197321ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIV- MOLUTION- GENERAL FORM Resolved, that the Northern States Power Company be given permission to install approximately 757 lineal feet of gas 0 main on Iowa. Ave. between St. Albans and Maywood St.; on Birmingham St. at Seventh St.; on Fifth St. at Forest and Forest St. between 5th. St. & 6th. St.; and on Burr St. between Case and Jenks, under provisions of Council File No. 149392, Ordinance No. 9313, dated June 24, 1949. Council File No. 197321 —By Adrian P: Winkel — Resolved, That the Northern States Power ll Company a mb given ately 757 permission feet to install ppryo i of gas main on Iowa Ave. between St. Albans and Maywood St.; on Birming- ham St. at Seventh St.; on Fifth St. at Forest and Forest St. between 5th St. & 6th St,; and on Burr St. between Case and Jenks, under provisions of Council File No. 148392, Ordinance No. 9313, dated June 24, 1949. Adopted by the Council May, 27, 1960. Approved May 27, 1960. (June 4, 1960) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Martinson PPf'aran„_ + in Favor Rosen Winkel against Mr. President, Dillon 6M 7 -59 8 0►�;