08-583Council File # �' S6 3
Green Sheet# 3054476
Presented by
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1 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul, based on a review of the legislative
2 hearing record and testimony heard at public hearing on May 21, 2008 hereby memorializes its decision to
3 certify and approve the May 13, 2008 decision of the Legislative Hearing Officer for the following
4 address:
8 1383 Hamline Avenue North Ryan Grubba
10 Decision: Appeal denied.
Requested by Deparnnent o£
Adoption Certified by Council Secretary
BY� 1l' /fin/i//nv3�/l�os�
Approve y yor: Date �(��
Form Approved by City Attorney
Form Approved by Mayor for SuUmission to Commcil
Adopted by Council: Date �%7/���'�O�
� Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet �
CO ��it
ConWd Person & Phone:
Marcia Mcermond
Must Be on Councfl Aqen
E•UOCUment Required: Y
Document Contact: Mai Vang
ConWCt Phone: 6-8563 I I
Total # of Sig�ature Pages _(Clip All Locations for Signature)
Green Sheet NO: 3054476
0 onncil
1 ounc�l De artmentDirector
Z " Clerk Ci Clerk
Resolution memorializing City Council action taken May 21, 2008 denying the appeal for property at 1383 Ham]ine Avenue Nor[h,
per the recommendation of the Legisla[ive Hearing Officer.
idations: Approve (A) or Reject (RJ: Personal Service Contrects Must Answer the Following Questions:
Planning Commission t. Has this personlfirm ever worked under a crontrect for this department?
CIB Committee Yes No
Civil Service Gommission 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee?
Yes No
3. Does this person(Fttn possess a skill not normally possessed by any
current city employee?
Yes No
Expiain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet
Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why):
Advantages If Approved:
Disadvantages If Approved:
DisadvaMages 1f Not Approved:
Funding Source:
Financial Information:
Activity Number:
May 23, 2008 1125 AM
CostlRevenue Butlgeted:
Page 1
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May 8, 20Q8
Ryan Grubba
1383 Hamline Avenue North
Saint Paul, MIV 55108-2407
Ryan Grubba
29609 Ridgewood Drive
Wayzata MN 55391
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Re: Appeal of Ryan Grubba to a Vacant Building Registration Notice for property at
1383 Hamline Avenue North
Deaz Mr. Grubba:
Ms. Moermond has reviewed the records in the file and has determined that she needs to
schedule another Legislative Hearing on this matter. The hearing is scheduled for May
13, 2008 at 1:30 p.m. in Room 330 City Hall, 15 West Kellogg Blvd, St. Paul, MN.
If you haue any questions, please contact Mai Vang at 651-266-8563.
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Vicki Sheffer, 5ecre ary
Legislative Hearing Qfficer
AA-ADA-EHO 6mployer
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March 4, 2008
Ryan Grubba
1383 Hamline Ave. N.
St. Paul, MN 55108
RE: appeal for 1383 Hamline Ave. N.
Dear Mr. Grubba:
Your appl+cation for an appeal has been received and processed.
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Please attend the public hearing before the Legisfative Hearing Officer on Tuesday, March 18,
2008 at 1:30 p.m. in Room 330 City Hall and Courthouse to consider your appeal concerning
the above referenced property. At that time the Legislative Hearing Officerwill hear all parties
refative to this action.
Failure to appear at the hearing may result in denial of your appeal.
Sin erely,
Shari Moore
City Clerk
Leanna Shaff, DSI (Fire)
Marcia Moermond, Legislative Hearing Officer
Joe Yannarelly, Vacant Buildings Code Enforcement Officer
Jerry Hendrickson, Depury City Attorney
Te1:651-2668688 Fax:651-2668574 wwwstpaul.gm�
AA-ADA-EEO Employer
Saint Paul City Clerk
15 W. Kellogg Blvd., 310 City Hall ofb � f�-���
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102
Telephone: (651) 266-8688
� �goFr��.
