08-601AMENDED 6/4/05 RESOLUTION Cauncil File # � O'(.�r0f Green Sheet # 3051410 SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �� I WHEREAS, Department of Safety and Inspections has requested the City Council to 2 hold public hearings to consider the advisability and necessity of ordering the repair or wrecking 3 and removal of a two story, wood frame, single family dwelling located on property hereinafter 4 referred to as the "Subject Properry" and commonly known as 985 BURR STREET. This 5 properiy is legally described as follows, to wit: FAIRVIEW ADDITION LOT 6 BLK 13 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2a 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 WHEREAS, based upon the records in the Ramsey County Recorder's Office and information obtained by Department of Safety and Inspections on or before November 19, 2007, the following are the now known interested or responsible parties for the Subject Property: Eugene E Soler, PO Box 28445, Oakdale, N1N 55128; Eugene Soler, 985 Burt Street, St. Paul, MN 55130; Wells Fargo Bank, PO Box 5137, Des Moines, IA 50306; Payne Phalen District 5 Planning Council. WHEREAS, Department of Safety and Inspections has served in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 45 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code an order identified as an"Order to Abate Nuisance Building(s)" dated February 26, 2008; and WHEREAS, this order informed the then known interested or responsible parties that the structure located on the Subject Property is a nuisance building(s) pursuant to Chapter 45; and WHEREAS, this order informed the interested or responsible parties that they must repair or demolish the structure located on the Subject Property by March 27, 2008; and WHEREAS, the enforcement officer has posted a placard on the Subject Property declaring this building(s) to constitute a nuisance condition; subject to demolition; and WHEREAS, this nuisance condition has not been corrected and Department of Safety and Inspections requested that the City Clerk schedule public heazings before the Legislative Hearing Officer of the City Councii and the Saint Paul City Council; and WHEREAS, the interested and responsible parties have been served notice in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 45 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, of the time, date, place and purpose of the public hearings; and WHEREAS, a hearing was held before the Legislative Hearing Officer of the Saint Paul City Council on Tuesday, May 13, 2008 to hear testimony and evidence, and after receiving testimony and evidence, made the recommendation to approve the request to order the interested 6�-�a� 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 or responsible parties to make the Subject Property safe and not detrimental to the public peace, heaith, safety and welfare and remove its blighting influence on the community by demolishing and removing the structure in accordance with all applicable codes and ordinances. The demolition of the structure to be completed within fifteen (15) days after the date of the Council Hearing; and WHEREAS, a hearing was held before the Saint Paul City Council on Wednesday, June 4, 2QQ8 and the testimony and evidence including the action taken by the Legislative Hearing Officer was considered by the Council; now therefore BE IT RESOLVED, that based upon the testnnony and evidence presented at the above referenced public hearings, the 5aint Paul City Council hereby adopts the following Findings and Order concerning the Subject Property at 985 BURR STREET. 1. That the Subject Property comprises a nuisance condition as defined in Saint Paul Legislative Code, Chapter 45. 2. That the costs of demolition and removal of this building(s) is estimated to exceed five thousand dollars ($5,000.00). 3. That there now exists and has existed multiple Housing or Building code violations at the Subject Property. 4. That an Order to Abate Nuisance Building(s) was sent to the then laiown responsible parties to correct the deficiencies ar to demolish and remove the building(s). 