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-- Council File No. 197333- In the matter of improvin g Smith Avenue from Seventh Street to Fifth �_ - - -- - �--- - - - - -- Street by removing the, present wood block wearing course: by removing the present concrete base where the same is structurally unsound: by con- ------------------------------ structing new concrete base where n *er. '' as ..i re7yed dnd,� building FINAL ORI' �. t u.. In the Matter of improving DW VbXA bl.+QCak �' �d A� . ' Yft px�c�on COAOMI -� "Ci ras +�tid�'b caetali- ax',tEl blx>r�rltx�:� a :re-mod aii d• ngh,,.' p seat bdgm . _ Ad', x ae s Pr=mt Owe cukb ah& wnstructing ,aew amtrata ct; i 'w �esmry; b1 ��a etiae sevow'. -water s�4 : s sues zact� hy .a ct, =5 n to the :arty 11age ire ggoqoiar�,X by %tconotr sting o U,'$ undegW%44 :l4 C "'�� .� 9 > : f r,. t t3 a, v►► £d t &t a .!Coo t� .......... with 00id. 1zVrqVd=nt by construatirxg, 'a .6 Pr 'uCuxs Inter:i i� lal rz tx�1 Al Ote l`Vv0!h8 all d thm'. 'wV4C Vbloh la- - -• -- . -. - zieo�© �,r h 38 z► t; L� t t f ii .1pozi due notic,, and the Couneli havitig heard all persons, objections and recom_ m ne_anon_s rclw_tive thr reto, and liatizngfully considered /t�ie ssame; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and. kind of im- pr ver ent to be made by the said- City is • to _ improve ft AVOW trv= Sevx1 th ;�fi�t � pifh strr ot-16Y o .f a t - 1s stmeturx� ��3.' b _ ��a . lit left 10''Ploc%'o ta oijaa U* ?° � . t - _fit% .fitqAt A _; ?" 4,4, 40V :} 04a rato is ? r V1i 0 . mt4r -to r. uu rte' Ids ra , e - b bar vac tox at st and tb �' 1 �; •e ��lr, ';' � a �t s�1a .i� �t"1 4�} c e and direc'l pt��,o� t)�({ �yF• o < < .� .�i�: i 1�, t c I for a 1r ! i +T . '' a�izu 1i i ct pro i*A 4A llww'X I� �. ���c �X �i tcl p o seed with the inakitlg Adopted by the Council _____�A� _ �� MAY 311960 Approved--------------------------- - - - - -- File 14787 Councilman DeCOURCY Councilman HOLLAND Councilman � Councilman PETERSON Councilman ROSEN Councilman WINKEL Mayor DILLON z -ss 2M z OOW 111 v ------ ----- ----------------- ---------------------- L_.__.- City Clerk. --------------------- - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- Mayor. r ` L 1 ' CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF ON PRELIMINARY ORDER dA)� t FINANCE F� o- .&- + -� In the matter of Improving Smith Avenue from Seventh Street to Fifth Street by removing the present wood block wearing course; by removing the present concrete base where the same is structurally unsound; by constructing new concrete base where present base is removed and building up the present base, that is left in place,'to the proper sub -grade with concrete; by surfacing the new and old concrete base with asphaltic concrete; by paving the street, alley and driveway returns; by resetting the present stone curb and constructing new concrete curb where necessary; by constructing sewer, water and gas service connections from street mains to the property lines where necessary; by reconstructing the paving curbing and sidewalks on the intersecting streets where not-in cpnformity with said improvement; by constructing conduits and appurtenances for future lighting and traffic control systems and by doing all other work which is necessary and incidental to complete said improvement, under Preliminary Order approved October 15, 1959 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated cost of the a o e improvement is - - - - - - $$D,3311.