197334COUNCIL FILE NO -------- c9 -� a__ By--------------------------- - - - - -- ------------------------------ FINAL ORDER 4 � In the Matter of reconstructing the sidewalk on both sides of Hillside Ave. from Gordon Ave. to Como Ave. on the north and from Gordon Ave. to Knapp Place on the south under Preliminary Order --------- 195$94 ------ Council File No. 197334 — In the Matter of reconstructing the sidewalk on both sides of hillside Ave. from Gordon Ave. to Como Ave. on the north and from Gordon Ave. to Xnapp Place on the south under Preliminary Order 195890 approved February 16, 1960. - - -- approved ------------ vFebruary- _16; ME=ER-AM'SOC. W CIVIL ENGINEERS Am. SOC. OF PLANNING OFFICIALS G E O "R G E H. H E R R 0 L D 2251 HILLSIDE AVENUE ST. PAUL S, MINNESOTA May 08, 1960 Honorable Mayor and Council City of St. Paul Am. INST. OF PLANNERS 297334 7 Dear Sirs: In the matter of reconstructing sidewalks on Hillside Avenue, Gordon to Como. I have 90 feet frontage on the north side of 2251 Hillside, i.e., 15 feet, lot 12, 50 feet, lot 13 and 25 feet, lot 14, blk. 43, St.Anthony Park North. (See sketch attached.) The northeasterly 21 feet of this walk should be reconstructed as tree roots have raised and broken the tile and cause water to stand. The southwesterly 65 feet is just as good as a new walk could be, perfectly level, no tree roots and only a few hair cracks. The remaining 4 feet is my one -half of driveway construction, a driveway joint with my neighbor. The reason there are no tree roots in this 65 feet is that the elm midway is a replacement for 2 box elders, broken by.a storm and removed by the city Forester. The new elm will not have roots in 20 years that might disturb the walk. I wish to protest the reconstruction of this 65 feet as it is unnecessary. I regret that I cannot be present at the hearing. Reesspectfully, George H. Herrold Nll INN\ N IN'll Qj N! N01 N N �I Cy) INN\ WE, the undersigned property owners, preliminary order 195890 which proposes sidewalk on both sides,of Hillside Ave. that any property owners who wish their or replaced should do so on an individu, NANE Ila vat aA W r r wish to oppose to reconstruct the It is our feeling sidewalks repaired 3.1 basis. ADDRESS 2 -z- '�Z- "7. 226/ �/� /�'�d� '`f�� • -4 a% l -2, x- 3 2:z F7. 7v44��.,aCR., cz-- i 4 -.7 2 z � r %kE� uee ........ . ................. .... 1 1.9-7334 ' 70 - J - CITY OF ST. PAUL ► - -y DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE _ ON PRELIMINARY ORDER J In the matter of reconstructing the sidewalk on both sides of Hillside Ave. from Gordon Ave. to Como Ave, oh-the north and from Gordon Ave. to Knapp Place on the south, 9� under Preliminary Order approved February 16, 1960. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated cost of the above improvement is - - - - - _ .52 per sq. ft. for 11 Mono. C one . walk. The estimated assessment per foot for the above improvement is - - - - $Ex: ra work at extra cost. The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: IIDESCRIPTION I LOT IBLOCKI ADDITION I LAND VALUATION BLDG. 3, and I 11 I ) I St Anthony Park North II 7. 000 Part of Lot 5 east of a line drawn 1 1 from southwest corner of said lot 1 1 I 11 11 to a point on northwest line 20 fel I I II 11from most west corner of 1 51 43 1 do 800 2,900 II Part of Lot 5 west of a line drawn I I I ,I from the southwest corner of said It I I II 11to a point on the northwest line 201 1 1 11 11feet from the most west corner, I:. I I 1Iand all of 1 6 16 1 do 975 3,600 1I I n Form B. B. 10 1M 3 -58 4008 ' � t CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) IIDESCRIPTLON I LOT IBLOCKI ADDITION II LAND VALUATION BLDG. 71 431 St. Anthony Park North II 8 875 4,100 H 1 81 431 do 11 875 3, 600 11 Lot 9 and northeast 50 ft. of 1 101 431 do 11 1,750 3,700 11 Except northeast 50 ft.; 1 101 43 1 do (11 1,975 3,800 Lot 11 and northeast 35 ft. of i 121 431 do ( (11 Southwest 15 ft. of Lot 12 and all 