5. � That the deficiencies causing this nuisance condition have not been corrected. That Department of Safety and Inspecrions has posted a placard on the Subject Property which declates it to be a nuisance condition subject to demolition. That this building has been routinely monitored by Deparhnent of Safety and Inspections, VacantJNuisance Buiidings. 8. That the known interested parties and owners are as previousiy stated in this resolution and that the notification requirements of Chapter 45 have been fulfilled. ORDER The Saint Paul City Council hereby makes the following order: The above referenced interested or responsible parties shall make the Subject Property safe and not detrimental to the public peace, health, safety and welfare and remove its oss-�o� 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 blighting influence on the community by demolishing and removing the structure in accordance with all applicable codes and ordinances. The demolition and removal of the structure must be completed within A����� five days after the date of the Council Hearing. 2. If the above corrective action is not completed within this period of time Department of Safety and Inspections is hereby authorized to take whatever steps are necessary to demolish and remove this structure, fill the site and charge the costs incurred against the Subject Property pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 45 of the Saint Paul Legislarive Code. 95 3. 96 97 98 99 100 101 4. 102 In the event the buiiding is to be demolished and removed by the City of Saint Paul, all personal property or fixtures of any kind which interfere with the demolition and removal shall be removed from the property by the responsible parties by the end of this time period. If all personal property is not removed, it shall be considered to be abandoned and the City of Saint Paul shall remove and dispose of such property as provided by law. It is further ordered, that a copy of this resolution be mailed to the owners and interested parties in accordance with Chapter 45 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. Requested by Department of: Safety and Inspections Code Enforcement / Vacant Buildings By: Form Approved by City Attorney By: Adoprion Certified by Council Secretary BY� _ // /%/'s //i%C�Sd!? Appxoved ay r. Date � �(I� / � b�� q BY� �_� V�G�L//ti-� Form Approved by Mayor for Submission to CouncIl By: Adopted by Council: Date ��D/���/JQ� � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � ����� $� — Depc of Safety & [nspecaons � 25-MAR-0B Contact Person 8 Phone: Bob Kessler 266-9013 Must Be on Council Agend 04-,lUN-OB Doc. Type: RESOLUTION E-Dncument Required: N DocumeM CoMact: �/ Assign Number For Routing Order Contact Phone: Total # of Signature Pages ` iClip All Locations for Signature) Green Sheet NO: 3051410 0 e t ot Safe & Ins tions 1 e t of Safe & Ins ections De artment Director 2 ' Attorne 3 a or's Qffice Ma orlASSistant 4 ouncil 5 Clerk G5 Clerk City Council [o pass this resolution which will order the owner(s) to remove the referenced building(s). If the owner fails to comply with the resolution, the Department of Safery and Inspections is ordered to remova [he building. The subject properry is located at 985 BURR ST . iaa&ons: approve (n) or F Planning Commission CIB Committee Civil Service Commission 1. Has this personlfirm ever worked ufWer a contract for this department? Yes No 2. Has this personlfirm ever been a city empioyee? Yes No 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city empfoyee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, lssues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, This building(s) is a nuisance buildiug(s) as defined in Chapter 45 and a vacant building as definad in Chapter 43 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. The owners, interes[ed part�es and responsible parties known to the Enforcement Officer were given an order to tepair or remove the building at 985 BURR ST by March 27, 2008, and have failed to comply with those orders. Advantages If Approved: The City will eliminate