� Cityts Share of Cost (M.S.A. Fund 58,656.00 Est. Property Assess. $21,718.00 The estimated assessment per foot for the above improvement is - - - - $See P.W. letter The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: II DESCRIPTION I LOT IBLOCKI ADDITION II LAND VALUATION 11Lot 12 and, except west 18 ft.; 1 131 I Thomas Daly's Subdivision of I 900 $ 1,150 IlLot 14 and west 18 ft. of I 131 1 Lots !t, 5.6 & 7, Block 502 1I 1,700 900 IINorther7y 37.5 ft. of IIExcept southwester ft. of 1 1I 1 50 -1 I Dayton and Irviness Addition -11 �-to Saint PaulII 1,100 1,550 �.northwesterly 62 ft.; 2 50 I naroton and Ix�dnPts Addition 2,275 1,150 I! Southwest 3 ft: of north rest '162 I I to Raint Paul ft. of Lot 2 and northeaster l,Y 30 _ II ft. of 1 31 50 1 do II 1,225 950 IlExcept northeast 30 ft.; 1 31 50 1 do 1,000 1,650 iiNorthwest 120 ft. of Lots 1 and 1 2 1 1 1 do 4,800 II Form B. B. 10 1M 8 -58 8 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) IIDESCRIOTION I LOT IBLOCKI ADDITION II LAND VALUATION BLDG. IILots 1 thru ! 7 ! I H. L. Carver's Subdivision of !! I lLots 1 and 2, Block 53`, of Rice!! III I land Irvine's Addition t_b St. Pail, II I I I Minn. ll$ 15,500 1.1,100 !I I 1 1 IThomas Daly's Subdivision of 11 700 950 II 1 2 1 ILots 4. 5, 6 & 7, Block 50, � 725 i 1 31 I and Irvine's Addition to fl 750 800 II1 4 1 (Saint Paul 600 100 !I Lots 5 and 1 6 I I do 11 600 900 �I I I I II I! I I ! II I! I ! ! II !I I I I II II I I I I! I I I II II I I I II II I I I II N III � II I I I II II I I I II TOTAL ►0114 tt.O.11 t00 t•t z CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) IIDESCRIPTION I LOT IBLOCKI ADDITION II LAND VALUATION BLDG. II Except southeast 10 ft.; Lot 3, and) I I II II except southwest 7.50 ft. and I I I II 11except southeast 10 ft.; I 41 51 I & Irvine's Addition to Ii 1, .500 IlExcept northeasterly 7.5 £t. of I I ISaint Paul II IILot 5; the northwesterly z of II Lots 5 and I 61 51 I do .3,550. IlSoutheast 50 ft. of Lot 9 and I I I it 11southeast 50 ft. of southwest 20 II ft. of I 10 165 I do II 1,600 $ 12,200 liNortheast 40 £t. of southeast 120 I I I II l l ft. of I 10 165 I do 1,500 800 Il I 11 165. I do II 3,000 15650 1!Partly in Irvine t s - Enlargement; I I I II lisouthwest 2 of I 12 165 I do II 1,500 2,000 ilPartly in Irvine i s Enlargement; I I I II ll northeast of I 12 165 I do II 1,500 1,500 IlPartly in Irvinets Enlargement; I I I II Ilsouthwest 40 ft. of 113 165 do 2,000 2,600 Except northwesterly 85 ft.; the I I I II ILot 14 and northeasterly) I lI il20 ft. of Lot 13, Block 65, Irvinet� I I II IlEnlargement I. of Rice and Irvine's - NAddition to the Torn of St. Paul a4 I I lithe IIand northeasterly 20 ft. of Lot 13 I all of I I 14 165 I I do II II 2, 900 1, 900 llLots 9, 10 and 111 166 I do (II 34,125 448,300 I 1 77 TOTAL II r 8 row •.e.11 .00 a•u CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER AN IIDESCRIPTION LOT IBLOCKI ADDITION II LAND VALUATION BLDG. 1� Vacated alley in Block 66, Lots 1, I I 1 II2, 3, 4, � northeasterly 40 ft. of I 1 li'Lot_ _6 (except southwesterly 80 ft. I I 1 fi Valuation on 11 of northwester 31 2/3 ft. ) Lot 7 1 I I previous page lland all of Lots 8 12 13 and I 141 66 I and Irvinels Addition to II Southeasterly a of vacated alley I I ISaint Paul ;I iiadjoining and Lots 10 thru 1 151 67 1 do V-25 , 000 0 11,000 IlLots 16 thru 1 181 67 1 do 9,350 17,000 !lPart south of Fifth St. of Lot 8 an�l I II iiexce'pt Fifth St.; Lots 6 and 71 62 1 Enl.atgement of, Rice ar ' 16,500 20,200 !iNortheasterly 100 ft. of southeast -1 I . lIrvinels Addition to the Town of e 75 2/3 ft. of Lots 1 and 1 21 63 ISaint Paul. II 