197318WHEREAS, under _the _provisions" -.of .- Title-I. of the Housing Act of 1949, as amended, the Housing and Home Finance Administrator is authorized to provide fi- nancial assistance to local public agencies for undertaking and carrying out slum clearance and urban redevelopment projects, and WHEREAS, the Act provides that contracts for financial aid thereunder shall require that the Redevelopment Plan for Project Area be approved by the governing body of the locality in which the project is situated and that such .approval include findings by the governing body thatt (1) The financial aid to be provided in the contract is necessary to enable the land,within the Project Area to be redeveloped in accordance with the Redevelopment Plan; (2) The Redevelopment Plan for�the redevelopment area in"the locality will afford maximum opportunity, consistent with the sound needs of the locality as a whole, for the redevelopment of such area by private enterprise; and (3) The Redevelopment Plan conforms to a general plan for the develop- ment of the locality as a whole, and WHEREAS, the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City -of Saint Paul, Minnesota, hereinafter referred to as the Authority did heretofore, on February 5, 1952, approve and adopt a Redevelopment Plan, Project U. R. M,.nn. 1 -1, and said Redevelopment Plan was thereupon submitted to and this Council did, follow- ing a public hearing pursuant to the requirements of Minnesota Statutes 1949, Section 462.521, Subd. 1, did approve said Redevelopment Plan by Resolution dated March 6, 1952 (Council File No'. 159030), and o"• WHEREAS, under and by the said Resolution of March 6, 1952 (Council File .No. 159030))," -this Council did find as follows: (a) That the Redevelopment Plan for the Project Area conforms to R the General Plan of the locality;, (b) That financial aid provided and to be provided pursuant to contracts for financial assistance pertaining to the project is necessary to enable the Iand in the Project Area to be rede- veloped in accordance with the Redevelopment Plan for the , Project Area; (c) That the Redevelopment Plan will afford maximum opportunity, `consistent with the sound needs of the locality as a whole, for the redevelopment of each area by private enterprise; and, WHEREAS, the Authority by Resolution adopted February 16, 1953 approved ' and adopted certain amendments to the aforesaid Redevelopment Plan which amendments were approved by Resolution of this Council March 10, 1953 (Council File No. 163108), in which said Resolution this Council did find and determine: F ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK I - 3�(�g� CITY OF ST. PAUL FO ENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE v e• (a) Pledge its cooperation in helping to carry out such Rede- velopment Plan; (b) request various officials, departments, boards and agencies of the locality having administrative responsibilities in the premises likewise to cooperate to such end and to exercise their respective functions and powers in a manner consistent with said Redevelopment 'Plan, and (c) stand ready to consider and take appropriate action upon proposals and measures designed to effectuate said Redevelopment -Plan. � ►Y 2 7 190 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council , 19 Yeas - Nays DeCourcy WIAY 2 7 ' Approve 19 'TiVllauu � Martinson X4tersmr— T- f Favor Rosen Mayor Winkel Against Mr. President, Dillon / 5M 7 -59 S / y 0,7 111 1, d/ / / IA .1 - __48y_@ t � Mousing and Redevelopment Authority OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL, "MINNESOTA N Louis P. Sheahan, Esq. Corporation Counsel of the City of Saint Paul City Hall and Court House Saint Paul 29 Minnesota Dear Mr. Sheahan: 60 East Fourth Street 1;46G'ry I 'all endf ou. 11 lou se SAINT PAUL -6 - 1 MINNESOTA Res 'Redevelopment Plan for the Eastern Redevelopment Project UR Minn. 1 -19 revised March. 1960. The Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, originally adopted Redevelopment Plan for the Eastern Redevelopment Project (Project UR Minn. 1 -1) on February 59 1952 and adopted certain amendments thereto on February 16, 1953. The City Council, after a public hearing held in compliance with the requirements of M.S.A. Sec.•462.5219 Subd. 1,9 approved the original Plan by resolution adopted March 69 1952 (Council File No. 159030), and later approved the amendments by resolution adopted March 109 1953 (Council File No. 163105). The Authority subsequently entered into 4 Loan and Grant Contract with the Housing and Home Finance Agency to provide the necessary financing for this Project. The Authority by its Resolution No. 60-18 dated Mar6h 249, 1960 adopted revision to Redevelopment Plan for said Project Area entitled "REDEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR THE EASTERN REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT, "[)R MINN. 1 -19 REVISED MARCH, 1960 ". This revision constitutes a reaffirmation and readoption of originai Redevelopment Plan, as amended, "retaining all essential elements of the original Plan, provided, how- ever, for the following changes: 1. No changes have been made in the Project Area or in the project bound- aries, except to correct the boundary description to include the land in said Pro- ject Area intended to be included by the boundary description of said Redevelopment Plan and to include only that land acquired or intended to be acquired by the Auth- ority as part of said Project Area. Said corrected boundary description now in- cludes a small rectangular tract of land previously acquired by the Authority situ- ated north of Valley Street between the boundaries of the Eastern Redevelopment I Pei Louis P. Sheahan, Esq. f v May 2, 1960 Project Area and the Mt. Airy Low -rent Housing 'Project Areal and excludes a small rectangular tract of land situated at Twelfth and Temperance Streets which has not been acquired and is not to be acquired as part of the Project Area. 2. This Revised Plan substantially changes