a ntisance. Disadvantages If Approved: The Ciry will spend funds to wreck and remove this buiiding(s). These costs will be assessed to the ptoperiy, coliected as a special assessment against the property tases. A nuisance condition will remain unabated i� the City. This building(s) will continue to blight the community. Disadvantages If Not Approved: A nuisance condition wiil remain unabated in the City. This building(s) will continue to blight the community. V Trensactio�: CostlRevenue Budgeted: Funamy so�rce: Nuisance Housing Abatement �+M���tY Number: 001-00257 Financial lnfomwtion: (Explain) May 15, 2008 70:49 AM Page 1 SUMMARY FOR PUBLIC HEARING �'� � � 985 Burr Street Legislative Hearing — Tuesday, May 13, 2008 City Council — Wednesday, June 4, 2008 The building is a two-story, wood frame, single-family dwelling on a lot of 4,792 square feet. According to our files, it has been a vacant building since November 13, 2007. The current property owner is Eugene Soler, per AMANDA and Ramsey county property records. The city has had to board this building to secure it from trespass. There have been five (5) SUMMARY ABATEMENT NOTICES since 2007. There have been five (5) WORK ORDERS issued for: - Removal of improperly stored refuse - Removal of tall grass and weeds - Boarding - Removal of snow and ice On February 12, 2008, an inspection of the building was conducted, a list of deficiencies which constitute a nuisance condition was developed and photographs were taken. An ORDER TO ABATE A NUISANCE BUILDING was posted on February 26, 2008 with a compliance date of March 27, 2008. As of this date this property remains in a condition which comprises a nuisance as defined by the legislative code. The Vacant Building registration fees are delinquent in the amount of $250.00. TaYation has placed an estimated market value of $34,000 on the land and $100,300 on the building. As of May 12, 2008, a Code Compliance inspection has not been completed. As of May 12, 2008, the $5,000.00 performance bond has not been posted. Real Estate taxes are current. Code Enforcement Officers estimate the cost to repair this structure is $80,000 to $40,000. The estimated cost to Demolish is $9,700 to $12,700. NHPI, Division of Code Enforcement Resolution submitted for consideration orders the property owner to repair or remove this structure within fifteen (15) days, if not the resolution authorizes the Division of Code Enforcement to demolish and assess the costs to the property. DEPARTMENT OF SAFETY AND INSPECTIONS DickLippert ManagerofCodeEnfarcement CITY OF SAIN'T PAUL NuLsance Building Enforcement ChristopherB. Coleman, Mayor 16DD YT�hite BearAve N Saint Paul, MN 55106 Mazch 28, 2008 NOTICE OF PUSLIC HEARINGS Council President and Members of the City Council D�- l� 61 Tel: (651} 266-1900 Fax: (6jl) 266-I926 Department of Safety and Inspecfions, VacantJNuisance Buildings Enforcement Division has requested the City Council schedule public hearings to consider a resolution ordering the repair or removal of the nuisance building(s) located at: 985 BURR ST The City Council has scheduled the date of these hearings as follows: Legislative Hearing — Tuesday, May 13, 2008 City Council Hearing — Wednesday, June 4, 2008 The owners and responsible parties of record are: Name and Last Known Address Eugene E Soler 985 Burr St St Paul MN 55130 Bugene Soler PO Box 28445 Oakdale, MN 55128 Wells Fargo Bank NA PO Box 5137 Des Moines, TA 50306 Payne Phalen Dishict 5 Planning Council d5-director��visi.com Interest Fee Owner Fee Owner (alt. address) Mortgage Company District Council Contact AA-ADA-EEO Employer 985 BURR ST Mazch 28, 2008 page 2 The 1ega1 description of this property is: FAIRVIEW ADDITION LOT 6 SLK 13 ��� t� D � 'I'he Depariment of Safety and Inspections has declared this building(s) to constitute a"nuisance" as defined by Legslarive Code, Chapter 45. The Deparhnent of Safety and Inspections has issued an order to the then known responsible parhies to eliminate tlus nuisance condition by conecting the deficiencies or by razing and removing this building(s). The property was re-inspected