9,100 5,650 11Except northeasterly 100 ft.; the I I I II 1 75 2/3 ft. of Lots I I II it 1 and 1 21 63 1 do 11 1, 850 1, 250 1. Lots 12, 13 and 1 1 63 1 do 11 16,200 41,600 IILot 15, also that la rt of vacated I I 1 I• alley adjoining Lot 16, and all of 1 161 63 1 do 15,000 66,500 ilwebt 101 ft. of 1 91 2 ISamuel Leeches Addition to the II 1,000 3,900 ilwest 101 ft. of 1 81 2 Town of Saint Paul, Minnesota I1 1,100 5,600 South 2 of 1 101 2 1 Territory II 700 3,650 ,1 North 2 of 1 101 2 1 do 700 2,350 11 I ll 21 do 1,100 3,650 II J 1 121 21 do Il 1,400 3,150 1!Except Smith Ave. and except east I I I II 1162.50'ft.; south 40 ft. of 1 131 2 1 do 11 900 1,850 i 1 TOTAL 1 ropes ■.s.rt 900 a•u 8 V CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) FORM ■.8.11 9W i -N �8 ' 1 j LOT I BLOCK I ADDITION I 11 ASSESSED AAIONII LAND IlExcept Smith Ave. and except east I I I II II 86.50 ft.; all that part of Lots I 1 1 II II 13 and 14, lying north of a line I I 1 11 o40 ft. north and parallel to south I 1 II 111ine, of said 113 I 2 1 Samuel Leeche's Addition to they 1,550 IlLots 1 and I 2 I 3 1 Town of Saint Paul, Minnesota 4,800 12,900 .I 3 I 3 I Territory 1,400 II14I 3 I do 1,400 2,100 II 15 13 1 do II 1,400 2,400 II16 I 3 I do II 1,400 2, 700 i!East 123.50 ft. of I 7 13 I do 1,400 1,400 korth 49 ft. of Lots 1 and I 2 I 4 I do II 1,400 2,600 1!South 66 ft. of North 115 ft. of I I I ll Ii.Lots 1-.and I 2 1 4 I do II 1,950 IlExcept Street; south 57 ft. of I I I II kots 1, 2 and I 3 14 I do II 3,500 12,150 11 That part -of Lot 7 lying westerly I llof a line beginning on the northerly I I line of Seventh St., 12.5 ft. south- I I II ii-jester:Ly from the east line of said I I I ll 11lot thence to a point on northerly I I I II Illine of said Lot 7, 9.12 ft. west- 11 erly from northeast corner I 7 1 5 I do 1,875 10,400 IlExcept IlExcept alley; Lots 1 and alley; 1 2 I 3 152 (Rice 152 I and Irvinets Addition to (150,100 Town of Saint Paul (II 128,700 r I I I II I TOTAL FORM ■.8.11 9W i -N �8 ' 1 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER IIDESCRIPTION I LOT IBLOCKI ADDITION I LAND VALUATION BLDG. 1lExcept alley; being partly in I I I Valuation on precedi kayton and Irvine is Add., 1 41 52 IRice and Irvinet s Addition to 01 ing_Rage IlPartly in Dayton and Irvine t s Add.;1 51 52 Ithe Town of Saint Paul li 4.200 $ 4, 600 11 Northwesterly 40 ft. of Lot 6, said) I I Il illot being partly in Dayton and I I I II ilIrvinels Add.; part of 1 61 52 1 do 1,500 11000 !iNortheasterly 2 of 1 31 53 1 do 1,800 IlSoutlzfesterly of 2 1 31 53 1 do 4,200 15,250 i6ortheasterly j of 1 41 53 1 do 1 !I Southwesterly z of 11,1 53 1 do 11 1, 800 it1 51 53 1 do 3,600 2,1200 II 1 61531 do II 3,600 11300 korthwesterly 1/3 of Lots 7 and 1 81 53 1 do I! 3,300 IlThat part of Lot 6 westerly of the I l l II 1 line of Lot 5 produced to I I I Il kellogg Blvd., also all of 1 5 154 1 do 11 18,500 18050 !! �l I I I II II I I I [I 1 TOTAL 1273.925 8898 000 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Dated—>22 3 /94a Form B.B. 12 1M 3-58 8 of Public Works. Commissioner of Finance:' / Y- 7 e?- 7 OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS REPORT TO COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE January 26th 19 60 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 194337 t approved October 15th 19 59 , relative to Improving Smith Avenue from SeventhtStreet „ to „Fifth,�,Str.;eet�;by,..remov_T the, present wood block wearing course; by removing the present concrete base, where the same is structurally � unso�und_;by_ constructi ng newconcrete.,base. where _,pr_esent +base remove is d and building up the present base, that is left in place, to the proper sub -grade with concrete; by surfacing the new ancLol4_,coarr- ete..base_w.i -,th -,as ha1rti,c concrete; by paving the street, alley and driveway returns; by resetting the present stone curb and constructing new concrete curb- where nece s.ary;-by_c.ons:t,r <uc:t:i.ng «+-.