197277Original to City Clerk , W CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOLE NCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CO IL RESOLUTION - GENERAL FORM , PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER MATc _m IMEREAS., The following SIDEWALK CONTRACTORS having met all of the pro - visions of Chapter 220 of the Legislative Code of the City of .St. Paul, and having made the proper application for a SIDEWALK CONTRACTORS license, it is hereby RESOLVEDq That the said SrnEVT LK CONTRACTORS, upon providing a bond and the payment of the Fifty Dollars ($50.00) license fee, are hereby granted a license authorizing them to engage in the business of SIDEWALK CONTRACTOR in the City of St. Paul. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy M- al,554a11i_ Mortinson peters &n �j Rosen � DAP , 111on sm 6.56 14002 O'Connell Construction Company Council File No. 197277 —By Adrian P. Winkel — Whereas, The following SIDEWALK CONTRACTORS. having met all of the Provisions of Chapter 220 of the Legis- lative Code of the City of St. Paul, and having made the proper application for a SIDEWALK CONTRACTORS li- cense, it is hereby RESOLVED, That the said SIDE- WALK CONTRACTORS, upon provid- ing a bond and the payment of the Fifty Dollars ($50.00) license fee, are hereby granted is license authorizing them to engage in the buisness of , SIDEWALK CONTRACTOR in the City, of St. Paul. O'Connell Construction Company Adopted by the Council May 25, 1960, Approved May 25, 1960. ' (May 28, 1960) MAY 2 5 1960 Adopted by the Council 195 — MAY 2 51960 oved 195 — In Favor Z ppr Favor 10 Mayor Against Duplicate to Printer CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NCIL No. �_ 727 " OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE iISB =0 The following SnWOJX CONTRACTORS having met all of the pro - viaons of Chapter 220 of the Legislative Code of the City of St. Paulo and having made the proper application for a SZ'OZWX CWTRACTORS licowes it is hereby RESOLYEDs That the said OI WALK CONTRACTORSs upon prodding a bond and the paywnt of the Fifty Dollars ($50.00) licenop fee„ are hereby granted a license authorising them to engage in the businena of SID WM (ANTRAC= in the City of St., Paula COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy divHaad^ Mortinson Rosen My. resi en , am 6.56 '2 O +Connell Construction Coil a y MAY Z 5 IM Adopted by the Council 195— Approved MAY 2 5 �`�� 195— Tn Favor Mayor .Against