on March 27, 2008. There was no compliance and the nuisance condition remains unabated, the community continues to suffer the blighting influence of this property. It is the recommendarion of the Department of Safety and Inspections that the City Council pass a resolution ordering the responsible parties to either repair, or demolish and remove this building in a timely manner, and failing that, authorize the Department of Safety and Inspecrions to proceed to demolition and removal, and to assess the costs incurred against the real estate as a special assessment to be collected in the same manner as taJCes. Sincerely, S�BV6 MIlgIZ6N Steve Magner Vacant Buildings Manager Department of Safety and Inspecfions SM:nm cc; Chad Staul, CityAttorneys Office Mary Erickson, Assistant Secretazy to the Council Cindy Carlson, PED-Housing Division Nancy Homans, Invest St. Paul District Council — Community Organizer pubhmg6Q183 3/08 Property Look Up Information - Structure Description Page 1 of 2 D�-t��l tiame Site �9ao Cflntact t�s Property Look Up Information - Structure Description Home � � ir�formatSon � � Propertv Look Uo �{ Record look Up �, Contact Us New Progert�5earch 6ack to Search Results. C�uick_Info Pro�e Cty_T n f orm ati on Taxpayer.Name an� Address Vaiue Information Vaiue Historv Structure Description Sa4�Informa�lon Sqecia) Assessments Property Tax Payment tnformation Property Tax Payment Nistory > Structure Description Property Identification Number (PIN} Property Address 985 Burr St St. Paul 55130-3905 Residential Property: Year Built 1894 # of Stories 1.50 Style One And 3/4 Story Exterior Wall Frame Total Rooms 6 Total Family Rooms 1 Totai Bedrooms 1 Full Baths 1 Half Baths 1 Attic Type Finished Finished SQ Feet 1573 foundation Size 828 Basement Area Finished Finished Rec Area Garage 7ype Area (sq.ft.) Parcel Size .il Acres Parcel Width 40.00 Feet Parcel Depth 122.00 Feet Current Pr�e�ty Tax StatementJValue Notice 2007 Froqertv Tax Staternen�Value Notice 2406 Pro�rty Tax Statement�Value Nati�e 2005 Pr�ert'�Tax Statement Value Notice Land Use Code 510 Land Use Description R- Single Family Dwelling, Platted Lot http:f/rrinfo.coramsey.mn.us/publicicharacteristic/Parcel.pasp?scrn-Dwelling&pin=29292... 5/12(2008 DEPARTMENT OF SAFETY AND INSPECTIQNS Dick Lippert, Manager of Code Enforcement CITY OF SAINT PAUL Chrzstopher8. Coleman, Mayor Nuisance Buzldtng Enforcement ����/ 1600 D✓hiteBearAveN Sainr Paul, M_N 55106 wwwstpaul.gov February 26, 2008 Eugene E Soler 985 Burr St St Paul MN 55130-3905 Eugene Soler PO Box 28445 Oakdale, MN 55128 Wells Fargo Bank NA PO Box 5137 Des Moines, IA 50306 Order to Abate Nuisance Building(s) Dear : Sir or Madam Tel � (6ilJ 266-1900 Fax: (651) 266-1926 The VacanY/Nuisance Buildings Unit, Department of the Department of Safety and Inspections, Division of Code Enforcement, hereby deciares the premises located at: 985 BURR ST and legally described as follows, to wit: FAIl2VIEW ADDITION LOT 6 BLK 13 to comprise a nuisance condition in violation of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, Chapter 45.02, and subject to demolition under authority of Chapter 45.11. On February 12, 2008, a Building Deficiency Inspection Report was compiled and the following conditions were observed. This list of deficiencies is not necessarily ali the deficiencies present at this tirae. As first remedial action, a Code Complianee Inspection must be obtained from the Building Inspection and Design Section, 8 Fourth Street East, 5uite 200, Commerce Building (651)266-9090. That inspecCion will identify speci�ic defects, necessary repairs and legal requirements to correct this nuisance condition. You may aiso be required to post a five thousand dollar ($5,000.00) performance bond with the Building Inspection and Desigu Office before any permits are issued, except for a demolition permit. This building(s) is subject to the restrictions of 5aint Paul Ordinance Chapter 33.03 and shall not again be used far occupancy until such time as a Certificate of Compliance or a Certificate of Occupancy has been issued. A�1-ADA-BEO Bmployei Febmary 26, 2008 985 BURR ST page 2 This is a two story, wood frame, single family dwelling. �� �(Y U I 1. The exterior walls andlor trim of the house andlor garage has defective, peeled, flaked, scaled or chalking paint or has unpainted wood surfaces. Scrape and repaint to effect a sound condition in a professional manner. 