the land uses specified in the approved Redevelopment Plan for said'Project Area and.contemplates the disposi- tion of the land in the Project Area for the following uses: A tract of land proposed to be designated as Parcel 1 containing approximately 18 acres to be sold to the Ancker Hospital Building Commission for the construction thereon of a new public hospital facility. A tract of land proposed to be designated as Parcel 2 containing approximately 9 acres to be.sold to the Department of Education and Department of Parks and Playgrounds of the City of Saint Paul for school and park purposes. A tract of land proposed to be designated as Parcel 3 containing approximately .3 acres to be sold to the Department of Parks and Playgrounds, City of Saint Paul, for playgrounl purposes. Tracts of land proposed to be designated Areas a, b, c, d and e, totaling .42 acres, to be sold to the lit: Airy Public Housing Project. A tract of land containing approximately 20 acres designated as an area reserved for sale and transfer to the Department of High- ways, State of Minnesota, for construction of the Inter - State_ Highway System. The remainder of the Project Area is to be dedicated to the City of Saint Paul and tobe used for public street purposes within the Project Areal including a strip of land lying along Jackson Street to be used for the widening of Jackson Street. The Minnesota Municipal Housing and Redevelopment Act in M.S.A. Sec. 462.525 Subd. 6 permits modifications of approved Redevelopment Plan and requires that where the modification or revision substantially alters or affects'the general land uses that the same be approved by the governing body of the City upon notice and after such public hearing as is required by M.S.A. Sec.-462.5219 Subd. 1. Said latter Section requires the City Council to hold a public hearing on said revised Redev- elopment Plan after published notice in a newspaper of general circulation in the municipality at least once not less than 10 days nor more than 30 days prior to the date of the hearing. I am submitting herewith for your examination a proposed Notice of Hear- ing on Redevelopment Plan. As you will note the revised Redevelopment Plan for the Eastern Area contemplates the offering by the Authority of a tract of land proposed Louis P. Sheahan, Esq. -3- May 29 1960 to be designated as Parcel 1 containing approximately 18 Ancker Hospital Building Commission for the construction hospital facility. I am advised that said Commission is the acquisition from the Authority of said tract of land. preciate your early attention of the scheduling of public Council. ` acres to be sold to the thereon of a new public anxious to proceed with and will therefore ap- hearing before the City Also submitted herewith for your examination please find proposed resolu- tion for adoption by the City Council approving the revised Plan. If you will com- pare this resolution with the original Council action of March 69 1952'you will find that the resolutions are substantially the same. The findings of fact and pledges of cooperation (which are required by Title I of the Housing Act of 1949) made in the 1952 resolution are expressly restated and reaffirmed. I have also included findings and determinations by the Council that this revised Plan contains all essential elements of the original Plan and constitutes a readoption and re- affirmation thereof. This revised Redevelopment Plan has been approved by the URA, however, they have suggested certain changes in the financial plan which is the subject,of Application for amendatory loan and grant. As soon as I have received definite details of any changes in the financial plan'of this revised Redevelopment Plan I will advise. " I will greatly appreciate your examination of the proposed resolution and your advice as to whether you find it in satisfactory form for adoption by the Councii, and will be happy to meet with you to discuss the contents of the resolution if you so desire. Yours ery truly Cip(l`�L Harold L. Rutchick General Counsel HLRsls Encls. �N DUPLICATE TO PRINTER PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER — PRINTER'S AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION STATE OF MINNESOTA, COUNTY OF R.AMSEY, sg• H. O. Warming, being duly sworn, on oath says that he is, and during all the times herein stated has been business manager of the newspaper known as Saint Paul Legal Ledger, and has full knowledge of the facts hereinafter stated. Notice of Hearing That for more than one year prior to the publication therein of the ........... on. Red vela Ylt..P192L ....... hereinafter described, said newspaper was printed and published in the City of St. Paul, in the County of Ramsey, State of Minnesota, daily except Sunday and Monday of each week; that during all said time said newspaper has been printed in the English language from its known office of publication within the City from which it purports to be issued as above stated in column and sheet form equivalent in space to at least l�b0 running inches of single column, two inches wide; has been issued daily except Sunday and Monday from a known office established in said place of publication, equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and printing the same; that during all said time in its makeup not less than twenty -five per cent of its news columns have been devoted to has local news of interest to the community it purports to-serve; that during all said time not wholly duplicated any other publication, and has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated in and near its said place of publication to the extent of at least two hundred and forty (240) copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers and has entry as second class matter in its local postoffice; and that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of Ramsey County, Minnesota, the affidavit of a person having knowledge of the facts, showing the name and location of said newspaper and the existence of the conditions constituting its qualifications as a legal newspaper. That a copy of each issue has been filed immediately with the State Historical Society. That the NoticB of liearing on Redevelopment Plan. hereto attached was out from the columns of said newspaper, and was printed and published therein in the English language, once eaelrmee*' -fVr • • only. • • • 's�� �' that it was first so published on ..