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1. Address of Properry being Appealed: 2. Number of DwelHng Units: 3. Date of Letter Appealed:
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4. Name of Owner.
Afldress: 1 H sMJk /� City: s�. !%`�! 5tate: Yn^' Zip: S'�
Phone Numbers:
5. Appellant / Applicant (if othex than owner):
Address: City: State:
Phone Numbers: Business
Cellulaz � /� - 7lvD - I zT M
6 State specifically what is being appealed and why (Use an attachment if necessary):
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NOTE: A$25.00 filing Fee made payable t6 the City of Saint Paul must accompany this application as a
necessary condition for fiIing. You must attach a copy of the ori�nal orders and any other correspondence relaUVe
to this appeal. Any person unsarisfied by the final decision of the City Council may obtain judicial review by
timely filing of an aetion as provided by law in District Court.
For Office Use On]
Fee Received: Receipt
�t=�'� �� 41�
Date of Hearing:
Dick Lippert. Ma�ager of Code Enforcement 6 g� -�j ��
Chdstophe�8. Coleman. Mayor
Nuisance Butlding Code Enforcement
1600 White BearAvenue N TeL 65i-26G7950
Sa�nt Pau! MN 55106 Pax� 651-256-1426
February 27, 2008
Ryan Nicholas Gnxbba
18609 Ridgewood Drive
Wayzata MN 55391
The premises at 1383 HAMLINE AVE N
has been inspected and found to meet the legal definition of a V'acant Building as described in
Saint Paul Legisiauve Code, Chapter 43. You are required to register this building with the
Department of Safety and Inspections, Vacant Buildings Divisian, by filling out and returning
the registtation form provided with this letter. You are also required to pay the first annual
Vacant Building Registration Fee of $250.00. (This is an escalating fee; if ttus building remains
vacant the second yeaz registration fee will be $375.00, and will increase to $500.00 for the third
and subsequent consecutive years.) The fee is due upon receipt of this letter and must be paid no
later than thirry (3o) days after the receipt of this letter, as required in Saint Paul Legislative Code
Chapter 43. If this building is vacant due to a fire, complete the enclosed registration form and
return it to this office within 30 days.
Please retum the enclosed registrafion form along witi� a check for the invoiced amount by
March 27, 2008. Ao not mail cash.
Tke fee far the vacant bualding located at
Is: $ 250.00
If you wish to pay in person, you may do so from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday at;
1600 White Bear Ave N.
Saint Paui, M2� �5106-1608
You may file an appeal to this fee or registration requirements by contactin= the Office of the
City Clerk at (651) 266-8688. Any appeal of this fee must be made within ten (10) days of the
date oPthis notice.
The Code Enforcement Officer has notified the Building Inspection And Design Section that
this property meets the legal definition of a registered vacant building and in accordance with
Legislarive Code Chapter 33, no permits (except demolition, wrecking and removal permits) will
be issned unrii the requiTements of all agplicable ord'tnances are fizifilied.
AA-ADA-EEO Employex
Dick Lippert, ManaQer of Code Enforcement
ChristopherB. Coleman, Mayor
Nuisance Bufldin� Enforcement k / d/L�
{/d ��U
I600 White Bear-Ave N Tel. (651) 266-I900
SaintPaul, lt�'�5106 F� /6SIj 266-1926
February 27, 2008
Ryan Nicholas Grubba
18609 Ridgewood Drive
Wayzata Mi� 55391
Dear Sir or Madam:
1383 HAMLINE AVE N is a Re�stered Vacant Building that requires a Code Compliance
Inspection per the Vacant Building Statute (Chapter 43). This inspection can be obtained by
calling Building and Inspections and Design at (651) 266-9016. This dwelling can not be
occupied without a Certificate of Code Compliance. Call (651) 266-9016 for a permit sign-off.
B�FO1� LIEP 1v�nY issu� rE�rrs.