2. The exterior walls of the house and/or garage are defective. Repair ali holes, breaks, loose oi rotting siding, to aprofesional state of maiiltenance. 3. The windows andlor storm windows are in a state of disrepair. Repiace ali missing or broken window glass. Make all necessary repairs to frames, sashes, hardwaze and associated trim in a professional manner. Pernlit may be required. 4. The window and(or door screens are missing, defective or in a state of disrepair. Provide proper window and door screens for all openable windows and doors. 5creens must be tight-fitting and securely faste,ned to the frames. 5. The eaves and soffits are in a state of disrepair or deterioration. Repair all defects, holes, breaks, loose ar rotting boards, to a professional state of maintenance. Permit may be required. 6. The roof is deteriorated, defective, or in a state of disrepair. Repair or replace the roof covering to a sound, tight and water impervious condition. Permit may be required. Interior-extensive fire damage inside and out 7. The interior walls are defective. Repair all wall defects and finish in a professional manner. 8. The interior ceilings are defective. Repair a11 ceiling defects and finish in a professional manner. 9. The bathroom floor covering is deteriorated or inadequate. Provide floor covering which is impervious to water and easily cleanable throughout the bathroom and seal around the edges and fixtures. 10. There is extensive debris throug�out related to fire damage. 1 L FURNACE: Have a licensed heating contractor service and clean the fumace or boiler and make any necessary repairs. Perform a C/O test on the heating plant. Then, send the attached form back to the Inspector. Repair of gas fired appliances requires a permit. 12. Due to extensive damage have a licensed electrical contractor make all necessary repairs to electrical system and associated hardware. Februazy 26, 2008 985 BURR ST page 3 �g-(�O/ 13. Have a licensed plumbing contractor repairfreplace all damaged/defective piping, fixtures, and associated hardware. 14. Repair or repiace all damaged flooring and sub flooring damaged by fire. 15. Repairheplace or remove all damaged carpeting. 16. Lack of Water Service. Inunediately restare water service. Failure to provide water service will result in these premises being declared Unfit for Human Habitation and ordered vacated far lack of this basic facility. 17. Lack of Electricity. Immediately restore electrical service. Failure to provide proper electrical service will result in these premises being declared Unfit for Human Habitation and ordered vacated for lack of this basic facility. Use of candles, fuel operated lighting or extension card wiring is not permitted whi]e the power is off. 18. The stairs have missing or defective handrails. Provide all interior and exterior stairways and steps of moxe that three (3) risers with handrails which are grippable and installed 34° to 38" above the nose of the stair treads. 14. Smoke Detector: Lack of properly installed and operable smoke detector. 20. DEFECTIVE STAIR5. Stairs are broken, defective, or in disrepaar. Repair in a professional manner. As owner, agent or responsible party, you are hereby notified that if these deficiencies and the resulting nuisance condition is not corrected by March 27, 2008 the Department of Safety and Inspections, Division of Code Enforcement, will begin a substantial abatement process to demolish and remove tbe building(s). The costs of this acYion, including administrative costs and demolition costs will be assessed against the property tases as a special assessment in accordance with law. As first remedial acrion, a Code Compliance Inspection Report must be obtained from the Building Inspection and Design Section, 8 Fourth Street, Suite #200, Commerce