� u '4i y .... the .... �•ht�......... day of ... MaY ..................... 19.6Q, ante •b)cere�fdere�t- or eeictv di �nd i lu�rEho ....................... . ...................... rmh* d -of ............... �9 .... ; and that the following is a printed copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, and is hereby acknowledged as being the size and kind of type used in the composition and publication of said notice, to -wit: abcdefghi jklmnopgrstuvwxYz COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Rolland Martinson Peterson Rosen Winkel Mr. President, Dillon 6M 7-69 8 r H O. WARMING 2nd June........ 19.60 Subscribed and sworn to before me this ........................ day of . ; ...... 5 Tn Favor 0 Against e I. S. G Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. My commission expires August 19, 1965. Adopted by the Counci$'Iay 27, 1960 19 Approved — may 97X 1960 19 Mayor :r The City Planning Board now advises the Saint Paul City Council, the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul and all others that it is the opinion of the City Planning Board of the City of Saint Paulo Minnesotan that the objectives and purposes of said Revised Plan conform to the general plan objectives of the City of Saint Paul and that the proposed land uses, streets, and transportation proposals, and other provisions of the Revised Plan are consistent with the Preliminary Guide Plan for Saint Paul prepared by the City Planning Board in 1958 and adopted by said Board on April 11, 1958, and.as.ambuded October 16, 1959. Motion: Ayes: - 8 Nayes: - *O A Quorum was present March l l 0 1960 This is certified to be a true and correct copy: .Herbert C. Wielando DirectW of City Planning I OFFICE OF CITY CLERK --BUREAU OF RECORDS 386 City Hall and Court House St. Paul 2, Minnesota May 5, 1960 Mr. Louis P. Sheahan Corporation Counsel Building Dear Sir: JOSEPH R. OKONESKI City Clerk HAROLD J. RIORDAN Council Recorder The City Council requested that you take whatever steps are necessary with reference to the subject matter of the attached letter of Housing and Redevelopment Authority. If a hearing is required, Francis Tompkins suggests that you set it for May 20th as both he and Ed Cleary of the County Attorney's Office will be out of the city the first part of the week starting May 15th and he believes that they should be present at the hearing. ry trul yo s, r -City Clerk 1V,,, MAY 5- 19�p OIL COUNSEL 0 MINNESOTA 8 ll 11 -r, G u a 0 ri .i "� HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY 7. 0 a LOUIS J. THOMPSON Executive Director OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL The Honorable Joseph E. Dillon Mayor of the C ity of Saint Paul City Hall and Court House Saint Paul 2, Minnesota' Dear Mayor Dillon: April 29, 1960 60 EAST FOURTH STREET SAINT PAUL 1, MINN. CApital 7 -7524 JOSEPH F. GABLER Chairman CLAYTON G. REIN Vice Chairman HAROLD J. MORIARTY Secretary JEROME L. LOBERG Assistant Secretary FRANK H. DELANEY Treasurer Submitted herewith is a copy of the Revised Redevelopment Plan, a statement of the method of financing the project and the written opinion of the St. Paul Planning Board regarding the Eastern Redevelop- ment Project, UR Minn. 1 -1. The attached financing plan is the plan which has been submitted to the Urban Renewal Administration and may at a later date be revised in accordance with any requests by the Urban Renewal Administration. This financing plan is also the same plan which was approved by the City Council for submission to the Urban Renewal Administration on March 29, 1960. The Eastern Redevelopment Project is presently the site selected for the construction of the new Ancker Hospital, and it is necessary that this matter be passed in order that the sale to Ancker Hospital can be completed. It is requested that you consider this matter favor- ably at your earliest opportunity. Please feel free to call upon me if you have any questions regarding this matter. Sincerely yours, L.F Thompson Executive Director �/ � Iv' l R 3' ._ :. :. C jul -I l Sincerely yours, L.F Thompson Executive Director �/ � Iv' l R 3' ._ :. :. C 1 197 �1 c 18 a tract of land proposed to be designated as Parcel 2 containing approximately 9 acres to be dedicated to the Department of Education and Department of Parks and Playgrounds of the City of Saint Paul for school and park purposes; a tract of land proposed to be designated as Parcel.3 containing approximately .3 acres to be sold to the Department of Parks and "Playgrounds, City of Saint Paul, for playground'purposes; R - tracts of land proposed to be designated Areas a, b, c, d and e, totaling .42 acres; to be sold to the Mt. Airy Public Housing Project; in addition, it is contemplated as one of the alternative used of Area "A" or a part thereof, that a tract of land may be used for a public housing project. 