Violation of the Vacant Building Statute (Chapter 43) will result in the issuance of a criminal
If you have any questions you can call me at the number below.
Joe Yannarelly
Vacant Suildings Code Enforcement Officer
ncc60120 10/07
February 27. 2008
Page 2
You must contact the Enforcement officer, Joe Yannarelly,
at 6�1-266-1920 to find out what must be done before this
building can be legally reoccupied.
6 8 �����
The Enforcement Officer may declaze this buiidina(s) to constitute a Nuisance Buildin= subject to
demolition and issue an Order to Abate undei authority of Legislative Code Chapter 45. In tha
event this building is declazed a I�iuisance Building sub}ect to demolition, the Enforcement Officer
will notify all owners and interested parties of the Order to Abate, as provided in the Legislative
Code Chapter 45.
If you have questions about this annual registration fee or other vacant building requirements,
please contact the Enforcement Officer, Joe Yannazelly, aC 651-266-1420.
This registration form and fee is rec{uired by law
your prompt attention to this matter is appreciated.
'1'hank Y ou,
Steve Magner
Vacant Buildings Program n'1anaSar
Depamnent of Safen� and Inspections
Enclosures: Regulations Requirements lnformation
Vacant Butlding Registration Form
SM: dj
e�b_regismvon_notrce_md�nduaA 09f07
Fire Inspectton Divisron
Robert Kessler, Director
Christopher B. Coleman. Mayor
IOOEast11' Telephone�651-228-6230
Sa:nt Paut, MN 551 DI
November 29, 2007
Ryan Nicholas Grubba
Re£ # 110595
Deu Property Representative:
Your building was inspected on November 29, 2007, in response to a refenal. Since you have failed to comply
with the applicable requirements, it has become necessary to re�voke� Fire Certificate of Occupancy in
accordance with Section 40 of the Saint Paul Legislative Co e.� A reinspection will be made on December 10,
2007 at 1:30pm.
The Saint Paul Lea slative Code further provides that no building shall be occupied without a Fire Certificate of
Occupancy. Failure to immediately complete the following deficiency list or the building vacated may result in
additional criminal citations.
1. BASEMENT - SPLC 34,10 (3) 3433(2) - Provide an approved guardrail. Intermediate ballustrade must
not be more than 4 inches apart. Intermediate rails must be provided if the height of the platform is more than
30 inches.
2. EXTERIOR - SPLC 34.09 (2) 3432 (2) - Provide an approved handrail. The top of the handrail must be
between 34 and 38 inches above the treads and run the entire length of the stair. - All stairways with more than
three risers.
3. EXTERIOR - SPLC 34.09 (3), 34.32 (3) - Repair and maintain the window glass where broken or
4. EXTERIOR - SPLC 34.09 (3), 34.32 (3) - Provide or repair and maintain the window screens where
broken or missing.
SPLC 39.02(c) - Complete and sign the provided smoke detector affidavit and rehun it to this office.
6. Provide the inspector with a completed and signed Residential Occupancy Affidavit.
7. SPLC 3411 (6), 34.34 (3) - Provide service of heating facility by a licensed contractor which must
include a cazbon monoxide test. Submit a completed copy of the Saint Paul Fire Marshal's Existing Fuel
Burning Equipment Safety Test Report to this office. Q ���% Z
`� .l
8. SPLC 34.08 (1), 34.31 (1) - All exterior property areas shall be maintained free from any accumulation
of refuse, garbage or feces.
9. NFPA 211, 9-2 - Have the chimneys, fireplaces, and vents inspected for soundness, freedom from
deposits, and correct clearances. Cleaning, maintenance, and repairs shall be done if indicated by the
10. UMC 1346.703 - Provide 30 inches clearance around all mechanical equipment.
1 L MSFC 605.53 - Immediately, discontlnue use of frayed, deteriorated, damaged or spliced electrical
cords. -Remove and discontinue use of fire damaged electricai cord.