Building, (651)266-9090. This inspection will identify specific defects, necessary repairs and legal requirements to correct this nuisance condition. As an owner or responsible party, you are required by law to provide full and complete disclosure of tkus "Order to Abate" to ali interested parties, a11 present or subsequent renters and any subsequent owners. If you sel1, transfer, or convey in any manner, the ownershi� or responsibility far this property, you must within seven (7) days, notify the Enforcement Officer with the names and addresses of any new owners or responsible parties. The Enforcement Officer is required by law to post a placard on this property which declares it to be a"nuisance condition", subject to demolition and removal by the City. This placard shall Febmary 26, 2008 985 BC1RR ST � ( � h Page 4 LC� � U� V' not be removed without the written authority of the Department of Safety and Inspections, Division of Code Enforcement The department is fiu required to file a copy of this "Order to Abate" with the City Clerk's Office. If conective action is not taken within the time specified in this order, the Enforcement Officer will notify the City Council that abatement action is necessary. The City Clerk will then schedule dates for Public Hearings before the City Council at which time testimony will be heard from interested parties. After this hearing the City Council will adopt a resolution stating what action if any, it deems appropriate. If the resolution calls for abatement action the Council may either order the City to take the abatement action or fix a time withiil which this nuisance must be abated in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 33 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code and provide that if conective action is not taken within the specified time, the City shall abate this nuisance. The costs of this action, including administrative costs will be assessed against the property as a special assessment in accordance with law. If yon have any questions or request additional information please contact Joe Yannarelly between the hours of 8:00 and 9:30 a.m. at 651-266-1920, or you may leave a voice mail message. Sincerely, Steve Magner Vacant Buildings Program Manager Division of Code Enforcement cc: Mary Erickson - Council Reseazch Cindy Carlson - PED Housing Amy Spong — Heritage Preservation ota60135 72/07 3/31 /2008 Steve Ma ner - 2651 f tab xls Pa e 1 BID TABLJLATION FOR Q-26511-5 BUYER: NtARK EVANGELIST `�" ��� DEMO OF 985 BURR ST - DSI BID OPENING DATE: MARCH 25, 2008 liMP SUM BID LL WAYS HAULING INC RK MATHES 51-982-1495 $ 12,500.00 UBERL RECYCLING OB BUBERL 51-439-8399 $ 10 674.00 REATTVE SERVICES OF MN CHARD KOSMAN 51-436-3161 $ 9 600.00 OBOSZENSKI&SONSINC OM BERMEL 63-478-6945 $ 10,000.00 NE CALL CONTRACTING AULSCHROEDER 63-780-9197 $ 12 425.00 •• Y ANDE :R.S,ON & SONS CHARD ORTHMEYER 51-774-2550 $�9k>�Q�Q;r�,9„'.:..,., YCO EXC INC ORY MATTER 12-619-1487 $ 9.890.00 MS CONSTRUCTION ODD SCHMIDT 52-226-630Q $ 11 0��.�0 tab/03/31/08/ME/ac Fa � � � Ca � � � � O O N M .-r R � � a � 0 E'� � � � v � � � � a � � � �ME o o � ��A N N N �/C7�WL M M M � �z ° � (� N Vi M r7 z ' F Op �A a � � � � � � � � � � �� N � � N � N N � � N � � � E•y A d , Vi d , N � V� � �A Q.i L�7 A U W z�� o > W �; w�w � ,o a. x J i W d � � ��„ W H � � � � M E n ,'�,i A -ti q � � W � U �'- -�' U�Ct �� s ��z d ��� aH o 0 r-'� �� W N N G � M M A W � � W � � p � � a � o z M � 1 W N M ,1! � r'�i� .--+ U E� ,^ `^ _ �. `. � a� � � d Cl � .� > � F+ �. � i y � � �i o � W` ,�' �� or�� �� � �aLJ � W d r ° N v� � a"' .� � on � Z �" ,�,' x .�' � � � �" o ° � �� s��. � � �✓ a�irA'd o �p �, ��,c� � ��� W �vz ��aQ e.a.-�c W Q� � �I 0 o� N 7' d F'. � v"� > R '� � d G.' � d � � .� � c C: a L a � � a _. �� -r�D 1 Date: February 13, 2008 File #: 07 - 132917 Folder Name: 985 BI7RR ST PIN: 292922240148 �� �� ' m _. ., � .�. .. �O'�(/V � Date: February 13, 2008 File #: 07 - 132917 Folder Name: 985 BURR ST PIN: 242922240148 � � ���/ Date: February 13,2008 File #: 07 -132917 Folder Name: 985 BURR ST PIN: 292922240148 �g-��l Date: February 13, 2008 File #: 07 - 132917 Folder Name: 985 B[7RR ST PIN: 292922240148 �R- tp (L � SaintPauT Deparnnent ofPtanni�g and Econnmic Development ���� i ��� SistoricReviewFoYna �E� 2Q ?