1 in Area "B ", _a tract of land containing approximately 20 acres designated as an ~ area reserved for sale and transfer to the Department of Highways, State of Minnesota, for construction of the Inter -State Highway System; the remainder of the .Project Area is to be dedicated to the City of Saint Paul and to be used for public street purposes within the Project Area. A strip of land lying along Jackson Street to be used for the widening of Jackson Street will be sold to the -City of Sant Paul. 2. It is hereby further found and determined that these changes have not been adopted as a second separate set of amendments to the original Plan, but have been incor- porated into a complete revision and consolidation of the Plan into one document to eliminate the need for reference.to scattered - documents duly prepared and adopted over a period of time. All maps, charts, narrative statements and other material heretofore submitted as part of or in support of the Redevelopment Plan for the Eastern'Redevelop- ment Project, U R. Minn. 1 -1, previously duly approved and amended (said maps, charts, narrative statements and other material being now on file and of record in the Office of the City Clerk of the City of Saint Paul in connection with (Council File No. 159030 and No. 163108) are excluded from this Revised Redevelopment Plan, except as and to the extent they may be expressly adopted and included herein and including the Relocation Plan, as originally approved and amended, and the Financial Plan which accompanied the submission of the original Redevelopment Plan to the City Council of the City of Sdnt Paul; all such maps, charts, narrative statements and other material are, however, hereby established by reference as exhibits indicating the background and history of this,Re- vised Redevelopment Plan for the Eastern Redevelopment Project. 3. It is hereby further found and determined that the Project Area is a blighted area and qualifies as an eligible project area under the provisions'of the Municipal Hous- ing and Redevelopment Act; Minnesota Statutes 1953, Section 462.411, et seq. 4.-- That the =findings of this Council_and_i-tq, Resolution -of -March 6, 1952 (Council File No. 159030) to the effect; (a) That the Redevelopment Plan for the Project Area conforms to the general plan of the locality;-- (b) That financial aid provided and to be provided pursuant to con- tracts and financial assistance pertaining to the project is necessary to enable the land in the Project Area to be rede- veloped in accordance with the redevelopment for the Project Area; (c) That the Redevelopment Plan will afford maximum opportunity, con- sistent with sound needs of the locality as a whole, for the re- development of Project Area by private enterprise, -5- are likewise applicable to the aforesaid Revised Redevelopment Plan for the Eastern Redevelopment Project and the said findings are hereby adopted and incorporated herein with respect to the said Revised Redevelopment plan for the Eastern Rede- velopment Project. 5. That the REDEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR THE EASTERN'REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT, U. R. MINN. 1 -1, REVISED MARCH 1960, consisting of: - F I. TEMS INCLUDED IN THIS REVISED REDEVELOPMENT PLAN i 2 j A. DEFINITIONS As used in this Narrative Statement, these terms shall be defined as follows: �lf' i a-1. City: The term "City`" shall mean the City of:Saint Paul, Minnesota, or its physical area, depending on the context. 2. County: The term- "County" shall mean the County of Ramsey, Minnesota. 3. Authority: The term "Authority" shall. mean the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota. 4. State: The term "State" shall mean,the State of Minnesota, including its duly created administrative departments and agencies. 5. Code, s :• The term "Code(s)" shall mean codes, ordinances,., Yaws, resolutions and-admiriistration regulations of -the `City or State and their duly created administrative de- partments and agencies. y, 6. Plan: The term "Plan" shall mean this revised Redevelop- ment Plan for the Eastern Redevelopment Project, U.R. Minn. 1 -1, east of the Minnesota State Capitol, revised March 1960. 7.- Protect or Project Area: The terms "Project" and "Project Area" shall mean the area within the "Project Boundary" as indicated on the "Project Area Plan ", Map A, and as des- cribed in the legal boundary description. ! B. THE NARRATIVE C. The following maps dated October, 1959: Map Ar "Project Area Plan',' - Map B: "Street Adjustments" Map C: "Sewer Plan" Map D: "Water System Plan" Y Map E: "Private Utility Adjustments Plan" ir. Map F: "Zoning Plan" Project Boundary Map, D. The Relocation Plan, dated 1952 (as adopted by the Authority February 5, 1952 and amended by the Authority February 20, 1953, without subsequent amendments.) • 11 �y II. OUTLINE OF THE NARRATIVE STATEMENT i 1'y The Narrative contains discussions of the following: 1 A. LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT AREA AND PROJECT BOUNDARY MAP / B. PLANNING PROPOSALS �� 1. General ;y .1 2. Specific Planning Proposals a. Right- of-ways and Streets b. Zoning Plan c. Regulations and Controls to be Applied C. RELATIONSHIP OF THE REDEVELOPMENT.PLAN TO LOCAL OBJECTIVES 1. Relationship to the General Plan 2. Relationship to Local Community Objectives D. SITE PREPARATION PLAN 1. Sewer-and Water 2. Private Utilities E. OTHER.STATE AND LOCAL REQUIREMENTS 1. Discrimination and Segregation 2. Relocation Resources and Plan 3. Financial Plan _ F. OFFICIAL AND RELATED ACTIONS REQUIRED G. CHANGES IN APPROVED PLAN III. NARRATIVE A. LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT AREA, ' The Project Area lies generally between Mississippi Street on the east, the Mt. Airy Public Housing Project on the north, Jackson Street on the west and Twelfth Street on the south. Its boundaries are specifically indicated on Map A, the "Project Area Plan ". be and it hereby is approved and the City Clerk is hereby directed to file a copy of said Revised Redevelopment Plan for the Eastern Redevelopment Project with the minutes of this meeting. 6. That to implement and facilitate the effectuation and the Revised Redevelopment Plan for the Eastern Redevelopment Project hereby approved, this Council does hereby renew and reaffirm its action of March 6, 1952 by Council File No. 159030 and, whereby it did: -7- .,y- _ ;•�� - .c. +- -41x. - x. *:' -` .+ y's .4.,-. _ 4, ify ' -•5 ,- Sir.¢^'` "c. - {: , = ",\F - T:�'•. a5, .�•••,�ry _ r.` � �• .- �s'. - a , attached and hereby•incorporatg.d herein' by ref ®rencs as ,part heteof; sand said ,First ` Party`;- _ for himaelf,t hti .heirs;: �dmi�istra rs -, e�cecutorsa h; ♦ {. ' ,1 -•.Y.