08-60 � �. Presented by � b�'�� ��— � � Council File # � � � (1 GreenSheet# 3p•-1 `�3�1 RESOLUTION ?-S SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 1 WHEREAS cities are the front-line providers of important public services to our region and state, such as 2 police and fire protecrion, library services, parks and recreation, housing and economic development; and 4 WHEREAS the combination of state aid reductions and changes to state property ta�c laws in recent years 5 have meant substantial homeowner property tax increases in Saint Paul, and these property tas increases 6 aze unsustainable for our citizens; and 7 8 WHEREAS the Mayor and City Council have responsibly maintained and improved essential city services 9 during a time of reduced state support for our city's work; and lo 11 WHEREAS the economy of Saint Paul and the entire state is reliant upon the State of Minnesota ma ing 12 appropriate investments to construct and maintain transportation infrasiructure; and that the efficient 13 movement of people and goods is a key state responsibility; and 14 15 WHEREAS the Mayor and City Council are committed to completing the Central Corridor Light Rail Lme 16 in cooperation with the City of Minneapolis, Ramsey and Hennepin Counties, Met Council, and the State 17 of Minnesota; and 18 19 WHEREAS the Capital City of Minnesota provides cultural, educational and entertainment opportunities 2o for the benefit to the enrire State of Minnesota and the state should partner with Saint Paul to improve 21 opportunities for the citizenry through inveshnent in capital infrastructure projects; and 22 23 WHEREAS the City of Saint Paul is a leader in promoring projects that reduce �eenhouse gas emissions 2a and is working with the private sector to build cleaner, greener manufacturing plants to produce green 25 products; and 26 27 WHEREAS the high number of home foreclosures and vacancies caused by bad mortgages and deflation 28 of the value of housing is causing great stress on individuals and communities throughout the state; and 29 3o WHEREAS improving Saint Paul citizens' access to quality education and workforce opportunities is a 31 responsibility of the City; and 32 33 WHEREAS the City of Saint Paul continues to act with purpose, to ensure that our people can live an 34 work in a diverse, vibrant community with quality educational opportunities, safe sireets, thriving local 35 commerce and modern infrastructure; and that the eclectic character of our Great City provides 36 opportunities for all our citizens to participate fully in our society; 37 38 THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the following items are the legislative agenda of the City of Saint 39 Paul for the 2008 Minnesota legislative session: 40 i, y J�' � d 41 Tax, Revenue and State Aids 42 4; • Advocate improving the Local Government Aid formula to restore previous cuts, reduce t e yeaz- 44 to-year volatility of aid levels that cities receive and reform the formula to consider inflation in the q5 cost of providing city services. Saint Paul opposes artificial caps on local government revenues or 46 authority. 47 48 • Advocate for an extension of Saint Paul's authority to issue Capital Improvement Bonds, al ow an 49 annual inflationary adjustment in the maximum annual dollar amount of capital projects that may 5o be financed through CIB, and extend the term for which CIB bonds may be offered to match the 51 expected life of the improvement which the bond sale will finance. 52 53 • Support the inclusion of cities in Revenue Recapture Program• 54 55 • Support the removal of the sales tax charged to municipalities on street & road maintenance 56 supplies, equipment and materials purchases as well as materials purchased for local road, bridge, 97 sidewalk, trail and transit construction. 58 59 • Support the elimination of the sales tax charged to municipalities for the purchase of public sa ety 60 equipment. 61 62 Transportation 63 64 • Advocate full funding of the $280 million in state matching dollars that are needed to ensure at 65 the Central Corridor project is built on its present timetable. These funds should be made available 66 from both the 2008 bonding bill and a comprehensive transportation funding package that includes 67 dedicated funds for transit and specifically Central Comdor. 68 69 The City will continue to work with Met Council as the principal agency to ensure all the needs o 70 Saint Paul residents are met throughout the process of developing and building the Central Corridor 71 including — but not limited to — supporting a sufficient number and placement of stops to maximize 72 the line's social and economic benefits to the region and to the neighborhoods adjacent to the 73 corridor. 74 75 • Support dedicated funding for transit and transportation capital and operating costs throug a 76 comprehensive, regional transportation package that includes enhanced bus service and funding for 77 Central Corridor — related site preparation for the City of Saint Paul. 78 79 • Support Ramsey County's request of $9 million in state bonding for Union Depot, which is neede 80 to meet federal matching requirements. 