12. MSFC 605.5 - Discontinue use of extension cords used in lieu of permanent wiring.
13. MSFC 605.1 - Repair or replace damaged electrical fixtures. This work may require a permit(s). Ca11
DSI at (651) 266-9090. -Discontinue use of fire damaged outlet until replaced by a licensed electrician.
14. PLC 34.13 (2), (3), SPLC 34.17 (2) - Reduce and maintain the number of occupants in the unit to: 4 or
1 elated adults.
15. SPL,C 34,10 (5), 34.33 (4), 3416 - Provide and maintain interior in a clean and sanitary condition.
If you have any questions, call me at 651-228-b248. Please help to make Saint Paul a safer place in which to
live and wark.
A.J. Neis
Fire Inspector
Ref. # 110595
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May 6, 2008 Legislative Hearing Minutes 6� ��C�'� Page 7
4. Appeai of Ryan Grubba to a Vacant Building Regish Norice for property at 1383
Hamline Avenue North. (Rescheduled from April 1; owner called and requested that this
be rescheduled)
Ryan Grubba, appellant, stated that this was a single-family house and Fire issued orders that it was
a vacant building. Joe Yannarelly was now the building inspector that he was dealing with and
when he asked lum why this was a vacant building, Mr. Yannarelly indicated to him that usually
when a vacant building file was opened it was a Category I. This building was refened as a
Category II and he was not sure why.
Ms. Moermond asked when he moved into the property. Mr. Grubba responded that he moved back
in to the property in January, 2008. He provided his driver's license and a watex bill as proof that
this was his address.
Ms. Moermond asked Mr. Robinson why this was refened to Joe Yannarelly. Mr. Robinson
responded that the file was opened as a Category II vacant building at the request of the Fire
Supervisar Inspector Leanna Shaff due to the number of deficiencies. The C of O had been revoked
and the property had been condemned due to a complaint of overcrowding. Once it is condemned,
no one can live at the property.
Ms. Moermond asked Mr. Grubba how long he had owned the property. Mr. Grubba responded
that he had bought the house four years ago and had different tenants living there over the past four
years and that he lived there off and on as well. She asked if he owned other properties. Mr.
Grubba responded that he owned five other properties but this was the only one that he owned in St.
Ms. Moermond stated that looking at the records, it appeared the C of O had been revoked on
November 29, 2007 and he should have filed an appeal on the revocation at that time. She stated
that she would need to obtain more information concerning the appeal and her decision would be
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Room 330 City Hall, 15 Kellogg Blvd. West
Marcia Moermond, Legislative Hearing Officer
The hearing was called to order at 1:30 p.m.
STAFF PRESENT: 7oel Essling, Deparhnent of SafeTy and Inspection (DSI) - Code Enforcement;
A.3. Neis, DSI - Fire; Leanna Shaff, DSI - Fire; and Mai Vang, City Council Offices
1. Appeal of Ryan Grubba to a Vacant Building Registration Notice for property at 1383
Hamline Avenue North. (Continued from the May 6 Legislative Hearing)
Ms. Moermond stated that Mr. Grubba called that moming indicating that he had more important
things to do than to attend this hearinD. He called several other staff people as well concerning the
scheduling of this hearing. She indicated to him in her conversation that she would put the
inspector's testimony on the record on how they came to the conclusion that this building met the
definition of a"vacant building" under Chapter 43. She also said she would send him whatever
information was put on the record as well as a letter indicating what her recommendation was to the
City Council. He indicated that he felt the hearing and department process was extremely slow.
She told him that she didn't know what had happened with the Department's process; however, she
was aware that he had requested several continued hearings on this matter. She requested the
Department put together a timeline concerning the appeal process and she would have staff put
together a timeline concerning the hearing process.