- ' • ' • `• , _. , , and' as i us+ her ;'. ! _g , 4y accepts said_"rn atory, Ordina No.. 1176 audeye y Je 4 provision,, term.atid condition of the aama' with "t r • ~ + . • e ervation,or exceptions.,•' , The ._First Party; _or?himself,# hi _ hairs, �`.admfiiistratora',: ° R._ •< ,.b.i ' '�- ti -• 1•�• i - " 1 .i s.5 .4 ..s'a � y .,'}. ' ; +. execut ors 'y'and asef:gna, ae Grantor; further' a 44i and `.coveiiiuta aide SetQiad Pk tq, said; City .of •-Saint Paul v, has -'such'_ Municipal` corporation} ''', • 1 , • ; - •;. " 'F3. L• _ - + -_ -:= _. r � -• - - `, a •, - Y.. , .�Wi _ In trust for th behefit `'of she` public ' l` e ;� o �cbliga►tQ himself, r'at`his 'owl:k ' a coot ":aiidr, -6Xpemss.;'• to procure �$`grading� permit and Cq gradQY Avon 8tr`eet k ' which a r_ r. 3 ' upon th subject , premises abut;.Co fi `'eisvtant s�RC,esserg tkay provide" ` adequate - ingraie thereto. ,and egres therefrom,`F such` grading ,work to, be dog 'iunder then auparvisitia ;an- jest ,to .'the- direction of ;the FOomini6s�ionarV' i of Publit ,Worlts.and coapleted o`t,= la'tei than- June 1,* INS TESTIHONY -said `Firs,t" Party, F\iehard,'gawerdale,.,;' ; r t - . . ha set ',hit -hand Ito this ine rum�ent, as-" the' daX efid year fire�t ;above l r.5 t - a ; `.written., _• •,' .` r' ? •, ` T• -or .a 5e,- `4• • - _ - r•t,`- -nd •;t '_. - = , `.,,♦ \ - THE PRE CB'' OF: chayrd' Coverda'1® - M s $TATS' OF i4lNUSOTA,) `� • _ ` _ �_ti rvc�uta�rY _off xarss:., 3 ;� = : ' :� ,• :, _ :., , thit • lac day''of'•September, 1960_,' b6foxe -tae'" a No ♦� r . :� Public withtn-and for sai ,`County,,',pefaoii'11" 'sppeaied RICHARD" COY$R�iALB,. , . , -F to . kndw�i to be4the person described in apd who exeout�c� the foregoing i4strumant and cknowled' d -,that ,he4 executed `ttie•"same, 40, his free. •act �r and 'deed: - "' a +.' • : - ` . ,. ` � \•,r... . s h a y.Ls.r - *• ;{• '' _ .r _, yr `, } —. _. - `. C,: _ _ r � • ,f ,! "A-• <; °; ,• ROBERT A. `NfCKLAUS %lota►Y Public; Ramsey county, M(nlV.' .. ' r `° •u^ .-' _ k' '• `�- _ ' VI4 Commission Expfras Aug.. _ Jt_i. - _ f- '� -•. a �„:t, v _ 1 i a - - •� '� ' + °i •'*. _ .r Eat L �� 'x - •'i' - s• 'y. - ,.,'.t - '�, f • •" , ad _ i- e - ' _ A' -r_ ,! 'i a.. a ,! a ti - - •s r "� °;4:+ �' -.. �• -..i' --7. �`a �: .`' _ SY ,tc '_"*', ., i' -fv >}•�. -. t .. ' s�'- rf 'n' ' ;v ...` :° ,h _ j�•: .. IX (a) Ihat the amendments therein approved did not change the general concept of..the" " Redevelop pent-Plan as originally prepared by the Authority and ;previous1' _approved by•.this_ Council; f �,, (b) That all findings, ,determipa ..tions and pledgee of the City of "�- • '• Saint Paul', ;'as ".incorporated in the Resolution of .this Councily:i r, adopted March 6, 1952 by Council File No. 159030, were• deter= `�=- .: - -l- mined''to be`_applicable;.,to.r the amendments and revisions of said Redevelop'ment,Plan'therein approved--'and _ WHEREAS, the Author ty�acting,puisuan_t_to.the_ provisions of Title `I of the :. Housing Act of '1949, as amended'-and-,on,March 2,'1953, entered _-into a- contract for Loan and Grant with the Housing "an&Home Finance "AdministTators_with, reference to`the , aforesaid Redevelopment - ,Plan, Project, U.R. Minn. 1 -1, as approved and adopted by the Authority and approved by ithii �. Council,, and._ { WHEREAS, subsequent 'to, the; _adoption -of- the f idt -amendments 3to the -a`fore- said Redevelopment Plan on Febr'.uary 16,41953 and�the- approval._of�said.iirst amend- merits by this Coun;Gil on March 10, 1953 (Council File No. 163108), ttie Authority - by its Resolution "No. 60= 18',dated March -24, -=1960 adopted a revision to the Redevelop- ment Plan for said Project�A°rea .identified -as " Redevelopment Plan for the Eastern Redevelopment Project, U.R • °Minn.': 1 =4, revised`Maich} "`1=9'60 "',;;and r, „�r_.4;.M• ,i, --- WHEREAS., •the. Authority has, now acquired the land, demolished 'the structures And cleared the land of'sai&Jroject Area,in accordance with the provisions'.of,the - duly approved Redevelopment Plan and;amendmenis thereto for:-said-Eastern Redevelop-d merit Project, U.R. Minn. r *, t,, _ ' r : c" •� _ . _ _ •'.' WHEREAS, ,the,Authority has 'continued `to-ttudy, .survey -and revie w the needs ' ' of the locality in °the redevelopment,of said Project Area in cooperation with the City of Saint Paul..and -its ,several depar`'tments, the Department of Highways, State of Minnesota and other1public' agencies and commissions including the Ancker Hospital - 4 ir'•+ L . �� J Building Facility Commission, And, �. ._ �. j -ct WHEREAS, the Authority after such continudus study, survey and review has prepared and adopted 'a revision,to :the Redevelopment Plan for said Project Area pro- viding for changes in•.proposed land uses in the redevelopment of the land in said Project Area necessary -•io- 'Meet= therneeds•of the locality and various public agencies who are concerned with-the redevelopment of land in the Project Area in accordance with the needs of the City= of Saint 1Pau -_,_ -and , x. «- WHEREAS, the proposed - revision of,,said.Redevelopment Plan was submitted to - the Planning Board of ^the City of Saint Paul,'an-agency -.of said City, which agency at its regular meeting; ;tie-ldron:,* March 11. 1960 approved the proposed re- vision thereto and rendered its written opinion recommending the adoption of said proposed revision to" fi`kedevelopmentjlan for the Eastern Redevelopment Project, d r U.R. Minn. 1 -1, and WHEREAS., the revisio:r;of, :said, Redevelopment�.Plani incorporating the afore- said changes in the land us Area-entitled REDEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR THE EASTERN REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT, U. R: NtI'NN: 1 -1 REIIISED-MARCH;,1960,, as presented to the Council of'the`Cipty of Saint-,Paul for - consideration and approval after' a public hearing thereon held ?