�+{' a.arr- "waeirseH. `rTY.��- ' ny4. �e. •yr,�y'..aasve.lWti'1Y..sp[_ era ..,i..L..+yx!.�— ..r...+s.....�_ sewer ", °water and gas service connections from street mains to the property lines wheEehneceysary,;;,by recdnsxructt ogrtherlpa0,6g;Icurbi'ngir nd "si•dewalks oRI'tfid inter- secting streets where not in conformity with said improvement; by constructing conduits and appurtenances for future lighting and traffic control systems and by doing all other work which is necessary and incidental to complete said improvement-he estlmated cost thereof Is S dO,574.0 00e JctM atxiXii4 0 2. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 3. Initiated by the Commissioner of Public Works 4. Improvement is asked for upon petition r �� • i s s I on - `rf1 uz 00 '.w X91• .� i V GEORGE M. SHEPARD Street & Highway Engineering Coordinator CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ADRIAN P. WINKEL, Commissioner CLIFTON G. HOLMGREN, Deputy Commissioner 234 City Hall & Court House O January 26, 1960 Hon. Adrian P. Winkel` Commissioner of Public Works City of Saint Paul Dear Sir: EUGENE V. AVERY 's38 -f- Chief Engineer I transmit herewith a preliminary estimate of cost for improving SMITH AVENUE from W. Seventh Street to W. Fifth Street•by removing the present wood block wearing course; by removing the present concrete base where the same is structurally unsound; by constructing new concrete base where present base is removed and building up the present base, that is left in place to the proper sub -grade with concrete; by surfacing the new and old concrete base with asphaltic concrete; by paving the street, alley and driveway returns; by resetting the present stone curb and constructing new concrete curb where necessary; by constructing sewer, water and gas service connections from street mains to the property lines where necessary; by reconstructing the paving, curbing and sidewalks on the intersecting streets where not in conformity with said improvement and by doing all other work necessary and incidental to complete said improvement, under Preliminary Order C. F. 194337, approved October 15, 1959. Estimated Paving Cost $71,762.35 Engineering & Inspection 8,611.65 Total Estimated Cost $4.00 Estimated Property Paving Assessment .21 18.00 City's Share of Cost (M.S.A. Fund) 58:656.00 J Estimated property share of cost is based on making the following assessment rates per front foot: Apartment s Commercial 2575 ft. 0$6.00 = $15,450.00 Residential 1567 ft. @$4.00 = . 6,268.00 Estimated Total Property Assessment $21,718.00 Driveways, where necessary, $2.00 per sq. yard No sewer services required as sewer tunnels cover this area. You very truly, AV Eugene V. Avery Chief Engineer �pN Approved for transmission to the Commissioner of F Hance Asi r n i e/ r 1 Commissioner of Pu w_ .• n ' - M.I. `'!''. �. . .' +- _ «' c . • � � - TGA `' `,v''4` ";(+.t .;•:K: - ir ,.' j.'j1. ^' .: _ _ �,•ry'.',r4� Jvl �.. �} �. r`r 4 1 - r .�'`.i w� °_,;�.. - :.�;y,��` �y,r�.,F `� ' fti; S • .ti .•s' i •- . i' , , nv.T :T - ,- , �';,� ;i:=+ +,:�;j`f��'`j;. 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