�J05� ` �. Please type or pziat legibly. (Iliegib forms will be:�tumed.) Z ��' � 3 �� ProjectAddress: 985 BURR ST Orio nal Construction Year. 1894 Building Name: Brief Project Description: Removal of Nuisance Form completed by: Joe Yannarelly & Mike Kalis �flelO�ganization: Inspectors. Code Enforcement Planning District Number.• 5 Date: Februarv 13. 200& Phone no.: 651-2b6-1920 �� r This project has been reviewed by the Ninnesota SHPO pursuant to the National Historic ;; ` Preservation Act (36CFR800), the Minnesota Historic Sites Act, and the Minnesota Field 'f� = Archaeology Act, as applicable. There are no reported historic or archaeological resources in the ��� , p�oject area, and we feel that the probability of any unreported properties is low. Therefore, based � ��, � on available information, we conclude thaf no historic properties elieible for or listed on the ��; �Nafional Register�of Historic Piaces will be affected by this project. Tf ou have an co�tact the Review and Compliance staff at (651) 259-3455. Y Y questions, � +�'{ -Bfitta L. Bloomberg Depury Stace Historic Preservation Officer F9dR 2 1 2D08 Date jTo be io,mpleted Iry , horized P�D sta}j,) _ . _. Name: ��.1 iJ Date: � � � y Located within a nt Paul Historic District? Yes � Located within a National Register District? Yes � Listed an the 1983 survey? Yes �o Eligiblefor.designation � Additional stte ofmajor sigreifzcance � Survey form atlached � Recommendation: EZigible for National Register? Yes No Further information required? Additional Comments: e �� ` ���r�s�`+ :�_- . - _ « ca Amy Spong, HPC — email copy Yes No 6�196pa1hishev 5/07 � � May 13, 2008 L,egislative Hearing Minutes /� 0�/„ Q/ Page 7 UO ((/ / 6. Ordering the owner to remove or repair the building(s) at 985 Burr Street withiia fifteen (15) days from adoption of resolution. The property owner of record, Eugene Soler, did not appear. No other parties of interest appeared. Mr_ Magner stated the builcling was a tcvo-story, wood frame, single-fasnily dwelling on a lot of 4,792 squaze feet and had been vacant since November 13, 2007. A code compliance inspection had not been done, the vacant building registration fees were delinquent in the amount of $25Q and the $5,000 performance bond had not been posted. On February 12, 2008, an inspection of the building was done and a list of deficiencies which constitute a nuisance condition was developed. An order to abate a nuisance building was posted on February 26, 2008 with a compliance date of March 27, 2008. To date, the property remained in a condition which comprised a nuisance as defined by the Legislative Code. Runsey County TaYation estimated the market value of the land to be approximately $34,000 and the building to be $100,300. Real estate tases were current. Code Enfarcement estimates the cost to repair the building to be approxnnately $80,000 to $90,000. The cost for demolition was estimated to be approximately $9,700 to $12,700. There had also been five summary abatements issued to this property since 2007, five of which went to work order: to secure the building and the City had to board the building to secure it from trespass, remove improperiy stored refuse, boarding, cut tall grass and weeds, and remove snow and ice. Code Enfarcement recommends the building be repaired or removed within 15 days. Mr. Magner presented photographs of the property. He said that as was evident from the photographs, there was a fire at the house and the owner apparently abandoned the property. He was unsure whether this property was presently in foreclosure. He presented a copy of the letter from SHPO. Ms. Moermond asked whether the fire was a result of arson. Mr. Magner responded that he was unsure as he did not have the report from the Fire Department; however, he believed the properiy was occupied at the time of the fire. Ms. Moermond recommended the building be removed within 15 days with no option for repair.