�= 27 1.960 , Now,-Therefore, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council "of -'then City iof. Sainte Paul as follows: 1. It is hereby found and determined that the ,R'e-development-.Plan for, the Eastern Redevelopment'Project;' U:R,.i Minn. 1 -1, revised March, 1960,"consisting= bf :: TEMS'•INCLUDED IN THIS REVISED REDEVELOPMENT PLAN 'A. DEFINITIONS,- As used`.in_ this Narrative Statement, these terms shall be defined as follows: ,` i. I� i I: i CITY OF ST. PAUL cotr�c,r_ NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 197318 �Q COUNCIL RESOLUTION -- GENERAL FORM r 114 SSIONER Dillon DATE WHEREAS, under. thb provision's of Title T gf the Housing Act of 11449, as amended, the Hous.oy and Nome k-inance Administrator is authorized to Provirle k- nancial assistance to local public agencies for undertaking and carrying out slum clearance and urban redevelopment project's, and e'11t.RF ;15, the Act provides that contractr, for financial aid thereunder shalt requires that the ledevelopment flan for Fro.iect Arca be approved by the 90v0- •nin1J 13J(11 of the locality in which tl:e project is situated and that such al.P-loval include findi.,,y, by the governing body that: (1) The financial aid to be provided in the contract is necessary to enable tho larij within the Project Area to be redove,loped in accordance with the k0devei.opment Plan; (2) The Rodovelol,roont Plan for -the redevelopment area in the locality will afford n�axi-nun uppootunity, consistent with tl:e sound needs of the locality as a whole, for the redevolopment of such area by Private enterprise; and (3) The Perlevelopment Plan conforms to a general p.lar, for the develop - ment of the locality as a wt.olo, and WHFRE^,4, the ttot sing ana hledevelop pent Authority of the Ci ty of Saint Raul, Minnesota, hereinafter referred to as the Authority did heretofore. on February 5, 1)t)2, aPl,rove and adoot a kedevelopMont I lan, Project U. It. Minn. 1 -1, and said kedevelolxnent Flan was thereupon submitted to and this Council did, follow - Ing a public hearing pursuant to the requiremonts of Minnesota Statutes 1,49, Section 462.521, Surd. 1, did approve said Redovelolr,lent Plan by kesoluti.on dated March 6. 1152 (Council File 110. )5'A)30). and 111&REAS, under and by the said R050111tion of March 6, 1152 (Council File No. 15)030), this Council did find an follow,: (a) That the l:edove lul.ment Plan for the Project l,rea conforms to tho General Plan of the locality; (b) That financial aid provided and to be provided pursuant to contracts for financial assistance pertaining to the project is necessary 1 :0 enahlo the land in the Project Area to 1"e rer±e- veloped in accurdance with the Redevelopment Plan for -the Project Area; (c) That the R*develop.rmnt Flan will afford maxirrKrra opportunity, consistent with the sound neods of the locality as a whole, for the redevelopment of each area by private enterprise; and, WHEREAS, the Authority by Resolution adopted February 16, 1153 approved avid adopted certain ar. ndr»ents to 'the aforesaid Hedevelopxrent Plan which amendments Wore approved by lesolution of this Council ,March 10, 1153 (Council File No. 16310b",,: in irhich ,aid 11e ,olut'on this Council did find and determine: (a) That the amendments therein approved did not change the general concept of the Redevelopment Plaroved rigina11Councpa;ed by the,Authorlty and previously app Y (b) That all findings, determinations and pledges of the City of Saint Paul, as incorporated in the Resolution of this Council. adol+ted March 6, 1952 by Council File No. 159030, were deter- mined to be applicable to the amendments and revisions of said Redevelopment Plan therein approved; and WHEREAS, the Authority acting pursuant to the provisions of Title I of the Housing Act of 1949, as amended, and on March 2, 1953, entered into a contract ror Loan and Grant with the Housing and HomU• Rinl�1inn ,Adm�ni3�ra�pTOVed,l and f adoptedtbythe aforesaid Redevelopmont , the Authority and approved by this Council, and WHEREAS, Subsequent to tho adoption of tho first amendments to the afore - said Redevelopment Plan on Fob:..uary 16, 1'>93 and the approval of said firr,t amend - monts by this Council. on March 10, it�53 (Council. File tk)• 163108) the Authority by its Resolution No. 60 -18 dated March 24, 19 ()0 adopted a revisioir to the Redevv1.op- ment 1-larr for l�rodecl`,jbck.Area Minnldlnl,f rovisod„Marche11960 ", andrr for the Eastern Redevelopment Project, WHEREAS, the Authority has now acquired the land, demolished the structures and cleared the land of said Project Area In accordance with the provisions of the duly approved RedovelOf"i nt plan and aw n(Wients thereto for said Eastern Redevelop- ment project, ll.R. Minn. 1 -1, and WHEREAS, the Authority has continued to study, C.urvey and review the needs of the locality in the redevelopment of said Project Area in cooperation with the City of Saint Paul and its sevur.,l dei- artmontu, the i)epartment of Iiiyhwdys, State of Minnesota and other Ioublic agencies and commissions including the Anckor Hospital Building Facility Ccrrxnisslon, and WHEREAS, the Authority after such continuous study, survey and review has prepared and adcpted a revision. to the Redevelop4;ront Plan for said Project Area pro- viding for changes in proposed land uses in the redevelopment of the land in said Project Area rrecossary to meet the needs of the locality and various public agencies who are concerned with the redevelopment of land in the Project Area in accordance with the needs of file City of Saint Paul. and WHEREAS, the proposed revision of said Redevelopment Plan was submitted to the Planning Board of the City of S,lnt Faul, an agency of said y, agency at its regular meeting, held on 11--V!, I'_ 1 0 _ approved the proposed re- vision thereto and rendered its written opinion recovirx:nding the adoption of said proposed revision to the Redevolopment Plan for the Eastern Redevelopmont Project, U.R. Minn. 1 -1, and WHEREAS, the revision of said Redevelopment Plan incorporating the afore- said changes in the land used for said Project Area entitled REDEVELI)p`h1 NT rLAN FOR THE EASTERN REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT, U.R. MINN. 1 -1. REVISED MARCH, 1060, was presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul for consideration and approval after a public hearing thereon hold )f , Now, Therefore, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Saint Paul as follows: 1. It is hereby found and determined that the Redevelopment Plan for the Eastern Redevelopmont. Project, U.R. Minn. 1 -1, revised March, 1960, consisting of: I. ITEMS INCLUDED IN THIS REVISED REDEVELOPMENT PLAN A. DEFINITIONS As used in this Narrative Statement, these terms shall be defined as follows: -2- .r f 4..