81 82 • Support the following transportation projects: g3 o Rush Line Corridor -$1 million (Ramsey County); g4 o Red Rock Corridor -$2 million (Washington County); g5 o High Speed Rail -$10 million (Washington Counry); g6 o I-94 Corridor -$1 million (Washington County); and g� o Robert Street Corridor -$1 million (Dakota County) ,. / �� / I 88 Culturai and Economic Development 89 90 • Advocate for $25 million in bondin� for the Saint Paul Outdoor Recrearion and Team ports 91 92 93 (SPORTS) Iniriative. • Advocate for SS million in bonding for the Asian Pacific Cultural Center. 94 95 • Advocate for state assistance to address the RiverCentre's immediate needs and to prepare or 96 future capital projects in Minnesota's Event Disinct: 97 9g • Forgiveness of the remaining 13 loan payments that the state required of the city as part of t e 99 Xcel Arena construction project. Saint Paul has repaid $6.75 million of the original $48 million 100 loan; and 101 • A$43 million appropriation to the City of Saint Paul, to help defease city-issued bond debt 102 owed on the RiverCentre Convention Center. 103 io4 • Support the current law method of granting telecommunications cable television/video franc ises. los Current law is not a barrier to the increased competition that is needed to ensure that companies 106 will continue to provide more and better telecommunication services to our whole community. 107 lOR • Support efforts to create a policy framework that will lead to affordable, ubiquitous broadban 109 access throughout the state by 2015. 110 l i l • Support mare flexibility for cities to use existing redevelopment tools to take advantage of public 112 transportation inveshnents. 113 114 Environment and Energy 115 116 • Advocate for $11 million in state bonding to complete the polar bear renovation and fully fund t e 117 gorilla renovation at Como Zoo. 118 119 • Advocate for $9.8 million in bonding far Bruce Vento Nature Sanctuary, Lilydale Regional Par , 120 and revetment along Upper Landing in Saint Paul. 121 122 • Advocate for the creation of a Green Jobs Redevelopment Sites section within the existmg 123 Minnesota Inveshnent Fund law for green manufacturing projects in Saint Paul. 124 125 • Support the expansion or creation of incentive programs to encourage energy efficiency 126 improvements in existing buildings, and higher energy efficiency in new construction. 127 128 • Support Metropolitan Council's request for $10.5 million in state bonding to fund parks projects m 129 the metropolitan area. 130 131 • Support passage of the constitutional ballot question that if passed would provide funding or 132 wildlife habitat, clean water, parks and trails, and the arts. The allohnent for regional parks systems 133 should be no less than I S percent of the new dedicated revenues. 134 ��, � a 135 Housing 136 137 • Advocate for an update to the Targeted Nei�hborhood Revitalization Pro�am to provide su cient, 138 flexible fundin� for cities that have nei�hborhoods with substanrial numbers of vacant, dilapidated 139 buildings. 140 141 • Support initiatives that will reduce the incidence of mort�age fraud, improve the information an 142 counseling given to bonowers before they sign for a mortgage, and expedite the process for 14; reengaging a foreclosed property. 144 la5 Education & Workforce Development 146 147 • Support increases in the After School Community Learning Program as part of any educarion 148 funding increase enacted by the 2008 Legislature. 149 150 • Support a$1 million request of the Ramsey County Workforce Investment Board for the Bui mg 151 Lives program. 152 153 • Support the request of the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities for capital facilities pro�ects at 154 Saint Paul College ($13.5 million) and Metropolitan State University ($4.98 miIlion). 155 156 157 • Support an increase of $7 million for the Early Childhood Learning and Child Protection Facilities Grant program. 158 159 • Support efforts to increase funding for job search assistance, skills training, childcaze, and relate 160 programs to help people find and retain employment. 161 162 Public Health & Safety 163 164 • Advocate for a change in state law that would make it a crime for unauthorized individuals to be m 165 an underground utility tunnel. 166 167 168 • Support the $10 million request of the Minnesota Department of Health to construct a drinking water interconnection between the Saint Paul and Minneapolis systems. 169 170 • Support the proposal by Steps to a Healthier Minnesota for $26 million to finance projects an 171 education programs targeted at reducing or eliminating obesity, heart disease, diabetes and lung 172 disease. 173 174 General Municipal Advocacy 175 176 • Support the 2008 legislative agendas of the League of Minnesota Cities and MetroCities, except m 177 cases of conflict. 178 179 • Support a state demonstration project in the City of Saint Paul as a precursor to ensuring that al 18o children in the state have access to adequate health insurance. 