Mr. Neis stated that on September 7, 2007, he received a complaint concerning possible
overcrowding at this property. He went to the property and the tenants allowed him access to the
interior. He found that there were six adults, whom he did not obtain their identity, living in the
home and he found multiple code violations. Ms. Moermond asked Mr. Neis whether Ryan Grubba
was living at the property. Mr. Neis responded that the tenants told him that Mr. Grubba did not
live there at the time. They were told by Mr. Grubba that if anyone came to the home, that they
were to indicate that there were only four peopie living in the home. This was a six bedroom home;
however, under the definition of a rooming and boarding house, no more than four unrelated adults
may live at the property. He called the owner after the inspecrion advising him of the code
violations and gave him a 10 day vacate date for two of the adults. He also completed the full Fire
Certificate of Occupancy (C of O) on the property. On September 19, 200'l, he re-inspected the
property and the owner indicated that he had moved back into the home, showing evidence of his
sleeping area and that he had reduced the number of occupants. He gave hnn the cite on the
occupancy laws and Mr. Grubba told him that if he re-rented the property, he would norify their
office. He then closed the C of O file on this property since the owner alleged that this property was
going to be owner occupied. On November 29, 2007, he received another complaint that the house
was overcrowded with six adults occupying the property. Ae inspected the property again and the
tenants allowed access. The tenants indicated that they rarely saw the owner. He re-opened the C
of O file and he issued a criminal citation against the owner for overcrowding and use of extension
courts. He believed the outcome of the Court hearing was that the owner received an"agreed to
suspend prosecution" (ATSP) and paid fine. Ms. Moermond asked whether the overcrowding was a
May 13, 2008 Legislative Hearing Minutes - 1:30 p.m. (�g��� Page 2
zoning issue. Mr. Neis responded this was conect and he indicated to Mr. Gnxbba that he should
contact Zoning.
Ms. Moermond asked Mr. Neis whether Mr. Grubba's sleeping azea was still intact when he re-
inspected the property. Mr. Neis responded that it was not and the tenants indicated to him that they
wished to remain confidential on this matter; however, they said that ttaey were told the C of O file
had been closed and the other two occupants who were told to leave were allowed to move back in
which he considered as illegal occupancy. He was unsure if this was under the owner's consent or
whether they decided to allow the other two tenants to move back in.
Ms. Moermond asked whether each occupant had their own bedroom. Mr. Neis stated that there
were six bedrooms in the home and if Mr. Grubba were staying there, there would have been a total
of seven adults occupying the property. He did not see any evidence that Mr. Grubba was living at
the property. On December 1 Q 2007, the owner vacated the home and indicated that he was going
to re-occupy the home sometime in 7anuary as a single-family dwelling. He advised lum that they
were revoking the C of O and referring the property to the Vacant Buildings Progxam as a Category
I vacant huilding since he had believed that this was going to be re-occupied soley by the owner.
Ms. Moermond asked why Mr. Grubba vacated the building. Mr. Neis responded that he had not
complied with the conection orders on the deficiency lists that he had written. He re-inspected the
house and found all of the rooms to be empty. On February 24, 2008, he received an anonymous
complaint that the home may be re-occupied as a rental property. He contacted the City Attorney's
Office for advice on how to proceed on this issue. The attomey indicated to him that there wouid
be no problem calling the number that was listed on the "For Rent" sign anonymously due to the
fact that they were investigating to determine whether the home was re-occupied and if it was going
to be a rental property. He asked another inspector in the office to call the number and he inquired
about renting the property for him and some friends. He read the notes from the inspectar into the
record which are attached and made a part of this record. He and Supervisor Shaff inet Mr. Grubba
at the property on February 26, 2008 under the guise that he was showing the house to a potential
renter. They found the house was vacant and was auailable immediately for renring. They advised
Mr. Grubba that the repairs had still not been made and changed the vacant building status to a
Category II due to the multiple code violations. He presented photographs of the property. He
believed that Mr. Grubba had now homesteaded the property with the intention of living there. He
drove by the property on May 12, 2008 and the "For Rent" sign was still up at the property. He
questioned that if the property was going to be owner occupied, why the "For Rent" sign was still
up in the front yard. He presented another photograph that he took during his drive-by.