� 1. §„U: The tern "City" shall mean the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, or its physical area, depending on the context. 2. Countys The tore "County" shall mean the County of Ramsey, Minnesota. 3. Au1bg1ity+ The term "Authority" shall mean tho Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota. 9. The term "State" shall mean the State of Minnesota, including its duly created administrative departments and agencies. 5. Code(s): The tern "Code(s)" shall mean codes, oi,dinancos, laws, resolutions and administration regulations of the City or State and their duly created administrative depart- ments and agencies. 6. ElAa: The term "Plan" shall mean this revised Redevelop- ment Plan,for the Eastern Redevelopment Project, U.H. Minn. 1 -1, east of the Minnesota State Capitol, revised March 1960. 7. Pr2JQct 0,; Pr2_iect Areas The terms "Project" and "Project Area shall mean the area within the "Project Boundary" as indicated on the "Project Area Plan ", Map A, and as des - cribod in -the legal boundary description. B. THE NARRATIVE C. The following naps dated October, 1959c Map A: "Project Area Plan" Map B: "Street Adjustments" Map C: "Sewer Plan" Map D: "Water Dystem Flan" Map E: "Private Utility Adjustments Plan" Map F: "Zoning Plan" Project Boundary Map The Relocation Plan, dated 1932 (as adopted by the Auth- ority February 5, 1952 and amended by the Authority February 20, 1953, without subsequent amendments.) II. OU "CLINE OF THE NARRATIVE STATEMENT The narrative contains discussions of the following: A. LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT AREA AND PROJECT BOUNDARY W* B. PLANNING PROPQSALS I. General 2. Specific Planning Proposals a. Right -of -way and Streets b. Zoning Plan -3- c. Regulations and Controls to be Applied C. RELATIONSHIP OF THE REDEVELOPMENT PLAN TO LOCAL OBJECTIVES 1. Relationship to the General Plan 2. Relationship to Local Coamnity Objectives D. SITE PREPARATION PLAN 1. Sewer and Mater 2. Private Utilities E. OTHER STATE AND LOCAL REQUIREMENTS 1. Discrimination and Segregation 2. Relocation Resources and,Plan 3. Financial Plan F. OFFICIAL AND RELATED ACTIONS REWIRED G. CHANGES IN APPROVED PLAN III. NARRATIVE A. LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT AREA The Project Area lies generally between Mississippi Street on the east, the Mt. Airy Public Housing Project on the north, ,Jackson Street on the wost and Twelfth Street on the south. Its boun- darios are specifically indicated on Map A, the "Project Area Flan ". constitutes a revision and consolidation of the Redevelopment Flan, Project U.R. Minn. 1 -1, adopted by the Authority February 5, 1952, and approved by Resolution of the Council of the City of Saint Paul on March 6, 1952, (Council File No. 159030), and the first amendments thereto adopted by the Authority February 16, 1953 and approved by Resolution of the Council of the City of Saint Paul on March 10, 1453 (Council File Flo. 163108), and a reaffirmation and readoption of the original. Redevelopment Plan, as amended, retaining all essential elements of the original plan, providing, however, for the following changes: 1. No changes have boon made in the Project Area or in the project boundaries, except to correct the boundary description to include the land in said Project Area in- tended to be included by the boundary description of said Redevelopment Plan and to include only that land acquired to intended to be acquired by the Authority as part of said Project Area. Said corrected boundary description now includes a small rectangular tract of land previously acquired by the Authority situated north of Valley Street between the boundaries of the Eastern Redevelopment Project Area and the Mt. Airy Low -rent Housing Project Area, and excludes a small rectangular tract of land situated at Twelfth and Temperance Streets which has not been acquired and is not to be acquired as part of the Froject Area. 2. Thin Revised Plan substantially changes the land uses specified in the approved Redevelopment Plan for said Project Area and contemplates the disposition of land in the Project Area for the following usoss in Area "A ", a tract of land proposed to -be designated as Parcel 1 containing approx- imately 18 acres to be sold to the Ancker Hospital Building CoaraiGSion for the construction thereon of a new public hospital facility; 9 -4- ;i fI•' 4 a tract of land proposed to be designated as Parcel 2 containing approximately 9 acres to be dedicated to the Department of Education and Department of Parks and Playgrounds of the City of Saint Paul for school and park purposes; a tract of land proposed to be designated as Parcel 3 containing approximately .3 acres to be sold to the Department of Parks and Playgrounds, City of Saint Paul, for playground purposos; tracts of land proposed to be designated Areas a, b, c, d and e, totaling .42 acres, to be cold to the Mt. Airy Public Housing Project; in addition, it is contemplated as one of the alternative used of Area "A" or a part thereof, that a tract of .land may be used for a public housing project. in Area "i3" , a tract of land contalning approximately 20 acres designated as an area reserved for kale and transfer to the Department of Highways, State of Minnesota, for construction of the Intor -Stato Highway System; the remainder of the Project Area is to he dedicated to the City of Saint Paul and to bo used for public street purposes