181 ��- �v 182 • Support the rights of cities to manage their operarions without inappropriate interference from the 183 state. The state should not attempt to coerce cities to change tl�eir ordinances by threatenin� to hold 184 property tax relief for city residents. Local voters are the appropriate authority to hold local 185 governments accountable for their ordinances. Requested by Department o£ By: Approved by the Office of Financial Services BY� Approved by City Attomey � Date ��/G�p'�lefC�X Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Adoption Certified by Cour cil Secretary BY� By: /l.oGV' // �/�Sl�n Approv y D f By: � t W/Li (/Qa Adopted by Council: � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � � 17S' C?b MO — MaYots OtEce 09-JAN-08 Green Sheet NO: 3048351 CoMact Person 8 Phone: Michael Wilhelmi 266-8521 Must Be on Council Aaen Doc.Type: RESOLUTION E-DOCUment Required: N DocumentContact: ConWCt phone: � 0 Assign 1 Number Z For Routing 3 Order 4 5 vor's OfSce plRavor•s OtLce I Department D'uector i Attome �4laror's Office Mavor/ASSistant ouncil Clerk C5 Clerk Totai # of Signalure Pages _(Clip Ail Locations for Signature) Action Requested: The Saint Paul City Council approves of The 2008 Legislative Agenda itlatlons: Approve (A) or R Planning Commission CIB Committee Civil Service Commission 1. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this department? Yes No 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not nortnally possessed by any current city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separaM shee! and attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, Issues, OppoRunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): AdvanWgeslfApproved: Disadvantages If Approved: Disativantages If Not Approved: Trensaction: Funding Source: Fi nancial Infortnation: (Explain) Activity Number: CostlRevenue Budgeted: January 9, 2008 224 PM Page 1 council File # �'�b Green Sheet # 3048351 RESOLUTION ITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented by 1 WH� S ciries are the front-line providers of important public services to our region and state, such as 2 police fire protecrion, library services, parks and recreation, housing and economic development; and 4 WHEREAS e combinarion of state aid reductions and changes to state property tax laws in recent years 5 have meant sub Yanrial homeowner property tax increases in Saint Paul, and these property taac increases 6 are 7 our cirizens; and 8 WHEREAS the Mayo d City Council have responsibly maintained and improved essential city services 9 during a rime of reduced ate support for our city's work; and lo 11 WHEREAS the economy of 'nt Paul and the entire state is reliant upon the State of Minnesota making 12 appropriate investments to cons ct and maintain transportation infrastruchxre; and that the efficient 13 movement of people and goods is ey state responsibility; and 14 15 WHEREAS the Mayor and City 16 in cooperation with the City of D 17 of Minnesota; and committed to complering the Central Corridor Light Rail Line Ramsey and Hennepin Counties, Met Council, and the State 18 19 WHEREAS the Capital City of Minnesota provi s cultural, educational and entertainment opportunities 2o for the benefit to the entire State of Minnesota and � e state should partner with Saint Paul to improve 21 opportunities far the citizenry through investment in ital infrastructure projects; and 22 23 WHEREAS the City of Saint Paul is a leader in promo 24 and is working with the private sector to build cleaner, 25 products; and 26 27 WHEREAS the high number of home foreclosures and vacancies 2s of the value of housing is causing great stress on individuals and � that reduce greenhouse gas emissions ufacturing plantsto produce green by bad mortgages and deflation iities throughout the state; and 29 30 WHEREAS improving Saint Paul citizens' access to quality educarion and�' \kforce opportunities is a 31 responsibility of the City; and ' 32 33 WHEREAS the City of Saint Paul continues to act with purpose, to ensure that o people can live and 34 wark in a diverse, vibrant community with quality educational opportunities, safe s�eets, thriving local 35 commerce and modern infrastructure; and that the eclectic character of our Great Cit�' provides -�- 36 opportunities for all our citizens to participate fully in our society; � 37 \ 38 THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the following items are the legislative agenda o\the City of Saint 39 Paul far the 2008 Minnesota legislative session: ` �` 40 \\ as-�nv Tag, Revenue and State Aids 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 • Advocate improving the Local Government Aid formula to restore previous cuts, reduce the year- '� to-yeaz volarility of aid levels that cities receive and reform the formula to consider inflation in the ��wst of providing city services. Saint Paul opposes artificial caps on local govecnment revenues or • Suppo�the inclusion of cities in Revenue Recapture Program • Support the`r� supplies, equij sidewalk, trail • Support the el equipment. Transportation 31 of the sales taac charged to municipaliries on street & road maintenance it and materials purchases as well as materials purchased for local road, bridge, transit construction. 