Ms. Moermond stated that it was her understanding that since the building was vacant, un-occupied
with multiple building and housing code violations that status of the building was changed from a
Category I registered vacant building to a Category II. Since it was now a Category II registered
vacant building, the property would need to become code compliant before it can be re-occupied.
This could be accomplished either through the issuance of a certificate of code compliance or
issuance a C of O. Ms. Moermond stated that the issue was whether this property should be
covered under the C of O program and since the previous tenants had indicated to Mr. Neis that they
were renting the property and the on-going "For RenY' sign, there was cleaz indicarion that this was
rental property. If the property were single-family occupied rental, it wouldn't be covered by the C
of O program.
May 13, 2008 Legislative Hearing Minutes -1:30 p.m. �� s!�?-� Page 3
Mr. Neis responded that a single-family occupied rental would not be covered; however, he could
occupy the properiy and choose to have roommates who were renting, so long as there were no
more than four unrelated adults living at the property.
Ms. Moermond stazed that the basic issue was whether Mr. Gmbba truly lived at the property. Mr.
Neis responded that based on the two previous inspections in September, 2407 and in 1�3ovember,
2007, the owner had not been living at the home although he had indicated that he was living there.
He found no evidence to believe that he had been living in the home. The tenants had also indicated
that Mr. Grubba had never lived at the property.
Ms. Moermond stated that since the property was a registered vacant building, Mr. Grubba could
not live at the property at this time as an owner occupant because he did not haue a valid certificate
of code compliance. She stated that she did not believe the vacant building status met the definition
of a Category I vacant building under the code. If there had been an enor in the status of the vacant
building, it appeared that it had been correct by the Depariments by changing the status to a
Category IL It appeared that Mr. Gnxbba believes that if his appeal is granted and he intended to
maintain this property as owner occupied, that he would not be required to bring this property into
code compliance before he could re-occupy it. She believed that the inspectors were correct in
determining that this property was vacant on the two inspections they had made.
Ms. Moermond stated that she was recommending to the City Council that they deny the appeal
since this property did meet the definition of a registered vacant building and would need to have a
certificate of code compliance or have a valid C of O issued before the property could be re-
o B -�'fS�
To: A.7. Neis
From: 7amie Stevens
1383 Hamliue
I was asked by AJ Neis to set up an appointment to meet with the owner to see if the
building is vacant and if he is renting the property. I called him from my cell phone. I
told him I was calling about the properiy on Hamline. I asked him, how many bedrooms
is in the properi}t? He told me 6. I then asked him, how much would rent be? He said
$2400, so $400 a person. I then asked when would the properiy be a�ailable? He said it
is available now. I asked March 1 st? He said yeah right now. I asked if I could meet
with him to look at the property today? He said how about tomorrow? I said how about
noon tomorrow? He said that would be great and he wi11 see me tomonow.
i Foldzr `s Property �, Pzople j Info � FeelCharge pr��; i �ocumem ; CammeM �
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3(1S, SI7; BCIUIf in student house, called owner, and abtained current atl�lress, and ya�e 1 U day
� clate forMro residents. Transferred file to CofU. ajn
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ar�ue.ry. I a�lviserl home is vacant. Recornmend as a Cai 1'�JB. ajn - oor oa:oo:oo
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J�8 Met o+atner at the properly with 5upenri�or L5. This v�as set up due to an anor�ymous com�faint
utthe awner attempting ta rerent and there w�s afor rent sign outside. Hr�me ap�ears+r�cant and
er could nat {�ra��ide any documentation th�t he lived there. He becarne very� uncoo�eraiive so LS
myself did not make entry into the home. Calied Vacant buildir�gs and made a Cat Z, and advised
attarney of situatian. ajn