1 131 431 do d !1 Northeastiof 1 141 43 1 do (,i 1,525 3,200 11 Southwest 1 of 1 141 43 do 11 1 151 431 do (11 1,275 3,600 11 1 161 431 do 11 850 3,250 11 1 171 43 1 do 825 II 1 181 43 1 do 11 800 3, 600 11 1 191 43 1 do I1 775 7,700 li 1 201 43 1 do 11 75o 4, 800 11 1 211 43 1 do 11 750 4, 400 1, 1 221 431 do 11 750 4,300 11 i 231 431 do 75o 4,000 II 1 241 431 do 75o 4,600 11 1 251 431 do 11 750 2,950 1 261 43 1 do 11 725 1 1 271 43 1 do 11 700 3,900 1� 1281431 do 825 9,400 ilPart south of a line from a point I 1 1 II 11 on the east line of Lot 27, 70 ft. 1 1 1 11 Ilfrom the northeast corner thereof 1 1 1 11 11 to a point on the west line of Lot 1 ( 1 11 II kContlnued on next page)1 TOTAL 1 FORM e.s.11 zoo 3-51 8 Ii CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) IIDESCRIPTION LOT B ADDITION II LAND VALUAT ASSESSED II28. (Continued from preceding page 50 ft, from the northwest corne I 1 1I Ilthereof; part of Lots 27 and 128 138 I St. Anthony Park, Minnesota II $ 1,100 $ 4,500 III Part lying north of a line from a 1 I 1 11 Loint on the east line of Lot 27, 1 I I 11 1170 ft. from the northeast corner 1 I 1 II iithereof to a point on the west line) I I Lf said Lot 28, 50 ft. from the I I I 11northwest corner thereof of Lots 271 1 1 11 !land 128 138 1 do 11 450 3,100 1 11 138 I do 11 600 5,600 !!Lots 2 and 1 3 138 1 do 11 1,400 8,000 ,(Lots 4, 5 and west of 1 6 138 1 do 11 2,400 5,150 IiExcept east 25 ft.; 1 1 137 1 do 11 600 2,150 I 25 ft. of Lot 1, and except 1 1 1 1I i1following described part: Begiruz- I 1 II Iiat northeast corner of said lot thence south) II lialong east line 27 ft. 4 inches theLe 1 1 11 llnorthwesterly in a straight line tol I 1 1 ,11northerly line of said lot at a I I I II i1point 16 ft. southwesterly from I I 1 11 (place of beginning thence to begi"g, I I Il kot 2; also southerly 80 ft. of 3 13? 1 do 1,825 3,650 IiAll east of a line drawn from a poi! t I I lion east line 27 1/3 ft. from the I I 1 II (!northeast corner to a point on the I I I II !north line 16 ft. from said corner I 1 I II ii �Qontinuect on next page 1 TOTAL FORM 8.9.11 OW 3•59 8 4 t CITY OF ST. PAUL . DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) II LOT I I BLOCK ADDITION I II VALUATION UDESCRIPTION LAND BLDG. Dart of Lot {2 and except south 80 I I I 11 11 ft.: L 1 31 37 ISt. Anthony Park Minnesota 11 K 8=K0 �, 7 8 IlExcept south 80 ft . ; 1 41 7 1 do -3-, li -7' 3, no IlThat part north of a line drawn at I 1 I 11 11right angles to the west line from I I I !! 11a point thereon 106.25 ft. from 1 I ! !inorthwest corner of 1 51 37 1 do q7K 11,100 IlExcept south 104.42 ft.; 1 61 37 1 do � 600 3_,800 ilExcept south 155 ft.; 1 7137 1 do 11 550 2,600 !!Except south 155 ft.; 1 81 37 1 do II 575 3,000 I! 1 9 1 37 1 do II 1 10 137 1 do (11 4,100 135,900 1 1! 1 11 1371 do (1! II I I I II !I I I I II 1 I I I II 11 I I I it II I I I II ! 1 TOTAL II $42,975 9269 800 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Date o �. ';>2. ".c Commissioner of Finance. 11.0 Form B.B. 12 1M 3-68 �8 } Hillside - Gordon to Como'- north side n n n Knapp Place - south side a OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS REPORT TO COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Dist.. 14o. 2 ,Ie � 76 Feb. 23rd. , 19 60 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 195890 , approved Feb. 16th, 19 60 relative to reconstraetir_ the sidewalk on both sides of Hillside Ave. from Gordon Ave. to Como Ave. on the north and from Gordon Ave. to Knapp Place on the south._ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. The estimated cost thereof is $0.52 per sq. ft. for no.--conc. walk h" thick. Extra work(Excay., fill, cone. rem'd, rootcutting, drive crossings.etc.) at extra cost.---- - 2. A plan,•profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 3. Initiated by the Commissioner of Public Works x 4. improvement is asked for upon petition 4 , f4. N Commissioner of Public Works � 6 tI ��y