within the Project Area. A strip of land lying along Jackson Street to be used for the widening of Jackson Street will be sold to the City of Saint Paul. 2. It is hereby further found and determined that these changes have not boon adopted as a second seF)arate set of amendments to the original Plan, but have been incor- porated into a comploto rovision and consolidation of the flan into one document to eliminate the need for reference to scattered documents duly prepared and adopted over a period of time. All maps, cha=ts, narrative statements and other material heretofore submitted as part of or in support of the Redevelopment Plan for the Eastern Redevelop- ment Project, U k. .Minn. 1 -1, previously duly approved and amended (said maps, charts, narrative statements and other material being now on file and of record in the Office of the City Clerk of the laity of Saint Paul in connection with (Council File No. 154030 and No. 163109) are o::cludod from this Revised Rodevolopmont Plan, except as and to the extent they may bo expressly adopted and included heroin and including the Relocation Plan, as originally approved and anendod, and the Financial Plan which accompanied the submission of the original Redevelopment Plan to the City Council of the City of Sdnt Paul; all such maps, charts, narrative statements and other material are, however, hereby established by reference as exhibits indicating the background and history of this Re- visod Redovelopment Plan for the Eastern Redevelopment Project. 3. it is hereby further found and determined that the Project Area is a blighted area and qualifies as an eligible project area under the provisions of the Municipal Hous- ing and Redevelopment Act, Minnesota Statutes 1953, Section 462:411, et seq. 4. That the findings of this Council and its Resolution of March 6, 1452 (Council File No. 151+030) to the effect, (a) That the Redevelopment Plan for the Project Area conform to the genoral plan of the locality; (b) That financial aid provided and to be provided pursuant to con- tracts and financial assistance pertaining to the project is necessary to onable the land in the Project Area to be rode - voloped in accordance with the redevelopment for the Project Area; (c) That the Redevelopment Plan will afford maximum opportunity, con- sistent with sound needs of the locality as a whole, for the re- developm nt of Project Area by private enterprise, -5- a are likewise applicable to the aforesaid Revised Redovelorm e"t Plan for the Eastern Redevo?opment Project and the said findings are heroby adopted and incorporated herein with respect to the said Revised Redevelopment Plan for the Eastern Rode - velopmont Project. 5. That the REDEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR THE EASTERN REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT. U. R. MINN. 1 -1, REVISED MARCH 1960, consisting of: I. ITEMS INCLUDED IN THIS REVISED REDEVELOPMENT PLAN A. DEFINITIONS As usod in this Narrative Statement, these terms shall be defined as follows: 1. QAY: The terra "City" shall mean the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, or its Physical area, depending on the content. 2. Q u y: The torm "County" shall mean the County of kam5ey, Minnesota. 3. AuthorllIt The term "Authority" shall mean the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota. A. State: The term "State" shall mean the State of Minnesota, including its duly created administrative departments and agencies. 5. Codo(s): The tern "Code(s)" shall moan codes, ordindnces, laws, rosolutions and administration regulations of the City or State and their duly created administrative do•- Fartments and agencies. 6. Plan: The term "Plan" shall mean this revised Redevelop - ment Plan for the Eastern Rodovelorraclit Project, U.R. Minn. 1 -1, east of the Minnesota State CaFiitol, revised March 1.&I 7. Pxoj .c$ or PrQ_ ect Areas Tho terms "Project" and "Project Area shall mean the area within the "Project Boundary" as indicated on the "Project Area Plan ", Map A, and as des- cribed in the legal boundary description. B. THE NARRATIVE C. The following raaps dated October, 1950: Map At "Project area Plan" Asap B: "Street Adjustments" Map C: "Sewer Plan" ?slap D: "Mater Systcm Flan" Map E: "Private Utility Adjustments Flan" Map F: "zoning Flan" Project Boundary Mal) D. The Relocation Plan, dated 1952 (as adopted by the Authority February 5, 1952 and amended by the Authority February 20, 1e33 , without subsequent amendments.) 1 II. OUTLINE Or THE NARRATIVE STATEMENT The Narrative contains discussions of the following: A. LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT AREA AND PROJECT BOUNDARY MAP B. PLANNING PROPOSALS 1. General 2. Specific Planning Proposals a. Right- of-ways and Struts b. Zoning Plan c. Regulations and Controls to be Applied C. RELATIONSHIP OF THE REDEVELOPMENT PUN TO LOCAL OBJFCTIVFS 1. Relationship to the General Plan 2. Relationship to Local Community Objectives D. SITE PREPARATION PLAN 1. Sewor and Mater 2. Private Utilities E. OTHER STATE AND LOCAL REQUIREMENTS 1. Discrimination and Segregation 2. Relocation Resources and Plan 3. Financial Flan F. OFFICIAL AND RELATED ACTIONS REQUIRED G. CHANGES IN APPROVED PLAN III. NARRATIVE A. LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT AREA The Project Area lies generally between Mississippi Street on the east, the Mt. Airy Public Housing Project on the north, Jackson Street on the west and Twelfth Street on the south. Its boundaries are specifically indicated on Map A, the "Project Area Plan ". be and it hereby is approved and the City Clerk is hereby directed to file a copy of said Revised Redevelopment Plan for the Eastern Redevelopment Project with the minutes of this meeting. 6. That to implement and facilitate the effectuation and the Revised Redevelopment Pan for the Eastern Redevelopment Project hereby approved, this Council does hereby renew and reaffirn. its action of March 6, 1'052 by Council File No. 159030 anti, whereby it did: -7- }