey Boomer Snelling Hardware 161 N. Snelling Selby - Snelling Business Association Selby and Snelling St. Paul 4, Minn. May 17, 1960 1973 1 Dept. of Public Works City of Saint Paul Capital of Minnesota Attention: Mr. Vern Petetson' Mr. Edward Kartak Walter Carlson Gentlemen: Midway Garage 164 N. Snelling We hereby petition you to allow us the use David R. Fesler of Sblby Avenue from Snelling Avenue to Lampert Yards, Inc. Fry Street during the hours of 2:00 P. M. 1565 Selby to 4:00 P.M. on Saturday June 4, 1960. Robert J. McGuigan McGuigan & McGuigan, Attys. We are desirous of holding a June Festival 210 Liberty Bank Bldg. in the street, of that block, at that time. Direct mail to: Office of Secretary Robert J. McGuigan 210 Liberty Bank Bldg. C. W. Michael Michael Realty Co. Michael a We will have the policy you now hold for Snelling our Christmas decoration endorsed to cover this activity. Leo Moellerman Park Recreation This policy is through the Liberty Agency 188 North Snelling of the Liberty State Bank. Hank Sundgaard Sundgaard's Appliances Trusting you may see fit to block off the 1556 Selby street and reroute the traffic for that time, I am Dr. Tom Tiornhom Chiropractor Sincerely yours, 1563 Selby Ted Tud isco ^' / �� St. Paul Wal (masters 1560 Selby �• \ Hank 9undga8Lrd Public Relations Director of Public Relations Hank Sundgaard Y ard's Appliances 1556 S 1556 Selby RE � T� MAY 31 1960 CORPORATION COUNSEL l "PROMOTE SELBY - SNELLINGiBUSINESSES" If Selby - Snelling Business Association Selby and Snelling Ted B St. Paul 4, Minn. Direct mail to: Max earear ma Pres. Q n, Vice Pres•. ((V � � � Office of Secretary Robert J. McGuigan, Sec y. Robert J.- McGuigan David R. Fester, Treas. May 17, 1960 C 210 Liberty Bank Bldg. . ;.,F.. �9 x,,00 • Committee of Management 1� DEPT, ()F PM� Max Bearman � ' Y , C WRW Towey Drugs a -Dept. -of• Public Works 1581 Selby , Clty ' of -Saint ,Pau]. Harvey Boomer pital of ; ginlaesota, Snelling Hardware 161 N. Snelling ° "Atte0loII! .Mr. Ver& Peterson.. ' Mr. tdward Sartak. Walter Carlson Midway Garage ; 164 N. Snelling We her.eby'-petition you to allow us, the use David R. Fester of.', 861by Avenue from Snelling'- Avenue to - Lampert Yards, Inc. Fry • 8treet. during the hours .of • 2's 00, P. K, 1565 Selby P*M. on Saturday June ,*., -1960,6 Robert J. McGuigan :' ;'',.'• '"`;; + =,� ,d... ` McGuigan & McGuigan; Attys ,',j' 'e1 '4i'e ,.desirous of holding a JUn6' .�'estl'V$'' ::r�q: 210 Liberty Bank Bldg: %`'I �:fl ''r� � he:.'sti 'Xeet,,oa: that block, at that tipsr @'��,A'T.•� "yr� •• a:e ,1,1 i:'', r.-`.. �, . , Y ;•r' 43• •', ,:rr.,�•I4s,4'd ' C. W. Michael's ''' ' " the policy you no h Michael Realty Co y, yr x 6"Vi l h 9e y W old fo' 202 N. Snelling , decoration endorsedo cge`er;. #9Cetivity Leo Moe Ilemon ,,�; •', "„ • ? Park Recreation is through 11be�'t " the 188 North Snelling ,�,. 34berty State Bank• Honk Sundgaard r,t : s7S Sundgaard's Appliances +, tfTry,, Tj'UStibg' you may see fit to block, off the y;�,;� :,: et, Ad reroute the traffic for th�� 1556 Selby - �,''rn '_� E:; Fl r Dr. Tom Tjornhom t�. •D ;y; 1. ",- F' i r ,f i• - :t...:f ^tr 4 Chiropractor +rh Ty 1 �+ 4 „+�•'�.t. 4 "� ar, tad Cere y ours 1563 Selby Ted Tudisco 'i >% . ,`�s.,;�.'a =,i •4''ii'�• - `' ,, St. Paul Wallmosters 1560 Selby ;' '' . r ` Hank Sundgaaicd t Public R®lations Director of Public Relations ± 4• y,�, °' ".s�% Hank Sundgaard :;+,. °• `1:: 1 .I I',. Sundgaard's Appliancesa.,•,,,' 1556 Selby ' . r , • , ; l "PROMOTE SELBY - SNELLING BUSINESSES" ADD i T'I ONAL' PREMIUM OF $25.80 Named Insured and Address This endorsement forms a part of Policy No...�.1-...C...526146 SELBY- SNELLING BUSINESS ASSOCIATION issued by the HARTFORD FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY GROUP com- STS PAUL, MINNESOTA pany or companies designated therein, and takes effect as of the effective date of said policy unless another effective date is stated herein. Effective date ........ ...... ... •r...�17"60 12:01 A. M., standard time at the address of the named insured ........................ as stated herein. IN CONSIDERATION OF THE ADDITIONAL PREMIUM OF $259800 IT IS AGREED THAT POLICY 41 C 526148, IS AMENDED TO INCLUDE COVERAGE FOR THE CLASSIFICATION AT THE LIMITS SHOWN:. PARADES CODE NO* RATING BASIS} B01• RATES P.D* (K'IDDIES PARADE- 501S FLAT CHARGE $18 *80 $5000 JUNE 40 1960) LIMITS ( FOR THE ABOVE CLASSIFICATION ONLY • DOES NOT AMEND LIMITS ON POLICY FOR OTHER CLASSIFICATIONS ) BODILY 'INJURY 11000000 EACH PERSON $300,000 EACH ACCIDENT PROPERTY DAMAGE $5,000 EACH ACCIDENT Nothing herein contained shall be held to vary, waive, alter, or extend any of the terms, conditions, agreements or declarations of the policy, other than as herein stated. This endorsement shall not be binding unless countersigned by a duly authorized agent of the company or companies. HARTFORD FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY GROUP Hartford Fire Insurance Company New York Underwriters Insurance Company Hartford Accident and Indemnity Company Citizens Insurance Company of New Jersey Twin City Fire Insurance Company LIBER-T [VCY, INC. . n elr Countnsign ....... ... .............. Authorize gent .Form G -1999D NO Rev. Printed in U. S. A. 3= 59