3t�on of the sales tax charged to municipalities for the purchase of public safety • Advocate full funding of the $2$� million in state matching dollars that are needed to ensure that the Central Corridor project is bui��on its present timetable. These funds should be made available from both the 2008 bonding bill and �comprehensive transportation funding package that includes dedicated funds for transit and svecific�v Central Corridor. The City wi11 continue to work with Met Cou"t�cil as the principal agency to znsure all the needs of Saint Paul residents are met throughout the proc+�ss of developing and building the Central Comdor including — but not limited to — supporting a suffic�nt number and placement of stops to m�imize the line's social and economic benefits to the region�id to the neighborhoods adjacent to the corridor. �'�, • Support dedicated funding for transit and transportation cap�Yal and operating costs tlu a comprehensive, regional transportation package that includes�€nhanced bus service and funding for Central Corridor — related site preparation for the City of Saint P'anl. • Support Ramsey County's request of $9 million in state bonding to meet federal matching requirements. • Support the following transportarion projects: o Rush Line Corridor -$1 million (Ramsey County); o Red Rock Corridor -$2 million (Washington County); o High Speed Rail -$10 million (Washington Counry); o I-94 Corridor -$1 million (Washington County); and o Robert Street Corridor -$1 million (Dakota County) Cultural and Economic Development • Advocate for $25 million in bonding for the SPORTS Initiative. Depot, which is needed (��'� 6 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 9b 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 1 os 109 110 I11 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 • Advocate for $5 million in bonding for the Asian Pacific Cultural Center. • Advocate for state assistance to address the RiverCentre's immediate needs and to prepaze for � future capital projects in Minnesota's Event District: • Forgiveness of the remaining 13 loan payments that the state required of the city as part of the el Arena construction project. Saint Paul has repaid $6.75 million of the original $48 million loa�;, and • A$43v,nillion appropriarion to the City of Saint Paul, to help defease city-issued bond debt owed on��he RiverCentre Convention Center. • Support the currcnt law method of granring telecommunications franchises. Current law is not a barrier to the incre�ed competition that is needed to ensure that companies will continue to provide more and better telec�mmunication services to our whole community. • Support more flexibility f� , ciries to use existing redevelopment tools to take advantage of public �.. transportarion inveshnents. � Environment and Energy • Advocate for $11 million in state bond�g to complete the polar beaz renovarion and fully fund the gorilla renovarion at Como Zoo. • Advocate for $9.8 million in bonding for Bruo`�V�ento Nature Sanctuary, Lilydale Regional Park, and revetment along Upper Landing in Saint PauY�:� • Advocate for the creation of a Green Jobs Minnesota Inveshnent Fund law for green Sites section within the exisring projects in Saint Paul. �� • Support Metropolitan Council's request far $10.2 million in `�tate bonding to fund parks projects in the metropolitan area. �� „ �t • Support passage of the constitutional ballot question that if passed �vould provide funding for wildlife habitat, clean water, parks and trails, and the arts. The allotil�ent for regional parks systems should be no less than 15 percent of the new dedicated revenues. �� Housing • Advocate for an update to the Targeted Neighborhood Revitalization Program`#�o provide sufficient, flexible funding for cities that have neighborhoods with substantial numbers of �cant, dilapidated buildings. �, • Support initiarives that will reduce the incidence of mortgage fraud, improve the infoil�ation and counseling given to borrowers before they sign for a mortgage, and expedite the proces�,for reengaging a foreclosed property. 1 '� � \\ �8'�d 133 Education & Workforce Development 134 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 • Support increases in the After School Community L,earning Program as part of any education funding increase enacted by the 2008 Leb slature. Support a$1 million request of the Ramsey Counry Workforce Inveshnent Board for the Building �i,ives program. • Sup�ort the request of the Minnesota State Colleges and Universiries for capital facilities projects at Saint �ul College ($li.5 million) and Metropolitan State University ($4.98 million). 144 • Support an� crease of $7 million for the Early Childhood L,earning and Child Protection Facilities 145 Grant progr 146 147 Public Health & Safety 148 149 • Advocate for a change 15o an underground ufility 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 law that would make it a crime for unauthorized individuals to be in • Support the $10 million request � the Minnesota Department of Health to construct a drinking water interconnection between the�int Paul and Minneapolis systems. • Support the proposal by Steps to a Health�er Minnesota for $26 million to finance projects and education programs targeted at reducing or gliminating obesity, heart disease, diabetes and lung disease. �. General Municipal Advocacy • Support the 2008 legislative agendas of the League of MiYa�nesota Cities and MetroCities, except in cases of conflict. �� Yeas Nays Absent Bostrom Carter Hams Helgen Lantry Stark Thune Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: Approved by Mayor: Date By: Requested by Departrnent B Y� `�-IGu`'�` Approved by the Office of Financial � Approved by Ci Attorney � By: � for Submissiop to Council � ��